@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
//! meaning that multiple readers and writers will require references
//! to the [`Escaper`].
//! For more information on caching employed by TAMER to improve
//! performance,
//! see [`CachingEscaper`].
//! Safety
//! ======
//! The purpose of this type is to provide safety against XML injection by
@ -50,11 +54,13 @@
//! then we run the risk of that value being used to construct a XIR
//! stream and be subsequently double-encoded upon writing.
use fxhash::FxHashMap;
use crate::sym::{
GlobalSymbolInternBytes, GlobalSymbolInternUnchecked, GlobalSymbolResolve,
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::{borrow::Cow, cell::RefCell, collections::hash_map::Entry};
use super::Error;
@ -84,6 +90,7 @@ pub trait Escaper: Default {
/// Escape the given symbol and produce a [`SymbolId`] representing
/// the escaped value suitable for writing.
fn escape(&self, sym: SymbolId) -> SymbolId {
match Self::escape_bytes(sym.lookup_str().as_bytes()) {
// We got back what we sent in,
@ -104,23 +111,20 @@ pub trait Escaper: Default {
/// Unescape the provided raw value and return a [`SymbolId`]
/// representing the unescaped value.
fn unescape_intern<'a>(
escaped: &'a [u8],
) -> Result<SymbolId, Error> {
Ok(match Self::unescape_bytes(escaped)? {
// We got back what we sent in,
// so this value is fixed.
Cow::Borrowed(orig) => {
debug_assert!(orig == escaped);
fn unescape(&self, escaped: SymbolId) -> Result<SymbolId, Error> {
match Self::unescape_bytes(escaped.lookup_str().as_bytes())? {
// We got back what we sent in,
// so this value is fixed.
Cow::Borrowed(_) => escaped,
// The value was rewritten,
// meaning that the original was escaped.
// We can't assume that it's valid UTF-8.
Cow::Owned(unesc) => unesc.intern_utf8()?,
// The value was rewritten,
// meaning that the original was escaped.
// We can't assume that it's valid UTF-8.
Cow::Owned(unesc) => unesc.intern_utf8()?,
@ -147,6 +151,118 @@ impl Escaper for QuickXmlEscaper {
/// Cache escaped and unescaped [`SymbolId`]s.
/// _This cache should be shared between all readers and writers._
/// This takes advantage of the efficiency of the string internment system
/// to avoid the costs of escaping/unescaping if we've already encountered
/// the requested symbol previously.
/// There are a number of ways this is beneficial:
/// When a string is read,
/// its escaped [`SymbolId`] and associated unescaped [`SymbolId`] are
/// stored in a two-way mapping.
/// If another reader encounters the same [`SymbolId`],
/// it does not need to spend the time attempting to unescape it,
/// and will simply re-use the existing cached [`SymbolId`].
/// When a writer encounters a [`SymbolId`]
/// (representing the _unescaped_ value),
/// it is able to retrieve from cache the escaped [`SymbolId`] that was
/// originally encountered by a reader,
/// thereby saving it the time of re-escaping.
/// Escaped Representation
/// ======================
/// Note that this means that the escaped value will be the same as the
/// _first_ time that unescaped value was read
/// (there are many different ways to escape the same value);
/// an [`Escaper`] _does not_ guarantee a canonical escaped
/// representation.
/// While this appears to add a source of nondeterminism that undermines
/// reproducible builds,
/// it is mitigated by applying ordering to how files are loaded,
/// which is necessary to mitigate much more serious sources of
/// filesystem-based nondeterminism.
/// If this is burdensome in the future
/// (e.g. when writing a code formatter that needs to retain escapes),
/// there are other potential mitigations,
/// including modifying [`Escaper`] to accept spans as context or
/// augmenting XIR with an unescape hint.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct CachingEscaper<S: Escaper> {
/// Inner [`Escaper`] to be invoked to populate the cache.
inner: S,
/// Map from unescaped [`SymbolId`]s to their escaped represeation.
toesc: RefCell<FxHashMap<SymbolId, SymbolId>>,
/// Map from escaped [`SymbolId`]s to their unescaped value.
tounesc: RefCell<FxHashMap<SymbolId, SymbolId>>,
impl<S: Escaper> CachingEscaper<S> {
pub fn new(inner: S) -> Self {
// TODO: Capacity that is at least double the length of the static
// symbols.
Self {
pub fn into_inner(self) -> S {
impl<S: Escaper> Escaper for CachingEscaper<S> {
fn escape_bytes(value: &[u8]) -> Cow<[u8]> {
fn unescape_bytes(value: &[u8]) -> Result<Cow<[u8]>, Error> {
fn escape(&self, unescaped: SymbolId) -> SymbolId {
*self.toesc.borrow_mut().entry(unescaped).or_insert_with(|| {
let escaped = self.inner.escape(unescaped);
// Later requests to unescape this newly escaped symbol will
// yield the unescaped value provided here.
fn unescape(&self, escaped: SymbolId) -> Result<SymbolId, Error> {
Ok(match self.tounesc.borrow_mut().entry(escaped) {
Entry::Occupied(unescaped) => *unescaped.get(),
Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
let unescaped = *entry.insert(self.inner.unescape(escaped)?);
// There are many escaped representations for the same
// unescaped value.
// We will keep the first one that we encountered.
/// Perform no escaping or unescaping.
/// _This should be removed after development of the XIR-based readers!_
@ -167,7 +283,10 @@ impl Escaper for NullEscaper {
pub type DefaultEscaper = QuickXmlEscaper;
#[cfg(feature = "wip-xmlo-xir-reader")]
pub type DefaultEscaper = CachingEscaper<QuickXmlEscaper>;
#[cfg(not(feature = "wip-xmlo-xir-reader"))]
pub type DefaultEscaper = NullEscaper;
mod test {
@ -176,6 +295,7 @@ mod test {
// Simple sanity check to ensure that the default escaper actually does
// some sort of escaping.
#[cfg(feature = "wip-xmlo-xir-reader")]
fn default_escaper_escapes() {
let sut = DefaultEscaper::default();
@ -185,4 +305,105 @@ mod test {
mod cache {
use super::*;
use std::{collections::HashMap, result};
// Maintain counts of calls rather than providing stubs,
// to avoid `RefCell<Rc<Refcell<Option<SymbolId>>>>` for
// concurrent access.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct StubEscaper {
escape_map: HashMap<SymbolId, SymbolId>,
unescape_map: HashMap<SymbolId, SymbolId>,
escape_count: RefCell<FxHashMap<SymbolId, usize>>,
unescape_count: RefCell<FxHashMap<SymbolId, usize>>,
impl Escaper for StubEscaper {
fn escape_bytes(_: &[u8]) -> Cow<[u8]> {
unreachable!("escape_bytes should not be called")
fn unescape_bytes(_: &[u8]) -> result::Result<Cow<[u8]>, Error> {
unreachable!("unescape_bytes should not be called")
fn escape(&self, given: SymbolId) -> SymbolId {
*self.escape_count.borrow_mut().entry(given).or_default() += 1;
*self.escape_map.get(&given).expect("unexpected escape")
fn unescape(&self, given: SymbolId) -> Result<SymbolId, Error> {
*self.unescape_count.borrow_mut().entry(given).or_default() +=
Ok(*self.unescape_map.get(&given).expect("unexpected unescape"))
fn caching_escaper_unescape() {
let esc = "escaped".intern();
let unesc = "unescaped".intern();
let sut = CachingEscaper::new(StubEscaper {
escape_map: [(unesc, esc)].into(),
unescape_map: [(esc, unesc)].into(),
// Invoke unescape more than once to ensure caching occurs.
assert_eq!(sut.unescape(esc).unwrap(), unesc);
assert_eq!(sut.unescape(esc).unwrap(), unesc);
// And escape once, using a previous unescaped result.
assert_eq!(sut.escape(unesc), esc);
// We should have invoked the underlying escaper only once for
// the unescape operation.
let stub = sut.into_inner();
assert_eq!(stub.unescape_count.borrow().get(&esc), Some(&1));
// And, having previously encountered the escaped value from
// unescaping,
// we should _not_ have invoked the escaper _at all_ when we
// escaped the value.
// This means that previously encountered escapes will always
// take precedence over any explicit escape result.
assert_eq!(stub.escape_count.borrow().get(&unesc), None);
fn caching_escaper_escape() {
let esc = "escaped".intern();
let unesc = "unescaped".intern();
let sut = CachingEscaper::new(StubEscaper {
escape_map: [(unesc, esc)].into(),
unescape_map: [(esc, unesc)].into(),
// Invoke escape more than once to ensure caching occurs.
assert_eq!(sut.escape(unesc), esc);
assert_eq!(sut.escape(unesc), esc);
// And unescape once, using a previous escaped result.
assert_eq!(sut.unescape(esc).unwrap(), unesc);
// We should have invoked the underlying escaper only once for
// the escape operation.
let stub = sut.into_inner();
assert_eq!(stub.escape_count.borrow().get(&unesc), Some(&1));
// And, having previously encountered the unescaped value from
// escaping,
// we should _not_ have invoked the escaper _at all_ when we
// unescaped the value.
// This means that previously encountered unescapes will always
// take precedence over any explicit unescape result.
assert_eq!(stub.unescape_count.borrow().get(&esc), None);