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// Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Ryan Specialty, LLC.
// This file is part of TAME.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Intermediate representation for construction of the
//! [abstract semantic graph (ASG)](super) (AIR).
//! AIR serves as an abstraction layer between higher-level parsers and the
//! aggregate ASG.
//! It allows parsers to operate as a raw stream of data without having to
//! worry about ownership of or references to the ASG,
//! and allows for multiple such parsers to be joined.
//! AIR is _not_ intended to replace the API of the ASG---it
//! is intended as a termination point for the parsing pipeline,
//! and as such implements a subset of the ASG's API that is suitable
//! for aggregating raw data from source and object files.
//! Given that it does so little and is so close to the [`Asg`] API,
//! one might say that the abstraction is as light as air,
//! but that would surely result in face-palming and so we're not going
//! air such cringeworthy dad jokes here.
use super::{
graph::object::{Object, ObjectIndexTo, ObjectIndexToTree, Pkg, Root, Tpl},
Asg, AsgError, Expr, Ident, ObjectIndex,
use crate::{
parse::{prelude::*, StateStack},
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display};
use super::{graph::object::ObjectRelatable, ObjectIndexRelTo};
mod ir;
pub use ir::Air;
mod expr;
mod opaque;
mod pkg;
mod tpl;
use expr::AirExprAggregate;
use opaque::AirOpaqueAggregate;
use pkg::AirPkgAggregate;
use tpl::AirTplAggregate;
pub type IdentSym = SymbolId;
pub type DepSym = SymbolId;
/// AIR parser state.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Default)]
pub enum AirAggregate {
/// Parser has not yet been initialized.
/// Parser is in the root context.
/// As a parser,
/// this does nothing but await work.
/// Its presence in the [`AirStack`] is used for the global environment.
/// Parsing a package.
/// Parsing an expression.
/// This expects to inherit an [`AirExprAggregate`] from the prior state
/// so that we are not continuously re-allocating its stack for each
/// new expression root.
/// Parser is in template parsing mode.
/// All objects encountered until the closing [`Air::TplEnd`] will be
/// parented to this template rather than the parent [`Pkg`].
/// See [`Air::TplStart`] for more information.
/// Parsing opaque objects.
/// This parser is intended for loading declarations from object files
/// without loading their corresponding definitions.
impl Display for AirAggregate {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
use AirAggregate::*;
match self {
Uninit => write!(f, "awaiting AIR input"),
Root(_) => write!(f, "awaiting input at root"),
Pkg(pkg) => {
write!(f, "defining a package: {pkg}")
PkgExpr(expr) => {
write!(f, "defining a package expression: {expr}")
PkgTpl(tpl) => {
write!(f, "building a template: {tpl}")
PkgOpaque(opaque) => {
write!(f, "loading opaque objects: {opaque}")
impl From<AirPkgAggregate> for AirAggregate {
fn from(st: AirPkgAggregate) -> Self {
impl From<AirExprAggregate> for AirAggregate {
fn from(st: AirExprAggregate) -> Self {
impl From<AirTplAggregate> for AirAggregate {
fn from(st: AirTplAggregate) -> Self {
impl From<AirOpaqueAggregate> for AirAggregate {
fn from(st: AirOpaqueAggregate) -> Self {
impl ParseState for AirAggregate {
type Token = Air;
type Object = ();
type Error = AsgError;
type Context = AirAggregateCtx;
fn parse_token(
tok: Self::Token,
ctx: &mut Self::Context,
) -> crate::parse::TransitionResult<Self> {
use ir::{AirSubsets::*, AirTodo::*};
use AirAggregate::*;
match (self, tok.into()) {
// Initialize the parser with the graph root,
// or continue with a previous context that has already been
// initialized.
// See `asg::air::test::resume_previous_parsing_context` for an
// explanation of why this is important.
(Uninit, tok) => {
let oi_root = ctx.asg_ref().root(tok.span());
ctx.stack().continue_or_init(|| Root(oi_root), tok)
(st, AirTodo(Todo(_))) => Transition(st).incomplete(),
// Package
// Note that `ret_or_transfer` will return from the active frame
// if it is in an accepting state,
// and so encountering a properly nested `PkgClose` will pop
// frames off of the stack until reaching the still-active
// parent package frame.
st @ (Root(..) | PkgExpr(..) | PkgTpl(..) | PkgOpaque(..)),
tok @ AirPkg(..),
) => ctx.ret_or_transfer(st, tok, AirPkgAggregate::new()),
(Pkg(pkg), AirPkg(etok)) => ctx.proxy(pkg, etok),
(Pkg(pkg), AirBind(etok)) => ctx.proxy(pkg, etok),
(Pkg(pkg), AirDoc(etok)) => ctx.proxy(pkg, etok),
// Expression
(st @ (Pkg(_) | PkgTpl(_)), tok @ AirExpr(..)) => {
ctx.ret_or_transfer(st, tok, AirExprAggregate::new())
(PkgExpr(expr), AirExpr(etok)) => ctx.proxy(expr, etok),
(PkgExpr(expr), AirBind(etok)) => ctx.proxy(expr, etok),
(PkgExpr(expr), AirDoc(etok)) => ctx.proxy(expr, etok),
// Template
(st @ (Pkg(_) | PkgExpr(_)), tok @ AirTpl(..)) => {
ctx.ret_or_transfer(st, tok, AirTplAggregate::new())
(PkgTpl(tplst), AirTpl(ttok)) => ctx.proxy(tplst, ttok),
(PkgTpl(tplst), AirBind(ttok)) => ctx.proxy(tplst, ttok),
(PkgTpl(tplst), AirDoc(ttok)) => ctx.proxy(tplst, ttok),
// Opaque
// By having opaque object loading be its _own_ child parser,
// we ensure that the active package frame becomes held on the
// stack before loading e.g. opaque identifiers.
// Since scope is determined by stack frames,
// this has the effect of ensuring that the package `st`
// becomes included in the identifier's scope.
(st @ Pkg(_), tok @ AirIdent(..)) => {
ctx.ret_or_transfer(st, tok, AirOpaqueAggregate::new())
(PkgOpaque(opaque), AirIdent(otok)) => ctx.proxy(opaque, otok),
tok @ (AirExpr(..) | AirBind(..) | AirTpl(..) | AirDoc(..)),
) => {
// This is simply not expected at the time of writing,
// since this is used for importing object files.
.internal_error("this is not an opaque identifier"),
"this may represent a problem with an object file"
"expected opaque identifier, found {tok}",
st @ Root(_),
tok @ (AirExpr(..) | AirBind(..) | AirTpl(..) | AirDoc(..)),
) => Transition(st).err(AsgError::PkgExpected(tok.span())),
(st @ (Root(..) | PkgExpr(..) | PkgTpl(..)), AirIdent(tok)) => {
fn is_accepting(&self, ctx: &Self::Context) -> bool {
ctx.stack_ref().iter().all(|st| st.active_is_accepting(ctx))
&& self.active_is_accepting(ctx)
impl AirAggregate {
/// Whether the active parser is completed with active parsing.
/// This method is used to determine whether control ought to be
/// transferred to a new child parser.
/// If a child parser is active,
/// then its [`ParseState::is_accepting`] will be consulted.
fn active_is_complete(&self, ctx: &<Self as ParseState>::Context) -> bool {
use AirAggregate::*;
match self {
Uninit => false,
// We can't be done with something we're not doing.
// This is necessary to start the first child parser.
Root(_) => false,
Pkg(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
PkgExpr(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
PkgTpl(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
PkgOpaque(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
// Whether the parser is in an accepting state.
fn active_is_accepting(&self, ctx: &<Self as ParseState>::Context) -> bool {
use AirAggregate::*;
match self {
Uninit => false,
// This must not recurse on `AirAggregate::is_accepting`,
// otherwise it'll be mutually recursive.
Root(_) => true,
Pkg(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
PkgExpr(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
PkgTpl(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
PkgOpaque(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
/// The rooting context for [`Ident`]s for the active parser.
/// A value of [`None`] indicates that the current parser does not
/// support direct bindings,
/// but a parent context may
/// (see [`AirAggregateCtx::rooting_oi`]).
fn active_rooting_oi(&self) -> Option<ObjectIndexToTree<Ident>> {
use AirAggregate::*;
match self {
Uninit => None,
// Root will serve as a pool of identifiers,
// but it can never _contain_ their definitions.
// See `active_env_oi`.
Root(_) => None,
// Packages always serve as roots for identifiers
// (that is their entire purpose).
Pkg(pkgst) => pkgst.active_pkg_oi().map(Into::into),
// Expressions never serve as roots for identifiers;
// this will always fall through to the parent context.
// Since the parent context is a package or a template,
// the next frame should succeed.
PkgExpr(_) => None,
// Identifiers bound while within a template definition context
// must bind to the eventual _expansion_ site,
// as if the body were pasted there.
// Templates must therefore serve as containers for identifiers
// bound therein.
PkgTpl(tplst) => tplst.active_tpl_oi().map(Into::into),
// Loading of opaque objects happens within the context of the
// parent frame.
// At the time of writing,
// that is only a package.
PkgOpaque(_) => None,
/// Active environment for identifier lookups.
/// An environment is a superset of a container,
/// which is described by [`Self::active_rooting_oi`].
/// For example,
/// [`Self::Root`] cannot own any identifiers,
/// but it can serve as a pool of references to them.
fn active_env_oi(&self) -> Option<ObjectIndexTo<Ident>> {
use AirAggregate::*;
match self {
Root(oi_root) => Some((*oi_root).into()),
_ => self.active_rooting_oi().map(Into::into),
/// Adjust a [`EnvScopeKind`] while crossing an environment boundary
/// into `self`.
/// An identifier is _visible_ at the environment in which it is defined.
/// This identifier casts a _shadow_ to lower environments,
/// with the exception of the root.
/// The _root_ will absorb adjacent visible identifiers into a _pool_,
/// which is distinct from the hierarchy that is otherwise created at
/// the package level and lower.
fn env_cross_boundary_into<T>(
kind: EnvScopeKind<T>,
) -> EnvScopeKind<T> {
use AirAggregate::*;
use EnvScopeKind::*;
match (self, kind) {
// This is not an environment.
(Uninit, kind) => kind,
// This is just a parsing state,
// not an environment.
(PkgOpaque(_), kind) => kind,
// Hidden is a fixpoint.
(_, kind @ Hidden(_)) => kind,
// Expressions do not introduce their own environment
// (they are not containers)
// and so act as an identity function.
(PkgExpr(_), kind) => kind,
// A visible identifier will always cast a shadow in one step.
// A shadow will always be cast (propagate) until the root.
(Pkg(_) | PkgTpl(_), Visible(x) | Shadow(x)) => Shadow(x),
// Above we see that Visual will always transition to Shadow in
// one step.
// Consequently,
// Visible at Root means that we're a package-level Visible,
// which must contribute to the pool.
(Root(_), Visible(x)) => Visible(x),
// If we're _not_ Visible at the root,
// then we're _not_ a package-level definition,
// and so we should _not_ contribute to the pool.
(Root(_), Shadow(x)) => Hidden(x),
/// Additional parser context,
/// including the ASG and parser stack frames.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct AirAggregateCtx {
/// The ASG under construction by this parser.
/// The ASG must be under exclusive ownership of this parser to ensure
/// that graph metadata
/// (e.g. indexes)
/// are accurate.
asg: Asg,
/// Held parser frames.
stack: AirStack,
/// The package currently being parsed,
/// if any.
/// This is not necessarily the current compilation unit,
/// as the parser may be parsing imports.
ooi_pkg: Option<ObjectIndex<Pkg>>,
/// Limit of the maximum number of held parser frames.
/// Note that this is the number of [`ParseState`]s held,
/// _not_ the depth of the graph at a given point.
/// The intent of this is to limit runaway recursion in the event of some
/// bug in the system;
/// while the input stream is certainly finite,
/// lookahead tokens cause recursion that does not provably
/// terminate.
/// This limit is arbitrarily large,
/// but hopefully such that no legitimate case will ever hit it.
const MAX_AIR_STACK_DEPTH: usize = 1024;
/// Held parser stack frames.
/// See [`AirAggregateCtx`] for more information.
pub type AirStack = StateStack<AirAggregate, MAX_AIR_STACK_DEPTH>;
impl AirAggregateCtx {
fn asg_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Asg {
fn asg_ref(&self) -> &Asg {
fn stack(&mut self) -> &mut AirStack {
&mut self.stack
fn stack_ref(&self) -> &AirStack {
/// Return control to the parser atop of the stack if `st` is an
/// accepting state,
/// otherwise transfer control to a new parser `to`.
/// This serves as a balance with the behavior of [`Self::proxy`].
/// Rather than checking for an accepting state after each proxy,
/// or having the child parsers return to the top stack frame once
/// they have completed,
/// we leave the child parser in place to potentially handle more
/// tokens of the same type.
/// For example,
/// adjacent expressions can re-use the same parser rather than having
/// to pop and push for each sibling.
/// Consequently,
/// this means that a parser may be complete when we need to push and
/// transfer control to another parser.
/// Before pushing,
/// we first check to see if the parser atop of the stack is in an
/// accepting state.
/// If so,
/// then we are a sibling,
/// and so instead of proceeding with instantiating a new parser,
/// we return to the one atop of the stack and delegate to it.
/// If `st` is _not_ in an accepting state,
/// that means that we are a _child_;
/// we then set aside the state `st` on the stack and transfer
/// control to the child `to`.
/// See also [`Self::proxy`].
fn ret_or_transfer<S: Into<AirAggregate>, SB: Into<AirAggregate>>(
&mut self,
st: S,
tok: impl Token + Into<Air>,
to: SB,
) -> TransitionResult<AirAggregate> {
let st_super = st.into();
if st_super.active_is_complete(self) {
// TODO: error (this should never happen, so maybe panic instead?)
self.stack().ret_or_dead(AirAggregate::Uninit, tok)
} else {
/// Proxy `tok` to `st`,
/// returning to the state atop of the stack if parsing reaches a dead
/// state.
/// See also [`Self::ret_or_transfer`].
fn proxy<S: ParseState<Super = AirAggregate, Context = Self>>(
&mut self,
st: S,
tok: impl Token + Into<S::Token>,
) -> TransitionResult<AirAggregate> {
st.delegate_child(tok.into(), self, |_deadst, tok, ctx| {
// TODO: error (this should never happen, so maybe panic instead?)
ctx.stack().ret_or_dead(AirAggregate::Uninit, tok)
/// Create a new rooted package of the given canonical name and record
/// it as the active package.
/// A canonical package name is a path relative to the project root.
/// This operation will fail if a package of the same name has already
/// been declared.
fn pkg_begin(
&mut self,
start: Span,
name: SPair,
) -> Result<ObjectIndex<Pkg>, AsgError> {
let Self {
asg, ooi_pkg: pkg, ..
} = self;
let oi_root = asg.root(start);
let oi_pkg = asg.create(Pkg::new_canonical(start, name)?);
let eoi_pkg = EnvScopeKind::Visible(oi_pkg);
asg.try_index(oi_root, name, eoi_pkg).map_err(|oi_prev| {
let prev = oi_prev.resolve(asg);
// unwrap note: a canonical name must exist for this error to
// have been thrown,
// but this will at least not blow up if something really
// odd happens.
AsgError::PkgRedeclare(prev.canonical_name(), name)
/// Indicate that there is no longer any active package.
fn pkg_clear(&mut self) {
/// The active package if any.
fn pkg_oi(&self) -> Option<ObjectIndex<Pkg>> {
/// The active container (rooting context) for [`Ident`]s.
/// The integer value returned represents the stack offset at which the
/// rooting index was found,
/// with `0` representing the package.
/// A value of [`None`] indicates that no bindings are permitted in the
/// current context.
fn rooting_oi(&self) -> Option<ObjectIndexToTree<Ident>> {
.find_map(|st| st.active_rooting_oi())
/// The active dangling expression context for [`Expr`]s.
/// A value of [`None`] indicates that expressions are not permitted to
/// dangle in the current context
/// (and so must be identified).
fn dangling_expr_oi(&self) -> Option<ObjectIndexTo<Expr>> {
use AirAggregate::*;
self.stack.iter().rev().find_map(|st| match st {
Uninit => None,
// It should never be possible to define expressions directly in
// Root.
Root(_) => None,
// A dangling expression in a package context would be
// unreachable.
// There should be no parent frame and so this will fail to find
// a value.
Pkg(_) => None,
// Expressions may always contain other expressions,
// and so this method should not be consulted in such a
// context.
// Nonetheless,
// fall through to the parent frame and give a correct answer.
PkgExpr(_) => None,
// Templates serve as containers for dangling expressions,
// since they may expand into an context where they are not
// considered to be dangling.
PkgTpl(tplst) => tplst.active_tpl_oi().map(Into::into),
// Expressions are transparent definitions,
// not opaque,
// and so not permitted in this context.
PkgOpaque(_) => None,
/// The active expansion target (splicing context) for [`Tpl`]s.
/// A value of [`None`] indicates that template expansion is not
/// permitted in this current context.
fn expansion_oi(&self) -> Option<ObjectIndexTo<Tpl>> {
use AirAggregate::*;
self.stack.iter().rev().find_map(|st| match st {
Uninit => None,
Root(_) => None,
Pkg(pkg_st) => pkg_st.active_pkg_oi().map(Into::into),
PkgExpr(exprst) => exprst.active_expr_oi().map(Into::into),
PkgTpl(tplst) => tplst.active_tpl_oi().map(Into::into),
// Templates _could_ conceptually expand into opaque objects,
// but the source language of TAME provides no mechanism to do
// such a thing,
// and so it'd be best to leave this alone unless it's
// actually needed.
PkgOpaque(_) => None,
/// Root an identifier using the [`Self::rooting_oi`] atop of the stack.
fn defines(&mut self, name: SPair) -> Result<ObjectIndex<Ident>, AsgError> {
let oi_root = self
/// Attempt to retrieve an identifier and its scope information from the
/// graph by name relative to the environment `env`.
/// See [`Self::lookup`] for more information.
fn env_scope_lookup_raw<O: ObjectRelatable>(
env: impl ObjectIndexRelTo<O>,
name: SPair,
) -> Option<EnvScopeKind<ObjectIndex<O>>> {
self.asg_ref().lookup_raw(env, name)
/// Resolve an identifier at the scope of the provided environment.
/// If the identifier is not in scope at `env`,
/// [`None`] will be returned.
fn env_scope_lookup<O: ObjectRelatable>(
env: impl ObjectIndexRelTo<O>,
name: SPair,
) -> Option<ObjectIndex<O>> {
self.env_scope_lookup_raw(env, name)
/// Attempt to locate a lexically scoped identifier in the current stack,
/// or create a new one if missing.
/// Since shadowing is not permitted
/// (but local identifiers are),
/// we can reduce the cost of lookups for the majority of identifiers
/// by beginning at the root and continuing down into the narrowest
/// lexical scope until we find what we're looking for.
/// Note that the global environment,
/// represented by the root,
/// is a pool of identifiers from all packages;
/// it does not form a hierarchy and local identifiers will not be
/// indexed outside of their package hierarchy,
/// so we'll have to continue searching for those.
/// The provided name's span is used to seed the missing object with
/// some sort of context to aid in debugging why a missing object
/// was introduced to the graph.
/// The provided span will be used by the returned [`ObjectIndex`] even
/// if an object exists on the graph,
/// which can be used for retaining information on the location that
/// requested the object.
/// To retrieve the span of a previously declared object,
/// you must resolve the [`ObjectIndex`] and inspect it.
fn lookup_lexical_or_missing(&mut self, name: SPair) -> ObjectIndex<Ident> {
let Self { asg, stack, .. } = self;
.filter_map(|st| st.active_env_oi())
.find_map(|oi| asg.lookup(oi, name))
.unwrap_or_else(|| self.create_env_indexed_ident(name))
/// Index an identifier within its environment.
/// TODO: More information as this is formalized.
fn create_env_indexed_ident(&mut self, name: SPair) -> ObjectIndex<Ident> {
let Self { asg, stack, .. } = self;
let oi_ident = asg.create(Ident::declare(name));
.filter_map(|frame| frame.active_env_oi().map(|oi| (oi, frame)))
.fold(None, |oeoi, (imm_oi, frame)| {
let eoi_next = oeoi
.map(|eoi| frame.env_cross_boundary_into(eoi))
// TODO: Let's find this a better home.
match eoi_next {
// There is no use in indexing something that will be
// filtered out on retrieval.
EnvScopeKind::Hidden(_) => (),
_ => asg.index(imm_oi, name, eoi_next),
/// Consume the context and yield the inner [`Asg`].
/// This indicates that all package parsing has been completed and that
/// the ASG contains complete information about the program sources
/// for the requested compilation unit.
pub fn finish(self) -> Asg {
/// Property of identifier scope within a given environment.
/// An _environment_ is the collection of identifiers associated with a
/// container object.
/// Environments stack,
/// such that an environment inherits the identifiers of its parent.
/// The _scope_ of an identifier is defined by what environments can "see"
/// that identifier.
/// For the purposes of TAME's analysis,
/// we care only about the global environment and shadowing.
/// The relationship between identifier scope and environment can be
/// visualized as a two-dimensional table with the environments forming
/// layers along the x-axes,
/// and scopes slicing those layers along the y-axies.
/// TODO: Example visualization.
/// Root and Global Environment
/// ===========================
/// Identifiers are pooled without any defined hierarchy at the root.
/// An identifier that is part of a pool must be unique.
/// Since there is no hierarchy,
/// the system should not suggest that shadowing is not permitted and
/// should insteam emphasize that such an identifier must be unique
/// globally.
/// An identifier's scope can be further refined to provide more useful
/// diagnostic messages by descending into the package in which it is
/// defined and evaluating scope relative to the package.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
pub(super) enum EnvScopeKind<T = ObjectIndex<Object>> {
/// This environment owns the identifier,
/// is descended from an environment that does,
/// or is a global pool of identifiers.
/// Identifier in this environment is a shadow of a deeper environment.
/// An identifier is said to cast a shadow on environments higher in its
/// hierarchy.
/// Since shadowing is not permitted in TAME,
/// this can be used to present useful diagnostic information to the
/// user.
/// A shadow can be used to check for identifier conflicts,
/// but it cannot be used for lookup;
/// this environment should be filtered out of this identifier's
/// scope.
/// The identifier is not in scope.
impl<T> EnvScopeKind<T> {
pub fn into_inner(self) -> T {
use EnvScopeKind::*;
match self {
Shadow(x) | Visible(x) | Hidden(x) => x,
/// Whether this represents an identifier that is in scope.
pub fn in_scope(self) -> Option<Self> {
use EnvScopeKind::*;
match self {
Visible(_) => Some(self),
Shadow(_) | Hidden(_) => None,
impl<T> AsRef<T> for EnvScopeKind<T> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &T {
use EnvScopeKind::*;
match self {
Shadow(x) | Visible(x) | Hidden(x) => x,
impl<T, U> Functor<T, U> for EnvScopeKind<T> {
type Target = EnvScopeKind<U>;
fn map(self, f: impl FnOnce(T) -> U) -> Self::Target {
use EnvScopeKind::*;
match self {
Shadow(x) => Shadow(f(x)),
Visible(x) => Visible(f(x)),
Hidden(x) => Hidden(f(x)),
impl<T> From<EnvScopeKind<T>> for Span
T: Into<Span>,
fn from(kind: EnvScopeKind<T>) -> Self {
impl AsMut<AirAggregateCtx> for AirAggregateCtx {
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut AirAggregateCtx {
impl AsRef<Asg> for AirAggregateCtx {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Asg {
impl AsMut<Asg> for AirAggregateCtx {
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Asg {
&mut self.asg
impl AsMut<AirStack> for AirAggregateCtx {
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut AirStack {
&mut self.stack
impl From<Asg> for AirAggregateCtx {
fn from(asg: Asg) -> Self {
Self {
pub mod test;