rebirth: Remove libprebirth.js dependency

This re-implements libprebirth in Rebirth Lisp, finally cutting the
cord.  (Are these birth puns getting out of control?)  We are finally purely
in Lisp land!

* build-aux/bootstrap/rebirth.scm: Define libprebith primitives when
    `string->es' is available (using `cond-expand').
  (prebirth->ecmascript): Do not include `libprebirth.js' in output.
Mike Gerwitz 2017-12-05 00:50:29 -05:00
parent 7f7a9704e5
commit 4585203a22
Signed by: mikegerwitz
GPG Key ID: 8C917B7F5DC51BA2
1 changed files with 185 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -28,19 +28,198 @@
;;; remaining process that isn't technically self-hosted. So, Rebirth
;;; completes the raw, self-hosting bootstrapping process.
;;; To continue with the creepy birthing puns, you can consider libprebirth
;; to be the umbilical cord. After Birth, it's still attached---here we
;;; cut it.
;;; Of course, bootstrapping can't end there: we need a fully functioning
;;; Scheme compiler. So steps will follow as development continues.
;;; Scheme compiler. Rebirth may as well be called Rerebirth, or
;;; Rererebirth, or Re*birth---it is a recursively self-hosting
;;; compiler. It adds features to itself each time it compiles itself.
;;; Note that we're dealing with a small subset of Scheme here, so certain
;;; things might be done differently given a proper implementation.
;;; This is an exact copy of `birth.csm', modified to introduce additional
;;; This is an exact copy of `birth.scm', modified to introduce additional
;;; features. This is important, since Birth is a 1:1 translation of the
;;; Prebirth compiler and needs to stay that way. This fork allows us to
;;; vary as much as we want from the initial implementation. See the commit
;;; history for this file for more information as to how it evolved (the
;;; first commit is the direct copy before actual code changes).
;; Here we define the libprebirth primitives. When we first compile Rebirth
;; with Birth, `string->es' is not yet available, because it is only
;; implemented in Rebirth. Further, Birth includes libprebirth in its
;; output, so we cannot blindly redefine the procedures without producing an
;; error.
;; Once Rebirth is compiled with Birth, Rebirth can then compile
;; itself. Since Rebirth _does_ implement `string->es', and further _does not_
;; include libprebirth in its output, we can define the libprebirth
;; primitives ourselves in Rebirth Lisp. Cut the cord.
;; Some of these definitions aren't valid: variable arguments, for example,
;; aren't represented _at all_---the `define' form will be properly
;; implemented in the future to correct this.
(define #t (string->es "true"))
(define #f (string->es "false"))
;; _truep is used only internally and is still defined as a JS function
;; for brevity
(string->es "const _truep = x => x !== false")
(define (es:typeof x)
(string->es "typeof $$x"))
(define (symbol=? x y)
(and (string=? (es:typeof x) "symbol")
(eq? x y)))
(define (es:arg->arr args)
(string->es "$$args)"))
(define (list)
(es:arg->arr (string->es "arguments")))
;; warning: only compares two values
(define (= x y)
(string->es "+$$x === +$$y"))
(define (> x y)
(string->es "+$$y > +$$x"))
(define (< x y)
(string->es "+$$y < +$$x"))
;; warning: doesn't verify that it's a pair
(define (length xs)
(string->es "$$xs.length"))
(define (es:array? xs)
(string->es "Array.isArray($$xs)"))
(define (es:-assert-list xs)
(or (es:array? xs)
(error "expecting list")))
(define (es:-assert-pair xs)
(es:-assert-list xs)
(if (= 0 (length xs))
(error "expecting pair")
;; ignore obj for now
(define (error msg obj)
(string->es "throw Error($$msg)")
#f) ; prevent above from being in tail position and prefixing "return"
;; warning: these only operate on arrays
(define (cons obj1 obj2)
(es:-assert-list obj2)
(string->es "[$$obj1].concat($$obj2)"))
(define (car pair)
(es:-assert-pair pair)
(string->es "$$pair[0]"))
(define (cdr pair)
(es:-assert-pair pair)
(string->es "$$pair.slice(1)"))
(define (append)
(fold (lambda (x xs)
(es:-assert-list x)
(string->es "$$xs.concat($$x)"))
(es:arg->arr (string->es "arguments"))))
;; warning: these two are wholly inadequate
(define (list? xs)
(string->es "Array.isArray($$xs)"))
(define (pair? xs)
(and (list? xs)
(> 0 (length xs))))
;; R7RS string
(define (substring s start end)
(string->es "$$s.substring($$start, $$end)"))
(define (string-length s)
(string->es "$$s.length"))
(define (string=? s1 s2)
(string->es "typeof $$s1 === 'string' && $$s1 === $$s2"))
(define (string-ref s i)
(string->es "$$s[$$i] || $$error(`value out of range: ${$$i}`)"))
(define (string-append)
(let ((args (es:arg->arr (string->es "arguments"))))
(string->es "$$args.join('')")))
(define (eq? x y)
(string->es "$$x === $$y"))
;; R7RS math
(define (+)
(let ((args (es:arg->arr (string->es "arguments"))))
(fold (lambda (y x)
(string->es "$$x + $$y"))
(define (-)
(let ((args (es:arg->arr (string->es "arguments"))))
(fold (lambda (y x)
(string->es "$$x - $$y"))
(car args)
(cdr args))))
(define (zero? x)
(eq? x 0))
;; SRFI-1
;; warning: fold here only supports one list
(define (fold f init xs)
(string->es "$$xs.reduce((prev, x) => $$f(x, prev), $$init)"))
;; warning: map here uses the length of the first list, not the shortest
;; (we implement this in ES for now so that we don't have to augment
;; Prebirth Lisp to support the "rest" procedure definition syntax)
(define (map f)
(string->es "__a = arguments") ; because let introduces a function
(let* ((args (es:arg->arr (string->es "__a")))
(xs (cdr args)))
"$$xs[0].map((_, i) => $$f.apply(null, $$ => x[i])))")))
(define (js:regexp s opts)
(string->es "new RegExp($$s, $$opts)"))
(define (js:match r s)
(string->es "$$s.match($$r) || false"))
(define (js:replace r repl s)
(string->es "$$s.replace($$r, $$repl)"))
(define *fsdata*
(if (string->es "typeof __fsinit === 'undefined'")
(string->es "{}")
(string->es "__fsinit")))
(define *fs*
(if (string->es "typeof require === 'undefined'")
throw Error(`Cannot load ${path} (no fs module)`);
(string->es "require('fs')")))
;; so that we do not have to modify existing compiler output (which would
;; break the first round of compilation before these are defined)
(string->es "const fsdata = $$$k$fsdata$k$")
(string->es "const fs = $$$k$fs$k$")
(define (js:file->string path)
(if (string->es "fsdata[$$path] === undefined")
"fsdata[$$path] = fs.readFileSync($$path).toString()")
(string->es "fsdata[$$path]")))))
;; pair selection
(define (cadr xs)
(car (cdr xs)))
@ -398,6 +577,8 @@
(case fn
(string-append "console.log(" (map sexp->es args) ")"))
(string-append "console.error(" (map sexp->es args) ")"))
;; very primitive cond-expand
@ -576,10 +757,9 @@
(cdr t)
;; output libprebirth and compiled output, wrapped in a self-executing
;; function to limit scope
;; compiled output, wrapped in a self-executing function to limit scope
;; (note that we no longer depend on libprebirth)
(string-append "(function(){"
(js:file->string "libprebirth.js") "\n\n"
(join "\n\n" (map sexp->es ast))