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Basic, incomplete, but workable traits

Note the incomplete tests. These are very important, but the current state
at least demonstrates conceptually how this will work (and is even useful in
its current state, albeit dangerous and far from ready for production).
Mike Gerwitz 2014-01-22 01:11:17 -05:00
parent 62035a0b4c
commit dfc83032d7
2 changed files with 169 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ Trait.isTrait = function( trait )
* The original object DFN is modified; it is not cloned.
* TODO: we could benefit from processing the keywords now (since we need
* the name anyway) and not re-processing them later for the class.
* @param {Trait} trait trait to mix in
* @param {Object} dfn definition object to merge into
@ -66,6 +69,20 @@ Trait.mixin = function( trait, dfn )
var tdfn = trait.__dfn || {};
for ( var f in tdfn )
// this is a simple check that will match only when all keywords,
// etc are the same; we expect that---at least for the time
// being---class validations will ensures that redefinitions do not
// occur when the field strings vary
if ( dfn[ f ] )
// TODO: conflcit resolution
throw Error( "Trait field `" + f + "' conflits" );
else if ( f.match( /\b__construct\b/ ) )
throw Error( "Traits may not define __construct" );
dfn[ f ] = tdfn[ f ];

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@ -31,6 +31,38 @@ require( 'common' ).testCase(
// trait field name conflicts
this.fconflict = [
// same name; property
[ 'foo',
{ foo: 'a' },
{ foo: 'b' },
// same name; prop and method
[ 'foo',
{ foo: 'a' },
{ foo: function() {} },
// same keywords
[ 'foo',
{ 'public foo': 'a' },
{ 'public foo': 'b' },
// different keywords should be (for the time being) picked up
// by existing class error checks
[ 'foo',
{ 'public foo': 'a' },
{ 'protected foo': 'b' },
[ 'bar',
{ 'virtual bar': function() {} },
{ 'override bar': function() {} },
@ -153,4 +185,124 @@ require( 'common' ).testCase(
// (that is---the same); we will proceed to test only a single method of
// construction under that assumption.
* Traits cannot be instantiated, so they need not define __construct
* for themselves; however, they may wish to influence the construction
* of anything that uses them. This is poor practice, since that
* introduces a war between traits to take over the constructor;
* instead, the class using the traits should handle calling the methods
* on the traits and we should disallow traits from attempting to set
* the constructor.
'Traits cannot define __construct': function()
.use( this.Sut( { __construct: function() {} } ) )
.extend( {} );
catch ( e )
this.assertOk( e.message.match( /\b__construct\b/ ) );
this.fail( "Traits should not be able to define __construct" );
* If two traits attempt to define the same field (by name, regardless
* of its type), then an error should be thrown to warn the developer of
* a problem; automatic resolution would be a fertile source of nasty
* and confusing bugs.
* TODO: conflict resolution through aliasing
'@each(fconflict) Cannot use multiple traits definining same field':
function( dfns )
var fname = dfns[ 0 ];
// both traits define `foo'
var A = this.Sut( dfns[ 1 ] ),
B = this.Sut( dfns[ 2 ] );
// this, therefore, should error
this.Class.use( A, B ).extend( {} );
catch ( e )
// the assertion should contain the name of the field that
// caused the error
e.message.match( '\\b' + fname + '\\b' ),
"Missing field name"
// TODO: we can also make less people hate us if we include the
// names of the conflicting traits; in the case of an anonymous
// trait, maybe include its index in the use list
this.fail( "Mixin must fail on conflict" );
* Once a trait is mixed in, its methods should execute with `this'
* bound to the instance of the class that it was mixed into, not the
* trait itself. In particular, this means that the trait can access
* members of the class in which it mixes into (but see tests that
* follow).
'Trait methods execute within context of the containing class':
var expected = 'bar';
var T = this.Sut(
// attempts to invoke protected method of containing class
'public setFoo': function( val ) { this.doSet( val ); },
} );
var C = this.Class.use( T ).extend(
'private _foo': null,
'protected doSet': function( val ) { this._foo = val; },
'public getFoo': function() { return this._foo; },
} );
// we do not use method chaining for this test just to ensure that
// any hiccups with returning `this' from setFoo will not compromise
// the assertion
var inst = C();
inst.setFoo( expected );
this.assertEqual( inst.getFoo(), expected );
'Private class members are not accessible to useed traits': function()
// TODO: this is not yet the case
* Traits will need to be able to keep and manipulate their own internal
* state.
'Private trait members are not accessible to containing class':
// TODO: this is not yet the case
} );