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// Pre-interned strings
// Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Ryan Specialty, LLC.
// This file is part of TAME.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Pre-interned strings.
//! These strings are expected to be encountered nearly every run,
//! and substitute static strings that would otherwise appear hard-coded
//! in the system and have to be interned to be compared against other
//! values.
//! See the [parent module](super) for more information.
use super::{Interner, SymbolId, SymbolIndexSize};
use crate::global;
/// Static symbol identifier that is stable between runs of the same version
/// of TAMER.
/// This symbol id is allocated at compile-time.
tamer: Integrate clippy This invokes clippy as part of `make check` now, which I had previously avoided doing (I'll elaborate on that below). This commit represents the changes needed to resolve all the warnings presented by clippy. Many changes have been made where I find the lints to be useful and agreeable, but there are a number of lints, rationalized in `src/lib.rs`, where I found the lints to be disagreeable. I have provided rationale, primarily for those wondering why I desire to deviate from the default lints, though it does feel backward to rationalize why certain lints ought to be applied (the reverse should be true). With that said, this did catch some legitimage issues, and it was also helpful in getting some older code up-to-date with new language additions that perhaps I used in new code but hadn't gone back and updated old code for. My goal was to get clippy working without errors so that, in the future, when others get into TAMER and are still getting used to Rust, clippy is able to help guide them in the right direction. One of the reasons I went without clippy for so long (though I admittedly forgot I wasn't using it for a period of time) was because there were a number of suggestions that I found disagreeable, and I didn't take the time to go through them and determine what I wanted to follow. Furthermore, it was hard to make that judgment when I was new to the language and lacked the necessary experience to do so. One thing I would like to comment further on is the use of `format!` with `expect`, which is also what the diagnostic system convenience methods do (which clippy does not cover). Because of all the work I've done trying to understand Rust and looking at disassemblies and seeing what it optimizes, I falsely assumed that Rust would convert such things into conditionals in my otherwise-pure code...but apparently that's not the case, when `format!` is involved. I noticed that, after making the suggested fix with `get_ident`, Rust proceeded to then inline it into each call site and then apply further optimizations. It was also previously invoking the thread lock (for the interner) unconditionally and invoking the `Display` implementation. That is not at all what I intended for, despite knowing the eager semantics of function calls in Rust. Anyway, possibly more to come on that, I'm just tired of typing and need to move on. I'll be returning to investigate further diagnostic messages soon.
2023-01-12 10:46:48 -05:00
/// Safety
/// ======
/// All objects implementing this trait must have the same byte
/// representation as its inner [`SymbolId`].
pub unsafe trait StaticSymbolId<Ix: SymbolIndexSize = global::ProgSymSize>:
// Traits cannot contain constant functions.
// See [`st_as_sym`] below.
/// Convert any [`StaticSymbolId`] into its inner [`SymbolId`].
/// Static symbols are typed to convey useful information to newtypes that
/// wish to wrap or compose them.
/// This function peels back that type information to expose the inner
/// symbol.
/// Safety and Rationale
/// ====================
/// This function does its best to work around the limitation in Rust that
/// traits cannot contain constant functions
/// (at the time of writing).
/// To do this,
/// we require that every object of type [`StaticSymbolId`] have _the same
/// byte representation_ as [`SymbolId`].
/// Since Rust optimizes away simple newtype wrappers,
/// this means that we can simply cast the value to a symbol.
/// For example, if we have `StaticSymbolId<u32>`,
/// this would cast to a `SymbolId<u32>`.
/// The inner value of `SymbolId<u32>` is
/// `<u32 as SymbolIndexSize>::NonZero`,
/// which has the same byte representation as `u32`.
/// This would normally be done using [`std::mem::transmute`],
/// which ensures that the two types have compatible sizes.
/// Unfortunately,
/// the types here do not have fixed size and constant functions are
/// unable to verify that they are compatible at the time of writing.
/// We therefore must use [`std::mem::transmute_copy`] to circumvent this
/// size check.
/// Circumventing this check is safe given our trait bounds for all static
/// symbols in this module and its children.
/// However,
/// for this safety to hold,
/// we must ensure that no outside modules can implement
/// [`StaticSymbolId`] on their own objects.
/// For this reason,
/// [`StaticSymbolId`] implements [`private::Sealed`].
/// With that,
/// we get [`SymbolId`] polymorphism despite Rust's limitations.
/// A Note About Nightly
/// ====================
/// At the time of writing,
/// though,
/// this _does_ require two unstable features:
/// `const_fn_trait_bound` and `const_transmute_copy`.
/// We can get rid of the latter using raw pointer casts,
/// just as it does,
/// but since we're already relying on unstable flags,
/// we may as well use it while we require nightly for other things as
/// well.
/// `const_fn_trait_bound` cannot be removed in this situation without
/// another plan.
/// `const_panic` could be used with an enum,
/// but that still requires nightly.
pub const fn st_as_sym<T, Ix>(st: &T) -> SymbolId<Ix>
T: StaticSymbolId<Ix>,
Ix: SymbolIndexSize,
// SAFETY: A number of precautions are taken to make this a safe and
// sensible transformation; see function doc above.
SymbolId(unsafe { std::mem::transmute_copy(st) })
/// Generate a newtype containing a condensed [`SymbolId`].
macro_rules! static_symbol_newtype {
($(#[$attr:meta])* $name:ident<$size:ty>) => {
/// This is a statically-allocated symbol.
/// This symbol is generated at compile-time and expected to be
/// available in the 32-bit global interner once it has been
/// initialized.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct $name(<$size as SymbolIndexSize>::NonZero);
// Mark this as a static symbol type, ensuring that it size is fully
// compatible with the underlying `SymbolId` so as not to cause
// problems with `st_as_sym`.
impl private::Sealed for $name {}
unsafe impl StaticSymbolId<$size> for $name {}
assert_eq_size!($name, SymbolId<$size>);
impl $name {
const fn new(id: $size) -> Self {
Self(unsafe {
<$size as SymbolIndexSize>::NonZero::new_unchecked(id)
/// Cast static symbol into a [`SymbolId`] suitable for the global
/// program-level interner.
/// This is safe since global interner will always contain this
/// symbol before it can be read.
pub const fn as_sym(self) -> SymbolId<$size> {
pub const fn as_usize(self) -> usize {
self.0.get() as usize
impl From<$name> for SymbolId<$size> {
fn from(st: $name) -> Self {
/// Generate a series of newtypes and the macro `static_symbol_ty!` which
/// can be used to take a short identifier and convert it into its full
/// type identifier.
macro_rules! static_symbol_newtypes {
($($(#[$attr:meta])* $short:ident: $ty:ident<$size:ty>,)*) => {
static_symbol_newtype!($(#[$attr])* $ty<$size>);
macro_rules! static_symbol_ty {
($short) => {
/// Generate symbols for preinterned strings.
/// These symbols,
/// rather than being generated by the global internment system,
/// are generated statically.
/// Once the global interner is initialized
/// (see [parent module](`super`)),
/// which is on first access,
/// these symbols will reference valid values.
macro_rules! static_symbol_consts {
(@i $i:expr; <$size:ty> $name:ident: $ty:ident $str:expr, $($tail:tt)*) => {
"Interned `",
tamer: Xirf::Text refinement This teaches XIRF to optionally refine Text into RefinedText, which determines whether the given SymbolId represents entirely whitespace. This is something I've been putting off for some time, but now that I'm parsing source language for NIR, it is necessary, in that we can only permit whitespace Text nodes in certain contexts. The idea is to capture the most common whitespace as preinterned symbols. Note that this heuristic ought to be determined from scanning a codebase, which I haven't done yet; this is just an initial list. The fallback is to look up the string associated with the SymbolId and perform a linear scan, aborting on the first non-whitespace character. This combination of checks should be sufficiently performant for now considering that this is only being run on source files, which really are not all that large. (They become large when template-expanded.) I'll optimize further if I notice it show up during profiling. This also frees XIR itself from being concerned by Whitespace. Initially I had used quick-xml's whitespace trimming, but it messed up my span calculations, and those were a pain in the ass to implement to begin with, since I had to resort to pointer arithmetic. I'd rather avoid tweaking it. tameld will not check for whitespace, since it's not important---xmlo files, if malformed, are the fault of the compiler; we can ignore text nodes except in the context of code fragments, where they are never whitespace (unless that's also a compiler bug). Onward and yonward. DEV-7145
2022-07-27 15:49:38 -04:00
"` ",
static_symbol_consts!(@!str $ty $str),
"For the raw (untyped) version, see [`raw::",
pub const $name: static_symbol_ty!($ty) =
// Recurse until no tail is left (terminating condition below).
// This will result in 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 ... and will eventually hit
// the recursion limit if we have too many static symbols, after
// which time we may have to switch methodology.
@i $i + 1;
// Terminating condition.
(@i $i:expr; <$size:ty>) => {
/// Number of statically allocated symbols.
/// This can be used to help determine a base capacity for
/// collections holding [`SymbolId`]s.
pub const ST_COUNT: usize = $i - 1;
tamer: Xirf::Text refinement This teaches XIRF to optionally refine Text into RefinedText, which determines whether the given SymbolId represents entirely whitespace. This is something I've been putting off for some time, but now that I'm parsing source language for NIR, it is necessary, in that we can only permit whitespace Text nodes in certain contexts. The idea is to capture the most common whitespace as preinterned symbols. Note that this heuristic ought to be determined from scanning a codebase, which I haven't done yet; this is just an initial list. The fallback is to look up the string associated with the SymbolId and perform a linear scan, aborting on the first non-whitespace character. This combination of checks should be sufficiently performant for now considering that this is only being run on source files, which really are not all that large. (They become large when template-expanded.) I'll optimize further if I notice it show up during profiling. This also frees XIR itself from being concerned by Whitespace. Initially I had used quick-xml's whitespace trimming, but it messed up my span calculations, and those were a pain in the ass to implement to begin with, since I had to resort to pointer arithmetic. I'd rather avoid tweaking it. tameld will not check for whitespace, since it's not important---xmlo files, if malformed, are the fault of the compiler; we can ignore text nodes except in the context of code fragments, where they are never whitespace (unless that's also a compiler bug). Onward and yonward. DEV-7145
2022-07-27 15:49:38 -04:00
// Whitespace with newlines causes rustdoc parsing issues.
(@!str ws $str:expr) => {
(@!str $ty:ident $str:expr) => {
concat!("string `\"", $str, "\"`")
/// Statically allocate [`SymbolId`]s for the provided symbols,
/// and schedule their static strings to be interned upon initialization
/// of the global interner.
/// This generates `fill`,
/// which the global interners call by default.
/// Any interner may optionally invoke this,
/// immediately after initialization,
/// /before/ any internment requests.
macro_rules! static_symbols {
(<$size:ty>; $($name:ident : $ty:ident $str:expr),*) => {
static_symbol_consts! {
// Index 0 is not valid, so begin at 1
@i 1;
$name: $ty $str,
/// Expose each of the [typed static symbols](super) as raw
/// [`SymbolId`] values.
/// These constants are useful for `match` expressions and any other
/// contexts where the type of the symbol must match,
/// and where the static type metadata is unimportant.
/// This is equivalent to calling `as_sym` on the static newtype,
/// or using [`st_as_sym`](super::super::st_as_sym).
pub mod raw {
use super::SymbolId;
"Raw (untyped) interned `",
tamer: Xirf::Text refinement This teaches XIRF to optionally refine Text into RefinedText, which determines whether the given SymbolId represents entirely whitespace. This is something I've been putting off for some time, but now that I'm parsing source language for NIR, it is necessary, in that we can only permit whitespace Text nodes in certain contexts. The idea is to capture the most common whitespace as preinterned symbols. Note that this heuristic ought to be determined from scanning a codebase, which I haven't done yet; this is just an initial list. The fallback is to look up the string associated with the SymbolId and perform a linear scan, aborting on the first non-whitespace character. This combination of checks should be sufficiently performant for now considering that this is only being run on source files, which really are not all that large. (They become large when template-expanded.) I'll optimize further if I notice it show up during profiling. This also frees XIR itself from being concerned by Whitespace. Initially I had used quick-xml's whitespace trimming, but it messed up my span calculations, and those were a pain in the ass to implement to begin with, since I had to resort to pointer arithmetic. I'd rather avoid tweaking it. tameld will not check for whitespace, since it's not important---xmlo files, if malformed, are the fault of the compiler; we can ignore text nodes except in the context of code fragments, where they are never whitespace (unless that's also a compiler bug). Onward and yonward. DEV-7145
2022-07-27 15:49:38 -04:00
"` ",
static_symbols!(@!str $ty $str),
"For the typed version, see [`super::",
pub const $name: SymbolId<$size> = super::$name.as_sym();
/// Fill a new interner with static symbols.
/// Panics
/// ======
/// This function will panic if the interner has any symbols,
/// which would cause misalignment with the generated constants.
pub(in super::super) fn fill<'a, I, Ix>(interner: I) -> I
I: Interner<'a, Ix>,
Ix: SymbolIndexSize
interner.len() == 0,
"cannot fill non-empty Interner with static symbols"
// This array does not exist as a constant, because that would
// require that we count the number of items first for the
// sake of the type definition.
// This is more convenient.
].into_iter().for_each(|sym| { interner.intern(sym); });
tamer: Xirf::Text refinement This teaches XIRF to optionally refine Text into RefinedText, which determines whether the given SymbolId represents entirely whitespace. This is something I've been putting off for some time, but now that I'm parsing source language for NIR, it is necessary, in that we can only permit whitespace Text nodes in certain contexts. The idea is to capture the most common whitespace as preinterned symbols. Note that this heuristic ought to be determined from scanning a codebase, which I haven't done yet; this is just an initial list. The fallback is to look up the string associated with the SymbolId and perform a linear scan, aborting on the first non-whitespace character. This combination of checks should be sufficiently performant for now considering that this is only being run on source files, which really are not all that large. (They become large when template-expanded.) I'll optimize further if I notice it show up during profiling. This also frees XIR itself from being concerned by Whitespace. Initially I had used quick-xml's whitespace trimming, but it messed up my span calculations, and those were a pain in the ass to implement to begin with, since I had to resort to pointer arithmetic. I'd rather avoid tweaking it. tameld will not check for whitespace, since it's not important---xmlo files, if malformed, are the fault of the compiler; we can ignore text nodes except in the context of code fragments, where they are never whitespace (unless that's also a compiler bug). Onward and yonward. DEV-7145
2022-07-27 15:49:38 -04:00
// Whitespace with newlines causes rustdoc parsing issues.
(@!str ws $str:expr) => {
(@!str $ty:ident $str:expr) => {
concat!("string `\"", $str, "\"`")
static_symbol_newtypes! {
/// A symbol suitable as a C-style identifier.
/// This is the traditional `[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*`,
/// common in many programming languages.
cid: CIdentStaticSymbolId<global::ProgSymSize>,
/// Base-10 (decimal) integer value as a string.
dec: DecStaticSymbolId<global::ProgSymSize>,
/// A symbol resembling a QName of the form `prefix:local`.
/// A symbol of this type does _not_ mean that the symbol is intended to
/// be a QName;
/// this is merely a way to describe it.
/// For example,
/// `map:head` is intended as an identifier type,
/// not a QName.
qname: QnameIdentStaticSymbolId<global::ProgSymSize>,
/// This symbol serves only as a marker in the internment pool to
/// delimit symbol ranges;
/// its string value is incidental and should not be relied upon.
mark: MarkStaticSymbolId<global::ProgSymSize>,
/// A symbol suitable as a TAME identifier.
/// This is [`CIdentStaticSymbolId`] with `-` added:
/// `[a-zA-Z_-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*`.
/// This is also suitable as an XML node or attribute name.
tid: TameIdentStaticSymbolId<global::ProgSymSize>,
/// Symbol representing a URI.
/// This is intended for use primarily as an XML namespace.
/// URIs are expected to _not_ contain quotes and other characters that
/// may need escaping in XML attributes.
uri: UriStaticSymbolId<global::ProgSymSize>,
/// Any other generic string that does not fit into any particular type.
str: GenericStaticSymbolId<global::ProgSymSize>,
tamer: Xirf::Text refinement This teaches XIRF to optionally refine Text into RefinedText, which determines whether the given SymbolId represents entirely whitespace. This is something I've been putting off for some time, but now that I'm parsing source language for NIR, it is necessary, in that we can only permit whitespace Text nodes in certain contexts. The idea is to capture the most common whitespace as preinterned symbols. Note that this heuristic ought to be determined from scanning a codebase, which I haven't done yet; this is just an initial list. The fallback is to look up the string associated with the SymbolId and perform a linear scan, aborting on the first non-whitespace character. This combination of checks should be sufficiently performant for now considering that this is only being run on source files, which really are not all that large. (They become large when template-expanded.) I'll optimize further if I notice it show up during profiling. This also frees XIR itself from being concerned by Whitespace. Initially I had used quick-xml's whitespace trimming, but it messed up my span calculations, and those were a pain in the ass to implement to begin with, since I had to resort to pointer arithmetic. I'd rather avoid tweaking it. tameld will not check for whitespace, since it's not important---xmlo files, if malformed, are the fault of the compiler; we can ignore text nodes except in the context of code fragments, where they are never whitespace (unless that's also a compiler bug). Onward and yonward. DEV-7145
2022-07-27 15:49:38 -04:00
/// Common strings of whitespace
/// (where a character of whitespace is `[ \n]`).
/// There are certainly other whitespace characters,
/// but this is intended to be conservative to address only the most
/// common cases.
ws: WhitespaceStaticSymbolId<global::ProgSymSize>,
/// Static 16-bit [`Span`](crate::span::Span) context.
/// These contexts are intended for use in generated code where a better
/// context cannot be derived.
ctx: ContextStaticSymbolId<u16>,
/// This symbol serves only as a marker in the internment pool to
/// delimit symbol ranges;
/// its string value is incidental and should not be relied upon.
mark16: Mark16StaticSymbolId<u16>,
/// Static symbols (pre-allocated).
/// Each of the constants in this module represent a [`SymbolId`] statically
/// allocated at compile-time.
/// The strings that they represent are automatically populated into the
/// global interners when the interner is first accessed.
/// _You should always use the generated constant to reference these
/// symbols!_
/// Do not rely upon their integer value,
/// as it _will_ change over time.
/// The sole exception is to use marker symbols to identify ranges
/// of symbols;
/// see [`MarkStaticSymbolId`].
/// See [`crate::sym`] for more information on static symbols.
/// `static` is a keyword in Rust,
/// so we shorten the module name to `st`.
/// The constants follow a naming convention:
/// - `L_` indicates that the identifier is all-lowercase.
pub mod st {
use super::*;
// Convert `0 ≤ n ≤ 9` into a static symbol representing a single
// decimal digit.
// Panics
// ======
// This will panic if `n > 9`.
pub fn decimal1(n: u8) -> DecStaticSymbolId {
assert!(n < 10);
// The symbols are expected to be in a very specific position in the
// pool (n+1).
// This is verified by tests at the bottom of this file.
DecStaticSymbolId(unsafe {
<global::ProgSymSize as SymbolIndexSize>::NonZero::new_unchecked(
(n as global::ProgSymSize) + 1,
impl From<u8> for DecStaticSymbolId {
// Convert `0 ≤ n ≤ 9` into a static symbol representing a single
// decimal digit.
// See [`decimal1`].
fn from(n: u8) -> Self {
/// Whether the provided symbol is part of the static symbol list that
/// is pre-interned.
pub fn is_pre_interned(sym: SymbolId) -> bool {
let symid = sym.as_usize();
symid <= END_STATIC.as_usize()
tamer: Xirf::Text refinement This teaches XIRF to optionally refine Text into RefinedText, which determines whether the given SymbolId represents entirely whitespace. This is something I've been putting off for some time, but now that I'm parsing source language for NIR, it is necessary, in that we can only permit whitespace Text nodes in certain contexts. The idea is to capture the most common whitespace as preinterned symbols. Note that this heuristic ought to be determined from scanning a codebase, which I haven't done yet; this is just an initial list. The fallback is to look up the string associated with the SymbolId and perform a linear scan, aborting on the first non-whitespace character. This combination of checks should be sufficiently performant for now considering that this is only being run on source files, which really are not all that large. (They become large when template-expanded.) I'll optimize further if I notice it show up during profiling. This also frees XIR itself from being concerned by Whitespace. Initially I had used quick-xml's whitespace trimming, but it messed up my span calculations, and those were a pain in the ass to implement to begin with, since I had to resort to pointer arithmetic. I'd rather avoid tweaking it. tameld will not check for whitespace, since it's not important---xmlo files, if malformed, are the fault of the compiler; we can ignore text nodes except in the context of code fragments, where they are never whitespace (unless that's also a compiler bug). Onward and yonward. DEV-7145
2022-07-27 15:49:38 -04:00
/// Whether the given [`SymbolId`] is within a group of symbols
/// delimited by markers `a` and `b`.
/// This provides a _reasonably_ efficient way to compare a [`SymbolId`]
/// against a large set of [`SymbolId`]s.
/// There are more efficient ways to accomplish this,
/// though,
/// if performance ever does become a concern;
/// the current implementation is kept simple until then.
pub fn is_between_markers(
a: MarkStaticSymbolId,
b: MarkStaticSymbolId,
sym: SymbolId,
) -> bool {
let symid = sym.as_usize();
symid > a.as_usize() && symid < b.as_usize()
/// Whether the provided [`SymbolId`] is recognized as a common
/// whitespace symbol in the preinterned symbol list.
/// If this returns `true`,
/// then this is a quick way to determine that the provided
/// [`SymbolId`] does contain only whitespace.
/// However,
/// this is _not_ comprehensive and never will be,
/// so an answer of `false` means "it may or may not be whitespace";
/// you should fall back to other methods of checking for
/// whitespace if this fails.
pub fn is_common_whitespace(sym: SymbolId) -> bool {
is_between_markers(WS_SYM_START, WS_SYM_END, sym)
/// Attempt to make a quick determination without a memory lookup
/// (symbol resolution) whether the given [`SymbolId`]'s string
/// representation definitely contains the given byte value.
/// A value of [`None`] means "maybe, maybe not",
/// indicating that the caller ought to fall back to a slower check
/// that utilizes the symbol's resolved string.
/// A value of [`Some`] indicates that `sym`,
/// were it to be resolved,
/// definitely does or does not contain the byte `ch`.
/// This is intended to encapsulate special,
/// loosely-defined cases where we can test that the interned symbols
/// actually properly adhere to the implementation of this function.
pub fn quick_contains_byte(sym: SymbolId, ch: u8) -> Option<bool> {
match (is_pre_interned(sym), ch) {
// No control characters or null bytes.
(true, 0..=0x1F) => Some(false),
// No characters outside the 7-bit ASCII range.
(true, 0x80..) => Some(false),
// Or the character range immediately preceding it,
// where 7F == DEL.
// They are explicitly listed here so that readers do not have
// to consult an ASCII table to avoid unintentional bugs.
(true, b'{' | b'|' | b'}' | b'~' | 0x7F) => Some(false),
// We don't check for anything else (yet).
(true, _) => None,
// We cannot possibly know statically whether dynamically
// interned symbols contain any particular byte.
(false, _) => None,
static_symbols! {
// Decimal strings are expected to be at index (n+1).
// See `decimal1`.
N0: dec "0",
N1: dec "1",
N2: dec "2",
N3: dec "3",
N4: dec "4",
N5: dec "5",
N6: dec "6",
N7: dec "7",
N8: dec "8",
N9: dec "9",
L_ALL: cid "all",
L_ANY: cid "any",
L_APPLY: cid "apply",
L_APPLY_TEMPLATE: tid "apply-template",
L_ARG: cid "arg",
L_AS: cid "as",
L_BASE_TYPE: tid "base-type",
L_BOOLEAN: cid "boolean",
L_C: cid "c",
L_CAR: cid "car",
L_CASE: cid "case",
L_CASES: cid "cases",
L_CDR: cid "cdr",
L_CEIL: cid "ceil",
L_CGEN: cid "cgen",
L_CLASS: cid "class",
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
L_CLASSIFY: cid "classify",
L_CONS: cid "cons",
L_CONST: cid "const",
L_CORE: cid "core",
L_DASH: cid "dash",
L_DEFAULT: cid "default",
L_DEP: cid "dep",
L_DESC: cid "desc",
L_DIM: cid "dim",
L_DISPLAY: cid "display",
L_DOT: cid "dot",
L_DTYPE: cid "dtype",
L_DYN_NODE: tid "dyn-node",
L_ELIG_CLASS_YIELDS: tid "elig-class-yields",
L_EMPTY: cid "empty",
L_ENUM: cid "enum",
L_EQ: cid "eq",
L_ERROR: cid "error",
L_EXEC: cid "exec",
L_EXPAND_BARRIER: tid "expand-barrier",
L_EXPAND_FUNCTION: tid "expand-function",
L_EXPAND_GROUP: tid "expand-group",
L_EXPAND_SEQUENCE: tid "expand-sequence",
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
L_EXPORT: cid "export",
L_EXPT: cid "expt",
L_EXTERN: cid "extern",
L_FALSE: cid "false",
L_FLOAT: cid "float",
L_FLOOR: cid "floor",
L_FOR_EACH: tid "for-each",
L_FRAGMENT: cid "fragment",
L_FRAGMENTS: cid "fragments",
L_FROM: cid "from",
L_FUNC: cid "func",
L_FUNCTION: cid "function",
L_GEN: cid "gen",
L_GENERATED: cid "generated",
L_GENERATES: cid "generates",
L_GENSYM: cid "gensym",
L_GENTLE_NO: tid "gentle-no",
L_GT: cid "gt",
L_GTE: cid "gte",
L_ID: cid "id",
L_IDENTIFIER: cid "identifier",
L_IF: cid "if",
L_IGNORE_MISSING: tid "ignore-missing",
L_IMPORT: cid "import",
L_INDEX: cid "index",
L_INLINE_TEMPLATE: tid "inline-template",
L_INTEGER: cid "integer",
L_ISOVERRIDE: cid "isoverride",
L_ITEM: cid "item",
L_KEY: cid "key",
L_L: cid "l",
L_LABEL: cid "label",
L_LENGTH_OF: tid "length-of",
L_LET: cid "let",
L_LOCAL: cid "local",
L_LOWER: cid "lower",
L_LPARAM: cid "lparam",
L_LT: cid "lt",
L_LTE: cid "lte",
L_LV: cid "lv",
L_MAP: cid "map",
L_MAP_EXEC: tid "map-exec",
L_MAP_FROM: tid "map-from",
L_MAP_HEAD: qname "map:head",
L_MAP_TAIL: qname "map:tail",
L_MATCH: cid "match",
L_META: cid "meta",
L_METHOD: cid "method",
L_NAME: cid "name",
L_NAME_PREFIX: tid "name-prefix",
L_NE: cid "ne",
L_NO: cid "no",
L_NOVALIDATE: cid "novalidate",
L_OF: cid "of",
L_ON: cid "on",
L_OTHERWISE: cid "otherwise",
L_OVERRIDE: cid "override",
L_PACKAGE: cid "package",
L_PARAM: cid "param",
L_PARAM_ADD: tid "param-add",
L_PARAM_CLASS_TO_YIELDS: tid "param-class-to-yields",
L_PARAM_COPY: tid "param-copy",
L_PARAM_INHERIT: tid "param-inherit",
L_PARAM_META: tid "param-meta",
L_PARAM_SYM_VALUE: tid "param-sym-value",
L_PARAM_TYPEDEF_LOOKUP: tid "param-typedef-lookup",
L_PARAM_VALUE: tid "param-value",
L_PARENT: cid "parent",
L_PASS: cid "pass",
L_PATH: cid "path",
L_PREFIX: cid "prefix",
L_PREPROC: cid "preproc",
L_PRODUCT: cid "product",
L_PROGRAM: cid "program",
L_PROGRAM_MAP: tid "program-map",
L_QUOTIENT: cid "quotient",
L_RATE: cid "rate",
L_RATER: cid "rater",
L_RATE_EACH: cid "rate-each",
L_RECURSE: cid "recurse",
L_RETMAP: cid "retmap",
L_RETMAP_EXEC: tid "retmap-exec",
L_RETMAP_HEAD: qname "retmap:head",
L_RETMAP_TAIL: qname "retmap:tail",
L_RETURN_MAP: tid "return-map",
L_RMDASH: cid "rmdash",
L_RMUNDERSCORE: cid "rmunderscore",
L_SCALAR: cid "scalar",
L_SECTION: cid "section",
L_SET: cid "set",
L_SNAKE: cid "snake",
L_SRC: cid "src",
L_STATIC: cid "static",
L_SUFFIX: cid "suffix",
L_SUM: cid "sum",
L_SYM: cid "sym",
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
L_SYMTABLE: cid "symtable",
L_SYM_DEP: cid "sym-dep",
tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements. I need to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but let's see where it takes me. This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been detailed in previous commits. This initial support is basic, but robust. It supports parsing elements with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of the Kleene star (`*`). Such support will likely be added by supporting parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position, which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack. This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to provide a typed stack. Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is always bounded in size. Fortunately, expressions---which can nest deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper nesting for us. Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not nested. This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to the source XML in structure. This will then be used to lower into AIR for the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis. More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down rabbit holes covered in yak hair. DEV-7145
2022-07-13 13:55:32 -04:00
L_SYM_DEPS: cid "sym-deps",
L_SYM_REF: cid "sym-ref",
L_SYM_SET: tid "sym-set",
L_T: cid "t",
L_TEMPLATE: cid "template",
L_TERMINATE: cid "terminate",
L_TEXT: cid "text",
L_TITLE: cid "title",
L_TO: cid "to",
L_TPL: cid "tpl",
L_TRANSFORM: cid "transform",
L_TRANSLATE: cid "translate",
L_TRUE: cid "true",
L_TYPE: cid "type",
L_TYPEDEF: cid "typedef",
L_UCFIRST: cid "ucfirst",
L_UNION: cid "union",
L_UNIQUE: cid "unique",
L_UNLESS: cid "unless",
L_UPPER: cid "upper",
L_UUROOTPATH: cid "__rootpath",
L_VALUE: cid "value",
L_VALUES: cid "values",
L_VALUE_OF: cid "value-of",
L_VECTOR: cid "vector",
L_VIRTUAL: cid "virtual",
L_WARNING: cid "warning",
L_WHEN: cid "when",
L_WITH_PARAM: tid "with-param",
L_WORKSHEET: cid "worksheet",
L_XMLNS: cid "xmlns",
L_YIELD: cid "yield",
L_YIELDS: cid "yields",
tamer: nir::tplshort: Desugar body into @values@ This represents a significant departure from how the XSLT-based TAME handles the `@values@` param, but it will end up having the same effect. It builds upon prior work, utilizing the fact that referencing a template in TAMER will expand it. The problem is this: allowing trees in `Meta` would add yet another container; we have `Pkg` and `Tpl` already. This was the same problem with template application---I didn't want to add support for binding arguments separately, and so re-used templates themselves, reaching the generalization I just mentioned above. `Meta` is intended to be a lexical metasyntatic variable. That keeps its implementation quite simple. But if we start allowing trees, that gets rather complicated really quickly, and starts to require much more complex AIR parser state. But we can accomplish the same behavior by desugaring into an existing container---a template---and placing the body within it. Then, in the future, we'll parse `param-copy` into a simple `Air::RefIdent`, which will expand the closed template and produce the same result as it does today in the XSLT-based system. This leaves open issues of closure (variable binding) in complex scenarios, such as in templates that introduce metavariables to be utilized by the body. That's never a practice I liked, but we'll see how things evolve. Further, this does not yet handle nested template applications. But this saved me a ton of work. Desugaring is much simpler. The question is going to be how the XSLT-based compiler responds to this for large packages with thousands of template applications. I'll have to see if it's worth the hit at that time, or if we should inline it when generating the `xmli` file, producing the same `@values@` as before. But as it stands at this moment, the output is _not_ compatible with the current compiler, as it expects `@values@` to be a tree, so a modification would have to be made there. DEV-13708
2023-03-23 14:40:40 -04:00
L_TPLP_VALUES: str "@values@",
tamer: src::asg::graph::object::pkg::name: New module This introduces, but does not yet integrate, `CanonicalName`, which not only represents canonicalized package names, but handles namespec resolution. The term "namespec" is motivated by Git's use of *spec (e.g. refspec) referring to various ways of specifying a particular object. Names look like paths, and are derived from them, but they _are not paths_. Their resolution is a purely lexical operation, and they include a number of restrictions to simplify their clarity and handling. I expect them to evolve more in the future, and I've had ideas to do so for quite some time. In particular, resolving packages in this way and then loading the from the filesystem relative to the project root will ensure that traversing (conceptually) to a parent directory will not operate unintuitively with symlinks. The path will always resolve unambigiously. (With that said, if the symlink is to a shared directory with different directory structures, that doesn't solve the compilation problem---we'll have to move object files into a project-specific build directory to handle that.) Span Slicing ------------ Okay, it's worth commenting on the horridity of the path name slicing that goes on here. Care has been taken to ensure that spans will be able to be properly sliced in all relevant contexts, and there are plenty of words devoted to that in the documentation committed here. But there is a more fundamental problem here that I regret not having solved earlier, because I don't have the time for it right now: while we do have SPair, it makes no guarantees that the span associated with the corresponding SymbolId is actually the span that matches the original source lexeme. In fact, it's often not. This is a problem when we want to slice up a symbol in an SPair and produce a sensible span. If it _is_ a source lexeme with its original span, that's no problem. But if it's _not_, then the two are not in sync, and slicing up the span won't produce something that actually makes sense to the user. Or, worse (or maybe it's not worse?), it may cause a panic if the slicing is out of bounds. The solution in the future might be to store explicitly the state of an SPair, or call it Lexeme, or something, so that we know the conditions under which slicing is safe. If I ever have time for that in this project. But the result of the lack of a proper abstraction really shows here: this is some of the most confusing code in TAMER, and it's really not doing anything all that complicated. It is disproportionately confusing. DEV-13162
2023-05-04 12:28:08 -04:00
FW_SLASH: str "/",
FW_SLASH_DOT: str "/.",
CC_ANY_OF: cid "anyOf",
U_TRUE: cid "TRUE",
URI_LV_CALC: uri "http://www.lovullo.com/calc",
URI_LV_LINKER: uri "http://www.lovullo.com/rater/linker",
URI_LV_PREPROC: uri "http://www.lovullo.com/rater/preproc",
URI_LV_PROGRAM_MAP: uri "http://www.lovullo.com/rater/map",
URI_LV_RATER: uri "http://www.lovullo.com/rater",
URI_LV_TPL: uri "http://www.lovullo.com/rater/apply-template",
URI_LV_WORKSHEET: uri "http://www.lovullo.com/rater/worksheet",
tamer: Xirf::Text refinement This teaches XIRF to optionally refine Text into RefinedText, which determines whether the given SymbolId represents entirely whitespace. This is something I've been putting off for some time, but now that I'm parsing source language for NIR, it is necessary, in that we can only permit whitespace Text nodes in certain contexts. The idea is to capture the most common whitespace as preinterned symbols. Note that this heuristic ought to be determined from scanning a codebase, which I haven't done yet; this is just an initial list. The fallback is to look up the string associated with the SymbolId and perform a linear scan, aborting on the first non-whitespace character. This combination of checks should be sufficiently performant for now considering that this is only being run on source files, which really are not all that large. (They become large when template-expanded.) I'll optimize further if I notice it show up during profiling. This also frees XIR itself from being concerned by Whitespace. Initially I had used quick-xml's whitespace trimming, but it messed up my span calculations, and those were a pain in the ass to implement to begin with, since I had to resort to pointer arithmetic. I'd rather avoid tweaking it. tameld will not check for whitespace, since it's not important---xmlo files, if malformed, are the fault of the compiler; we can ignore text nodes except in the context of code fragments, where they are never whitespace (unless that's also a compiler bug). Onward and yonward. DEV-7145
2022-07-27 15:49:38 -04:00
// Common whitespace.
// _This does not represent all forms of whitespace!_
// Clearly,
// but it is worth emphasizing.
// The intent of these whitespace symbols is to provide a means to
// determine whether that symbol represents a common form of
// whitespace,
// before falling back to a more expensive symbol dereference
// and (likely-)linear scan.
// This list is preliminary and ought to be measured by evaluating a
// real-world codebase;
// it ought not to bloat the symbol table,
// but ought to get the most common cases so as not to fall
// back to a more expensive dereferencing of a symbol and
// subsequent scanning.
// There are improvements that can be made here,
// such as aligning the symbol ids such that whitespace can be
// asserted with a bitmask.
tamer: Xirf::Text refinement This teaches XIRF to optionally refine Text into RefinedText, which determines whether the given SymbolId represents entirely whitespace. This is something I've been putting off for some time, but now that I'm parsing source language for NIR, it is necessary, in that we can only permit whitespace Text nodes in certain contexts. The idea is to capture the most common whitespace as preinterned symbols. Note that this heuristic ought to be determined from scanning a codebase, which I haven't done yet; this is just an initial list. The fallback is to look up the string associated with the SymbolId and perform a linear scan, aborting on the first non-whitespace character. This combination of checks should be sufficiently performant for now considering that this is only being run on source files, which really are not all that large. (They become large when template-expanded.) I'll optimize further if I notice it show up during profiling. This also frees XIR itself from being concerned by Whitespace. Initially I had used quick-xml's whitespace trimming, but it messed up my span calculations, and those were a pain in the ass to implement to begin with, since I had to resort to pointer arithmetic. I'd rather avoid tweaking it. tameld will not check for whitespace, since it's not important---xmlo files, if malformed, are the fault of the compiler; we can ignore text nodes except in the context of code fragments, where they are never whitespace (unless that's also a compiler bug). Onward and yonward. DEV-7145
2022-07-27 15:49:38 -04:00
WS_EMPTY: ws "",
WS_SP1: ws " ",
WS_SP2: ws " ",
WS_SP3: ws " ",
WS_SP4: ws " ",
WS_SP5: ws " ",
WS_SP6: ws " ",
WS_SP7: ws " ",
WS_SP8: ws " ",
WS_LF1: ws "\n",
WS_LF2: ws "\n\n",
WS_LF1_SP1: ws "\n ",
WS_LF1_SP2: ws "\n ",
WS_LF1_SP3: ws "\n ",
WS_LF1_SP4: ws "\n ",
WS_LF1_SP5: ws "\n ",
WS_LF1_SP6: ws "\n ",
WS_LF1_SP7: ws "\n ",
WS_LF1_SP8: ws "\n ",
WS_LF2_SP1: ws "\n\n ",
WS_LF2_SP2: ws "\n\n ",
WS_LF2_SP3: ws "\n\n ",
WS_LF2_SP4: ws "\n\n ",
WS_LF2_SP5: ws "\n\n ",
WS_LF2_SP6: ws "\n\n ",
WS_LF2_SP7: ws "\n\n ",
WS_LF2_SP8: ws "\n\n ",
WS_SYM_END: mark "###WS_END",
// [Symbols will be added here as they are needed.]
// Marker indicating the end of the static symbols
// (this must always be last).
END_STATIC: mark "###END"
/// Static 16-bit symbols (pre-allocated).
/// These symbols are intended for situations where a smaller symbol size is
/// necessary.
/// Presently,
/// this includes only the [`Span`](crate::span::Span) context.
/// See also [st](super::st) for general static symbols.
pub mod st16 {
use super::*;
static_symbols! {
// Special contexts.
tamer: xir::reader: Initial introduction of spans This is a large change, and was a bit of a tedious one, given the comprehensive tests. This introduces proper offsets and lengths for spans, with the exception of some quick-xml errors that still need proper mapping. Further, this still uses `UNKNOWN_CONTEXT`, which will be resolved shortly. This also introduces `SpanlessError`, which `Error` explicitly _does not_ implement `From<SpanlessError>` for---this forces the caller to provide a span before the error is compatable with the return value, ensuring that spans will actually be available rather than forgotten for errors. This is important, given that errors are generally less tested than the happy path, and errors are when users need us the most (so, need span information). Further, I had to use pointer arithmetic in order to calculate many of the spans, because quick-xml does not provide enough information. There's no safety considerations here, and the comprehensive unit test will ensure correct behavior if the implementation changes in the future. I would like to introduce typed spans at some point---I made some opinionated choices when it comes to what the spans ought to represent. Specifically, whether to include the `<` or `>` with the open span (depends), whether to include quotes with attribute values (no), and some other details highlighted in the test cases. If we provide typed spans, then we could, knowing the type of span, calculate other spans on request, e.g. to include or omit quotes for attributes. Different such spans may be useful in different situations when presenting information to the user. This also highlights gaps in the tokens emitted by XIR, such as whitespace between attributes, the `=` between name and value, and so on. These are important when it comes to code formatting, so that we can reliably reconstruct the XML tree, but it's not important right now. I anticipate future changes would allow the XIR reader to be configured (perhaps via generics, like a strategy-type pattern) to optionally omit these tokens if desired. Anyway, more to come. DEV-10934
2022-04-08 11:03:46 -04:00
// [Symbols will be added here as they are needed.]
// Marker indicating the end of the static symbols
// (this must always be last).
END_STATIC: mark16 "###END"
/// Non-public module that can contain public traits.
/// The problem this module tries to solve is preventing anything outside of
/// this crate from implementing the `StaticSymbolId` trait,
/// since doing so opens us up to undefined behavior when transmuting
/// via [`st_as_sym`](super::st_as_sym).
mod private {
/// Extend this trait to prevent other modules from implementing the
/// subtype.
/// Since other modules extend [`StaticSymbolId`](super::StaticSymbolId)
/// for their own traits,
/// this trait must be `pub`.
/// But, since it is contained within a private module,
/// it is not possible to import the trait to implement it on other
/// things.
pub trait Sealed {}
mod test {
use super::{st, st16, DecStaticSymbolId};
use crate::sym::{GlobalSymbolIntern, GlobalSymbolResolve, SymbolId};
fn global_sanity_check_st() {
// If we _don't_ prefill, make sure we're not starting at the first
// offset when interning, otherwise it'll look correct.
let new: SymbolId = "force offset".intern();
new.as_usize() > st::END_STATIC.as_usize(),
"a new global symbol allocation was not > END_STATIC, \
indicating that prefill is either not working or that \
the prefill contains duplicate strings!"
// Further sanity check to make sure indexes align as expected,
// not that you wouldn't otherwise notice that the whole system is
// broken, but this ought to offer a more direct hint as to what
// went wrong.
assert_eq!(st::L_TRUE.as_sym(), "true".intern());
assert_eq!(st::L_FALSE.as_sym(), "false".intern());
// Just ensure raw symbols are available and match.
fn sanity_check_st_raw() {
assert_eq!(st::L_TRUE.as_sym(), st::raw::L_TRUE);
fn global_sanity_check_st16() {
// If we _don't_ prefill, make sure we're not starting at the first
// offset when interning, otherwise it'll look correct.
let new: SymbolId<u16> = "force offset".intern();
new.as_usize() > st16::END_STATIC.as_usize(),
"a new 16-bit global symbol allocation was not > END_STATIC, \
indicating that prefill is either not working or that \
the prefill contains duplicate strings!"
fn decimal1_0_to_9() {
for n in 0..=9 {
assert_eq!(st::decimal1(n).as_sym().lookup_str(), n.to_string());
// From<u8>
fn decimal1_gt_9_panics() {
fn st_count_matches_actual_count() {
// This assumes that static symbols begin at 1 and end at
"st::ST_COUNT does not match the number of static symbols"
// [`quick_contains_bytes`] is asking for trouble if it's not properly
// maintained.
// It is expected that its implementation is manually verified,
// and it is written in a way that is clear and unambiguous.
// With that said,
// this does some minor spot-checking.
fn quick_contains_byte_verify() {
use super::super::GlobalSymbolResolve;
use memchr::memchr;
use st::quick_contains_byte;
// No static symbols will contain control characters.
assert_eq!(quick_contains_byte(st::L_TRUE.into(), 0x01), Some(false));
// But we don't know about dynamically-allocated ones.
quick_contains_byte("NOT A PREINTERNED SYM".into(), 0x01),
// We chose to explicitly keep certain characters out of the
// preinterned list.
// Let's verify that is the case by iterating through _all of the
// static interns_.
for sym_id in 1..=st::ST_COUNT {
let sym = unsafe { SymbolId::from_int_unchecked(sym_id as u32) };
// If you get an error in this block,
// that means that you have added a symbol that violates
// assumptions made in `quick_contains_byte`.
// Either that implementation needs changing and this test
// updated,
// or you need to not add that symbol to the static symbol
// list.
for ch in b'{'..=0x7F {
memchr(ch, sym.lookup_str().as_bytes()),
"Pre-interned static symbol {sym:?} \
contains unexpected byte 0x{ch:X}"