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% The TAME Programming Language LaTeX style and macros
% Copyright (C) 2021 Ryan Specialty Group, LLC.
% Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
% International License.
% Package Imports
\usepackage[letterpaper]{geometry} % US Letter paper
\usepackage[amsfonts,amssymb]{concmath} % Fonts used by the text
\usepackage{euler} % Concrete Mathematics
\usepackage{makeidx} % Indexing
draft=false]{hyperref} % Hyperlinks (even in draft mode)
\usepackage{xcolor} % Colors (for hyperlinks)
\usepackage[final]{listings} % Displaying code (even in draft)
\usepackage{amsmath,amsthm} % AMS macros, including theorems
\usepackage{suffix} % To aid in defining star macros
\usepackage{marginnote} % Notes in the margin
\usepackage{ccicons} % CC license icons
\usepackage{manfnt} % Dangerous Bend symbols
% Colors
% Colors from Tango Icon Theme
% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tango_Desktop_Project
% Listing language
% Common typesetting
% Mathematics
% Boolean
% Numbers
% Sets and families
\newcommand\Fam[3]{\ensuremath{\left\{#1_{#2}\right\}_{#2\in #3}}}
2021-05-20 15:28:10 -04:00
% Vectors and matrices with family notations
\newcommand\VFam[3]{\ensuremath{\Vector{#1_{#2}}_{#2\in #3}}}
\Vector{{#1_{#2}}_#4}_{\underset{#4\in {#5_#2}}{#2\in #3}}
% Variable subscripts
% Logic
\newcommand\@Forall[2]{\forall #1\left(#2\right)}
\newcommand\@Forallstar[2]{\forall #1 #2}
\newcommand\@Exists[2]{\exists #1\left(#2\right)}
\newcommand\@Existsstar[2]{\exists #1 #2}
% Equivalent, but some syntatic inference involved (e.g. equivalent by
% index, as in classification matches).
% Group theory
% Closed binary function
% Binary function composition
% Grammar
% TAME Classification
% Theorem environments
\numberwithin{equation}{section} % number by section
% Create a new theorem environment along with a set of label/ref/pref
% commands.
\expandafter\def\csname #1autorefname\endcsname{#2}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname #3label\endcsname[1]{\label{#1:##1}}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname #3ref\endcsname[1]{\autoref{#1:##1}}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname #3pref\endcsname[1]{\autopref{#1:##1}}
% Optional page reference
% "Smart" page reference changing the text depending on what page the
% reference appears relative to the current.
% We use labels to get the current page from the previous run, since
% \thepage can be inaccurate except right after a \newpage.
\advance\@sprefn by 1\relax%
% Output nothing; it'd read really awkwardly, for example, if we output
% a figure using [h] and then say "Figure X on this page" in the
% paragraph that's _right_ below it. Even if we didn't use [h]. I
% noticed this awkward effect in Specifying Systems.
\advance\@p by 1\relax
on the next page%
\advance\@p by -2\relax
on the previous page%
on \autopageref{#1}%
% General typesetting
\newcommand\pref[1]{\ref{#1} on page~\pageref{#1}}
% Definitions (introduction of terms)
% A really obnoxious notice making clear to the reader that this portion of
% the work is unfinished, to the point where it's probably even
% incorrect. Uses dangerous bend symbol from manfnt, which is admittedly a
% misuse given that it's often used to represent difficult problems. Though
% I suppose an unfinished work is a difficult problem.
\todo{This is incomplete!}
% Indexing
% Symbols appear at the beginning of the index
\newcommand\indexsym[2]{\index{__sym_#2@{\ensuremath{#1}}|see {#2}}}
% Dynamic Configuration
{\message{Loaded `./conf.tex'.}}%
{\message{`./conf.tex' not found (did you run `./configure'?).
Using defaults.}%