design/tpl: Initial definition of classifications

This defines @as and @yields, but does not yet define matches formally.
It's also missing index entries, which I'll take the time to add after I'm
sure things are staying as they are.

This was quite a bit of work, and the approach I took is different than I
originally expected, so Section 0 can use some cleanup.

There is more to come from here.
Mike Gerwitz 2021-05-18 10:06:32 -04:00
parent 4ea2574a8c
commit 2d268f2a55
3 changed files with 269 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -17,14 +17,16 @@ Intuitively,
\emph{tightly coupled} to the classification itself.
This limitation is mitigated through use of the template system.
\begin{definition}[Classification Introduction]
\begin{axiom}[Classification Introduction]\axmlabel{class-intro}
\todo{Symbol in place of $=$ here ($\equiv$ not appropriate).}
&\xml{<classify as="$c$" }&&\xml{yields="$\gamma$" desc}&&\xml{="$\_$"
$\alpha$>}\label{eq:xml-classify} \\
&\quad \VFam{M^0}jJ &&\VFam{v^0}jJ &&\quad s^0 \nonumber\\
&\quad \MFam{M^0}jJkK &&\VFam{v^0}jJ &&\quad s^0 \nonumber\\
% TODO: offset these dots vertically (negative); MFam stacking is
% pushing them down too far and it's visually jarring
&\quad \quad\vdots &&\quad\vdots &&\quad \vdots \nonumber\\
&\quad \VFam{M^l}jJ &&\VFam{v^m}jJ &&\quad s^n \nonumber\\
&\quad \MFam{M^l}jJkK &&\VFam{v^m}jJ &&\quad s^n \nonumber\\
% NB: This -50mu needs adjustment if you change the alignment above!
&&\mspace{-50mu}= \Classify^c_\gamma\left(\odot,M,v,s\right), \nonumber
@ -34,15 +36,14 @@ This limitation is mitigated through use of the template system.
J &\subset\Int, \\
\forall{k}\Big(M^k &: J \rightarrow \Int \rightarrow \Real\Big),
J &\subset\Int \neq\emptyset, \\
\forall{j\in J}\Big(K_j &\subset\Int \neq\emptyset\Big), \\
\forall{k}\Big(M^k &: J \rightarrow K_{j\in J} \rightarrow \Real\Big),
\label{eq:class-matrix} \\
\forall{k}\Big(v^k &: J \rightarrow \Real\Big), \\
\forall{k}\Big(s^k &\in\Real\Big), \\
l+m+n &\geq 0, \label{eq:mvs-opt} \\
\alpha &\in\Set{\epsilon,\, \texttt{any="true"}}, \label{eq:xml-any-domain}
and the monoid~$\odot$ is defined as
@ -53,8 +54,11 @@ and the monoid~$\odot$ is defined as
\Monoid\Bool\lor\false &\alpha = \texttt{any="true"}.
% This TODO was the initial motivation for this paper!
\todo{Emphasize index sets, both relationships and nonempty.}
We use a $4$-tuple $\Classify\left(\odot,M,v,s\right)$ to represent a
(a classification with the binary operation $\land$ or~$\lor$)
@ -66,8 +70,6 @@ We use a $4$-tuple $\Classify\left(\odot,M,v,s\right)$ to represent a
(see \secref{monoids})
and~$\odot$ looks vaguely like~$(\bullet)$,
representing a portion of the monoid triple.}
The sum~\eqref{eq:mvs-opt} emphasizes that there may be zero or more of each
(see also \remref{vacuous-truth}).
A $\land$-classification is pronounced ``conjunctive classification'',
and $\lor$ ``disjunctive''.\footnote{%
Conjunctive and disjunctive classifications used to be referred to,
@ -89,37 +91,207 @@ The variables~$c$ and~$\gamma$ are required in~\tame{} but are both optional
As such,
we will for simplicity consider it to be required here.}
% This TODO was the initial motivation for this paper!
\todo{Describe what \tame{} does when this is not the case.}
Each $M^k$ and~$v^k$ share the same index set~$J$.
this means that all vectors must be the same length,
that their length must match the number of rows in each matrix,
and that each matrix must have the same number of rows.
But it leaves \emph{unbounded} the lengths of each inner vector of a matrix
(its columns; see \secref{vec}),
as emphasized by~\eqref{eq:class-matrix}.
This is further constrained by~\dfnref{class-pred}.
$\alpha$~serves as a placeholder for an optional \xml{any="true"},
with $\emptystr$~representing the empty string in~\eqref{eq:xml-any-domain}.
Note the wildcard variable matching \xmlattr{desc}---%
its purpose is only to provide documentation.
\def\cpredscalar{s^0\bullet\cdots\bullet s^n}
\begin{corollary}[$\odot$ Monoid]\corlabel{odot-monoid}
$\odot$ is a monoid in \axmref{class-intro}.
By \axmref{class-intro},
$\odot$ must be a monoid.
Assume $\alpha=\epsilon$.
$\odot = \Monoid\Bool\land\true$,
which is proved by \lemref{monoid-land}.
Next, assume $\alpha=\texttt{any="true"}$.
$\odot = \Monoid\Bool\lor\false$,
which is proved by \lemref{monoid-land}.
\begin{definition}[Classification-Predicate Equivalence]\dfnlabel{class-pred}
\def\cpredmatseq{{M^0_j}_k \bullet\cdots\bullet {M^l_j}_k}
\def\cpredvecseq{v^0_j\bullet\cdots\bullet v^m_j}
\def\cpredscalarseq{s^0\bullet\cdots\bullet s^n}
\begin{axiom}[Classification-Predicate Equivalence]\axmlabel{class-pred}
Let $\Classify^c_\gamma\left(\Monoid\Bool\bullet e,M,v,s\right)$ be a
classification by~\eqref{eq:xml-classify}.
classification by~\axmref{class-intro}.
We then have the first-order sentence
c \equiv
{} \Exists{j\in J}{
\Exists{k}{{M^0_j}_k \bullet\cdots\bullet {M^l_j}_k}
\bullet v^0_j \bullet\cdots\bullet v^m_j}
\bullet \cpredscalar.
{} \Exists{j\in J}{\Exists{k\in K_j}\cpredmatseq\bullet\cpredvecseq}
\begin{axiom}[Classification Yield]\axmlabel{class-yield}
Let $\Classify^c_\gamma\left(\Monoid\Bool\bullet e,M,v,s\right)$ be a
classification by~\axmref{class-intro}.
r &= \begin{cases}
2 &M\neq\emptyset, \\
1 &M=\emptyset \land v\neq\emptyset, \\
0 &M\union v = \emptyset,
\end{cases} \\
\exists{j\in J}\Big(\exists{k\in K_j}\Big(
\Gamma^2_{j_k} &= \cpredmatseq\bullet\cpredvecseq\bullet\cpredscalarseq
\Big)\Big), \\
\exists{j\in J}\Big(
\Gamma^1_j &= \cpredvecseq\bullet\cpredscalarseq
\Big), \\
\Gamma^0 &= \cpredscalarseq. \\
\gamma &= \Gamma^r.
\begin{theorem}[Classification Composition]\thmlabel{class-compose}
Classifications may be composed to create more complex classifications
using the classification yield~$\gamma$ as in~\axmref{class-yield}.
This interpretation is equivalent to \axmref{class-pred} by
c \equiv \Exists{j\in J}{
\Exists{k\in K_j}{\Gamma^2_{j_k}}
\bullet \Gamma^1_j
\bullet \Gamma^0.
\def\eejJ{\equiv \exists{j\in J}\Big(}
Expanding each~$\Gamma$ in \axmref{class-yield},
we have
c &\eejJ\Exists{k\in K_j}{\Gamma^2_{j_k}}
\bullet \Gamma^1_j
\bullet \Gamma^0
&&\text{by \axmref{class-yield}} \\
&\eejJ\exists{k\in K_j}\Big(
\cpredmatseq \bullet \cpredvecseq \bullet \cpredscalarseq
\Big) \\
&\hphantom{\eejJ}\;\cpredvecseq \bullet \cpredscalarseq \Big)
\bullet \cpredscalarseq, \\
&\eejJ\exists{k\in K_j}\Big(\cpredmatseq\Big)
\bullet \cpredvecseq \bullet \cpredscalarseq \\
&\hphantom{\eejJ}\;\cpredvecseq \bullet \cpredscalarseq \Big)
\bullet \cpredscalarseq,
&&\text{by \dfnref{quant-conn}} \\
&\eejJ\exists{k\in K_j}\Big(\cpredmatseq\Big)
&&\text{by \dfnref{prop-taut}} \\
&\hphantom{\eejJ}\;\cpredvecseq \bullet \cpredscalarseq \Big)
\bullet \cpredscalarseq, \\
&\eejJ\exists{k\in K_j}\Big(\cpredmatseq\Big)
&&\text{by \dfnref{quant-conn}} \\
&\hphantom{\eejJ}\;\cpredvecseq\Big) \bullet \cpredscalarseq
\bullet \cpredscalarseq, \\
&\eejJ\exists{k\in K_j}\Big(\cpredmatseq\Big)
&&\text{by \dfnref{prop-taut}} \\
\bullet \cpredscalarseq.
\tag*{\qedhere} \\
\begin{lemma}[Classification Predicate Vacuity]\lemlabel{class-pred-vacu}
\todo{Ex: \texttt{always} and \texttt{never} classifications from \texttt{base}.}
Let $\Classify^c_\gamma\left(\Monoid\Bool\bullet e,\emptyset,\emptyset,\emptyset\right)$
be a classification by~\axmref{class-intro}.
$\odot$ is a monoid by \corref{odot-monoid}.
Then $c \equiv \gamma \equiv e$.
First consider $c$.
c &\equiv \Exists{j\in J}{\Exists{k}{e}\bullet e} \bullet e
\qquad&&\text{by \dfnref{monoid-seq}} \label{p:cri-c} \\
&\equiv \Exists{j\in J}{e \bullet e} \bullet e
&&\text{by \dfnref{quant-elim}} \\
&\equiv \Exists{j\in J}{e} \bullet e
&&\text{by \ref{eq:monoid-identity}} \\
&\equiv e \bullet e
&&\text{by \dfnref{quant-elim}} \\
&\equiv e.
&&\text{by \ref{eq:monoid-identity}}
For $\gamma$,
we have $r=0$ by \axmref{class-yield},
and so by similar steps as~$c$,
Therefore $c\equiv e$.
\begin{theorem}[Classification Rank Independence]\thmlabel{class-rank-indep}
Let $\odot=\Monoid\Bool\bullet e$.
\equiv \Classify\left(
by \axmref{class-yield},
observe these special cases following from \lemref{class-pred-vacu}:
\Gamma'''^2 &= \cpredmatseq, \qquad&&\text{assuming $v\union s=\emptyset$} \\
\Gamma''^1 &= \cpredvecseq, &&\text{assuming $M\union s=\emptyset$}\\
\Gamma'^0 &= \cpredscalarseq. &&\text{assuming $M\union v=\emptyset$}
By \thmref{class-compose},
we must prove
\Exists{j\in J}{
\Exists{k\in K_j}{\cpredmatseq}
\bullet \cpredvecseq
\bullet \cpredscalarseq \nonumber\\
\equiv c \equiv
\Exists{j\in J}{
\Exists{k\in K_j}{\gamma'''_{j_k}}
\bullet \gamma''_j
\bullet \gamma'. \label{eq:rank-indep-goal}
By \axmref{class-yield},
we have $r'''=2$, $r''=1$, and $r'=0$,
and so $\gamma'''=\Gamma'''^2$,
and $\gamma'=\Gamma'^0$.
By substituting these values in~\ref{eq:rank-indep-goal},
the theorem is proved.
\begin{corollary}[Classification As Proposition]
Classifications with $M\union v=\emptyset$ or with constant index sets can
@ -127,25 +299,15 @@ Note the wildcard variable matching \xmlattr{desc}---%
(that is---without first-order logic).
These facts follow clearly from \dfnref{class-pred}.
Since the length of vectors and matrices are unknown until runtime,
first-order logic is required to quantify over their index sets.
If, however, we restrict ourselves to scalar inputs,
we have
Assume $M\union v=\emptyset$.
By \thmref{class-rank-indep},
c &\equiv \Exists{j\in J}{\Exists{k}{e}\bullet e}
\bullet\cpredscalar \\
&\equiv \Exists{j\in J}{e \bullet e}
\bullet\cpredscalar \\
&\equiv \Exists{j\in J}{e}
\bullet\cpredscalar \\
&\equiv e \bullet\cpredscalar \\
&\equiv \cpredscalar,
c &\equiv \cpredscalarseq,
which is a propositional formula.
which is a propositional formula.
if we define our index set~$J$ to be constant
@ -153,26 +315,33 @@ Note the wildcard variable matching \xmlattr{desc}---%
we could set an upper bound for~$J$,
always expand into that upper bound,
and then let undefined values of $v^m_j$ be~$\false$.},
and then let undefined values of $v^m_j$ be~$e$.},
we are then able to eliminate existential quantification over~$J$
as follows:
Let $j=|J|-1$.
% Better to have this on another page than to have the sentence that
% follows be a widow.
c \equiv (v^0_0 \lor\cdots\lor v^0_j)
(v^m_0 \lor\cdots\lor v^0_j),
c &\equiv \Exists{j\in J}{\cpredvecseq}, \nonumber\\
&\equiv \left(v^0_0\bullet\cdots\bullet v^m_0\right)
\left(v^0_{|J|-1}\bullet\cdots\bullet v^m_{|J|-1}\right),
which is a propositional formula.
We can extend the same concept to the index set of the inner vector of
each matrix and proceed inductively on~\eqref{eq:class-vexpand} above
with the inner vector's index set in place of~$J$.
for matrices,
c &\equiv \Exists{j\in J}{\Exists{k\in K_j}{\cpredmatseq}}, \nonumber\\
&\equiv \Exists{j\in J}{
and then proceed as in~\ref{eq:prop-vec}.
\INCOMPLETE{The classification definitions are incomplete!}

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@ -103,6 +103,10 @@ Consequently,
$p\implies q \infer (\neg p \lor q)$.
$p\equiv (p\land p)$ and $p\equiv (p\lor p)$.
\indexsym{\true}{boolean, true}
\indexsym{\false}{boolean, false}
\index{boolean!FALSE@\tamefalse{} (\false)}%
@ -111,6 +115,12 @@ Consequently,
$\infer\true$ and $\infer\neg\false$.
\index{integer (\Int)}%
\begin{definition}[Boolean/Integer Equivalency]\dfnlabel{bool-int}
$\Set{0,1}\in\Int, \false \equiv 0$ and $\true \equiv 1$.
\subsection{First-Order Logic and Set Theory}
@ -133,9 +143,10 @@ We assume that the axioms of ZFC~set theory hold,
$x \in S \equiv \Set{x} \intersect S \not= \emptyset.$
\index{domain of discourse}
$\forall$ denotes first-order universal quantification (``for all''),
and $\exists$ first-order existential quantification (``there exists''),
over some domain.
over some domain of discourse.
\indexsym\exists{quantification, existential}
\index{quantification!existential (\ensuremath\exists)}
@ -156,6 +167,10 @@ $\forall$ denotes first-order universal quantification (``for all''),
and by \dfnref{forall}, $\Forall{x\in\emptyset}P \equiv \true$.
And so we also have the tautologies $\infer \neg\Exists{x\in\emptyset}P$
and $\infer \Forall{x\in\emptyset}P$.
Empty domains lead to undesirable consequences---%
in particular,
we must carefully guard against them in \dfnref{quant-conn} and
\dfnref{quant-elim} to maintain soundness.
We also have this shorthand notation:
@ -169,17 +184,21 @@ We also have this shorthand notation:
\Exists{x\in S}{\Exists{y\in S}{\Exists{z\in S}P}}.
\index{integer (\Int)}%
\begin{definition}[Boolean/Integer Equivalency]\dfnlabel{bool-int}
$\Set{0,1}\in\Int, \false \equiv 0$ and $\true \equiv 1$.
\begin{definition}[Quantifiers Over Connectives]\dfnlabel{quant-conn}
Assuming that $x$ is not free in $\varphi$,
\varphi\land\Exists{x\in X}{P(x)}
&\equiv \Exists{x\in X}{\varphi\land P(x)}, \\
\varphi\lor\Exists{x\in X}{P(x)}
&\equiv \Exists{x\in X}{\varphi\lor P(x)}
\qquad&&\text{assuming $X\neq\emptyset$}.
\tamefalse{} and~\tametrue{} are constants in \tame{} mapping to the
integer values $\{0,1\}\in\Int$.
\dfnref{bool-int} relates these constants to their
boolean counterparts so that they may be used in numeric contexts
and vice-versa.
\begin{definition}[Quantifier Elimination]\dfnlabel{quant-elim}
$\Exists{x\in X}{\varphi} \equiv \varphi$ assuming $X\neq\emptyset$
and $x$ is not free in~$\varphi$.
@ -331,11 +350,11 @@ Given that, we have $f\bicomp{[]} = f\bicomp{[A]}$ for functions returning
\bullet &: S\times S \rightarrow S
\tag{Binary Closure} \\
\tag{Monoid Binary Closure} \\
\Forall{a,b,c\in S&}{a\bullet(b\bullet c) = (a\bullet b)\bullet c)},
\tag{Associativity} \\
\tag{Monoid Associativity} \\
\Exists{e\in S&}{\Forall{a\in S}{e\bullet a = a\bullet e = a}}.
\tag{Monoid Identity}\label{eq:monoid-identity}
@ -356,6 +375,7 @@ When the sequence has one or zero elements,
\begin{definition}[Monoidic Sequence]\dfnlabel{monoid-seq}
given some monoid $\Monoid S\bullet e$ and a sequence $\Fam{x}jJ\in S$
where $n<|J|$,
@ -371,6 +391,7 @@ When $|J|=1$, then $n=0$ and we have the sequence $x_0$.
When $|J|=0$, then $n=-1$,
and no such sequence exists,
in which case we expand into the identity element~$e$.
For example,
given the monoid~$\Monoid\Int+0$,
@ -385,7 +406,7 @@ If $x=\Set{}$,
we have $0$.
$\Monoid\Bool\land\true$ is a monoid.
@ -396,7 +417,7 @@ If $x=\Set{}$,
$\Monoid\Bool\lor\false$ is a monoid.

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@ -81,6 +81,9 @@
\newcommand\VFam[3]{\ensuremath{\Vector{#1_{#2}}_{#2\in #3}}}
\Vector{{#1_{#2}}_#4}_{\underset{#4\in {#5_#2}}{#2\in #3}}
@ -117,10 +120,12 @@