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* Provides system for code reuse via traits
* Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU ease.js.
* ease.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
var AbstractClass = require( './class_abstract' ),
ClassBuilder = require( './ClassBuilder' ),
Interface = require( './interface' );
function _fvoid() {};
2014-03-11 06:46:12 -04:00
* Trait constructor / base object
* The interpretation of the argument list varies by number. Further,
* various trait methods may be used as an alternative to invoking this
* constructor.
* @return {Function} trait
function Trait()
switch ( arguments.length )
case 0:
throw Error( "Missing trait name or definition" );
case 1:
return ( typeof arguments[ 0 ] === 'string' )
? _createStaging.apply( this, arguments )
: Trait.extend.apply( this, arguments );
case 2:
return createNamedTrait.apply( this, arguments );
throw Error(
"Expecting at most two arguments for definition of named " +
"Trait " + name + "'; " + arguments.length + " given"
* Create a named trait
* @param {string} name trait name
* @param {Object} def trait definition
* @return {Function} named trait
function createNamedTrait( name, dfn )
if ( typeof name !== 'string' )
throw Error(
"First argument of named class definition must be a string"
dfn.__name = name;
return Trait.extend( dfn );
function _createStaging( name )
return {
extend: function( dfn )
return createNamedTrait( name, dfn );
implement: function()
return createImplement( arguments, name );
Trait.extend = function( /* ... */ )
var an = arguments.length,
dfn = arguments[ an - 1 ],
has_ext_base = ( an > 1 ),
ext_base = ( has_ext_base ) ? arguments[ 0 ] : null;
if ( an > 2 )
throw Error(
"Unexpected number of arguments to Trait.extend"
if ( has_ext_base )
var basetype = typeof ext_base;
if ( ( ext_base === null )
|| !( ( basetype === 'object' )
|| ( basetype === 'function' )
) )
throw TypeError(
"Trait cannot extend base of type '" + basetype + "'"
// prevent extending final classes (TODO: abstract this check; see
// also ClassBuilder)
if ( ext_base.___$$final$$ === true )
throw TypeError(
"Trait cannot extend final class"
// TODO: this is intended to be temporary; see Trait/ClassExtendTest
if ( module.exports.isTrait( ext_base ) )
throw TypeError( "Traits cannot extend other traits" );
// we may have been passed some additional metadata
var meta = ( this || {} ).__$$meta || {};
// store any provided name, since we'll be clobbering it (the definition
// object will be used to define the hidden abstract class)
Initial implementation of parameterized traits This is an important feature to permit trait reuse without excessive subtyping---composition over inheritance. For example, consider that you have a `HttpPlainAuth` trait that adds authentication support to some transport layer. Without parameterized traits, you have two options: 1. Expose setters for credentials 2. Trait closure 3. Extend the trait (not yet supported) The first option seems like a simple solution: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth )() .setUser( 'username', 'password' ) .send( ... ); ``` But we are now in the unfortunate situation that our initialization procedure has changed. This, for one, means that authentication logic must be added to anything that instantiates classes that mix in `HttpPlainAuth`. We'll explore that in more detail momentarily. More concerning with this first method is that, not only have we prohibited immutability, but we have also made our code reliant on *invocation order*; `setUser` must be called before `send`. What if we have other traits mixed in that have similar conventions? Normally, this is the type of problem that would be solved with a builder, but would we want every configurable trait to return a new `Transport` instance? All that on top of littering the API---what a mess! The second option is to store configuration data outside of the Trait acting as a closure: ```javascript var _user, _pass; function setCredentials( user, pass ) { _user = user; _pass = pass; } Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { /* use _user and _pass */ } ) ``` There are a number of problems with this; the most apparent is that, in this case, the variables `_user` and `_pass` act in place of static fields---all instances will share that data, and if the data is modified, it will affect all instances; you are therefore relying on external state, and mutability is forced upon you. You are also left with an awkward `setCredentials` call that is disjoint from `HttpPlainAuth`. The other notable issue arises if you did want to support instance-specific credentials. You would have to use ease.js' internal identifiers (which is undocumented and subject to change in future versions), and would likely accumulate garbage data as mixin instances are deallocated, since ECMAScript does not have destructor support. To recover from memory leaks, you could instead create a trait generator: ```javascript function createHttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) { return Trait( { /* ... */ } ); } ``` This uses the same closure concept, but generates new traits at runtime. This has various implications depending on your engine, and may thwart future ease.js optimization attempts. The third (which will be supported in the near future) is prohibitive: we'll add many unnecessary traits that are a nightmare to develop and maintain. Parameterized traits are similar in spirit to option three, but without creating new traits each call: traits now support being passed configuration data at the time of mixin that will be passed to every new instance: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) )() .send( ... ); ``` Notice now how the authentication configuration is isolated to the actual mixin, *prior to* instantiation; the caller performing instantiation need not be aware of this mixin, and so the construction logic can remain wholly generic for all `Transport` types. It further allows for a convenient means of providing useful, reusable exports: ```javascript module.exports = { ServerFooAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userfoo, passfoo ), ServerBarAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userbar, passbar ), ServerFooTransport: Transport.use( module.exports.ServerFooAuth ), // ... }; var module = require( 'foo' ); // dynamic auth Transport.use( foo.ServerFooAuth )().send( ... ); // or predefined classes module.ServerFooTransport().send( ... ); ``` Note that, in all of the above cases, the initialization logic is unchanged---the caller does not need to be aware of any authentication mechanism, nor should the caller care of its existence. So how do you create parameterized traits? You need only define a `__mixin` method: Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { __mixin: function( user, pass ) { ... } } ); The method `__mixin` will be invoked upon instantiation of the class into which a particular configuration of `HttpPlainAuth` is mixed into; it was named differently from `__construct` to make clear that (a) traits cannot be instantiated and (b) the constructor cannot be overridden by traits. A configured parameterized trait is said to be an *argument trait*; each argument trait's configuration is discrete, as was demonstrated by `ServerFooAuth` and `ServerBarAuth` above. Once a parameterized trait is configured, its arguments are stored within the argument trait and those arguments are passed, by reference, to `__mixin`. Since any mixed in trait can have its own `__mixin` method, this permits traits to have their own initialization logic without the need for awkward overrides or explicit method calls.
2014-05-28 23:37:36 -04:00
var name = dfn.__name || '(Trait)',
type = _getTraitType( dfn ),
isparam = ( type === 'param' );
// augment the parser to handle our own oddities
dfn.___$$parser$$ = {
each: _parseMember,
property: _parseProps,
2014-03-11 06:58:39 -04:00
getset: _parseGetSet,
// automatically mark ourselves as abstract if an abstract method is
// provided
dfn.___$$auto$abstract$$ = true;
// give the abstract trait class a distinctive name for debugging
dfn.__name = '#AbstractTrait#';
Initial implementation of parameterized traits This is an important feature to permit trait reuse without excessive subtyping---composition over inheritance. For example, consider that you have a `HttpPlainAuth` trait that adds authentication support to some transport layer. Without parameterized traits, you have two options: 1. Expose setters for credentials 2. Trait closure 3. Extend the trait (not yet supported) The first option seems like a simple solution: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth )() .setUser( 'username', 'password' ) .send( ... ); ``` But we are now in the unfortunate situation that our initialization procedure has changed. This, for one, means that authentication logic must be added to anything that instantiates classes that mix in `HttpPlainAuth`. We'll explore that in more detail momentarily. More concerning with this first method is that, not only have we prohibited immutability, but we have also made our code reliant on *invocation order*; `setUser` must be called before `send`. What if we have other traits mixed in that have similar conventions? Normally, this is the type of problem that would be solved with a builder, but would we want every configurable trait to return a new `Transport` instance? All that on top of littering the API---what a mess! The second option is to store configuration data outside of the Trait acting as a closure: ```javascript var _user, _pass; function setCredentials( user, pass ) { _user = user; _pass = pass; } Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { /* use _user and _pass */ } ) ``` There are a number of problems with this; the most apparent is that, in this case, the variables `_user` and `_pass` act in place of static fields---all instances will share that data, and if the data is modified, it will affect all instances; you are therefore relying on external state, and mutability is forced upon you. You are also left with an awkward `setCredentials` call that is disjoint from `HttpPlainAuth`. The other notable issue arises if you did want to support instance-specific credentials. You would have to use ease.js' internal identifiers (which is undocumented and subject to change in future versions), and would likely accumulate garbage data as mixin instances are deallocated, since ECMAScript does not have destructor support. To recover from memory leaks, you could instead create a trait generator: ```javascript function createHttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) { return Trait( { /* ... */ } ); } ``` This uses the same closure concept, but generates new traits at runtime. This has various implications depending on your engine, and may thwart future ease.js optimization attempts. The third (which will be supported in the near future) is prohibitive: we'll add many unnecessary traits that are a nightmare to develop and maintain. Parameterized traits are similar in spirit to option three, but without creating new traits each call: traits now support being passed configuration data at the time of mixin that will be passed to every new instance: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) )() .send( ... ); ``` Notice now how the authentication configuration is isolated to the actual mixin, *prior to* instantiation; the caller performing instantiation need not be aware of this mixin, and so the construction logic can remain wholly generic for all `Transport` types. It further allows for a convenient means of providing useful, reusable exports: ```javascript module.exports = { ServerFooAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userfoo, passfoo ), ServerBarAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userbar, passbar ), ServerFooTransport: Transport.use( module.exports.ServerFooAuth ), // ... }; var module = require( 'foo' ); // dynamic auth Transport.use( foo.ServerFooAuth )().send( ... ); // or predefined classes module.ServerFooTransport().send( ... ); ``` Note that, in all of the above cases, the initialization logic is unchanged---the caller does not need to be aware of any authentication mechanism, nor should the caller care of its existence. So how do you create parameterized traits? You need only define a `__mixin` method: Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { __mixin: function( user, pass ) { ... } } ); The method `__mixin` will be invoked upon instantiation of the class into which a particular configuration of `HttpPlainAuth` is mixed into; it was named differently from `__construct` to make clear that (a) traits cannot be instantiated and (b) the constructor cannot be overridden by traits. A configured parameterized trait is said to be an *argument trait*; each argument trait's configuration is discrete, as was demonstrated by `ServerFooAuth` and `ServerBarAuth` above. Once a parameterized trait is configured, its arguments are stored within the argument trait and those arguments are passed, by reference, to `__mixin`. Since any mixed in trait can have its own `__mixin` method, this permits traits to have their own initialization logic without the need for awkward overrides or explicit method calls.
2014-05-28 23:37:36 -04:00
// if __mixin was provided,in the definition, then we should crate a
// paramaterized trait
var Trait = ( isparam )
? function ParameterTraitType()
// duplicate ars in a way that v8 can optimize
var args = [], i = arguments.length;
while ( i-- ) args[ i ] = arguments[ i ];
var AT = function ArgumentTrait()
throw Error( "Cannot re-configure argument trait" );
// TODO: mess!
AT.___$$mixinargs = args;
AT.__trait = 'arg';
AT.__acls = Trait.__acls;
AT.__ccls = Trait.__ccls;
AT.toString = Trait.toString;
AT.__mixinImpl = Trait.__mixinImpl;
AT.__isInstanceOf = Trait.__isInstanceOf;
// mix in the argument trait instead of the original
AT.__mixin = function( dfn, tc, base )
mixin( AT, dfn, tc, base );
return AT;
: function TraitType()
throw Error( "Cannot instantiate non-parameterized trait" );
// implement interfaces if indicated
var base = AbstractClass;
if ( meta.ifaces )
base = base.implement.apply( null, meta.ifaces );
// and here we can see that traits are quite literally abstract classes
var tclass = base.extend( dfn );
Trait.__trait = type;
Trait.__acls = tclass;
Trait.__ccls = null;
Trait.__extbase = ext_base;
Trait.toString = function()
return ''+name;
// we're not a param trait, but we want consistent data
Trait.___$$mixinargs = [];
// invoked to trigger mixin
Trait.__mixin = function( dfn, tc, base )
mixin( Trait, dfn, tc, base );
// mixes in implemented types
Initial implementation of parameterized traits This is an important feature to permit trait reuse without excessive subtyping---composition over inheritance. For example, consider that you have a `HttpPlainAuth` trait that adds authentication support to some transport layer. Without parameterized traits, you have two options: 1. Expose setters for credentials 2. Trait closure 3. Extend the trait (not yet supported) The first option seems like a simple solution: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth )() .setUser( 'username', 'password' ) .send( ... ); ``` But we are now in the unfortunate situation that our initialization procedure has changed. This, for one, means that authentication logic must be added to anything that instantiates classes that mix in `HttpPlainAuth`. We'll explore that in more detail momentarily. More concerning with this first method is that, not only have we prohibited immutability, but we have also made our code reliant on *invocation order*; `setUser` must be called before `send`. What if we have other traits mixed in that have similar conventions? Normally, this is the type of problem that would be solved with a builder, but would we want every configurable trait to return a new `Transport` instance? All that on top of littering the API---what a mess! The second option is to store configuration data outside of the Trait acting as a closure: ```javascript var _user, _pass; function setCredentials( user, pass ) { _user = user; _pass = pass; } Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { /* use _user and _pass */ } ) ``` There are a number of problems with this; the most apparent is that, in this case, the variables `_user` and `_pass` act in place of static fields---all instances will share that data, and if the data is modified, it will affect all instances; you are therefore relying on external state, and mutability is forced upon you. You are also left with an awkward `setCredentials` call that is disjoint from `HttpPlainAuth`. The other notable issue arises if you did want to support instance-specific credentials. You would have to use ease.js' internal identifiers (which is undocumented and subject to change in future versions), and would likely accumulate garbage data as mixin instances are deallocated, since ECMAScript does not have destructor support. To recover from memory leaks, you could instead create a trait generator: ```javascript function createHttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) { return Trait( { /* ... */ } ); } ``` This uses the same closure concept, but generates new traits at runtime. This has various implications depending on your engine, and may thwart future ease.js optimization attempts. The third (which will be supported in the near future) is prohibitive: we'll add many unnecessary traits that are a nightmare to develop and maintain. Parameterized traits are similar in spirit to option three, but without creating new traits each call: traits now support being passed configuration data at the time of mixin that will be passed to every new instance: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) )() .send( ... ); ``` Notice now how the authentication configuration is isolated to the actual mixin, *prior to* instantiation; the caller performing instantiation need not be aware of this mixin, and so the construction logic can remain wholly generic for all `Transport` types. It further allows for a convenient means of providing useful, reusable exports: ```javascript module.exports = { ServerFooAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userfoo, passfoo ), ServerBarAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userbar, passbar ), ServerFooTransport: Transport.use( module.exports.ServerFooAuth ), // ... }; var module = require( 'foo' ); // dynamic auth Transport.use( foo.ServerFooAuth )().send( ... ); // or predefined classes module.ServerFooTransport().send( ... ); ``` Note that, in all of the above cases, the initialization logic is unchanged---the caller does not need to be aware of any authentication mechanism, nor should the caller care of its existence. So how do you create parameterized traits? You need only define a `__mixin` method: Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { __mixin: function( user, pass ) { ... } } ); The method `__mixin` will be invoked upon instantiation of the class into which a particular configuration of `HttpPlainAuth` is mixed into; it was named differently from `__construct` to make clear that (a) traits cannot be instantiated and (b) the constructor cannot be overridden by traits. A configured parameterized trait is said to be an *argument trait*; each argument trait's configuration is discrete, as was demonstrated by `ServerFooAuth` and `ServerBarAuth` above. Once a parameterized trait is configured, its arguments are stored within the argument trait and those arguments are passed, by reference, to `__mixin`. Since any mixed in trait can have its own `__mixin` method, this permits traits to have their own initialization logic without the need for awkward overrides or explicit method calls.
2014-05-28 23:37:36 -04:00
Trait.__mixinImpl = function( dest_meta )
mixinImpl( tclass, dest_meta );
// TODO: this and the above should use util.defineSecureProp
Initial implementation of parameterized traits This is an important feature to permit trait reuse without excessive subtyping---composition over inheritance. For example, consider that you have a `HttpPlainAuth` trait that adds authentication support to some transport layer. Without parameterized traits, you have two options: 1. Expose setters for credentials 2. Trait closure 3. Extend the trait (not yet supported) The first option seems like a simple solution: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth )() .setUser( 'username', 'password' ) .send( ... ); ``` But we are now in the unfortunate situation that our initialization procedure has changed. This, for one, means that authentication logic must be added to anything that instantiates classes that mix in `HttpPlainAuth`. We'll explore that in more detail momentarily. More concerning with this first method is that, not only have we prohibited immutability, but we have also made our code reliant on *invocation order*; `setUser` must be called before `send`. What if we have other traits mixed in that have similar conventions? Normally, this is the type of problem that would be solved with a builder, but would we want every configurable trait to return a new `Transport` instance? All that on top of littering the API---what a mess! The second option is to store configuration data outside of the Trait acting as a closure: ```javascript var _user, _pass; function setCredentials( user, pass ) { _user = user; _pass = pass; } Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { /* use _user and _pass */ } ) ``` There are a number of problems with this; the most apparent is that, in this case, the variables `_user` and `_pass` act in place of static fields---all instances will share that data, and if the data is modified, it will affect all instances; you are therefore relying on external state, and mutability is forced upon you. You are also left with an awkward `setCredentials` call that is disjoint from `HttpPlainAuth`. The other notable issue arises if you did want to support instance-specific credentials. You would have to use ease.js' internal identifiers (which is undocumented and subject to change in future versions), and would likely accumulate garbage data as mixin instances are deallocated, since ECMAScript does not have destructor support. To recover from memory leaks, you could instead create a trait generator: ```javascript function createHttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) { return Trait( { /* ... */ } ); } ``` This uses the same closure concept, but generates new traits at runtime. This has various implications depending on your engine, and may thwart future ease.js optimization attempts. The third (which will be supported in the near future) is prohibitive: we'll add many unnecessary traits that are a nightmare to develop and maintain. Parameterized traits are similar in spirit to option three, but without creating new traits each call: traits now support being passed configuration data at the time of mixin that will be passed to every new instance: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) )() .send( ... ); ``` Notice now how the authentication configuration is isolated to the actual mixin, *prior to* instantiation; the caller performing instantiation need not be aware of this mixin, and so the construction logic can remain wholly generic for all `Transport` types. It further allows for a convenient means of providing useful, reusable exports: ```javascript module.exports = { ServerFooAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userfoo, passfoo ), ServerBarAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userbar, passbar ), ServerFooTransport: Transport.use( module.exports.ServerFooAuth ), // ... }; var module = require( 'foo' ); // dynamic auth Transport.use( foo.ServerFooAuth )().send( ... ); // or predefined classes module.ServerFooTransport().send( ... ); ``` Note that, in all of the above cases, the initialization logic is unchanged---the caller does not need to be aware of any authentication mechanism, nor should the caller care of its existence. So how do you create parameterized traits? You need only define a `__mixin` method: Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { __mixin: function( user, pass ) { ... } } ); The method `__mixin` will be invoked upon instantiation of the class into which a particular configuration of `HttpPlainAuth` is mixed into; it was named differently from `__construct` to make clear that (a) traits cannot be instantiated and (b) the constructor cannot be overridden by traits. A configured parameterized trait is said to be an *argument trait*; each argument trait's configuration is discrete, as was demonstrated by `ServerFooAuth` and `ServerBarAuth` above. Once a parameterized trait is configured, its arguments are stored within the argument trait and those arguments are passed, by reference, to `__mixin`. Since any mixed in trait can have its own `__mixin` method, this permits traits to have their own initialization logic without the need for awkward overrides or explicit method calls.
2014-05-28 23:37:36 -04:00
Trait.__isInstanceOf = Interface.isInstanceOf;
Initial implementation of parameterized traits This is an important feature to permit trait reuse without excessive subtyping---composition over inheritance. For example, consider that you have a `HttpPlainAuth` trait that adds authentication support to some transport layer. Without parameterized traits, you have two options: 1. Expose setters for credentials 2. Trait closure 3. Extend the trait (not yet supported) The first option seems like a simple solution: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth )() .setUser( 'username', 'password' ) .send( ... ); ``` But we are now in the unfortunate situation that our initialization procedure has changed. This, for one, means that authentication logic must be added to anything that instantiates classes that mix in `HttpPlainAuth`. We'll explore that in more detail momentarily. More concerning with this first method is that, not only have we prohibited immutability, but we have also made our code reliant on *invocation order*; `setUser` must be called before `send`. What if we have other traits mixed in that have similar conventions? Normally, this is the type of problem that would be solved with a builder, but would we want every configurable trait to return a new `Transport` instance? All that on top of littering the API---what a mess! The second option is to store configuration data outside of the Trait acting as a closure: ```javascript var _user, _pass; function setCredentials( user, pass ) { _user = user; _pass = pass; } Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { /* use _user and _pass */ } ) ``` There are a number of problems with this; the most apparent is that, in this case, the variables `_user` and `_pass` act in place of static fields---all instances will share that data, and if the data is modified, it will affect all instances; you are therefore relying on external state, and mutability is forced upon you. You are also left with an awkward `setCredentials` call that is disjoint from `HttpPlainAuth`. The other notable issue arises if you did want to support instance-specific credentials. You would have to use ease.js' internal identifiers (which is undocumented and subject to change in future versions), and would likely accumulate garbage data as mixin instances are deallocated, since ECMAScript does not have destructor support. To recover from memory leaks, you could instead create a trait generator: ```javascript function createHttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) { return Trait( { /* ... */ } ); } ``` This uses the same closure concept, but generates new traits at runtime. This has various implications depending on your engine, and may thwart future ease.js optimization attempts. The third (which will be supported in the near future) is prohibitive: we'll add many unnecessary traits that are a nightmare to develop and maintain. Parameterized traits are similar in spirit to option three, but without creating new traits each call: traits now support being passed configuration data at the time of mixin that will be passed to every new instance: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) )() .send( ... ); ``` Notice now how the authentication configuration is isolated to the actual mixin, *prior to* instantiation; the caller performing instantiation need not be aware of this mixin, and so the construction logic can remain wholly generic for all `Transport` types. It further allows for a convenient means of providing useful, reusable exports: ```javascript module.exports = { ServerFooAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userfoo, passfoo ), ServerBarAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userbar, passbar ), ServerFooTransport: Transport.use( module.exports.ServerFooAuth ), // ... }; var module = require( 'foo' ); // dynamic auth Transport.use( foo.ServerFooAuth )().send( ... ); // or predefined classes module.ServerFooTransport().send( ... ); ``` Note that, in all of the above cases, the initialization logic is unchanged---the caller does not need to be aware of any authentication mechanism, nor should the caller care of its existence. So how do you create parameterized traits? You need only define a `__mixin` method: Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { __mixin: function( user, pass ) { ... } } ); The method `__mixin` will be invoked upon instantiation of the class into which a particular configuration of `HttpPlainAuth` is mixed into; it was named differently from `__construct` to make clear that (a) traits cannot be instantiated and (b) the constructor cannot be overridden by traits. A configured parameterized trait is said to be an *argument trait*; each argument trait's configuration is discrete, as was demonstrated by `ServerFooAuth` and `ServerBarAuth` above. Once a parameterized trait is configured, its arguments are stored within the argument trait and those arguments are passed, by reference, to `__mixin`. Since any mixed in trait can have its own `__mixin` method, this permits traits to have their own initialization logic without the need for awkward overrides or explicit method calls.
2014-05-28 23:37:36 -04:00
return Trait;
* Validate whether mixin is permitted
* If a mixee (the trait being mixed in) extends some type S, then a
* contract has been created mandating that that trait may only be mixed
* into something of type S; a `TypeError` will be thrown if this contract
* is violated.
* @param {Class} base mixor (target of mixin)
* @param {Trait} T mixee (trait being mixed in)
* @return {undefined}
* @throws {TypeError} on type contract violation
function _validateMixin( base, T )
if ( !T.__extbase )
// TODO: isSubtypeOf
if ( !( ( T.__extbase === base )
|| ClassBuilder.isInstanceOf( T.__extbase, base.asPrototype() )
) )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot mix trait " + T.toString() + " into " + base.toString() +
"; mixor must be of type " + T.__extbase.toString()
Initial implementation of parameterized traits This is an important feature to permit trait reuse without excessive subtyping---composition over inheritance. For example, consider that you have a `HttpPlainAuth` trait that adds authentication support to some transport layer. Without parameterized traits, you have two options: 1. Expose setters for credentials 2. Trait closure 3. Extend the trait (not yet supported) The first option seems like a simple solution: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth )() .setUser( 'username', 'password' ) .send( ... ); ``` But we are now in the unfortunate situation that our initialization procedure has changed. This, for one, means that authentication logic must be added to anything that instantiates classes that mix in `HttpPlainAuth`. We'll explore that in more detail momentarily. More concerning with this first method is that, not only have we prohibited immutability, but we have also made our code reliant on *invocation order*; `setUser` must be called before `send`. What if we have other traits mixed in that have similar conventions? Normally, this is the type of problem that would be solved with a builder, but would we want every configurable trait to return a new `Transport` instance? All that on top of littering the API---what a mess! The second option is to store configuration data outside of the Trait acting as a closure: ```javascript var _user, _pass; function setCredentials( user, pass ) { _user = user; _pass = pass; } Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { /* use _user and _pass */ } ) ``` There are a number of problems with this; the most apparent is that, in this case, the variables `_user` and `_pass` act in place of static fields---all instances will share that data, and if the data is modified, it will affect all instances; you are therefore relying on external state, and mutability is forced upon you. You are also left with an awkward `setCredentials` call that is disjoint from `HttpPlainAuth`. The other notable issue arises if you did want to support instance-specific credentials. You would have to use ease.js' internal identifiers (which is undocumented and subject to change in future versions), and would likely accumulate garbage data as mixin instances are deallocated, since ECMAScript does not have destructor support. To recover from memory leaks, you could instead create a trait generator: ```javascript function createHttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) { return Trait( { /* ... */ } ); } ``` This uses the same closure concept, but generates new traits at runtime. This has various implications depending on your engine, and may thwart future ease.js optimization attempts. The third (which will be supported in the near future) is prohibitive: we'll add many unnecessary traits that are a nightmare to develop and maintain. Parameterized traits are similar in spirit to option three, but without creating new traits each call: traits now support being passed configuration data at the time of mixin that will be passed to every new instance: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) )() .send( ... ); ``` Notice now how the authentication configuration is isolated to the actual mixin, *prior to* instantiation; the caller performing instantiation need not be aware of this mixin, and so the construction logic can remain wholly generic for all `Transport` types. It further allows for a convenient means of providing useful, reusable exports: ```javascript module.exports = { ServerFooAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userfoo, passfoo ), ServerBarAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userbar, passbar ), ServerFooTransport: Transport.use( module.exports.ServerFooAuth ), // ... }; var module = require( 'foo' ); // dynamic auth Transport.use( foo.ServerFooAuth )().send( ... ); // or predefined classes module.ServerFooTransport().send( ... ); ``` Note that, in all of the above cases, the initialization logic is unchanged---the caller does not need to be aware of any authentication mechanism, nor should the caller care of its existence. So how do you create parameterized traits? You need only define a `__mixin` method: Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { __mixin: function( user, pass ) { ... } } ); The method `__mixin` will be invoked upon instantiation of the class into which a particular configuration of `HttpPlainAuth` is mixed into; it was named differently from `__construct` to make clear that (a) traits cannot be instantiated and (b) the constructor cannot be overridden by traits. A configured parameterized trait is said to be an *argument trait*; each argument trait's configuration is discrete, as was demonstrated by `ServerFooAuth` and `ServerBarAuth` above. Once a parameterized trait is configured, its arguments are stored within the argument trait and those arguments are passed, by reference, to `__mixin`. Since any mixed in trait can have its own `__mixin` method, this permits traits to have their own initialization logic without the need for awkward overrides or explicit method calls.
2014-05-28 23:37:36 -04:00
* Retrieve a string representation of the trait type
* A trait is parameterized if it has a __mixin method; otherwise, it is
* standard.
* @param {Object} dfn trait definition object
* @return {string} trait type
function _getTraitType( dfn )
return ( typeof dfn.__mixin === 'function' )
? 'param'
: 'std';
* Verifies trait member restrictions
* @param {string} name property name
* @param {*} value property value
* @param {Object} keywords property keywords
* @param {Function} h original handler that we replaced
* @return {undefined}
function _parseMember( name, value, keywords, h )
// traits are not permitted to define constructors
if ( name === '__construct' )
throw Error( "Traits may not define __construct" );
// will be supported in future versions
if ( keywords['static'] )
throw Error(
"Cannot define member `" + name + "'; static trait " +
"members are currently unsupported"
// apply original handler
h.apply( this, arguments );
* Throws error if non-internal property is found within PROPS
* For details and rationale, see the Trait/PropertyTest case.
* @param {string} name property name
* @param {*} value property value
* @param {Object} keywords property keywords
* @param {Function} h original handler that we replaced
* @return {undefined}
function _parseProps( name, value, keywords, h )
// ignore internal properties
if ( name.substr( 0, 3 ) === '___' )
if ( !( keywords['private'] ) )
throw Error(
"Cannot define property `" + name + "'; only private " +
"properties are permitted within Trait definitions"
// apply original handler
h.apply( this, arguments );
2014-03-11 06:58:39 -04:00
* Immediately throws an exception, as getters/setters are unsupported
* This is a temporary restriction; they will be supported in future
* releases.
* @param {string} name property name
* @param {*} value property value
* @param {Object} keywords property keywords
* @param {Function} h original handler that we replaced
* @return {undefined}
function _parseGetSet( name, value, keywords, h )
throw Error(
"Cannot define property `" + name + "'; getters/setters are " +
"currently unsupported"
2014-03-11 06:46:12 -04:00
* Implement one or more interfaces
* Implementing an interface into a trait has the same effect as it does
* within classes in that it will automatically define abstract methods
* unless a concrete method is provided. Further, the class that the trait
* is mixed into will act as though it implemented the interfaces.
* @param {...Function} interfaces interfaces to implement
* @return {Object} staged trait object
Trait.implement = function()
return createImplement( arguments );
* Create a staging object from which a trait implementing a set of
* interfaces may be defined
* @param {...Function} interfaces interfaces to implement
* @param {string=} name optional trait name
* @return {Object} staged trait object
function createImplement( ifaces, name )
return {
extend: function( dfn )
if ( name )
dfn.__name = name;
// pass our interface metadata as the invocation context
return Trait.extend.call(
{ __$$meta: { ifaces: ifaces } },
2014-03-11 06:46:12 -04:00
* Determines if the provided value references a trait
Initial implementation of parameterized traits This is an important feature to permit trait reuse without excessive subtyping---composition over inheritance. For example, consider that you have a `HttpPlainAuth` trait that adds authentication support to some transport layer. Without parameterized traits, you have two options: 1. Expose setters for credentials 2. Trait closure 3. Extend the trait (not yet supported) The first option seems like a simple solution: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth )() .setUser( 'username', 'password' ) .send( ... ); ``` But we are now in the unfortunate situation that our initialization procedure has changed. This, for one, means that authentication logic must be added to anything that instantiates classes that mix in `HttpPlainAuth`. We'll explore that in more detail momentarily. More concerning with this first method is that, not only have we prohibited immutability, but we have also made our code reliant on *invocation order*; `setUser` must be called before `send`. What if we have other traits mixed in that have similar conventions? Normally, this is the type of problem that would be solved with a builder, but would we want every configurable trait to return a new `Transport` instance? All that on top of littering the API---what a mess! The second option is to store configuration data outside of the Trait acting as a closure: ```javascript var _user, _pass; function setCredentials( user, pass ) { _user = user; _pass = pass; } Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { /* use _user and _pass */ } ) ``` There are a number of problems with this; the most apparent is that, in this case, the variables `_user` and `_pass` act in place of static fields---all instances will share that data, and if the data is modified, it will affect all instances; you are therefore relying on external state, and mutability is forced upon you. You are also left with an awkward `setCredentials` call that is disjoint from `HttpPlainAuth`. The other notable issue arises if you did want to support instance-specific credentials. You would have to use ease.js' internal identifiers (which is undocumented and subject to change in future versions), and would likely accumulate garbage data as mixin instances are deallocated, since ECMAScript does not have destructor support. To recover from memory leaks, you could instead create a trait generator: ```javascript function createHttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) { return Trait( { /* ... */ } ); } ``` This uses the same closure concept, but generates new traits at runtime. This has various implications depending on your engine, and may thwart future ease.js optimization attempts. The third (which will be supported in the near future) is prohibitive: we'll add many unnecessary traits that are a nightmare to develop and maintain. Parameterized traits are similar in spirit to option three, but without creating new traits each call: traits now support being passed configuration data at the time of mixin that will be passed to every new instance: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) )() .send( ... ); ``` Notice now how the authentication configuration is isolated to the actual mixin, *prior to* instantiation; the caller performing instantiation need not be aware of this mixin, and so the construction logic can remain wholly generic for all `Transport` types. It further allows for a convenient means of providing useful, reusable exports: ```javascript module.exports = { ServerFooAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userfoo, passfoo ), ServerBarAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userbar, passbar ), ServerFooTransport: Transport.use( module.exports.ServerFooAuth ), // ... }; var module = require( 'foo' ); // dynamic auth Transport.use( foo.ServerFooAuth )().send( ... ); // or predefined classes module.ServerFooTransport().send( ... ); ``` Note that, in all of the above cases, the initialization logic is unchanged---the caller does not need to be aware of any authentication mechanism, nor should the caller care of its existence. So how do you create parameterized traits? You need only define a `__mixin` method: Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { __mixin: function( user, pass ) { ... } } ); The method `__mixin` will be invoked upon instantiation of the class into which a particular configuration of `HttpPlainAuth` is mixed into; it was named differently from `__construct` to make clear that (a) traits cannot be instantiated and (b) the constructor cannot be overridden by traits. A configured parameterized trait is said to be an *argument trait*; each argument trait's configuration is discrete, as was demonstrated by `ServerFooAuth` and `ServerBarAuth` above. Once a parameterized trait is configured, its arguments are stored within the argument trait and those arguments are passed, by reference, to `__mixin`. Since any mixed in trait can have its own `__mixin` method, this permits traits to have their own initialization logic without the need for awkward overrides or explicit method calls.
2014-05-28 23:37:36 -04:00
* @param {*} trait value to check
2014-03-11 06:46:12 -04:00
* @return {boolean} whether the provided value references a trait
Trait.isTrait = function( trait )
return !!( trait || {} ).__trait;
Initial implementation of parameterized traits This is an important feature to permit trait reuse without excessive subtyping---composition over inheritance. For example, consider that you have a `HttpPlainAuth` trait that adds authentication support to some transport layer. Without parameterized traits, you have two options: 1. Expose setters for credentials 2. Trait closure 3. Extend the trait (not yet supported) The first option seems like a simple solution: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth )() .setUser( 'username', 'password' ) .send( ... ); ``` But we are now in the unfortunate situation that our initialization procedure has changed. This, for one, means that authentication logic must be added to anything that instantiates classes that mix in `HttpPlainAuth`. We'll explore that in more detail momentarily. More concerning with this first method is that, not only have we prohibited immutability, but we have also made our code reliant on *invocation order*; `setUser` must be called before `send`. What if we have other traits mixed in that have similar conventions? Normally, this is the type of problem that would be solved with a builder, but would we want every configurable trait to return a new `Transport` instance? All that on top of littering the API---what a mess! The second option is to store configuration data outside of the Trait acting as a closure: ```javascript var _user, _pass; function setCredentials( user, pass ) { _user = user; _pass = pass; } Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { /* use _user and _pass */ } ) ``` There are a number of problems with this; the most apparent is that, in this case, the variables `_user` and `_pass` act in place of static fields---all instances will share that data, and if the data is modified, it will affect all instances; you are therefore relying on external state, and mutability is forced upon you. You are also left with an awkward `setCredentials` call that is disjoint from `HttpPlainAuth`. The other notable issue arises if you did want to support instance-specific credentials. You would have to use ease.js' internal identifiers (which is undocumented and subject to change in future versions), and would likely accumulate garbage data as mixin instances are deallocated, since ECMAScript does not have destructor support. To recover from memory leaks, you could instead create a trait generator: ```javascript function createHttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) { return Trait( { /* ... */ } ); } ``` This uses the same closure concept, but generates new traits at runtime. This has various implications depending on your engine, and may thwart future ease.js optimization attempts. The third (which will be supported in the near future) is prohibitive: we'll add many unnecessary traits that are a nightmare to develop and maintain. Parameterized traits are similar in spirit to option three, but without creating new traits each call: traits now support being passed configuration data at the time of mixin that will be passed to every new instance: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) )() .send( ... ); ``` Notice now how the authentication configuration is isolated to the actual mixin, *prior to* instantiation; the caller performing instantiation need not be aware of this mixin, and so the construction logic can remain wholly generic for all `Transport` types. It further allows for a convenient means of providing useful, reusable exports: ```javascript module.exports = { ServerFooAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userfoo, passfoo ), ServerBarAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userbar, passbar ), ServerFooTransport: Transport.use( module.exports.ServerFooAuth ), // ... }; var module = require( 'foo' ); // dynamic auth Transport.use( foo.ServerFooAuth )().send( ... ); // or predefined classes module.ServerFooTransport().send( ... ); ``` Note that, in all of the above cases, the initialization logic is unchanged---the caller does not need to be aware of any authentication mechanism, nor should the caller care of its existence. So how do you create parameterized traits? You need only define a `__mixin` method: Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { __mixin: function( user, pass ) { ... } } ); The method `__mixin` will be invoked upon instantiation of the class into which a particular configuration of `HttpPlainAuth` is mixed into; it was named differently from `__construct` to make clear that (a) traits cannot be instantiated and (b) the constructor cannot be overridden by traits. A configured parameterized trait is said to be an *argument trait*; each argument trait's configuration is discrete, as was demonstrated by `ServerFooAuth` and `ServerBarAuth` above. Once a parameterized trait is configured, its arguments are stored within the argument trait and those arguments are passed, by reference, to `__mixin`. Since any mixed in trait can have its own `__mixin` method, this permits traits to have their own initialization logic without the need for awkward overrides or explicit method calls.
2014-05-28 23:37:36 -04:00
* Determines if the provided value references a parameterized trait
* @param {*} trait value to check
* @return {boolean} whether the provided value references a param trait
Trait.isParameterTrait = function( trait )
return !!( ( trait || {} ).__trait === 'param' );
* Determines if the provided value references an argument trait
* An argument trait is a configured parameter trait.
* @param {*} trait value to check
* @return {boolean} whether the provided value references an arg trait
Trait.isArgumentTrait = function( trait )
return !!( ( trait || {} ).__trait === 'arg' );
* Create a concrete class from the abstract trait class
* This class is the one that will be instantiated by classes that mix in
* the trait.
* @param {AbstractClass} acls abstract trait class
* @return {Class} concrete trait class for instantiation
function createConcrete( acls )
// start by providing a concrete implementation for our dummy method and
// a constructor that accepts the protected member object of the
// containing class
var dfn = {
2014-03-04 00:19:39 -05:00
// protected member object (we define this as protected so that the
// parent ACLS has access to it (!), which is not prohibited since
// JS does not provide a strict typing mechanism...this is a kluge)
// and target supertype---that is, what __super calls should
// referene
2014-03-04 00:19:39 -05:00
'protected ___$$pmo$$': null,
'protected ___$$super$$': null,
__construct: function( base, pmo )
this.___$$super$$ = base;
this.___$$pmo$$ = pmo;
// mainly for debugging; should really never see this.
__name: '#ConcreteTrait#',
// every abstract method should be overridden with a proxy to the
// protected member object that will be passed in via the ctor
var amethods = ClassBuilder.getMeta( acls ).abstractMethods;
for ( var f in amethods )
// TODO: would be nice if this check could be for '___'; need to
// replace amethods.__length with something else, then
if ( !( Object.hasOwnProperty.call( amethods, f ) )
|| ( f.substr( 0, 2 ) === '__' )
// we know that if it's not public, then it must be protected
var vis = ( acls.___$$methods$$['public'][ f ] !== undefined )
? 'public'
: 'protected';
// setting the correct visibility modified is important to prevent
// visibility de-escalation errors if a protected concrete method is
// provided
dfn[ vis + ' proxy ' + f ] = '___$$pmo$$';
// virtual methods need to be handled with care to ensure that we invoke
// any overrides
createVirtProxy( acls, dfn );
return acls.extend( dfn );
* Create virtual method proxies for all virtual members
* Virtual methods are a bit of hassle with traits: we are in a situation
* where we do not know at the time that the trait is created whether or not
* the virtual method has been overridden, since the class that the trait is
* mixed into may do the overriding. Therefore, we must check if an override
* has occured *when the method is invoked*; there is room for optimization
* there (by making such a determination at the time of mixin), but we'll
* leave that for later.
* @param {AbstractClass} acls abstract trait class
* @param {Object} dfn destination definition object
* @return {undefined}
function createVirtProxy( acls, dfn )
var vmembers = ClassBuilder.getMeta( acls ).virtualMembers;
// f = `field'
for ( var f in vmembers )
var vis = ( acls.___$$methods$$['public'][ f ] !== undefined )
? 'public'
: 'protected';
var srcmethod = acls.___$$methods$$[ vis ][ f ],
plen = srcmethod.__length;
// this is the aforementioned proxy method; see the docblock for
// more information
dfn[ vis + ' virtual override ' + f ] = ( function( f )
var retf = function()
var pmo = this.___$$pmo$$,
o = pmo[ f ];
// proxy to virtual override from the class we are mixed
// into, if found; otherwise, proxy to our supertype
return ( o )
? o.apply( pmo, arguments )
: this.__super.apply( this, arguments );
retf.__length = plen;
return retf;
} )( f );
// this guy bypasses the above virtual override check, which is
// necessary in certain cases to prevent infinte recursion
dfn[ vis + ' virtual __$$' + f ] = ( function( method )
var retf = function()
return method.apply( this, arguments );
retf.__length = plen;
return retf;
} )( srcmethod );
* Mix trait into the given definition
2014-02-16 23:23:11 -05:00
* The original object DFN is modified; it is not cloned. TC should be
* initialized to an empty array; it is used to store context data for
* mixing in traits and will be encapsulated within a ctor closure (and thus
* will remain in memory).
* @param {Trait} trait trait to mix in
* @param {Object} dfn definition object to merge into
2014-02-16 23:23:11 -05:00
* @param {Array} tc trait class context
* @param {Class} base target supertype
* @return {Object} dfn
function mixin( trait, dfn, tc, base )
_validateMixin( base, trait );
// the abstract class hidden within the trait
var acls = trait.__acls;
// retrieve the private member name that will contain this trait object
var iname = addTraitInst( trait, dfn, tc, base );
// TODO: this should not be necessary for dfn metadata
dfn[ 'weak virtual ___$$ctor$pre$$' ] = _fvoid;
dfn[ 'weak virtual ___$$ctor$post$$' ] = _fvoid;
// TODO: this is a kluge; generalize and move
// this ensures __construct is called before __mixin when mixing into
// the base class
if ( base === ClassBuilder.ClassBase )
dfn[ 'virtual override ___$$ctor$post$$' ] = _tctorApply;
dfn[ 'virtual override ___$$ctor$pre$$' ] = _fvoid;
dfn[ 'virtual override ___$$ctor$post$$' ] = _fvoid;
dfn[ 'virtual override ___$$ctor$pre$$' ] = _tctorApply;
// recursively mix in trait's underlying abstract class (ensuring that
// anything that the trait inherits from is also properly mixed in)
mixinCls( acls, dfn, iname );
return dfn;
* Recursively mix in class methods
* If CLS extends another class, its methods will be recursively processed
* to ensure that the entire prototype chain is properly proxied.
* For an explanation of the iname parameter, see the mixin function.
* @param {Class} cls class to mix in
* @param {Object} dfn definition object to merge into
* @param {string} iname trait object private member instance name
* @return {undefined}
function mixinCls( cls, dfn, iname )
var methods = cls.___$$methods$$;
mixMethods( methods['public'], dfn, 'public', iname );
mixMethods( methods['protected'], dfn, 'protected', iname );
// if this class inherits from another class that is *not* the base
// class, recursively process its methods; otherwise, we will have
// incompletely proxied the prototype chain
var parent = methods['public'].___$$parent$$;
if ( parent && ( parent.constructor !== ClassBuilder.ClassBase ) )
mixinCls( parent.constructor, dfn, iname );
* Mix implemented types into destination object
* The provided destination object will ideally be the `implemented' array
* of the destination class's meta object.
* @param {Class} cls source class
* @param {Object} dest_meta destination object to copy into
* @return {undefined}
function mixinImpl( cls, dest_meta )
var impl = ClassBuilder.getMeta( cls ).implemented || [],
i = impl.length;
while ( i-- )
// TODO: this could potentially result in duplicates
dest_meta.push( impl[ i ] );
* Mix methods from SRC into DEST using proxies
* @param {Object} src visibility object to scavenge from
* @param {Object} dest destination definition object
* @param {string} vis visibility modifier
* @param {string} iname proxy destination (trait instance)
* @return {undefined}
function mixMethods( src, dest, vis, iname )
for ( var f in src )
if ( !( Object.hasOwnProperty.call( src, f ) ) )
// TODO: generalize
// __mixin is exclusive to the trait (private-ish, but can be
// invoked publically internally)
if ( f === '__mixin' )
// TODO: this is a kluge; we'll use proper reflection eventually,
// but for now, this is how we determine if this is an actual method
// vs. something that just happens to be on the visibility object
if ( !( src[ f ].___$$keywords$$ ) )
var keywords = src[ f ].___$$keywords$$,
vis = keywords['protected'] ? 'protected' : 'public';
// if abstract, then we are expected to provide the implementation;
// otherwise, we proxy to the trait's implementation
2014-03-04 00:19:39 -05:00
if ( keywords[ 'abstract' ] && !( keywords[ 'override' ] ) )
// copy the abstract definition (N.B. this does not copy the
// param names, since that is not [yet] important); the
// visibility modified is important to prevent de-escalation
// errors on override
dest[ vis + ' weak abstract ' + f ] = src[ f ].definition;
2014-03-04 00:19:39 -05:00
var vk = keywords['virtual'],
virt = vk ? 'virtual ' : '',
2014-03-04 00:19:39 -05:00
ovr = ( keywords['override'] ) ? 'override ' : '',
pname = ( vk ? '' : 'proxy ' ) + virt + ovr + vis + ' ' + f;
// if we have already set up a proxy for a field of this name,
// then multiple traits have defined the same concrete member
if ( dest[ pname ] !== undefined )
// TODO: between what traits?
throw Error( "Trait member conflict: `" + f + "'" );
// if non-virtual, a normal proxy should do
2014-03-04 00:19:39 -05:00
if ( !( keywords[ 'virtual' ] ) )
dest[ pname ] = iname;
// proxy this method to what will be the encapsulated trait
// object (note that we do not use the proxy keyword here
// beacuse we are not proxying to a method of the same name)
dest[ pname ] = ( function( f )
var retf = function()
var pdest = this[ iname ];
// invoke the direct method on the trait instance; this
// bypasses the virtual override check on the trait
// method to ensure that it is invoked without
// additional overhead or confusion
var ret = pdest[ '__$$' + f ].apply( pdest, arguments );
// if the trait returns itself, return us instead
return ( ret === pdest )
? this
: ret;
retf.__length = src[ f ].__length;
return retf;
} )( f );
* Add concrete trait class to a class instantion list
* This list---which will be created if it does not already exist---will be
* used upon instantiation of the class consuming DFN to instantiate the
* concrete trait classes.
* Here, `tc' and `to' are understood to be, respectively, ``trait class''
* and ``trait object''.
* @param {Class} T trait
* @param {Object} dfn definition object of class being mixed into
* @param {Array} tc trait class object
* @param {Class} base target supertyep
* @return {string} private member into which C instance shall be stored
function addTraitInst( T, dfn, tc, base )
var base_cid = base.__cid;
// creates a property of the form ___$to$N$M to hold the trait object
// reference; M is required because of the private member restrictions
// imposed to be consistent with pre-ES5 fallback
var iname = '___$to$' + T.__acls.__cid + '$' + base_cid;
// the trait object array will contain two values: the destination field
// and the trait to instantiate
tc.push( [ iname, T ] );
// we must also add the private field to the definition object to
// support the object assignment indicated by TC
dfn[ 'private ' + iname ] = null;
// create internal trait ctor if not available
if ( dfn.___$$tctor$$ === undefined )
2014-02-10 00:37:25 -05:00
// TODO: let's check for inheritance or something to avoid this weak
// definition (this prevents warnings if there is not a supertype
// that defines the trait ctor)
dfn[ 'weak virtual ___$$tctor$$' ] = function() {};
dfn[ 'virtual override ___$$tctor$$' ] = createTctor( tc, base );
return iname;
* Trait initialization constructor
* May be used to initialize all traits mixed into the class that invokes
* this function. All concrete trait classes are instantiated and their
* resulting objects assigned to their rsepective pre-determined field
* names.
Initial implementation of parameterized traits This is an important feature to permit trait reuse without excessive subtyping---composition over inheritance. For example, consider that you have a `HttpPlainAuth` trait that adds authentication support to some transport layer. Without parameterized traits, you have two options: 1. Expose setters for credentials 2. Trait closure 3. Extend the trait (not yet supported) The first option seems like a simple solution: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth )() .setUser( 'username', 'password' ) .send( ... ); ``` But we are now in the unfortunate situation that our initialization procedure has changed. This, for one, means that authentication logic must be added to anything that instantiates classes that mix in `HttpPlainAuth`. We'll explore that in more detail momentarily. More concerning with this first method is that, not only have we prohibited immutability, but we have also made our code reliant on *invocation order*; `setUser` must be called before `send`. What if we have other traits mixed in that have similar conventions? Normally, this is the type of problem that would be solved with a builder, but would we want every configurable trait to return a new `Transport` instance? All that on top of littering the API---what a mess! The second option is to store configuration data outside of the Trait acting as a closure: ```javascript var _user, _pass; function setCredentials( user, pass ) { _user = user; _pass = pass; } Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { /* use _user and _pass */ } ) ``` There are a number of problems with this; the most apparent is that, in this case, the variables `_user` and `_pass` act in place of static fields---all instances will share that data, and if the data is modified, it will affect all instances; you are therefore relying on external state, and mutability is forced upon you. You are also left with an awkward `setCredentials` call that is disjoint from `HttpPlainAuth`. The other notable issue arises if you did want to support instance-specific credentials. You would have to use ease.js' internal identifiers (which is undocumented and subject to change in future versions), and would likely accumulate garbage data as mixin instances are deallocated, since ECMAScript does not have destructor support. To recover from memory leaks, you could instead create a trait generator: ```javascript function createHttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) { return Trait( { /* ... */ } ); } ``` This uses the same closure concept, but generates new traits at runtime. This has various implications depending on your engine, and may thwart future ease.js optimization attempts. The third (which will be supported in the near future) is prohibitive: we'll add many unnecessary traits that are a nightmare to develop and maintain. Parameterized traits are similar in spirit to option three, but without creating new traits each call: traits now support being passed configuration data at the time of mixin that will be passed to every new instance: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) )() .send( ... ); ``` Notice now how the authentication configuration is isolated to the actual mixin, *prior to* instantiation; the caller performing instantiation need not be aware of this mixin, and so the construction logic can remain wholly generic for all `Transport` types. It further allows for a convenient means of providing useful, reusable exports: ```javascript module.exports = { ServerFooAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userfoo, passfoo ), ServerBarAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userbar, passbar ), ServerFooTransport: Transport.use( module.exports.ServerFooAuth ), // ... }; var module = require( 'foo' ); // dynamic auth Transport.use( foo.ServerFooAuth )().send( ... ); // or predefined classes module.ServerFooTransport().send( ... ); ``` Note that, in all of the above cases, the initialization logic is unchanged---the caller does not need to be aware of any authentication mechanism, nor should the caller care of its existence. So how do you create parameterized traits? You need only define a `__mixin` method: Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { __mixin: function( user, pass ) { ... } } ); The method `__mixin` will be invoked upon instantiation of the class into which a particular configuration of `HttpPlainAuth` is mixed into; it was named differently from `__construct` to make clear that (a) traits cannot be instantiated and (b) the constructor cannot be overridden by traits. A configured parameterized trait is said to be an *argument trait*; each argument trait's configuration is discrete, as was demonstrated by `ServerFooAuth` and `ServerBarAuth` above. Once a parameterized trait is configured, its arguments are stored within the argument trait and those arguments are passed, by reference, to `__mixin`. Since any mixed in trait can have its own `__mixin` method, this permits traits to have their own initialization logic without the need for awkward overrides or explicit method calls.
2014-05-28 23:37:36 -04:00
* The MIXINARGS are only useful in the case of parameterized trait.
* This will lazily create the concrete trait class if it does not already
* exist, which saves work if the trait is never used.
* Note that the private symbol used to encapsulate class data must be
* passed to this function to provide us access to implementation details
* that we really shouldn't be messing around with. :) In particular, we
* need access to the protected visibility object, and there is [currently]
* no API for doing so.
* @param {Object} tc trait class list
* @param {Class} base target supertype
* @param {Symbol} privsym symbol used as key for encapsulated data
* @return {undefined}
function tctor( tc, base, privsym )
// instantiate all traits and assign the object to their
// respective fields
for ( var t in tc )
var f = tc[ t ][ 0 ],
T = tc[ t ][ 1 ],
C = T.__ccls || ( T.__ccls = createConcrete( T.__acls ) );
// instantiate the trait, providing it with our protected visibility
// object so that it has access to our public and protected members
// (but not private); in return, we will use its own protected
// visibility object to gain access to its protected members...quite
// the intimate relationship
this[ f ] = C( base, this[ privsym ].vis )[ privsym ].vis;
2014-02-10 00:37:25 -05:00
// this has been previously validated to ensure that it is a
// function
this[ f ].__mixin && this[ f ].__mixin.apply(
this[ f ], T.___$$mixinargs
Initial implementation of parameterized traits This is an important feature to permit trait reuse without excessive subtyping---composition over inheritance. For example, consider that you have a `HttpPlainAuth` trait that adds authentication support to some transport layer. Without parameterized traits, you have two options: 1. Expose setters for credentials 2. Trait closure 3. Extend the trait (not yet supported) The first option seems like a simple solution: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth )() .setUser( 'username', 'password' ) .send( ... ); ``` But we are now in the unfortunate situation that our initialization procedure has changed. This, for one, means that authentication logic must be added to anything that instantiates classes that mix in `HttpPlainAuth`. We'll explore that in more detail momentarily. More concerning with this first method is that, not only have we prohibited immutability, but we have also made our code reliant on *invocation order*; `setUser` must be called before `send`. What if we have other traits mixed in that have similar conventions? Normally, this is the type of problem that would be solved with a builder, but would we want every configurable trait to return a new `Transport` instance? All that on top of littering the API---what a mess! The second option is to store configuration data outside of the Trait acting as a closure: ```javascript var _user, _pass; function setCredentials( user, pass ) { _user = user; _pass = pass; } Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { /* use _user and _pass */ } ) ``` There are a number of problems with this; the most apparent is that, in this case, the variables `_user` and `_pass` act in place of static fields---all instances will share that data, and if the data is modified, it will affect all instances; you are therefore relying on external state, and mutability is forced upon you. You are also left with an awkward `setCredentials` call that is disjoint from `HttpPlainAuth`. The other notable issue arises if you did want to support instance-specific credentials. You would have to use ease.js' internal identifiers (which is undocumented and subject to change in future versions), and would likely accumulate garbage data as mixin instances are deallocated, since ECMAScript does not have destructor support. To recover from memory leaks, you could instead create a trait generator: ```javascript function createHttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) { return Trait( { /* ... */ } ); } ``` This uses the same closure concept, but generates new traits at runtime. This has various implications depending on your engine, and may thwart future ease.js optimization attempts. The third (which will be supported in the near future) is prohibitive: we'll add many unnecessary traits that are a nightmare to develop and maintain. Parameterized traits are similar in spirit to option three, but without creating new traits each call: traits now support being passed configuration data at the time of mixin that will be passed to every new instance: ```javascript Transport.use( HttpPlainAuth( user, pass ) )() .send( ... ); ``` Notice now how the authentication configuration is isolated to the actual mixin, *prior to* instantiation; the caller performing instantiation need not be aware of this mixin, and so the construction logic can remain wholly generic for all `Transport` types. It further allows for a convenient means of providing useful, reusable exports: ```javascript module.exports = { ServerFooAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userfoo, passfoo ), ServerBarAuth: HttpPlainAuth( userbar, passbar ), ServerFooTransport: Transport.use( module.exports.ServerFooAuth ), // ... }; var module = require( 'foo' ); // dynamic auth Transport.use( foo.ServerFooAuth )().send( ... ); // or predefined classes module.ServerFooTransport().send( ... ); ``` Note that, in all of the above cases, the initialization logic is unchanged---the caller does not need to be aware of any authentication mechanism, nor should the caller care of its existence. So how do you create parameterized traits? You need only define a `__mixin` method: Trait( 'HttpPlainAuth', { __mixin: function( user, pass ) { ... } } ); The method `__mixin` will be invoked upon instantiation of the class into which a particular configuration of `HttpPlainAuth` is mixed into; it was named differently from `__construct` to make clear that (a) traits cannot be instantiated and (b) the constructor cannot be overridden by traits. A configured parameterized trait is said to be an *argument trait*; each argument trait's configuration is discrete, as was demonstrated by `ServerFooAuth` and `ServerBarAuth` above. Once a parameterized trait is configured, its arguments are stored within the argument trait and those arguments are passed, by reference, to `__mixin`. Since any mixed in trait can have its own `__mixin` method, this permits traits to have their own initialization logic without the need for awkward overrides or explicit method calls.
2014-05-28 23:37:36 -04:00
2014-02-10 00:37:25 -05:00
// if we are a subtype, be sure to initialize our parent's traits
this.__super && this.__super( privsym );
2014-02-10 00:37:25 -05:00
* Create trait constructor
* This binds the generic trait constructor to a reference to the provided
* trait class list.
* @param {Object} tc trait class list
* @param {Class} base target supertype
2014-02-10 00:37:25 -05:00
* @return {function()} trait constructor
function createTctor( tc, base )
2014-02-10 00:37:25 -05:00
return function( privsym )
2014-02-10 00:37:25 -05:00
return tctor.call( this, tc, base, privsym );
2014-02-10 00:37:25 -05:00
function _tctorApply()
this.___$$tctor$$.apply( this, arguments );
module.exports = Trait;
2014-03-04 00:19:39 -05:00