407 lines
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407 lines
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* Renders a given map
* Copyright (C) 2012 Mike Gerwitz
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Renders a map to a canvas
ltjs.MapRender = Class( 'MapRender',
* Property to hold lock bit on canvas element
* @type {string}
'private const _LOCK': '__$$MapRenderLock$$',
* Animation interval in milliseconds
* @type {number}
'private const _ANIM_INTERVAL': 200,
* 2d context to which map should be drawn
* @type {CanvasRenderingContext2d}
'private _ctx': null,
* 2d context to which masked game objects should be drawn
* @type {CanvasRenderingContext2d}
'private _ctxObj': null,
* Tile set to be rendered
* @type {Object}
'private _tiles': {},
* Animation timer
* @type {number}
'private _animTimer': 0,
* Initialize renderer with a canvas context and a tile set
* An additional canvas of equal dimensions will be created and laid atop of
* the provided canvas to render masked game objects.
* @param {CanvasRenderingContext2d} ctx canvas 2d context
* @param {Object} tiles tile set to render
__construct: function( ctx, tiles )
this._ctx = ctx;
this._tiles = tiles;
// ensure that we are exclusively rendering to this canvas (no other
// MapRenders)
this._ctxObj = this._getObjCanvas();
* Lock the canvas to prevent other MapRender instances from rendering to it
* The purpose of this is to provide feedback to the user/developer in the
* event that multiple MapRender instances are attempting to render to the
* same canvas, which would certainly cause display issues and confusion.
* @return {undefined}
'private _lockCanvas': function()
var o = this._ctx,
l = this.__self.$( '_LOCK' );
// simple one-line check to both set the lock and fail if the lock is
// already set (implying that something else is already rendering to the
// canvas)
if ( ( o[ l ] ^= 1 ) !== 1 )
// reset the lock
o[ l ] = 1;
throw Error(
'Could not set exclusive lock on canvas (in use by another ' +
'MapRender instance)'
* Remove exclusive lock on canvas to permit other MapRender instances to
* render to it
* This will also destroy the overlay canvas that the masked objects were
* rendered to. The remaining canvas will not be cleared.
* @return {MapRender} self
'public freeCanvas': function()
var c = this._ctxObj.canvas;
// clear any running animations
// destroy the overlay canvas
c.parentNode.removeChild( c );
// free the lock
this._ctx[ this.__self.$( '_LOCK' ) ] = 0;
return this;
* Create the overlaying canvas for masked elements and return a 2d context
* @return {CanvasRenderingContext2d} 2d context for new canvas element
'private _getObjCanvas': function()
var canvas = this._ctx.canvas,
canvas_obj = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
// mimic the dimensions and positions of the original canvas
canvas_obj.style.position = 'absolute';
canvas_obj.width = canvas.width;
canvas_obj.height = canvas.height;
canvas_obj.style.left = ( canvas.offsetLeft + 'px' );
canvas_obj.style.top = ( canvas.offsetTop + 'px' );
// append the new canvas to the DOM under the same parent
canvas.parentNode.appendChild( canvas_obj );
return canvas_obj.getContext( '2d' );
* Render the provided map
* @param {Map} map map to render
* @return {MapRender} self
'public render': function( map, map_state )
if ( !( Class.isA( ltjs.MapState, map_state ) ) )
throw TypeError( 'Invalid MapState provided' );
var objs = map.getObjects(),
size = map.getDimensions(),
omap = map.getObjectTileMap(),
sizex = size[ 0 ],
sizey = size[ 1 ],
i = objs.length,
// tiles to animate
anim = [],
// get the width and height from one of the tiles
t = this._tiles.dirt.data,
w = t.width,
h = t.height;
var _self = this;
map_state.onChange( function( obj, pos )
var oid = objs[ pos ],
tid = ( obj ) ? obj.getTid() : 'dirt',
tile = ( _self._tiles[ tid ] || {} ).first,
v = _self._getTileVector( pos, sizex, sizey, w, h ),
x = v[ 0 ],
y = v[ 1 ];
if ( obj === null )
_self._clearTile( tile, x, y );
// tunnels are handled a bit differently than other objects
if ( map.isObjectTunnel( oid ) )
_self._renderTunnel( x, y, map.getTunnelColor( oid ) );
// queue for animation if it contains more than a single frame
if ( _self._canAnimate( tid ) )
anim.push( [ tile, x, y ] );
_self._drawTile( tile, x, y );
} );
// render each object (remember, we're dealing with columns, not rows;
// see Map.getObjects())
this._beginAnimation( anim );
return this;
* Retrieve a vector representing the x and y position coordinates of a tile
* position
* @param {number} pos tile position
* @param {number} sizex number of horizontal tiles in map
* @param {number} sizey number of vertical tiles in map
* @param {number} w tile width
* @param {number} h tile height
* @return {Array.<number>} x and y coordinates of tile position
'private _getTileVector': function( pos, sizex, sizey, w, h )
return [
( Math.floor( pos / sizex ) * w ), // x
( ( pos % sizey ) * h ) // y
* Clears overlay canvas
* This should be used before first rendering a map to ensure that any
* artifacts from previous map renderings will be erased.
* We need only clear the overlay canvas, because the lower canvas will
* always be overwritten with tiles in every location. Because none of the
* tiles written to the lower canvas are masked, nothing from the previous
* render would ever peek through (of course, putImageData() would overwrite
* it even if that were the case). As such, clearing the lower canvas would
* simply be a waste of time and only serve to degrade performance
* (especially if this is being used with maps larger than the classic
* 16x16).
* @return {undefined}
'private _clearCanvases': function()
var ctx = this._ctxObj,
c = ctx.canvas;
// we need only clear the overlay (to which masked tiles are rendered)
ctx.clearRect( 0, 0, c.width, c.height );
* Determine if the provided tile can be animated
* This simply checks to see if the tile has more than one frame.
* @return {boolean} true if multiple frames, otherwise false
'private _canAnimate': function( tid )
var tdata = this._tiles[ tid ];
return ( tdata.next !== tdata );
* Draw the tile identified by the given id
* The tile will be drawn to the appropriate canvas depending on whether or
* not it has been masked. If it does have a mask, it will be drawn to the
* overlaying canvas and the dirt tile will be drawn underneath it.
* @param {string} tid tile id
* @param {number} x left position
* @param {number} y top position
* @return {undefined}
'private _drawTile': function( tile, x, y )
var ctx = ( tile.masked ) ? this._ctxObj : this._ctx;
ctx.putImageData( tile.data, x, y );
if ( tile.masked )
this._ctx.putImageData( this._tiles.dirt.data, x, y );
'private _clearTile': function( ref, x, y )
this._ctxObj.clearRect( x, y, ref.data.width, ref.data.height );
* Render the given tunnel
* The tunnel background color (which will peek through the mask) is
* rendered to the base canvas, whereas the tunnel tile itself is rendered
* on the overlaying canvas.
* @param {number} x left position
* @param {number} y top position
* @param {string} color tunnel color (CSS value)
* @return {undefined}
'private _renderTunnel': function( x, y, color )
var tdata = this._tiles.tunnel.data;
// fill tile with the appropriate background color for this tile
this._ctx.fillStyle = color;
this._ctx.fillRect( x, y, tdata.width, tdata.height );
// render the tile to the overlay canvas
this._ctxObj.putImageData( tdata, x, y );
* Begin basic tile animation
* At each animation interval, each tile will be advanced a single frame and
* rendered atop of the previous.
* @param {Array.<Array.<Object,number,number>>} anim array of tiles to
* animate; tdata,x,y
* @return {number} animation timer id
'private _beginAnimation': function( anim )
var _self = this;
// clear any existing rendering animations
return this._animTimer = setInterval( function()
var i = anim.length;
while ( i-- )
var cur = anim[ i ];
// draw next frame
cur[ 0 ] = cur[ 0 ].next;
_self._drawTile.apply( _self, anim[ i ] );
}, this.__self.$( '_ANIM_INTERVAL' ) );
* Clear any running animation timers
* It is important that this be done when a MapRender instance is done being
* used, or it will remain in memory indefinitely!
* @return {undefined}
'private _clearAnimation': function()
this._animTimer = +clearInterval( this._animTimer );
} );