@ -0,0 +1,850 @@
// Package name
// Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Ryan Specialty, LLC.
// This file is part of TAME.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Package name and canonicalization.
//! See [`CanonicalName`] for more information.
use crate ::{
diagnose ::{ Annotate , AnnotatedSpan , Diagnostic } ,
fmt ::{ DisplayWrapper , TtQuote } ,
parse ::{ util ::SPair , Token } ,
span ::Span ,
sym ::{
st ::raw ::{ FW_SLASH , FW_SLASH_DOT } ,
GlobalSymbolIntern , GlobalSymbolInternBytes , GlobalSymbolResolve ,
} ,
} ;
use std ::{ error ::Error , fmt ::Display } ;
/// Canonical package name.
/// A _canonical name_ is a package name that serves as a unique
/// representation of a package---that is,
/// it should not be possible to identify the same package by more than
/// one [`CanonicalName`].
/// In practice,
/// this means that the name begins with a forward slash;
/// contains no `..` or `.` as path-like components;
/// does not contain `//`;
/// and does not end in a trailing slash.
/// A canonical name is represented by [`CanonicalName`].
/// By representing package names in this way,
/// we are able to index them uniquely in any context in which they may
/// appear,
/// ensuring that we are able to uphold the commutative
/// definition/reference requirements of TAME.
/// Package names may develop further in the future;
/// for now,
/// their names are somewhat informal and usually generated from the
/// path on the filesystem relative to the project root.
/// Namespecs
/// =========
/// A _namespec_ is intended for package imports,
/// and represents a transformation that can be applied to a parent
/// package to produce the name of a package to import.
/// Namespecs (and package names) are designed to _look_ like paths,
/// and are indeed derived from paths on the filesystem,
/// but TAMER does not produce any hierarchy from that appearance.
/// Namespec resolution is a _purely lexical_ operation that is entirely
/// distinct from the operating system,
/// and the resulting name will be used to resolve package lookups
/// _relative to the project root_.[^symlink]
/// That is:
/// the purpose of a namespec is that of _convenience and
/// maintainability_;
/// it serves as an alternative to always providing a canonical name as
/// an import.
/// - If a namespec contains a leading slash,
/// then it is _absolute_ and will used verbatim as a
/// [`CanonicalName`].
/// All canonical names are therefore absolute namespecs,
/// providing unambiguous context-free package names.
/// - Otherwise, a namespec is _relative_ and must be resolved against a
/// parent [`CanonicalName`].
/// First,
/// the final component of the parent name
/// (the last slash and everything that follows)
/// is removed,
/// which intuitively matches the behavior of resolving against
/// sibling packages in the same directory.
/// - If the namespec contains any number of leading parent
/// markers `../`,
/// they will strip off a portion of [`CanonicalName`] up to and
/// including the last `/`,
/// recursively.
/// So `../quux` applied to `/bar/baz` resolves to `/quux`,
/// like a relative path on a Unix-like filesystem.
/// (As previously stated,
/// `/bar/baz` first becomes `/bar` so that the relative path
/// resolves as a sibling.)
/// - Otherwise,
/// the relative name is simply concatenated with the remaining
/// parent [`CanonicalName`],
/// separated by a `/`.
/// A namespec cannot use more parent markers than there are `/`s in the
/// parent [`CanonicalName`].
/// When viewing a name as a path,
/// this means that a namespec cannot traverse outside of the project
/// root.
/// A namespec cannot contain `.` in a context that would be interpreted by
/// a filesystem to mean the current directory,
/// since this would allow for multiple [`CanonicalName`]s for a given
/// package,
/// which is then not canonical.
/// Similarly,
/// a [`CanonicalName`] cannot contain `//`.
/// [^symlink]: This distinction is important.
/// Since a namespec always produces a [`CanonicalName`] which is treated
/// as a path relative to the project root,
/// paths will act intuitively despite symlinks,
/// which may otherwise exhibit unintuitive behavior when using `../`.
/// [`Span`] Characteristics
/// =========================
/// At the time of writing,
/// TAMER does not yet have an abstraction that indicates whether a given
/// [`SPair`] is an original lexeme tied to its original [`Span`].
/// It is assumed that [`CanonicalName`] is only ever constructed from
/// an [`SPair`] with its original [`Span`],
/// either via [`Self::from_canonical`] or
/// [`Self::resolve_namespec_rel`].
/// When a [`CanonicalNameError`] is raised,
/// its spans will only ever be derived from what it perceives as an
/// original [`Span`].
/// A [`CanonicalName`] may be constructed from a relative namespec via
/// [`Self::resolve_namespec_rel`].
/// In that case,
/// the span of the relative namespec is retained in the resulting
/// [`CanonicalName`].
/// Since a namespec can only contain parent markers (`..`) at the _head_ of
/// the namespec,
/// it will always be the case that the tail of a [`CanonicalName`] has
/// a proper span.
/// As long as we only slice up the span as far as we know is valid given
/// its construction,
/// we can return a [`Span`] in errors that is constructed from the tail
/// of the would-be [`CanonicalName`].
#[ derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy) ]
pub struct CanonicalName ( SPair ) ;
impl CanonicalName {
/// Verify that the provided `name` is in canonical form,
/// otherwise produce an error.
/// For more information on canonical names,
/// see [`Self`].
pub fn from_canonical ( name : SPair ) -> Result < Self , CanonicalNameError > {
let s = name . symbol ( ) . lookup_str ( ) ;
// TODO: We shouldn't slice up a string and span separately,
// since the two may not be directly associated
// (e.g. the symbol may not be a lexeme matching the associated
// span if it's generated).
// See the section "Span Characteristics" above.
if s . ends_with ( '/' ) {
Err ( CanonicalNameError ::TrailingSlash (
name ,
name . span ( ) . slice_tail ( 1 ) ,
) )
} else if s . starts_with ( '/' ) {
Ok ( Self ( validate_components ( name , s ) ? ) )
} else {
Err ( CanonicalNameError ::LeadingSlashExpected (
name ,
// Slash should be inserted _just before_ the beginning of
// the span.
// This also works with zero-length spans.
name . span ( ) . slice_head ( 0 ) ,
) )
/// Resolve a namespec relative to this canonical name.
/// For more information on relative paths,
/// see [`Self`].
pub fn resolve_namespec_rel (
& self ,
namespec : SPair ,
) -> Result < Self , CanonicalNameError > {
let Self ( parent ) = self ;
let s = namespec . symbol ( ) . lookup_str ( ) ;
if s . starts_with ( '/' ) {
Self ::from_canonical ( namespec )
} else {
let mut parent_parts = parent . symbol ( ) . lookup_str ( ) . rsplit ( '/' ) ;
let mut rel_parts = s . split ( '/' ) . peekable ( ) ;
let mut rm_bytes = 0 ;
// The rightmost component of the parent is eliminated,
// in much the same way that you'd expect a relative path to
// be a sibling of any current file.
parent_parts . next ( ) ;
while rel_parts . peek ( ) = = Some ( & " .. " ) {
rel_parts . next ( ) ;
let _ = parent_parts . next ( ) . filter ( | s | s ! = & " " ) . ok_or_else (
| | {
CanonicalNameError ::TooManyParentMarkers (
namespec ,
namespec . span ( ) . slice ( rm_bytes , 2 ) ,
* self ,
} ,
) ? ;
rm_bytes + = 3 ; // "../"
// ^ this is a lie if we've ended `rel_parts`
let mut new = String ::from ( parent_parts . remainder ( ) . unwrap_or ( " " ) ) ;
if rel_parts . peek ( ) . is_some ( ) {
new . push ( '/' ) ;
rel_parts . intersperse ( " / " ) . collect_into ( & mut new ) ;
// If we're empty,
// it's more intuitive to indicate that we went too far
// relative to the parent rather than throwing an error about
// an invalid canonical name.
if new . is_empty ( ) {
Err ( CanonicalNameError ::TooManyParentMarkers (
namespec ,
namespec . span ( ) . slice ( rm_bytes - 3 , 2 ) ,
* self ,
) )
} else {
Self ::from_canonical ( SPair ( new . intern ( ) , namespec . span ( ) ) )
/// Produce an error if the provided name contains a parent marker `..` or
/// `.` in any of its components
/// (strings between `/`).
/// Conceptually,
/// this catches the equivalent of current and parent paths components,
/// such as `foo/../bar` and `./foo/bar`.
/// This will iterate through the entire name,
/// which is unnecessary work if we came from
/// [`CanonicalName::resolve_namespec_rel`],
/// but it's not much work and it's a safer implementation with fewer
/// conditions.
/// The purpose of this function is to provide guidance and rationale to the
/// user,
/// so it checks for very specific cases even if something more general
/// could have sufficed.
/// This produces very specific spans,
/// which also makes the scanning more challenging.
fn validate_components (
name : SPair ,
s : & str ,
) -> Result < SPair , CanonicalNameError > {
let bytes = s . as_bytes ( ) ;
let len = bytes . len ( ) ;
// Was not worth introducing a regex library,
// but might be worth replacing this if we've since introduced it.
// Equivalent to `/..(/|$)|/.(/$)|//`,
// but most of the code is for span slicing and error construction.
. windows ( 2 ) // A canonical path will always be at least 2 bytes
. enumerate ( )
// Again, be mindful of "Span Characteristics" above.
. find_map ( | ( pos , w ) | match ( w , bytes . get ( pos + 2 ) ) {
// `..`
( b " /. " , Some ( b '.' ) )
if matches! ( bytes . get ( pos + 3 ) , Some ( b '/' ) | None , ) = >
Some ( Err ::< ( ) , _ > ( CanonicalNameError ::NonLeadingParentMarker (
name ,
name . span ( ) . rslice ( len - pos - 1 , 2 ) ,
) ) )
// `.`
( b " /. " , la @ ( Some ( b '/' ) | None ) ) = > {
let roff = la . is_some ( ) as usize ;
Some ( Err ( CanonicalNameError ::UselessComponent (
name ,
SPair (
// ;_;
bytes [ pos + roff .. pos + roff + 2 ]
. intern_utf8 ( )
. unwrap_or ( FW_SLASH_DOT ) ,
name . span ( ) . rslice ( len - pos - roff , 2 ) ,
) ,
) ) )
( b " // " , _ ) = > Some ( Err ( CanonicalNameError ::UselessComponent (
name ,
SPair ( FW_SLASH , name . span ( ) . rslice ( len - pos - 1 , 1 ) ) ,
) ) ) ,
_ = > None ,
} )
. transpose ( )
. map ( | _ | name )
impl From < CanonicalName > for SPair {
fn from ( value : CanonicalName ) -> Self {
match value {
CanonicalName ( spair ) = > spair ,
impl From < CanonicalName > for Span {
fn from ( value : CanonicalName ) -> Self {
match value {
CanonicalName ( spair ) = > spair . into ( ) ,
#[ derive(Debug, PartialEq) ]
pub enum CanonicalNameError {
/// Attempted to create a new [`CanonicalName`] using a symbol that was
/// expected to already be in canonical form,
/// but was missing a leading slash.
/// The latter span is the position at which a leading slash was
/// expected.
LeadingSlashExpected ( SPair , Span ) ,
/// Namespecs cannot include trailing slashes since it makes the package
/// name look like a directory.
TrailingSlash ( SPair , Span ) ,
/// A relative namespec attempts to go past the project root because it
/// includes too many `..` markers relative to a given canonical
/// name.
/// The first [`SPair`] represents the failed relative namespec,
/// the [`Span`] represents the marker that caused the failure,
/// and the [`CanonicalName`] represents the parent that the namespec
/// is being resolved against.
TooManyParentMarkers ( SPair , Span , CanonicalName ) ,
/// Relative namespecs may only have parent markers (`..`) in a leading
/// position.
/// The provided [`Span`] is the position of the marker that is in
/// error.
NonLeadingParentMarker ( SPair , Span ) ,
/// A portion of the namespec can be removed and still result in the
/// same namespec when interpreted as a path on the filesystem.
/// This restriction is important to ensure that multiple namespecs
/// cannot be used to represent the same package,
/// which would cause package index lookup failures.
UselessComponent ( SPair , SPair ) ,
impl Display for CanonicalNameError {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut std ::fmt ::Formatter ) -> std ::fmt ::Result {
use CanonicalNameError ::* ;
match self {
LeadingSlashExpected ( name , _ ) = > write! (
f ,
" non-canonical package name {} where canonical name was expected " ,
TtQuote ::wrap ( name ) ,
) ,
TrailingSlash ( name , _ ) = > write! (
f ,
" package namespec {} must not include a trailing slash " ,
TtQuote ::wrap ( name ) ,
) ,
TooManyParentMarkers ( name , _ , _ ) = > write! (
f ,
" package namespec {} resolves outside of package root " ,
TtQuote ::wrap ( name ) ,
) ,
NonLeadingParentMarker ( name , _ ) = > write! (
f ,
" package namespec {} contains parent marker in a \
non - head position " ,
TtQuote ::wrap ( name ) ,
) ,
UselessComponent ( name , part ) = > write! (
f ,
" package namespec {} contains an invalid {} " ,
TtQuote ::wrap ( name ) ,
TtQuote ::wrap ( part ) ,
) ,
impl Error for CanonicalNameError { }
impl Diagnostic for CanonicalNameError {
fn describe ( & self ) -> Vec < AnnotatedSpan > {
use CanonicalNameError ::* ;
match self {
LeadingSlashExpected ( _ , at ) = > vec! [
at . error ( " expected name beginning with '/' " ) ,
at . help (
" canonical names begin with '/' and uniquely identify a \
package relative to a project root " ,
) ,
] ,
TrailingSlash ( _ , at ) = > vec! [
at . error ( " trailing slash not permitted in package namespec " ) ,
at . help (
" a trailing slash makes a package name look like a directory, \
but a package is always associated with an \
explicit file " ,
] ,
TooManyParentMarkers ( _ , at , parent ) = > vec! [
parent . note ( format! (
" parent package is {} " ,
TtQuote ::wrap ( Into ::< SPair > ::into ( * parent ) )
) ) ,
at . error ( " this marker exceeds the parent package depth " ) ,
at . help (
" the marker \" .. \" treats the parent package name like a \
path and moves into parent directories "
) ,
at . help (
" for both practical and security reasons, \
you cannot resolve past the project root \
relative to the parent package "
) ,
] ,
NonLeadingParentMarker ( _ , at ) = > vec! [
at . error (
" parent marker must only appear at the head of a namespec "
) ,
at . help (
" for example: the namespec `../bar` is valid, \
but ` .. / foo / .. / bar ` is not permitted "
) ,
at . help (
" this restriction helps to avoid unnecessarily confusing \
namespecs "
] ,
UselessComponent ( _ , part ) = > vec! [
part . error ( " this component is not permitted here " ) ,
part . help ( format! (
" remove the unnecessary {} from the namespec " ,
TtQuote ::wrap ( part )
) ) ,
part . help (
" since namespecs are mapped to paths on the filesystem, \
certain strings are not permitted that would \
otherwise allow the same package to be represented \
by multiple different namespecs "
] ,
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod test {
use super ::* ;
use crate ::span ::dummy ::{ DUMMY_CONTEXT as DC , * } ;
type Sut = CanonicalName ;
#[ test ]
fn slash_prefixed_name_is_canonical ( ) {
let name = SPair ( " /foo/bar " . into ( ) , S1 ) ;
assert_eq! (
name ,
Sut ::from_canonical ( name )
. expect ( " failed to canonicalize name " )
. into ( )
) ;
#[ test ]
fn from_canonical_fails_with_non_prefixed_name ( ) {
let a = DC . span ( 0 , 13 ) ;
let b = DC . span ( 0 , 0 ) ; // expected location of '/'
let name = SPair ( " not/canonical " . into ( ) , a ) ;
// [-----------]
// 0 12
// | A
// B (zero-length)
assert_eq! (
Err ( CanonicalNameError ::LeadingSlashExpected ( name , b ) ) ,
Sut ::from_canonical ( name ) ,
) ;
#[ test ]
fn from_canonical_must_not_end_in_trailing_slash ( ) {
let a = DC . span ( 0 , 16 ) ;
let b = DC . span ( 15 , 1 ) ;
let name = SPair ( " /trailing/slash/ " . into ( ) , a ) ;
// [--------------]
// 0 15
// A |
// B
assert_eq! (
Err ( CanonicalNameError ::TrailingSlash ( name , b ) ) ,
Sut ::from_canonical ( name ) ,
) ;
// Relative namespec without `..`.
#[ test ]
fn resolve_namespec_against_canonical_without_parent ( ) {
let parent = canonical ( SPair ( " /parent/pkg " . into ( ) , S1 ) ) ;
// ^^^ this is stripped
let rel = SPair ( " rel/to/parent " . into ( ) , S2 ) ;
assert_eq! (
// Note that this assumes the span of the _child_ since it's
// more specific and what the user almost certainly wants if
// there is a diagnostic message referencing this name.
Ok ( canonical ( SPair ( " /parent/rel/to/parent " . into ( ) , S2 ) ) ) ,
parent . resolve_namespec_rel ( rel ) ,
) ;
#[ test ]
fn resolve_absolute_namespec_overrides_parent ( ) {
let parent = canonical ( SPair ( " /parent/to/override " . into ( ) , S1 ) ) ;
let rel = SPair ( " /abs/name " . into ( ) , S2 ) ;
// A canonical name is an absolute namespec.
#[ rustfmt::skip ]
assert_eq! (
Ok ( canonical ( rel ) ) ,
parent . resolve_namespec_rel ( rel ) ,
) ;
// Resolving parent markers
// (e.g. "../foo")
// is a _purely lexical_ operation.
#[ test ]
fn resolve_namespec_with_leading_parent_markers_and_compatible_parent ( ) {
let parent = canonical ( SPair ( " /one/two/three " . into ( ) , S1 ) ) ;
// note that the rightmost component ^^^^^
// will be stripped _before_ processing
// the first `..`
assert_eq! (
parent . resolve_namespec_rel ( SPair ( " ../a/pkg " . into ( ) , S2 ) ) ,
Ok ( canonical ( SPair ( " /one/a/pkg " . into ( ) , S2 ) ) ) ,
) ;
assert_eq! (
parent . resolve_namespec_rel ( SPair ( " ../../b/pkg " . into ( ) , S3 ) ) ,
Ok ( canonical ( SPair ( " /b/pkg " . into ( ) , S3 ) ) ) ,
) ;
assert_eq! (
parent . resolve_namespec_rel ( SPair ( " .. " . into ( ) , S4 ) ) ,
Ok ( canonical ( SPair ( " /one " . into ( ) , S4 ) ) ) ,
) ;
#[ test ]
fn resolve_namespec_with_leading_parent_markers_too_far ( ) {
let parent = canonical ( SPair ( " /parent/too/short " . into ( ) , S1 ) ) ;
let a = DC . span ( 0 , 15 ) ;
let b = DC . span ( 6 , 2 ) ;
let rel = SPair ( " ../../../foo/bar " . into ( ) , a ) ;
// [-----++-------]
// 0 || 15
// A ||
// []
// 6 `7
// B
// `this marker goes one too far
assert_eq! (
Err ( CanonicalNameError ::TooManyParentMarkers ( rel , b , parent ) ) ,
parent . resolve_namespec_rel ( rel ) ,
) ;
#[ test ]
fn resolve_namespec_with_leading_parent_markers_yielding_empty ( ) {
let parent = canonical ( SPair ( " /will/be/empty/pkg " . into ( ) , S1 ) ) ;
let a = DC . span ( 0 , 8 ) ;
let b = DC . span ( 6 , 2 ) ;
let rel = SPair ( " ../../.. " . into ( ) , a ) ;
// [-----+]
// 0 ||`7
// A ||
// []
// 6 `7
// B
// `only goes too far because the result would
// be `/` which is not a canonical name
assert_eq! (
Err ( CanonicalNameError ::TooManyParentMarkers ( rel , b , parent ) ) ,
parent . resolve_namespec_rel ( rel ) ,
) ;
#[ test ]
fn resolve_namespec_with_leading_parent_markers_trailing_slash ( ) {
let parent = canonical ( SPair ( " /will/be/empty/pkg " . into ( ) , S1 ) ) ;
let a = DC . span ( 0 , 13 ) ;
let b = DC . span ( 12 , 1 ) ;
let rel = SPair ( " ../../../foo/ " . into ( ) , a ) ;
// [-----------]
// 0 |`12
// A |
// B
assert_eq! (
Err ( CanonicalNameError ::TrailingSlash (
SPair ( " /foo/ " . into ( ) , a ) ,
b ,
) ) ,
parent . resolve_namespec_rel ( rel ) ,
) ;
#[ test ]
fn resolve_namespec_with_non_head_parent_marker ( ) {
let parent = canonical ( SPair ( " /foo/pkg " . into ( ) , S1 ) ) ;
let a = DC . span ( 0 , 10 ) ;
let b = DC . span ( 4 , 2 ) ;
let rel = SPair ( " bar/../baz " . into ( ) , a ) ;
// [---++---]
// 0 || 9
// A ||
// []
// 4 `5
// B
assert_eq! (
Err ( CanonicalNameError ::NonLeadingParentMarker (
SPair ( " /foo/bar/../baz " . into ( ) , a ) ,
b ,
) ) ,
parent . resolve_namespec_rel ( rel ) ,
) ;
// The same error should happen for a supposedly-canonical name too.
let c = DC . span ( 0 , 11 ) ;
let d = DC . span ( 5 , 2 ) ;
let name = SPair ( " /bar/../baz " . into ( ) , c ) ;
// [----++---]
// 0 || 10
// C ||
// []
// 4 `5
// D
assert_eq! (
Err ( CanonicalNameError ::NonLeadingParentMarker ( name , d , ) ) ,
CanonicalName ::from_canonical ( name ) ,
) ;
// The above catches `/../`,
// but make sure we catch `/..$`.
#[ test ]
fn resolve_namespec_with_non_head_parent_marker_at_tail ( ) {
let parent = canonical ( SPair ( " /foo/pkg " . into ( ) , S1 ) ) ;
let a = DC . span ( 0 , 6 ) ;
let b = DC . span ( 4 , 2 ) ;
let rel = SPair ( " bar/.. " . into ( ) , a ) ;
// [---+]
// 0 ||`5
// A ||
// []
// 4 `5
// B
assert_eq! (
Err ( CanonicalNameError ::NonLeadingParentMarker (
SPair ( " /foo/bar/.. " . into ( ) , a ) ,
b ,
) ) ,
parent . resolve_namespec_rel ( rel ) ,
) ;
// `/./` doesn't have a special lexical meaning for `CanonicalName`,
// which is the problem---when
// we go to resolve the name as a path,
// multiple names would resolve to the same package.
#[ test ]
fn resolve_namespec_with_single_dot ( ) {
let parent = canonical ( SPair ( " /foo/pkg " . into ( ) , S1 ) ) ;
let a = DC . span ( 0 , 9 ) ;
let b = DC . span ( 0 , 2 ) ;
let rel = SPair ( " ./bar/baz " . into ( ) , a ) ;
// [+------]
// 0| 8
// [] A
// 1
// B
// "./" can be removed from the above path and still retain the same
// meaning.
assert_eq! (
Err ( CanonicalNameError ::UselessComponent (
SPair ( " /foo/./bar/baz " . into ( ) , a ) ,
SPair ( " ./ " . into ( ) , b ) ,
) ) ,
parent . resolve_namespec_rel ( rel ) ,
) ;
#[ test ]
fn canonical_name_with_single_dot_middle ( ) {
let a = DC . span ( 0 , 10 ) ;
let b = DC . span ( 5 , 2 ) ;
let name = SPair ( " /foo/./bar " . into ( ) , a ) ;
// [-----++---]
// 0 || 9
// A []
// 5 `6
// B
// "./" can be removed from the above path and still retain the same
// meaning.
assert_eq! (
Err ( CanonicalNameError ::UselessComponent (
name ,
SPair ( " ./ " . into ( ) , b ) ,
) ) ,
CanonicalName ::from_canonical ( name ) ,
) ;
// This error is phrased as the same problem as the above,
// but in reality,
// `.` in a tail position would act as its own package name if we
// append an extension to it
// (e.g. `/foo/bar/..xmlo`).
// Best to flat out reject that.
#[ test ]
fn canonical_name_with_single_dot_end ( ) {
let a = DC . span ( 0 , 10 ) ;
let b = DC . span ( 8 , 2 ) ;
let name = SPair ( " /foo/bar/. " . into ( ) , a ) ;
// [--------+]
// 0 |9
// A []
// 8
// B
// "/." can be removed from the above path and still retain the same
// meaning.
assert_eq! (
Err ( CanonicalNameError ::UselessComponent (
name ,
SPair ( " /. " . into ( ) , b ) ,
) ) ,
CanonicalName ::from_canonical ( name ) ,
) ;
// Adjacent slashes are collapsed into a single slash by many Unix-like
// filesystems,
// and so are equivalent to `./`.
#[ test ]
fn canonical_name_double_slash ( ) {
let a = DC . span ( 0 , 9 ) ;
let b = DC . span ( 5 , 1 ) ;
let name = SPair ( " /foo//bar " . into ( ) , a ) ;
// [-----+--]
// 0 | 8
// A ⌷
// 6
// B
// A "/" can be removed from the above path and still retain the
// same meaning.
assert_eq! (
Err ( CanonicalNameError ::UselessComponent (
name ,
SPair ( " / " . into ( ) , b ) ,
) ) ,
CanonicalName ::from_canonical ( name ) ,
) ;
// Make sure we're not too naive and restrictive in our search.
#[ test ]
fn canonical_name_permits_parent_marker_like_strings ( ) {
CanonicalName ::from_canonical ( SPair ( " /foo/..bar/baz " . into ( ) , S1 ) )
. unwrap ( ) ;
CanonicalName ::from_canonical ( SPair ( " /foo/bar/baz.. " . into ( ) , S2 ) )
. unwrap ( ) ;
fn canonical ( name : SPair ) -> CanonicalName {
CanonicalName ::from_canonical ( name ) . expect ( & format! (
" broken test case: failed instantiate CanonicalName \
with \ " {name} \" "
) )