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// Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Ryan Specialty, LLC.
// This file is part of TAME.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Intermediate representation (IR) of an XML document.
//! XIR serves not only as a TAMER-specific IR,
//! but also as an abstraction layer atop of whatever XML library is
//! used (e.g. `quick_xml`).
//! XIR is _not_ intended to be comprehensive,
//! or even general-purpose---it
//! exists to solve concerns specific to TAMER's construction.
//! To parse an entire XML document,
//! see [`reader`].
tamer: xir: Introduce {Ele,Open,Close}Span This isn't conceptally all that significant of a change, but there was a lot of modify to get it working. I would generally separate this into a commit for the implementation and another commit for the integration, but I decided to keep things together. This serves a role similar to AttrSpan---this allows deriving a span representing the element name from a span representing the entire XIR token. This will provide more useful context for errors---including the tag delimiter(s) means that we care about the fact that an element is in that position (as opposed to some other type of node) within the context of an error. However, if we are expecting an element but take issue with the element name itself, we want to place emphasis on that instead. This also starts to consider the issue of span contexts---a blob of detached data that is `Span` is useful for error context, but it's not useful for manipulation or deriving additional information. For that, we need to encode additional context, and this is an attempt at that. I am interested in the concept of providing Spans that are guaranteed to actually make sense---that are instantiated and manipulated with APIs that ensure consistency. But such a thing buys us very little, practically speaking, over what I have now for TAMER, and so I don't expect to actually implement that for this project; I'll leave that for a personal project. TAMER's already take a lot of my personal interests and it can cause me a lot of grief sometimes (with regards to letting my aspirations cause me more work). DEV-7145
2022-06-24 13:51:49 -04:00
//! _Note:_ XIR refers to "opening" and "closing" tags,
//! as opposed to "start" and "end" as used in the XML specification.
//! TAMER uses a uniform terminology for all delimited data.
use crate::fmt::DisplayWrapper;
tamer: xir: Introduce {Ele,Open,Close}Span This isn't conceptally all that significant of a change, but there was a lot of modify to get it working. I would generally separate this into a commit for the implementation and another commit for the integration, but I decided to keep things together. This serves a role similar to AttrSpan---this allows deriving a span representing the element name from a span representing the entire XIR token. This will provide more useful context for errors---including the tag delimiter(s) means that we care about the fact that an element is in that position (as opposed to some other type of node) within the context of an error. However, if we are expecting an element but take issue with the element name itself, we want to place emphasis on that instead. This also starts to consider the issue of span contexts---a blob of detached data that is `Span` is useful for error context, but it's not useful for manipulation or deriving additional information. For that, we need to encode additional context, and this is an attempt at that. I am interested in the concept of providing Spans that are guaranteed to actually make sense---that are instantiated and manipulated with APIs that ensure consistency. But such a thing buys us very little, practically speaking, over what I have now for TAMER, and so I don't expect to actually implement that for this project; I'll leave that for a personal project. TAMER's already take a lot of my personal interests and it can cause me a lot of grief sometimes (with regards to letting my aspirations cause me more work). DEV-7145
2022-06-24 13:51:49 -04:00
use crate::span::{Span, SpanLenSize};
use crate::sym::{
st_as_sym, GlobalSymbolIntern, GlobalSymbolInternBytes, SymbolId,
use memchr::memchr;
use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::ops::Deref;
mod error;
pub use error::Error;
mod escape;
pub use escape::{DefaultEscaper, Escaper};
tamer: xir::XirString: WIP implementation (likely going away) I'm not fond of this implementation, which is why it's not fully completed. I wanted to commit this for future reference, and take the opportunity to explain why I don't like it. First: this task started as an idea to implement a third variant to AttrValue and friends that indicates that a value is fixed, in the sense of a fixed-point function: escaped or unescaped, its value is the same. This would allow us to skip wasteful escape/unescape operations. In doing so, it became obvious that there's no need to leak this information through the API, and indeed, no part of the system should care. When we read XML, it should be unescaped, and when we write, it should be escaped. The reason that this didn't quite happen to begin with was an optimization: I'll be creating an echo writer in place of the current filesystem-based copy in tamec shortly, and this would allow streaming XIR directly from the reader to the writer without any unescaping or re-escaping. When we unescape, we know the value that it came from, so we could simply store both symbols---they're 32-bit, so it results in a nicely compressed 64-bit value, so it's essentially cost-free, as long as we accept the expense of internment. This is `XirString`. Then, when we want to escape or unescape, we first check to see whether a symbol already exists and, if so, use it. While this works well for echoing streams, it won't work all that well in practice: the unescaped SymbolId will be taken and the XirString discarded, since nothing after XIR should be coupled with it. Then, when we later construct a XIR stream for writting, XirString will no longer be available and our previously known escape is lost, so the writer will have to re-escape. Further, if we look at XirString's generic for the XirStringEscaper---it uses phantom, which hints that maybe it's not in the best place. Indeed, I've already acknowledged that only a reader unescapes and only a writer escapes, and that the rest of the system works with normal (unescaped) values, so only readers and writers should be part of this process. I also already acknowledged that XirString would be lost and only the unescaped SymbolId would be used. So what's the point of XirString, then, if it won't be a useful optimization beyond the temporary echo writer? Instead, we can take the XirStringWriter and implement two caches on that: mapping SymbolId from escaped->unescaped and vice-versa. These can be simple vectors, since SymbolId is a 32-bit value we will not have much wasted space for symbols that never get read or written. We could even optimize for preinterned symbols using markers, though I'll probably not do so, and I'll explain why later. If we do _that_, we get even _better_ optimizations through caching that _will_ apply in the general case (so, not just for echo), and we're able to ditch XirString entirely and simply use a SymbolId. This makes for a much more friendly API that isn't leaking implementation details, though it _does_ put an onus on the caller to pass the encoder to both the reader and the writer, _if_ it wants to take advantage of a cache. But that burden is not significant (and is, again, optional if we don't want it). So, that'll be the next step.
2021-11-10 09:42:18 -05:00
use error::SpanlessError;
use st::qname::QNameCompatibleStaticSymbolId;
tamer: xir::reader: Initial introduction of spans This is a large change, and was a bit of a tedious one, given the comprehensive tests. This introduces proper offsets and lengths for spans, with the exception of some quick-xml errors that still need proper mapping. Further, this still uses `UNKNOWN_CONTEXT`, which will be resolved shortly. This also introduces `SpanlessError`, which `Error` explicitly _does not_ implement `From<SpanlessError>` for---this forces the caller to provide a span before the error is compatable with the return value, ensuring that spans will actually be available rather than forgotten for errors. This is important, given that errors are generally less tested than the happy path, and errors are when users need us the most (so, need span information). Further, I had to use pointer arithmetic in order to calculate many of the spans, because quick-xml does not provide enough information. There's no safety considerations here, and the comprehensive unit test will ensure correct behavior if the implementation changes in the future. I would like to introduce typed spans at some point---I made some opinionated choices when it comes to what the spans ought to represent. Specifically, whether to include the `<` or `>` with the open span (depends), whether to include quotes with attribute values (no), and some other details highlighted in the test cases. If we provide typed spans, then we could, knowing the type of span, calculate other spans on request, e.g. to include or omit quotes for attributes. Different such spans may be useful in different situations when presenting information to the user. This also highlights gaps in the tokens emitted by XIR, such as whitespace between attributes, the `=` between name and value, and so on. These are important when it comes to code formatting, so that we can reliably reconstruct the XML tree, but it's not important right now. I anticipate future changes would allow the XIR reader to be configured (perhaps via generics, like a strategy-type pattern) to optionally omit these tokens if desired. Anyway, more to come. DEV-10934
2022-04-08 11:03:46 -04:00
use self::fmt::{CloseXmlEle, OpenXmlEle, XmlAttr, XmlAttrValueQuote};
pub mod attr;
pub mod autoclose;
pub mod flat;
pub mod fmt;
pub mod iter;
pub mod pred;
pub mod reader;
pub mod st;
pub mod tree;
pub mod writer;
tamer: xir::parse: Attribute parser generator This is the first parser generator for the parsing framework. I've been waiting quite a while to do this because I wanted to be sure that I understood how I intended to write the attribute parsers manually. Now that I'm about to start parsing source XML files, it is necessary to have a parser generator. Typically one thinks of a parser generator as a separate program that generates code for some language, but that is not always the case---that represents a lack of expressiveness in the language itself (e.g. C). Here, I simply use Rust's macro system, which should be a concept familiar to someone coming from a language like Lisp. This also resolves where I stand on parser combinators with respect to this abstraction: they both accomplish the exact same thing (composition of smaller parsers), but this abstraction doesn't do so in the typical functional way. But the end result is the same. The parser generated by this abstraction will be optimized an inlined in the same manner as the hand-written parsers. Since they'll be tightly coupled with an element parser (which too will have a parser generator), I expect that most attribute parsers will simply be inlined; they exist as separate parsers conceptually, for the same reason that you'd use parser combinators. It's worth mentioning that this awkward reliance on dead state for a lookahead token to determine when aggregation is complete rubs me the wrong way, but resolving it would involve reintroducing the XIR AttrEnd that I had previously removed. I'll keep fighting with myself on this, but I want to get a bit further before I determine if it's worth the tradeoff of reintroducing (more complex IR but simplified parsing). DEV-7145
2022-06-13 11:17:21 -04:00
pub mod parse;
/// An infallible [`Token`] stream.
/// If the token stream originates from an operation that could potentially
/// fail and ought to be propagated,
/// use [`TokenResultStream`].
/// The name "stream" in place of "iterator" is intended to convey that this
/// type is expected to be processed in real-time as a stream,
/// not read into memory.
pub trait TokenStream = Iterator<Item = Token>;
/// A [`Token`] stream that may encounter errors during parsing.
/// If the stream cannot fail,
/// consider using [`TokenStream`].
pub trait TokenResultStream = Iterator<Item = Result<Token, Error>>;
/// XML Name minus `":"`.
/// The intent is to check a string for validity _before_ interning;
/// otherwise,
/// the string would have to be first retrieved from the intern pool
/// for comparison,
/// which is not an operation we want to do implicitly.
/// Those methods will be created as they are needed.
/// See <https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-NCName>.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct NCName(SymbolId);
impl NCName {
/// Create a new NCName from a symbol without validating that the symbol
/// is a valid NCName.
/// Safety
/// ======
/// This is not unsafe in the traditional sense;
/// it's unsafe in a sense similar to non-UTF-8 `str` slices,
/// in that it is expected that an `NCName` means that you do not
/// have to worry about whether it's syntatically valid as XML.
pub unsafe fn new_unchecked(value: SymbolId) -> Self {
impl TryFrom<&[u8]> for NCName {
tamer: xir::reader: Initial introduction of spans This is a large change, and was a bit of a tedious one, given the comprehensive tests. This introduces proper offsets and lengths for spans, with the exception of some quick-xml errors that still need proper mapping. Further, this still uses `UNKNOWN_CONTEXT`, which will be resolved shortly. This also introduces `SpanlessError`, which `Error` explicitly _does not_ implement `From<SpanlessError>` for---this forces the caller to provide a span before the error is compatable with the return value, ensuring that spans will actually be available rather than forgotten for errors. This is important, given that errors are generally less tested than the happy path, and errors are when users need us the most (so, need span information). Further, I had to use pointer arithmetic in order to calculate many of the spans, because quick-xml does not provide enough information. There's no safety considerations here, and the comprehensive unit test will ensure correct behavior if the implementation changes in the future. I would like to introduce typed spans at some point---I made some opinionated choices when it comes to what the spans ought to represent. Specifically, whether to include the `<` or `>` with the open span (depends), whether to include quotes with attribute values (no), and some other details highlighted in the test cases. If we provide typed spans, then we could, knowing the type of span, calculate other spans on request, e.g. to include or omit quotes for attributes. Different such spans may be useful in different situations when presenting information to the user. This also highlights gaps in the tokens emitted by XIR, such as whitespace between attributes, the `=` between name and value, and so on. These are important when it comes to code formatting, so that we can reliably reconstruct the XML tree, but it's not important right now. I anticipate future changes would allow the XIR reader to be configured (perhaps via generics, like a strategy-type pattern) to optionally omit these tokens if desired. Anyway, more to come. DEV-10934
2022-04-08 11:03:46 -04:00
type Error = SpanlessError;
/// Attempt to parse a byte slice into an [`NCName`].
/// If the slice contains `b':'`,
/// an error will be produced.
/// No other checks are performed beyond checking that the byte sequence
/// represents a valid UTF-8 string.
/// The string will be interned for you.
fn try_from(value: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match value.contains(&b':') {
tamer: xir::reader: Initial introduction of spans This is a large change, and was a bit of a tedious one, given the comprehensive tests. This introduces proper offsets and lengths for spans, with the exception of some quick-xml errors that still need proper mapping. Further, this still uses `UNKNOWN_CONTEXT`, which will be resolved shortly. This also introduces `SpanlessError`, which `Error` explicitly _does not_ implement `From<SpanlessError>` for---this forces the caller to provide a span before the error is compatable with the return value, ensuring that spans will actually be available rather than forgotten for errors. This is important, given that errors are generally less tested than the happy path, and errors are when users need us the most (so, need span information). Further, I had to use pointer arithmetic in order to calculate many of the spans, because quick-xml does not provide enough information. There's no safety considerations here, and the comprehensive unit test will ensure correct behavior if the implementation changes in the future. I would like to introduce typed spans at some point---I made some opinionated choices when it comes to what the spans ought to represent. Specifically, whether to include the `<` or `>` with the open span (depends), whether to include quotes with attribute values (no), and some other details highlighted in the test cases. If we provide typed spans, then we could, knowing the type of span, calculate other spans on request, e.g. to include or omit quotes for attributes. Different such spans may be useful in different situations when presenting information to the user. This also highlights gaps in the tokens emitted by XIR, such as whitespace between attributes, the `=` between name and value, and so on. These are important when it comes to code formatting, so that we can reliably reconstruct the XML tree, but it's not important right now. I anticipate future changes would allow the XIR reader to be configured (perhaps via generics, like a strategy-type pattern) to optionally omit these tokens if desired. Anyway, more to come. DEV-10934
2022-04-08 11:03:46 -04:00
true => Err(SpanlessError::NCColon(value.intern_utf8()?)),
false => Ok(NCName(value.intern_utf8()?)),
impl Deref for NCName {
type Target = SymbolId;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl PartialEq<SymbolId> for NCName {
fn eq(&self, other: &SymbolId) -> bool {
self.0 == *other
impl TryFrom<&str> for NCName {
tamer: xir::reader: Initial introduction of spans This is a large change, and was a bit of a tedious one, given the comprehensive tests. This introduces proper offsets and lengths for spans, with the exception of some quick-xml errors that still need proper mapping. Further, this still uses `UNKNOWN_CONTEXT`, which will be resolved shortly. This also introduces `SpanlessError`, which `Error` explicitly _does not_ implement `From<SpanlessError>` for---this forces the caller to provide a span before the error is compatable with the return value, ensuring that spans will actually be available rather than forgotten for errors. This is important, given that errors are generally less tested than the happy path, and errors are when users need us the most (so, need span information). Further, I had to use pointer arithmetic in order to calculate many of the spans, because quick-xml does not provide enough information. There's no safety considerations here, and the comprehensive unit test will ensure correct behavior if the implementation changes in the future. I would like to introduce typed spans at some point---I made some opinionated choices when it comes to what the spans ought to represent. Specifically, whether to include the `<` or `>` with the open span (depends), whether to include quotes with attribute values (no), and some other details highlighted in the test cases. If we provide typed spans, then we could, knowing the type of span, calculate other spans on request, e.g. to include or omit quotes for attributes. Different such spans may be useful in different situations when presenting information to the user. This also highlights gaps in the tokens emitted by XIR, such as whitespace between attributes, the `=` between name and value, and so on. These are important when it comes to code formatting, so that we can reliably reconstruct the XML tree, but it's not important right now. I anticipate future changes would allow the XIR reader to be configured (perhaps via generics, like a strategy-type pattern) to optionally omit these tokens if desired. Anyway, more to come. DEV-10934
2022-04-08 11:03:46 -04:00
type Error = SpanlessError;
fn try_from(value: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
if value.contains(':') {
tamer: xir::reader: Initial introduction of spans This is a large change, and was a bit of a tedious one, given the comprehensive tests. This introduces proper offsets and lengths for spans, with the exception of some quick-xml errors that still need proper mapping. Further, this still uses `UNKNOWN_CONTEXT`, which will be resolved shortly. This also introduces `SpanlessError`, which `Error` explicitly _does not_ implement `From<SpanlessError>` for---this forces the caller to provide a span before the error is compatable with the return value, ensuring that spans will actually be available rather than forgotten for errors. This is important, given that errors are generally less tested than the happy path, and errors are when users need us the most (so, need span information). Further, I had to use pointer arithmetic in order to calculate many of the spans, because quick-xml does not provide enough information. There's no safety considerations here, and the comprehensive unit test will ensure correct behavior if the implementation changes in the future. I would like to introduce typed spans at some point---I made some opinionated choices when it comes to what the spans ought to represent. Specifically, whether to include the `<` or `>` with the open span (depends), whether to include quotes with attribute values (no), and some other details highlighted in the test cases. If we provide typed spans, then we could, knowing the type of span, calculate other spans on request, e.g. to include or omit quotes for attributes. Different such spans may be useful in different situations when presenting information to the user. This also highlights gaps in the tokens emitted by XIR, such as whitespace between attributes, the `=` between name and value, and so on. These are important when it comes to code formatting, so that we can reliably reconstruct the XML tree, but it's not important right now. I anticipate future changes would allow the XIR reader to be configured (perhaps via generics, like a strategy-type pattern) to optionally omit these tokens if desired. Anyway, more to come. DEV-10934
2022-04-08 11:03:46 -04:00
return Err(SpanlessError::NCColon(value.into()));
/// Namespace prefix of a [`QName`].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Prefix(NCName);
impl Prefix {
/// Construct a constant [`Prefix`] from a static C-style symbol.
pub const fn st_cid<T: QNameCompatibleStaticSymbolId>(
prefix_sym: &T,
) -> Self {
/// Local name portion of a [`QName`].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct LocalPart(NCName);
impl Deref for Prefix {
type Target = SymbolId;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl Deref for LocalPart {
type Target = SymbolId;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl From<NCName> for Prefix {
fn from(name: NCName) -> Self {
impl From<NCName> for LocalPart {
fn from(name: NCName) -> Self {
impl TryFrom<&str> for Prefix {
tamer: xir::reader: Initial introduction of spans This is a large change, and was a bit of a tedious one, given the comprehensive tests. This introduces proper offsets and lengths for spans, with the exception of some quick-xml errors that still need proper mapping. Further, this still uses `UNKNOWN_CONTEXT`, which will be resolved shortly. This also introduces `SpanlessError`, which `Error` explicitly _does not_ implement `From<SpanlessError>` for---this forces the caller to provide a span before the error is compatable with the return value, ensuring that spans will actually be available rather than forgotten for errors. This is important, given that errors are generally less tested than the happy path, and errors are when users need us the most (so, need span information). Further, I had to use pointer arithmetic in order to calculate many of the spans, because quick-xml does not provide enough information. There's no safety considerations here, and the comprehensive unit test will ensure correct behavior if the implementation changes in the future. I would like to introduce typed spans at some point---I made some opinionated choices when it comes to what the spans ought to represent. Specifically, whether to include the `<` or `>` with the open span (depends), whether to include quotes with attribute values (no), and some other details highlighted in the test cases. If we provide typed spans, then we could, knowing the type of span, calculate other spans on request, e.g. to include or omit quotes for attributes. Different such spans may be useful in different situations when presenting information to the user. This also highlights gaps in the tokens emitted by XIR, such as whitespace between attributes, the `=` between name and value, and so on. These are important when it comes to code formatting, so that we can reliably reconstruct the XML tree, but it's not important right now. I anticipate future changes would allow the XIR reader to be configured (perhaps via generics, like a strategy-type pattern) to optionally omit these tokens if desired. Anyway, more to come. DEV-10934
2022-04-08 11:03:46 -04:00
type Error = SpanlessError;
fn try_from(value: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl TryFrom<&str> for LocalPart {
tamer: xir::reader: Initial introduction of spans This is a large change, and was a bit of a tedious one, given the comprehensive tests. This introduces proper offsets and lengths for spans, with the exception of some quick-xml errors that still need proper mapping. Further, this still uses `UNKNOWN_CONTEXT`, which will be resolved shortly. This also introduces `SpanlessError`, which `Error` explicitly _does not_ implement `From<SpanlessError>` for---this forces the caller to provide a span before the error is compatable with the return value, ensuring that spans will actually be available rather than forgotten for errors. This is important, given that errors are generally less tested than the happy path, and errors are when users need us the most (so, need span information). Further, I had to use pointer arithmetic in order to calculate many of the spans, because quick-xml does not provide enough information. There's no safety considerations here, and the comprehensive unit test will ensure correct behavior if the implementation changes in the future. I would like to introduce typed spans at some point---I made some opinionated choices when it comes to what the spans ought to represent. Specifically, whether to include the `<` or `>` with the open span (depends), whether to include quotes with attribute values (no), and some other details highlighted in the test cases. If we provide typed spans, then we could, knowing the type of span, calculate other spans on request, e.g. to include or omit quotes for attributes. Different such spans may be useful in different situations when presenting information to the user. This also highlights gaps in the tokens emitted by XIR, such as whitespace between attributes, the `=` between name and value, and so on. These are important when it comes to code formatting, so that we can reliably reconstruct the XML tree, but it's not important right now. I anticipate future changes would allow the XIR reader to be configured (perhaps via generics, like a strategy-type pattern) to optionally omit these tokens if desired. Anyway, more to come. DEV-10934
2022-04-08 11:03:46 -04:00
type Error = SpanlessError;
fn try_from(value: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl Display for Prefix {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
impl Display for LocalPart {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
/// A qualified name (namespace prefix and local name).
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct QName(Option<Prefix>, LocalPart);
// Since we implement Copy, ensure size matches our expectations:
const_assert!(std::mem::size_of::<QName>() <= std::mem::size_of::<usize>());
impl QName {
/// Create a new fully-qualified name (including both a namespace URI
/// and local name).
pub fn new(prefix: Option<Prefix>, local_name: LocalPart) -> Self {
Self(prefix, local_name)
/// Create a new name from a local name only.
/// This should only be used for attributes in TAMER,
/// since all elements should have an associated namespace.
/// _(If this is ever not true (e.g. due to new targets),
/// please update this comment.)_
pub fn new_local(local_name: LocalPart) -> Self {
Self(None, local_name)
/// Fully qualified namespace associated with a name.
pub fn prefix(&self) -> Option<Prefix> {
/// Local part of a name (name without namespace).
pub fn local_name(&self) -> LocalPart {
/// Construct a constant QName from static C-style symbols.
pub const fn st_cid<T, U>(prefix_sym: &T, local_sym: &U) -> Self
T: QNameCompatibleStaticSymbolId,
U: QNameCompatibleStaticSymbolId,
/// Construct a constant QName with a local name only from a static
/// C-style symbol.
pub const fn st_cid_local<T: QNameCompatibleStaticSymbolId>(
local_sym: &T,
) -> Self {
Self(None, LocalPart(NCName(st_as_sym(local_sym))))
impl<P, L> TryFrom<(P, L)> for QName
P: TryInto<Prefix>,
L: TryInto<LocalPart, Error = P::Error>,
type Error = P::Error;
fn try_from(value: (P, L)) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
Ok(Self(Some(value.0.try_into()?), value.1.try_into()?))
impl<P, L> TryFrom<(Option<P>, L)> for QName
P: TryInto<Prefix>,
L: TryInto<LocalPart, Error = P::Error>,
type Error = P::Error;
fn try_from(value: (Option<P>, L)) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let ns = match value.0 {
None => None,
Some(ns) => Some(ns.try_into()?),
Ok(Self(ns, value.1.try_into()?))
impl TryFrom<&str> for QName {
tamer: xir::reader: Initial introduction of spans This is a large change, and was a bit of a tedious one, given the comprehensive tests. This introduces proper offsets and lengths for spans, with the exception of some quick-xml errors that still need proper mapping. Further, this still uses `UNKNOWN_CONTEXT`, which will be resolved shortly. This also introduces `SpanlessError`, which `Error` explicitly _does not_ implement `From<SpanlessError>` for---this forces the caller to provide a span before the error is compatable with the return value, ensuring that spans will actually be available rather than forgotten for errors. This is important, given that errors are generally less tested than the happy path, and errors are when users need us the most (so, need span information). Further, I had to use pointer arithmetic in order to calculate many of the spans, because quick-xml does not provide enough information. There's no safety considerations here, and the comprehensive unit test will ensure correct behavior if the implementation changes in the future. I would like to introduce typed spans at some point---I made some opinionated choices when it comes to what the spans ought to represent. Specifically, whether to include the `<` or `>` with the open span (depends), whether to include quotes with attribute values (no), and some other details highlighted in the test cases. If we provide typed spans, then we could, knowing the type of span, calculate other spans on request, e.g. to include or omit quotes for attributes. Different such spans may be useful in different situations when presenting information to the user. This also highlights gaps in the tokens emitted by XIR, such as whitespace between attributes, the `=` between name and value, and so on. These are important when it comes to code formatting, so that we can reliably reconstruct the XML tree, but it's not important right now. I anticipate future changes would allow the XIR reader to be configured (perhaps via generics, like a strategy-type pattern) to optionally omit these tokens if desired. Anyway, more to come. DEV-10934
2022-04-08 11:03:46 -04:00
type Error = SpanlessError;
fn try_from(value: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
Ok(QName(None, value.try_into()?))
impl TryFrom<&[u8]> for QName {
tamer: xir::reader: Initial introduction of spans This is a large change, and was a bit of a tedious one, given the comprehensive tests. This introduces proper offsets and lengths for spans, with the exception of some quick-xml errors that still need proper mapping. Further, this still uses `UNKNOWN_CONTEXT`, which will be resolved shortly. This also introduces `SpanlessError`, which `Error` explicitly _does not_ implement `From<SpanlessError>` for---this forces the caller to provide a span before the error is compatable with the return value, ensuring that spans will actually be available rather than forgotten for errors. This is important, given that errors are generally less tested than the happy path, and errors are when users need us the most (so, need span information). Further, I had to use pointer arithmetic in order to calculate many of the spans, because quick-xml does not provide enough information. There's no safety considerations here, and the comprehensive unit test will ensure correct behavior if the implementation changes in the future. I would like to introduce typed spans at some point---I made some opinionated choices when it comes to what the spans ought to represent. Specifically, whether to include the `<` or `>` with the open span (depends), whether to include quotes with attribute values (no), and some other details highlighted in the test cases. If we provide typed spans, then we could, knowing the type of span, calculate other spans on request, e.g. to include or omit quotes for attributes. Different such spans may be useful in different situations when presenting information to the user. This also highlights gaps in the tokens emitted by XIR, such as whitespace between attributes, the `=` between name and value, and so on. These are important when it comes to code formatting, so that we can reliably reconstruct the XML tree, but it's not important right now. I anticipate future changes would allow the XIR reader to be configured (perhaps via generics, like a strategy-type pattern) to optionally omit these tokens if desired. Anyway, more to come. DEV-10934
2022-04-08 11:03:46 -04:00
type Error = SpanlessError;
/// Attempt to parse a byte slice into a [`QName`].
/// The byte slice must represent a valid QName in UTF-8.
/// If a colon is present,
/// it delimits the namespace [`Prefix`] and [`LocalPart`],
/// and therefore must not be in the first or last byte position.
fn try_from(name: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match memchr(b':', name) {
// Leading colon means we're missing a prefix, trailing means
// that we have no local part.
Some(pos) if pos == 0 || pos == name.len() - 1 => {
tamer: xir::reader: Initial introduction of spans This is a large change, and was a bit of a tedious one, given the comprehensive tests. This introduces proper offsets and lengths for spans, with the exception of some quick-xml errors that still need proper mapping. Further, this still uses `UNKNOWN_CONTEXT`, which will be resolved shortly. This also introduces `SpanlessError`, which `Error` explicitly _does not_ implement `From<SpanlessError>` for---this forces the caller to provide a span before the error is compatable with the return value, ensuring that spans will actually be available rather than forgotten for errors. This is important, given that errors are generally less tested than the happy path, and errors are when users need us the most (so, need span information). Further, I had to use pointer arithmetic in order to calculate many of the spans, because quick-xml does not provide enough information. There's no safety considerations here, and the comprehensive unit test will ensure correct behavior if the implementation changes in the future. I would like to introduce typed spans at some point---I made some opinionated choices when it comes to what the spans ought to represent. Specifically, whether to include the `<` or `>` with the open span (depends), whether to include quotes with attribute values (no), and some other details highlighted in the test cases. If we provide typed spans, then we could, knowing the type of span, calculate other spans on request, e.g. to include or omit quotes for attributes. Different such spans may be useful in different situations when presenting information to the user. This also highlights gaps in the tokens emitted by XIR, such as whitespace between attributes, the `=` between name and value, and so on. These are important when it comes to code formatting, so that we can reliably reconstruct the XML tree, but it's not important right now. I anticipate future changes would allow the XIR reader to be configured (perhaps via generics, like a strategy-type pattern) to optionally omit these tokens if desired. Anyway, more to come. DEV-10934
2022-04-08 11:03:46 -04:00
// There is _at least_ one colon in the string.
Some(pos) => {
// The prefix is before the first colon,
// and so itself must not contain a colon and is therefore
// a valid NCName.
let prefix = NCName(name[..pos].intern_utf8()?);
// But there could be a _second_ colon,
// so the local part requires validation.
let local = NCName::try_from(&name[(pos + 1)..])?;
Ok(Self::new(Some(prefix.into()), local.into()))
// There are no colons in the string, so the entire string is
// both a local part and a valid NCName.
None => Ok(Self::new(None, NCName(name.intern_utf8()?).into())),
impl Display for QName {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
QName(Some(local), suffix) => write!(f, "{}:{}", local, suffix),
QName(None, suffix) => suffix.fmt(f),
tamer: xir: Introduce {Ele,Open,Close}Span This isn't conceptally all that significant of a change, but there was a lot of modify to get it working. I would generally separate this into a commit for the implementation and another commit for the integration, but I decided to keep things together. This serves a role similar to AttrSpan---this allows deriving a span representing the element name from a span representing the entire XIR token. This will provide more useful context for errors---including the tag delimiter(s) means that we care about the fact that an element is in that position (as opposed to some other type of node) within the context of an error. However, if we are expecting an element but take issue with the element name itself, we want to place emphasis on that instead. This also starts to consider the issue of span contexts---a blob of detached data that is `Span` is useful for error context, but it's not useful for manipulation or deriving additional information. For that, we need to encode additional context, and this is an attempt at that. I am interested in the concept of providing Spans that are guaranteed to actually make sense---that are instantiated and manipulated with APIs that ensure consistency. But such a thing buys us very little, practically speaking, over what I have now for TAMER, and so I don't expect to actually implement that for this project; I'll leave that for a personal project. TAMER's already take a lot of my personal interests and it can cause me a lot of grief sometimes (with regards to letting my aspirations cause me more work). DEV-7145
2022-06-24 13:51:49 -04:00
/// A span representing an opening (starting) element tag.
/// See [`EleSpan`] for more information.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct OpenSpan(Span, EleNameLen);
impl OpenSpan {
pub fn without_name_span(span: Span) -> Self {
Self(span, 0)
/// A span representing a closing (ending) element tag.
/// See [`EleSpan`] for more information.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct CloseSpan(Span, EleNameLen);
impl CloseSpan {
/// A [`CloseSpan`] representing the closing of an empty tag.
/// This type of span has no element name.
pub fn empty(span: Span) -> Self {
pub fn without_name_span(span: Span) -> Self {
Self(span, 0)
tamer: Xirf::Text refinement This teaches XIRF to optionally refine Text into RefinedText, which determines whether the given SymbolId represents entirely whitespace. This is something I've been putting off for some time, but now that I'm parsing source language for NIR, it is necessary, in that we can only permit whitespace Text nodes in certain contexts. The idea is to capture the most common whitespace as preinterned symbols. Note that this heuristic ought to be determined from scanning a codebase, which I haven't done yet; this is just an initial list. The fallback is to look up the string associated with the SymbolId and perform a linear scan, aborting on the first non-whitespace character. This combination of checks should be sufficiently performant for now considering that this is only being run on source files, which really are not all that large. (They become large when template-expanded.) I'll optimize further if I notice it show up during profiling. This also frees XIR itself from being concerned by Whitespace. Initially I had used quick-xml's whitespace trimming, but it messed up my span calculations, and those were a pain in the ass to implement to begin with, since I had to resort to pointer arithmetic. I'd rather avoid tweaking it. tameld will not check for whitespace, since it's not important---xmlo files, if malformed, are the fault of the compiler; we can ignore text nodes except in the context of code fragments, where they are never whitespace (unless that's also a compiler bug). Onward and yonward. DEV-7145
2022-07-27 15:49:38 -04:00
/// Number of bytes representing the name of the element.
tamer: xir: Introduce {Ele,Open,Close}Span This isn't conceptally all that significant of a change, but there was a lot of modify to get it working. I would generally separate this into a commit for the implementation and another commit for the integration, but I decided to keep things together. This serves a role similar to AttrSpan---this allows deriving a span representing the element name from a span representing the entire XIR token. This will provide more useful context for errors---including the tag delimiter(s) means that we care about the fact that an element is in that position (as opposed to some other type of node) within the context of an error. However, if we are expecting an element but take issue with the element name itself, we want to place emphasis on that instead. This also starts to consider the issue of span contexts---a blob of detached data that is `Span` is useful for error context, but it's not useful for manipulation or deriving additional information. For that, we need to encode additional context, and this is an attempt at that. I am interested in the concept of providing Spans that are guaranteed to actually make sense---that are instantiated and manipulated with APIs that ensure consistency. But such a thing buys us very little, practically speaking, over what I have now for TAMER, and so I don't expect to actually implement that for this project; I'll leave that for a personal project. TAMER's already take a lot of my personal interests and it can cause me a lot of grief sometimes (with regards to letting my aspirations cause me more work). DEV-7145
2022-06-24 13:51:49 -04:00
pub type EleNameLen = SpanLenSize;
/// Spans associated with an element opening or closing tag.
/// The diagram below illustrates the behavior of [`EleSpan`].
/// Spans are represented by `[---]` intervals,
/// with the byte offset at each end,
/// and the single-letter span name centered below the interval.
/// ```text
/// <open > <open ...> </close > <empty ' />
/// |[--] | |[--] | [---] | |[---] ' []
/// |1 4 | |1 4 | 2 6 | |1 5 ' 9`10
/// | N | | N | | N | | N | ' T
/// | | | | | | | | '
/// [------] [---] [--------] [----] '
/// 0 7 0 4 0 9 0 5 '
/// T T T T '
/// ```
/// Above we have
/// - `T` = [`EleSpan::span`]; and
/// - `N` = [`EleSpan::name_span`].
/// The purpose of the `T` span is to represent the entire token that has
/// been emitted by XIR.
/// If an opening tag does not contain any attributes,
/// then `T` represents the entire opening tag with both the opening and
/// closing angle brackets.
/// If an opening tag is expected to contain attributes,
/// then only the opening angle bracket is included.
/// A closing tag is entirely contained by `T`.
/// The empty tag is separated into two tokens in XIR---a
/// [`Token::Open`] and a [`Token::Close`] with a [`None`] for the name.
/// Unlike a typical closing tag,
/// there is no `N` span available for the closing token,
/// and so requesting one via [`EleSpan::name_span`] will simply
/// return the `T` span,
/// rather than complicating the API with an [`Option`].
/// It is generally assumed that reporting on element names will occur
/// within the context of the _opening_ tag.
/// The tag may contain whitespace following the element name,
/// as permitted by `STag` and `ETag` in the
/// [XML specification][xmlspec-tag].
/// [xmlspec-tag]: https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#dt-stag
pub trait EleSpan {
/// A [`Span`] encompassing the entire opening element token.
/// Note that what exactly this token represents varies.
fn span(&self) -> Span;
/// Span representing the relevant portion of the element tag.
/// This is a more descriptive alias of [`EleSpan::span`] that may be
/// appropriate in certain contexts.
fn tag_span(&self) -> Span {
/// A [`Span`] representing only the element name,
/// if available.
/// An element name is _not_ available for empty tags.
/// Rather than complicating the API with [`Option`],
/// [`EleSpan::span`] is returned instead.
fn name_span(&self) -> Span;
impl EleSpan for OpenSpan {
fn span(&self) -> Span {
match self {
Self(t, _) => *t,
fn name_span(&self) -> Span {
match self {
// <open ...>
// ^^^^ offset '<' and length of name
// If the length is 0,
// then this will result in a 0-length span at the location
// that the element name ought to be,
// and so the resulting span will still be useful.
// This should not happen for tokens read using XIR,
// but may happen for system-generated tokens.
Self(t, name_len) => {
t.context().span(t.offset().saturating_add(1), *name_len)
impl EleSpan for CloseSpan {
fn span(&self) -> Span {
match self {
Self(t, _) => *t,
fn name_span(&self) -> Span {
match self {
// If the length of the element name is 0,
// then this must be an empty tag,
// which contains no independent element name.
// <foo ' />
// ' ^^
Self(_t, 0) => self.span(),
// </close >
// ^^^^^ offset '</' and length of name
Self(t, name_len) => {
t.context().span(t.offset().saturating_add(2), *name_len)
impl From<OpenSpan> for Span {
fn from(value: OpenSpan) -> Self {
impl From<CloseSpan> for Span {
fn from(value: CloseSpan) -> Self {
/// Lightly-structured XML tokens with associated [`Span`]s.
/// This is a streamable IR for XML.
/// A writer requires knowledge only of a previous state,
/// such as whether a node is open,
/// and so this IR can be processed by a simple state machine
/// (see [`writer::WriterState`]).
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Token {
/// Opening tag of an element.
tamer: xir: Introduce {Ele,Open,Close}Span This isn't conceptally all that significant of a change, but there was a lot of modify to get it working. I would generally separate this into a commit for the implementation and another commit for the integration, but I decided to keep things together. This serves a role similar to AttrSpan---this allows deriving a span representing the element name from a span representing the entire XIR token. This will provide more useful context for errors---including the tag delimiter(s) means that we care about the fact that an element is in that position (as opposed to some other type of node) within the context of an error. However, if we are expecting an element but take issue with the element name itself, we want to place emphasis on that instead. This also starts to consider the issue of span contexts---a blob of detached data that is `Span` is useful for error context, but it's not useful for manipulation or deriving additional information. For that, we need to encode additional context, and this is an attempt at that. I am interested in the concept of providing Spans that are guaranteed to actually make sense---that are instantiated and manipulated with APIs that ensure consistency. But such a thing buys us very little, practically speaking, over what I have now for TAMER, and so I don't expect to actually implement that for this project; I'll leave that for a personal project. TAMER's already take a lot of my personal interests and it can cause me a lot of grief sometimes (with regards to letting my aspirations cause me more work). DEV-7145
2022-06-24 13:51:49 -04:00
Open(QName, OpenSpan),
/// Closing tag of an element.
/// If the name is [`None`],
/// then the tag is self-closing.
/// This is intended primarily as a safety measure:
/// It allows writers to act as simple state machines without having
/// to ensure balancing by indicating that a node was intended to
/// self-close.
/// Otherwise,
/// we wouldn't know whether to self-close or to close and then
/// create a new closing tag;
/// if we blindly did the former,
/// we risk losing a closing tag when it wasn't intended.
/// Instead of losing tags,
/// writers can error,
/// indicating a bug in the stream.
/// The reason for using an option here rather than a variant is to
/// simplify pattern matching,
/// given especially that bindings after `@` in patterns have not
/// yet been stabalized at the time of writing (but are very
/// close!).
tamer: xir: Introduce {Ele,Open,Close}Span This isn't conceptally all that significant of a change, but there was a lot of modify to get it working. I would generally separate this into a commit for the implementation and another commit for the integration, but I decided to keep things together. This serves a role similar to AttrSpan---this allows deriving a span representing the element name from a span representing the entire XIR token. This will provide more useful context for errors---including the tag delimiter(s) means that we care about the fact that an element is in that position (as opposed to some other type of node) within the context of an error. However, if we are expecting an element but take issue with the element name itself, we want to place emphasis on that instead. This also starts to consider the issue of span contexts---a blob of detached data that is `Span` is useful for error context, but it's not useful for manipulation or deriving additional information. For that, we need to encode additional context, and this is an attempt at that. I am interested in the concept of providing Spans that are guaranteed to actually make sense---that are instantiated and manipulated with APIs that ensure consistency. But such a thing buys us very little, practically speaking, over what I have now for TAMER, and so I don't expect to actually implement that for this project; I'll leave that for a personal project. TAMER's already take a lot of my personal interests and it can cause me a lot of grief sometimes (with regards to letting my aspirations cause me more work). DEV-7145
2022-06-24 13:51:49 -04:00
Close(Option<QName>, CloseSpan),
/// Element attribute name.
AttrName(QName, Span),
/// Element attribute value.
AttrValue(SymbolId, Span),
/// A portion of an element attribute value.
/// This allows for concatenating values into an attribute value without
/// having to copy values.
/// The last fragment must be a [`Token::AttrValue`].
/// Since each fragment contains a span,
/// this also potentially gives higher resolution for the origin of
/// components of generated attribute values.
/// _This should be used only for writing._
/// These will never be encountered during reading,
/// and so to keep the parsers and IRs simple,
/// there is no support for fragments beyond XIR.
/// (There was in the past,
/// but it was removed.)
AttrValueFragment(SymbolId, Span),
/// Comment node.
Comment(SymbolId, Span),
/// Character data as part of an element.
/// See also [`CData`](Token::CData) variant.
Text(SymbolId, Span),
/// CData node (`<![CDATA[...]]>`).
/// _Warning: It is up to the caller to ensure that the string `]]>` is
/// not present in the text!_
/// This is intended for reading existing XML data where CData is
/// already present,
/// not for producing new CData safely!
CData(SymbolId, Span),
impl Display for Token {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
// _Do not_ render large amounts of text here;
// this is not only a risk depending on what is output,
// but the diagnostic system also quote source lines to provide
// the necessary context.
match self {
Self::Open(qname, _) => OpenXmlEle::fmt(qname, f),
Self::Close(Some(qname), _) => CloseXmlEle::fmt(qname, f),
// Its context is contained within the Open,
// and hopefully any user-visible errors will display that instead.
Self::Close(None, _) => {
write!(f, "/>")
Self::AttrName(qname, _) => XmlAttr::fmt(qname, f),
Self::AttrValue(attr_val, _) => XmlAttrValueQuote::fmt(attr_val, f),
Self::AttrValueFragment(attr_val, _) => {
"value fragment {}",
Self::Comment(..) => write!(f, "comment"),
Self::Text(..) => write!(f, "text"),
Self::CData(..) => write!(f, "CDATA"),
tamer: xir::parse: Attribute parser generator This is the first parser generator for the parsing framework. I've been waiting quite a while to do this because I wanted to be sure that I understood how I intended to write the attribute parsers manually. Now that I'm about to start parsing source XML files, it is necessary to have a parser generator. Typically one thinks of a parser generator as a separate program that generates code for some language, but that is not always the case---that represents a lack of expressiveness in the language itself (e.g. C). Here, I simply use Rust's macro system, which should be a concept familiar to someone coming from a language like Lisp. This also resolves where I stand on parser combinators with respect to this abstraction: they both accomplish the exact same thing (composition of smaller parsers), but this abstraction doesn't do so in the typical functional way. But the end result is the same. The parser generated by this abstraction will be optimized an inlined in the same manner as the hand-written parsers. Since they'll be tightly coupled with an element parser (which too will have a parser generator), I expect that most attribute parsers will simply be inlined; they exist as separate parsers conceptually, for the same reason that you'd use parser combinators. It's worth mentioning that this awkward reliance on dead state for a lookahead token to determine when aggregation is complete rubs me the wrong way, but resolving it would involve reintroducing the XIR AttrEnd that I had previously removed. I'll keep fighting with myself on this, but I want to get a bit further before I determine if it's worth the tradeoff of reintroducing (more complex IR but simplified parsing). DEV-7145
2022-06-13 11:17:21 -04:00
impl crate::parse::Token for Token {
tamer: parser::Parser: cfg(test) tracing This produces useful parse traces that are output as part of a failing test case. The parser generator macros can be a bit confusing to deal with when things go wrong, so this helps to clarify matters. This is _not_ intended to be machine-readable, but it does show that it would be possible to generate machine-readable output to visualize the entire lowering pipeline. Perhaps something for the future. I left these inline in Parser::feed_tok because they help to elucidate what is going on, just by reading what the trace would output---that is, it helps to make the method more self-documenting, albeit a tad bit more verbose. But with that said, it should probably be extracted at some point; I don't want this to set a precedent where composition is feasible. Here's an example from test cases: [Parser::feed_tok] (input IR: XIRF) | ==> Parser before tok is parsing attributes for `package`. | | Attrs_(SutAttrsState_ { ___ctx: (QName(None, LocalPart(NCName(SymbolId(46 "package")))), OpenSpan(Span { len: 0, offset: 0, ctx: Context(SymbolId(1 "#!DUMMY")) }, 10)), ___done: false }) | | ==> XIRF tok: `<unexpected>` | | Open(QName(None, LocalPart(NCName(SymbolId(82 "unexpected")))), OpenSpan(Span { len: 0, offset: 1, ctx: Context(SymbolId(1 "#!DUMMY")) }, 10), Depth(1)) | | ==> Parser after tok is expecting opening tag `<classify>`. | | ChildA(Expecting_) | | Lookahead: Some(Lookahead(Open(QName(None, LocalPart(NCName(SymbolId(82 "unexpected")))), OpenSpan(Span { len: 0, offset: 1, ctx: Context(SymbolId(1 "#!DUMMY")) }, 10), Depth(1)))) = note: this trace was output as a debugging aid because `cfg(test)`. [Parser::feed_tok] (input IR: XIRF) | ==> Parser before tok is expecting opening tag `<classify>`. | | ChildA(Expecting_) | | ==> XIRF tok: `<unexpected>` | | Open(QName(None, LocalPart(NCName(SymbolId(82 "unexpected")))), OpenSpan(Span { len: 0, offset: 1, ctx: Context(SymbolId(1 "#!DUMMY")) }, 10), Depth(1)) | | ==> Parser after tok is attempting to recover by ignoring element with unexpected name `unexpected` (expected `classify`). | | ChildA(RecoverEleIgnore_(QName(None, LocalPart(NCName(SymbolId(82 "unexpected")))), OpenSpan(Span { len: 0, offset: 1, ctx: Context(SymbolId(1 "#!DUMMY")) }, 10), Depth(1))) | | Lookahead: None = note: this trace was output as a debugging aid because `cfg(test)`. DEV-7145
2022-07-18 14:32:34 -04:00
fn ir_name() -> &'static str {
/// Retrieve the [`Span`] associated with a given [`Token`].
/// Every token has an associated span.
fn span(&self) -> Span {
use Token::*;
match self {
tamer: xir: Introduce {Ele,Open,Close}Span This isn't conceptally all that significant of a change, but there was a lot of modify to get it working. I would generally separate this into a commit for the implementation and another commit for the integration, but I decided to keep things together. This serves a role similar to AttrSpan---this allows deriving a span representing the element name from a span representing the entire XIR token. This will provide more useful context for errors---including the tag delimiter(s) means that we care about the fact that an element is in that position (as opposed to some other type of node) within the context of an error. However, if we are expecting an element but take issue with the element name itself, we want to place emphasis on that instead. This also starts to consider the issue of span contexts---a blob of detached data that is `Span` is useful for error context, but it's not useful for manipulation or deriving additional information. For that, we need to encode additional context, and this is an attempt at that. I am interested in the concept of providing Spans that are guaranteed to actually make sense---that are instantiated and manipulated with APIs that ensure consistency. But such a thing buys us very little, practically speaking, over what I have now for TAMER, and so I don't expect to actually implement that for this project; I'll leave that for a personal project. TAMER's already take a lot of my personal interests and it can cause me a lot of grief sometimes (with regards to letting my aspirations cause me more work). DEV-7145
2022-06-24 13:51:49 -04:00
Open(_, OpenSpan(span, _))
| Close(_, CloseSpan(span, _))
| AttrName(_, span)
| AttrValue(_, span)
| AttrValueFragment(_, span)
| Comment(_, span)
| Text(_, span)
tamer: Xirf::Text refinement This teaches XIRF to optionally refine Text into RefinedText, which determines whether the given SymbolId represents entirely whitespace. This is something I've been putting off for some time, but now that I'm parsing source language for NIR, it is necessary, in that we can only permit whitespace Text nodes in certain contexts. The idea is to capture the most common whitespace as preinterned symbols. Note that this heuristic ought to be determined from scanning a codebase, which I haven't done yet; this is just an initial list. The fallback is to look up the string associated with the SymbolId and perform a linear scan, aborting on the first non-whitespace character. This combination of checks should be sufficiently performant for now considering that this is only being run on source files, which really are not all that large. (They become large when template-expanded.) I'll optimize further if I notice it show up during profiling. This also frees XIR itself from being concerned by Whitespace. Initially I had used quick-xml's whitespace trimming, but it messed up my span calculations, and those were a pain in the ass to implement to begin with, since I had to resort to pointer arithmetic. I'd rather avoid tweaking it. tameld will not check for whitespace, since it's not important---xmlo files, if malformed, are the fault of the compiler; we can ignore text nodes except in the context of code fragments, where they are never whitespace (unless that's also a compiler bug). Onward and yonward. DEV-7145
2022-07-27 15:49:38 -04:00
| CData(_, span) => *span,
tamer: xir::parse: Attribute parser generator This is the first parser generator for the parsing framework. I've been waiting quite a while to do this because I wanted to be sure that I understood how I intended to write the attribute parsers manually. Now that I'm about to start parsing source XML files, it is necessary to have a parser generator. Typically one thinks of a parser generator as a separate program that generates code for some language, but that is not always the case---that represents a lack of expressiveness in the language itself (e.g. C). Here, I simply use Rust's macro system, which should be a concept familiar to someone coming from a language like Lisp. This also resolves where I stand on parser combinators with respect to this abstraction: they both accomplish the exact same thing (composition of smaller parsers), but this abstraction doesn't do so in the typical functional way. But the end result is the same. The parser generated by this abstraction will be optimized an inlined in the same manner as the hand-written parsers. Since they'll be tightly coupled with an element parser (which too will have a parser generator), I expect that most attribute parsers will simply be inlined; they exist as separate parsers conceptually, for the same reason that you'd use parser combinators. It's worth mentioning that this awkward reliance on dead state for a lookahead token to determine when aggregation is complete rubs me the wrong way, but resolving it would involve reintroducing the XIR AttrEnd that I had previously removed. I'll keep fighting with myself on this, but I want to get a bit further before I determine if it's worth the tradeoff of reintroducing (more complex IR but simplified parsing). DEV-7145
2022-06-13 11:17:21 -04:00
impl crate::parse::Object for Token {}
tamer: xir: Introduce {Ele,Open,Close}Span This isn't conceptally all that significant of a change, but there was a lot of modify to get it working. I would generally separate this into a commit for the implementation and another commit for the integration, but I decided to keep things together. This serves a role similar to AttrSpan---this allows deriving a span representing the element name from a span representing the entire XIR token. This will provide more useful context for errors---including the tag delimiter(s) means that we care about the fact that an element is in that position (as opposed to some other type of node) within the context of an error. However, if we are expecting an element but take issue with the element name itself, we want to place emphasis on that instead. This also starts to consider the issue of span contexts---a blob of detached data that is `Span` is useful for error context, but it's not useful for manipulation or deriving additional information. For that, we need to encode additional context, and this is an attempt at that. I am interested in the concept of providing Spans that are guaranteed to actually make sense---that are instantiated and manipulated with APIs that ensure consistency. But such a thing buys us very little, practically speaking, over what I have now for TAMER, and so I don't expect to actually implement that for this project; I'll leave that for a personal project. TAMER's already take a lot of my personal interests and it can cause me a lot of grief sometimes (with regards to letting my aspirations cause me more work). DEV-7145
2022-06-24 13:51:49 -04:00
pub mod test {
use super::*;
tamer: xir: Introduce {Ele,Open,Close}Span This isn't conceptally all that significant of a change, but there was a lot of modify to get it working. I would generally separate this into a commit for the implementation and another commit for the integration, but I decided to keep things together. This serves a role similar to AttrSpan---this allows deriving a span representing the element name from a span representing the entire XIR token. This will provide more useful context for errors---including the tag delimiter(s) means that we care about the fact that an element is in that position (as opposed to some other type of node) within the context of an error. However, if we are expecting an element but take issue with the element name itself, we want to place emphasis on that instead. This also starts to consider the issue of span contexts---a blob of detached data that is `Span` is useful for error context, but it's not useful for manipulation or deriving additional information. For that, we need to encode additional context, and this is an attempt at that. I am interested in the concept of providing Spans that are guaranteed to actually make sense---that are instantiated and manipulated with APIs that ensure consistency. But such a thing buys us very little, practically speaking, over what I have now for TAMER, and so I don't expect to actually implement that for this project; I'll leave that for a personal project. TAMER's already take a lot of my personal interests and it can cause me a lot of grief sometimes (with regards to letting my aspirations cause me more work). DEV-7145
2022-06-24 13:51:49 -04:00
use crate::convert::ExpectInto;
use crate::sym::GlobalSymbolIntern;
use std::convert::TryInto;
tamer: xir: Introduce {Ele,Open,Close}Span This isn't conceptally all that significant of a change, but there was a lot of modify to get it working. I would generally separate this into a commit for the implementation and another commit for the integration, but I decided to keep things together. This serves a role similar to AttrSpan---this allows deriving a span representing the element name from a span representing the entire XIR token. This will provide more useful context for errors---including the tag delimiter(s) means that we care about the fact that an element is in that position (as opposed to some other type of node) within the context of an error. However, if we are expecting an element but take issue with the element name itself, we want to place emphasis on that instead. This also starts to consider the issue of span contexts---a blob of detached data that is `Span` is useful for error context, but it's not useful for manipulation or deriving additional information. For that, we need to encode additional context, and this is an attempt at that. I am interested in the concept of providing Spans that are guaranteed to actually make sense---that are instantiated and manipulated with APIs that ensure consistency. But such a thing buys us very little, practically speaking, over what I have now for TAMER, and so I don't expect to actually implement that for this project; I'll leave that for a personal project. TAMER's already take a lot of my personal interests and it can cause me a lot of grief sometimes (with regards to letting my aspirations cause me more work). DEV-7145
2022-06-24 13:51:49 -04:00
use std::fmt::Debug;
type TestResult = Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;
tamer: xir: Introduce {Ele,Open,Close}Span This isn't conceptally all that significant of a change, but there was a lot of modify to get it working. I would generally separate this into a commit for the implementation and another commit for the integration, but I decided to keep things together. This serves a role similar to AttrSpan---this allows deriving a span representing the element name from a span representing the entire XIR token. This will provide more useful context for errors---including the tag delimiter(s) means that we care about the fact that an element is in that position (as opposed to some other type of node) within the context of an error. However, if we are expecting an element but take issue with the element name itself, we want to place emphasis on that instead. This also starts to consider the issue of span contexts---a blob of detached data that is `Span` is useful for error context, but it's not useful for manipulation or deriving additional information. For that, we need to encode additional context, and this is an attempt at that. I am interested in the concept of providing Spans that are guaranteed to actually make sense---that are instantiated and manipulated with APIs that ensure consistency. But such a thing buys us very little, practically speaking, over what I have now for TAMER, and so I don't expect to actually implement that for this project; I'll leave that for a personal project. TAMER's already take a lot of my personal interests and it can cause me a lot of grief sometimes (with regards to letting my aspirations cause me more work). DEV-7145
2022-06-24 13:51:49 -04:00
// Prefer [`open`] below when possible.
impl From<Span> for OpenSpan {
fn from(span: Span) -> Self {
// Prefer [`close`] below when possible.
impl From<Span> for CloseSpan {
fn from(span: Span) -> Self {
/// Hastily and lazily produce a [`XirfToken::Open`].
/// This function is not suitable for production use as it does not
/// produce a complete [`OpenSpan`].
pub fn open<Q: TryInto<QName>, S: Into<OpenSpan>>(
qname: Q,
span: S,
) -> Token
<Q as TryInto<QName>>::Error: Debug,
Token::Open(qname.unwrap_into(), span.into())
/// Hastily and lazily produce a [`XirfToken::Close`] for an empty tag.
/// This is [`close`] with the omission of the `qname` argument; the
/// type parameter `Q` cannot be inferred if the value is [`None`].
/// This function is not suitable for production use as it does not
/// produce a complete [`OpenSpan`].
pub fn close_empty<S: Into<CloseSpan>>(span: S) -> Token {
Token::Close(None, span.into())
/// Hastily and lazily produce a [`XirfToken::Close`].
/// See also [`close_empty`] if `Q` cannot be inferred.
/// This function is not suitable for production use as it does not
/// produce a complete [`OpenSpan`].
pub fn close<Q: TryInto<QName>, S: Into<CloseSpan>>(
qname: Option<Q>,
span: S,
) -> Token
<Q as TryInto<QName>>::Error: Debug,
Token::Close(qname.map(ExpectInto::unwrap_into), span.into())
mod name {
use super::*;
fn ncname_comparable_to_sym() {
let foo = "foo".intern();
assert_eq!(NCName(foo), foo);
fn ncname_try_into_from_str_no_colon() -> TestResult {
let name: NCName = "no-colon".try_into()?;
assert_eq!(name, "no-colon".intern());
fn ncname_try_into_from_str_fails_with_colon() {
tamer: xir::reader: Initial introduction of spans This is a large change, and was a bit of a tedious one, given the comprehensive tests. This introduces proper offsets and lengths for spans, with the exception of some quick-xml errors that still need proper mapping. Further, this still uses `UNKNOWN_CONTEXT`, which will be resolved shortly. This also introduces `SpanlessError`, which `Error` explicitly _does not_ implement `From<SpanlessError>` for---this forces the caller to provide a span before the error is compatable with the return value, ensuring that spans will actually be available rather than forgotten for errors. This is important, given that errors are generally less tested than the happy path, and errors are when users need us the most (so, need span information). Further, I had to use pointer arithmetic in order to calculate many of the spans, because quick-xml does not provide enough information. There's no safety considerations here, and the comprehensive unit test will ensure correct behavior if the implementation changes in the future. I would like to introduce typed spans at some point---I made some opinionated choices when it comes to what the spans ought to represent. Specifically, whether to include the `<` or `>` with the open span (depends), whether to include quotes with attribute values (no), and some other details highlighted in the test cases. If we provide typed spans, then we could, knowing the type of span, calculate other spans on request, e.g. to include or omit quotes for attributes. Different such spans may be useful in different situations when presenting information to the user. This also highlights gaps in the tokens emitted by XIR, such as whitespace between attributes, the `=` between name and value, and so on. These are important when it comes to code formatting, so that we can reliably reconstruct the XML tree, but it's not important right now. I anticipate future changes would allow the XIR reader to be configured (perhaps via generics, like a strategy-type pattern) to optionally omit these tokens if desired. Anyway, more to come. DEV-10934
2022-04-08 11:03:46 -04:00
fn ncname_from_byte_slice() -> TestResult {
let name: NCName = (b"no-colon" as &[u8]).try_into()?;
assert_eq!(name, "no-colon".intern());
fn ncname_from_byte_slice_fails_with_colon() {
NCName::try_from(b"a:colon" as &[u8]),
tamer: xir::reader: Initial introduction of spans This is a large change, and was a bit of a tedious one, given the comprehensive tests. This introduces proper offsets and lengths for spans, with the exception of some quick-xml errors that still need proper mapping. Further, this still uses `UNKNOWN_CONTEXT`, which will be resolved shortly. This also introduces `SpanlessError`, which `Error` explicitly _does not_ implement `From<SpanlessError>` for---this forces the caller to provide a span before the error is compatable with the return value, ensuring that spans will actually be available rather than forgotten for errors. This is important, given that errors are generally less tested than the happy path, and errors are when users need us the most (so, need span information). Further, I had to use pointer arithmetic in order to calculate many of the spans, because quick-xml does not provide enough information. There's no safety considerations here, and the comprehensive unit test will ensure correct behavior if the implementation changes in the future. I would like to introduce typed spans at some point---I made some opinionated choices when it comes to what the spans ought to represent. Specifically, whether to include the `<` or `>` with the open span (depends), whether to include quotes with attribute values (no), and some other details highlighted in the test cases. If we provide typed spans, then we could, knowing the type of span, calculate other spans on request, e.g. to include or omit quotes for attributes. Different such spans may be useful in different situations when presenting information to the user. This also highlights gaps in the tokens emitted by XIR, such as whitespace between attributes, the `=` between name and value, and so on. These are important when it comes to code formatting, so that we can reliably reconstruct the XML tree, but it's not important right now. I anticipate future changes would allow the XIR reader to be configured (perhaps via generics, like a strategy-type pattern) to optionally omit these tokens if desired. Anyway, more to come. DEV-10934
2022-04-08 11:03:46 -04:00
fn local_name_from_local_part_only() -> TestResult {
let name = QName::new_local("foo".try_into()?);
assert_eq!(name.local_name(), "foo".try_into()?);
assert_eq!(None, name.prefix());
fn local_name_from_option_tuple() -> TestResult {
let name: QName = (Option::<&str>::None, "foo").try_into()?;
assert_eq!(name.local_name(), "foo".try_into()?);
assert_eq!(None, name.prefix());
fn fully_qualified_name() -> TestResult {
let name: QName = ("foons", "foo").try_into()?;
assert_eq!(name.prefix(), Some("foons".try_into()?));
assert_eq!(name.local_name(), "foo".try_into()?);
tamer: xir: Introduce {Ele,Open,Close}Span This isn't conceptally all that significant of a change, but there was a lot of modify to get it working. I would generally separate this into a commit for the implementation and another commit for the integration, but I decided to keep things together. This serves a role similar to AttrSpan---this allows deriving a span representing the element name from a span representing the entire XIR token. This will provide more useful context for errors---including the tag delimiter(s) means that we care about the fact that an element is in that position (as opposed to some other type of node) within the context of an error. However, if we are expecting an element but take issue with the element name itself, we want to place emphasis on that instead. This also starts to consider the issue of span contexts---a blob of detached data that is `Span` is useful for error context, but it's not useful for manipulation or deriving additional information. For that, we need to encode additional context, and this is an attempt at that. I am interested in the concept of providing Spans that are guaranteed to actually make sense---that are instantiated and manipulated with APIs that ensure consistency. But such a thing buys us very little, practically speaking, over what I have now for TAMER, and so I don't expect to actually implement that for this project; I'll leave that for a personal project. TAMER's already take a lot of my personal interests and it can cause me a lot of grief sometimes (with regards to letting my aspirations cause me more work). DEV-7145
2022-06-24 13:51:49 -04:00
mod ele_span {
use super::*;
use crate::span::dummy::DUMMY_CONTEXT as DC;
tamer: xir: Introduce {Ele,Open,Close}Span This isn't conceptally all that significant of a change, but there was a lot of modify to get it working. I would generally separate this into a commit for the implementation and another commit for the integration, but I decided to keep things together. This serves a role similar to AttrSpan---this allows deriving a span representing the element name from a span representing the entire XIR token. This will provide more useful context for errors---including the tag delimiter(s) means that we care about the fact that an element is in that position (as opposed to some other type of node) within the context of an error. However, if we are expecting an element but take issue with the element name itself, we want to place emphasis on that instead. This also starts to consider the issue of span contexts---a blob of detached data that is `Span` is useful for error context, but it's not useful for manipulation or deriving additional information. For that, we need to encode additional context, and this is an attempt at that. I am interested in the concept of providing Spans that are guaranteed to actually make sense---that are instantiated and manipulated with APIs that ensure consistency. But such a thing buys us very little, practically speaking, over what I have now for TAMER, and so I don't expect to actually implement that for this project; I'll leave that for a personal project. TAMER's already take a lot of my personal interests and it can cause me a lot of grief sometimes (with regards to letting my aspirations cause me more work). DEV-7145
2022-06-24 13:51:49 -04:00
fn open_without_attrs() {
// See docblock for [`EleSpan`].
const T: Span = DC.span(0, 8); // Relevant portion of tag
const N: Span = DC.span(1, 4); // Element name
let sut = OpenSpan(T, N.len());
assert_eq!(sut.span(), T);
assert_eq!(sut.name_span(), N);
fn open_with_attrs() {
// See docblock for [`EleSpan`].
const T: Span = DC.span(0, 5); // Relevant portion of tag
const N: Span = DC.span(1, 4); // Element name
let sut = OpenSpan(T, N.len());
assert_eq!(sut.span(), T);
assert_eq!(sut.name_span(), N);
fn close() {
// See docblock for [`EleSpan`].
const T: Span = DC.span(0, 10); // Relevant portion of tag
const N: Span = DC.span(2, 5); // Element name
let sut = CloseSpan(T, N.len());
assert_eq!(sut.span(), T);
assert_eq!(sut.name_span(), N);
fn close_empty() {
// See docblock for [`EleSpan`].
const T: Span = DC.span(9, 2); // Relevant portion of tag
let sut = CloseSpan(T, 0);
assert_eq!(sut.span(), T);
// There is no name,
// only Zuul.
assert_eq!(sut.name_span(), T);