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;;;; ECMAScript compiler for Rebirth Lisp
;;;; Copyright (C) 2017, 2018 Mike Gerwitz
;;;; This file is part of Ulambda Scheme.
;;;; Ulambda Scheme is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;;; it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
;;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
;;;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
;;;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; This defines the lexer, parser, and core of the compiler. Note that
;;; most of the actual compiling happens with the macros defined in
;;; `es.scm'.
;;; The core structure persists from Birth, along with much of the original
;;; code. Certain parts have been simplified or moved into other files,
;;; while other parts have been extended.
;;; Code:
;; Convert source input into a string of tokens.
;; This is the lexer. Whitespace is ignored. The grammar consists of
;; simple s-expressions.
;; Tokens are produced with `make-token'. The source SRC will be
;; left-truncated as input is processed. POS exists for producing metadata
;; for error reporting---it has no impact on parsing.
;; This implementation was originally recursive and immutable, but the stack
;; was being exhausted, so it was refactored into an inferior
;; implementation. Note the use of `es:while' and `es:break'---these are
;; quick fixes to the problem of stack exhaustion in browsers (where we have
;; no control over the stack limit); proper tail call support will come
;; later when we have a decent architecture in place.
;; The result is a list of tokens. See `token' for the format.
(define (lex src pos)
(define (es:match-regexp re s)
(es:match (es:regexp re) s))
(let ((toks (list)))
(es:while #t ; browser stack workaround
(let* ((ws (or (es:match-regexp "^\\s+"
(list "")))
(ws-len (string-length (car ws)))
(trim (substring src ws-len)) ; ignore whitespace, if any
(newpos (+ pos ws-len))) ; adj pos to account for removed ws
(if (string=? "" trim)
(es:break) ; EOF and we're done
;; normally we'd use `string-ref' here, but then we'd have to
;; implement Scheme characters, so let's keep this simple and keep
;; with strings
(let* ((ch (substring trim 0 1))
(t (case ch
;; comments extend until the end of the line
((";") (let ((eol (es:match-regexp "^(.*?)(\\n|$)" trim)))
(make-token "comment" (cadr eol) trim newpos)))
;; left and right parenthesis are handled in the same
;; manner: they produce distinct tokens with
;; single-character lexemes
(("(") (make-token "open" ch trim newpos))
((")") (make-token "close" ch trim newpos))
;; strings are delimited by opening and closing ASCII
;; double quotes, which can be escaped with a
;; backslash
(("\"") (let ((str (es:match-regexp
(or str (parse-error
src pos
"missing closing string delimiter"))
;; a string token consists of the entire
;; string including quotes as its lexeme,
;; but its value will be the value of the
;; string without quotes due to the `str'
;; match group (see `token')
(make-token "string" str trim newpos)))
;; anything else is considered a symbol up until
;; whitespace or any of the aforementioned
;; delimiters
(let ((symbol (es:match-regexp "^[^\\s()\"]+"
(make-token "symbol" symbol trim newpos))))))
;; yikes---see notes in docblock with regards to why
;; we're using mutators here
(set! toks (append toks (list (car t))))
(set! src (cadr t))
(set! pos (caddr t))))))
;; Throw an error with a window of surrounding source code.
;; The "window" is simply ten characters to the left and right of the
;; first character of the source input SRC that resulted in the error.
;; It's a little more than useless.
(define (parse-error src pos msg)
(let ((window (substring src (- pos 10) (+ pos 10))))
(error (string-append msg " (pos " pos "): " window)
;; Produce a token, left-truncate src, and update pos.
;; Unlike the JS Prebirth implementation which uses a key/value object,
;; we're just using a simple list.
;; The expected arguments are: the token type TYPE, the match group or
;; string MATCH, left-truncated source code SRC, and the position POS
;; relative to the original source code.
(define (make-token type match src pos)
(let* ((parts (if (list? match) match (list match match)))
(lexeme (car parts))
;; the value is the first group of the match (indicating what we
;; are actually interested in), and the lexeme is the full match,
;; which might include, for example, string delimiters
(value (or (and (pair? (cdr parts))
(cadr parts))
(len (string-length lexeme)))
;; produce token and recurse on `lex', left-truncating the source
;; string to discard what we have already processed
(list (list (quote token) type lexeme value pos)
(substring src len)
(+ pos len))))
;; various accessor procedures for token lists (we're Birth Lisp here,
;; so no record support or anything fancy!)
(define (token? t) (and (pair? t) (symbol=? (quote token) (car t))))
(define (token-type t) (cadr t))
(define (token-lexeme t) (caddr t))
(define (token-value t) (cadddr t))
(define (token-pos t) (caddddr t))
;; Produce an AST from the given string SRC of sexps
;; This is essentially the CST with whitespace removed. It first invokes
;; the lexer to produce a token string from the input sexps SRC. From this,
;; it verifies only proper nesting (that SRC does not close sexps too early
;; and that EOF isn't reached before all sexps are closed) and produces an
;; AST that is an isomorphism of the original sexps.
(define (parse-lisp src)
;; accessor methods to make you and me less confused
(define (ast-depth ast) (car ast))
(define (ast-tree ast) (cadr ast))
(define (ast-stack ast) (caddr ast))
;; perform a leftmost reduction on the token string
(define (toks->ast toks)
(lambda (token result)
(let ((depth (ast-depth result))
(xs (ast-tree result))
(stack (ast-stack result))
(type (token-type token))
(pos (token-pos token)))
;; there are very few token types to deal with (again, this is a
;; very simple bootstrap lisp)
(case type
;; ignore comments
(("comment") result)
;; when beginning a new expression, place the expression
;; currently being processed onto a stack, allocate a new list,
;; and we'll continue processing into that new list
(("open") (list (+ depth 1)
(cons xs stack)))
;; once we reach the end of the expression, pop the parent off of
;; the stack and append the new list to it
(("close") (if (zero? depth)
(parse-error src pos
"unexpected closing parenthesis")
(list (- depth 1)
(append (car stack) (list xs))
(cdr stack))))
;; strings and symbols (we cheat and just consider everything,
;; including numbers and such, to be symbols) are just copied
;; in place
(("string" "symbol") (list depth
(append xs (list token))
;; we should never encounter anything else unless there's a bug
;; in the tokenizer or we forget a token type above
(else (parse-error
src pos (string-append
"unexpected token `" type "'"))))))
(list 0 (list) (list)) ; initial 0 depth; empty tree; expr stack
;; lex the input SRC and pass it to `toks->ast' to generate the AST;
;; if the depth is non-zero after we're done, then we're unbalanced.
(let* ((toks (lex src 0))
(ast (toks->ast toks)))
(if (zero? (ast-depth ast))
(ast-tree ast)
;; if we terminate at a non-zero depth, that means there ar still
;; open sexps
(error (string-append
"unexpected end of input at depth "
(ast-depth ast))))))
;; Generate ECMAScript-friendly parameter name for the given token T.
;; The generated name will not have any environment references and is
;; suitable only for the immediate scope.
(define (tparam->es t)
(tname->id (token-value t)))
;; Predicate determining whether NAME should be output verbatim as an
;; ECMAScript identifier.
;; This only returns #t for numbers.
(define (tname-verbatim? name)
(es:match (es:regexp "^-?(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?|\\.\\d+)$") name))
;; Generate ECMAScript to reference the variable associated with the token T
;; in the current environment.
;; The "current" environment is relative to whatever context into which the
;; caller places this generated code---that is, the environment is
;; resolved by the runtime environment.
;; If macro support is not yet compiled in, then this returns the identifier
;; name _without_ the environment, just as Birth.
(define (env-ref t)
(let ((name (if (token? t)
(token-value t)
(if (tname-verbatim? name)
(string-append "_env." (tname->id name)))
(tname->id name))))))
;; Generate ECMAScript-friendly name from the given id.
;; A subset of special characters that are acceptable in Scheme are
;; converted in an identifiable manner; others are simply converted to `$'
;; in a catch-all and therefore could result in conflicts and cannot be
;; reliably distinguished from one-another. Remember: this is temporary
;; code.
(define (tname->id name)
(if (tname-verbatim? name)
"$$" (es:replace (es:regexp "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]" "g")
(lambda (c)
(case c
(("-") "$_$")
(("?") "$7$")
(("@") "$a$")
(("!") "$b$")
((">") "$g$")
(("#") "$h$")
(("*") "$k$")
(("<") "$l$")
(("&") "$n$")
(("%") "$o$")
(("+") "$p$")
(("=") "$q$")
(("^") "$v$")
(("/") "$w$")
(("$") "$$")
(else "$")))
;; Join a list of strings XS on a delimiter DELIM
(define (join delim xs)
(if (pair? xs)
(fold (lambda (x str)
(string-append str delim x))
(car xs)
(cdr xs))
;; Compile parameter list.
;; This takes the value of the symbol and outputs it (formatted), delimited
;; by commas.
;; Since we do not support actual pairs (yet), the "." syntax that normally
;; denotes the cdr is retained and presents itself here. The form "(arg1,
;; arg2 . rest)" creates a list `rest' containing all remaining arguments
;; after that point. Conveniently, ECMAScript Harmony supports this
;; natively with the "..." syntax.
(define (params->es params)
(define (%param-conv params)
(let* ((param (car params))
(name (token-value param))
(id (tname->id name))
(rest (cdr params)))
(if (string=? name ".")
(list (string-append
"..." (car (%param-conv rest))))
(if (pair? rest)
(cons id (%param-conv rest))
(list id)))))
(if (pair? params)
(join "," (%param-conv params))
;; Compile body s-expressions into ECMAScript
;; This produces a 1:1 mapping of body XS s-expressions to ES statements,
;; recursively. The heavy lifting is done by `sexp->es'.
(define (body->es xs ret)
;; recursively process body XS until we're out of pairs
(if (not (pair? xs))
(let* ((x (car xs))
(rest (cdr xs))
(more? (or (not ret) (pair? rest))))
;; the result is a semicolon-delimited string of statements, with
;; the final statement prefixed with `return' unless (not ret)
" "
(if more? "" "return ") ; prefix with `return' if last body exp
(sexp->es x) ";" ; process current body expression
(if (pair? rest) "\n" "")
(body->es rest ret))))) ; recurse
;; Place parameters PARAMS into the current environment.
;; This is ugly so that Rebirth can support multiple implementations at
;; once---those with environment support and those without.
(define (env-params params)
(join "\n"
(map (lambda (param)
(if (string=? (token-value param) ".")
"" ; next param is the cdr
(string-append (env-ref param) " = "
(tparam->es param) ";")))
;; Compile variable or procedure definition into ES
;; This performs a crude check to determine whether a procedure definition
;; was supplied: if the cadr of the given token T is itself token, then it
;; is considered to be a variable.
(define (cdfn t)
(if (token? (cadr t))
(cdfn-var t) ;; (define foo ...)
(cdfn-proc t #f))) ;; (define (foo ...) ...)
;; Compile variable definition into ES
;; This compiles the token T into a simple let-assignment.
(define (cdfn-var t)
(let* ((dfn (cadr t))
(id (tname->id (token-value dfn)))
(value (sexp->es (caddr t))))
(string-append "let " id "=" value ";_env." id " = " id)))
;; Compile procedure definition into an ES function definition
;; This will fail if the given token is not a `define'.
;; The output does something peculiar: it not only assigns to the active
;; scope, but also to the root of the environment, which has the effect of
;; making the procedure available to _everything_. The reason for this is a
;; kluge to make procedures available to macros during compilation without
;; having to wait for a rebirth repass. But this does have its issues and
;; it's important to understand that this is a temporary solution until
;; Ulambda has some level of static analysis.
;; Care needs to be taken to make sure, regardless of scope, procedures of
;; the same name are not defined if used within macros, otherwise the latter
;; (again, regardless of scope) in the file will take precedence. This
;; behavior will not be observed by execution of compiled code, though,
;; because the scope will have the correct version. However, if a procedure
;; is _not_ in scope, then rather than being undefined, the one assigned to
;; root would be available.
;; The generated ECMAScript is evaluated immediately to make it available to
;; macros during the compilation process.
(define (cdfn-proc t id-override)
;; e.g. (define (foo ...) body)
(let* ((dfn (cadr t))
(id (or id-override
(tname->id (token-value (car dfn)))))
(named? (not (string=? id "")))
(params (cdr dfn))
(fparams (params->es params))
(fenv (env-params params))
(body (body->es (cddr t) #t)))
;; this is the final format---each procedure becomes its own function
;; definition in ES
(let ((es (string-append
"function " id "(" fparams ")\n{"
"return (function(_env){\n" fenv "\n"
(if named?
(string-append ";_env." id " = " id
";_env.root." id " = " id ";")
;; Immediately evaluate to make available to macros during
;; compilation. See procedure notes above.
(if named? (string->es "eval($$es)"))))
;; Quote an expression
;; If SEXP is a token, produce an ECMAScript Symbol. Otherwise,
;; recursively apply to each element in the list.
;; TODO: This implementation isn't wholly correct---numbers, for example,
;; should not be converted to symbols, as they already are one.
(define (quote-sexp sexp)
(if (token? sexp)
(case (token-type sexp)
(("string") (sexp->es sexp))
(string-append "Symbol.for('" (token-value sexp) "')")))
"[" (join "," (map quote-sexp sexp)) "]")))
;; Quasiquote an expression
;; A quasiquoted expression acts just like a quoted expression with one
;; notable exception---quoting can be escaped using special forms. For
;; example, each of these are equivalent:
;; (quasiquote (a 1 2 (unquote (eq? 3 4))))
;; (list (quote a) 1 2 (eq? 3 4))
;; (quasiquote (a (unquote-splicing (list 1 2)) (unquote (eq? 3 4))))
;; TODO/WARNING: Normally "(quasiquote a (unquote-splicing b))" would
;; produce "(a . b)" in a proper Lisp, but we do not yet support proper
;; pairs at the time that this procedure was written; all cdrs are assumed
;; to be lists. So do not do that---always splice lists.
(define (quasiquote-sexp sexp)
;; get type of token at car of pair, unless not a pair
(define (%sexp-maybe-type sexp)
(and (pair? sexp)
(token? (car sexp))
(token-value (car sexp))))
;; recursively process the sexp, handling various types of unquoting
(define (%quote-maybe sexp delim)
(if (pair? sexp)
(let* ((item (car sexp))
(rest (cdr sexp))
(type (%sexp-maybe-type item))
(add-delim (not (or (string=? type "unquote-splicing")
(string=? type "unquote@")))))
(case type
;; escape quoting, nest within
(string-append (if delim "," "")
(sexp->es (cadr item))))
;; escape quoting, splice list into parent expression
;; (lazy kluge warning), along with an alias for brevity
;; given that we lack the ",@" syntax right now
(("unquote-splicing" "unquote@")
"]).concat(" (sexp->es (cadr item)) ").concat(["))
;; anything else, we're still quasiquoting recursively
(else (string-append (if delim "," "")
(quasiquote-sexp item))))
;; continue processing this list
(%quote-maybe rest add-delim)))
;; tokens fall back to normal quoting
(if (token? sexp)
(quote-sexp sexp)
"([" (%quote-maybe sexp #f) "])")))
;; Statically expand expressions based on implementation features
;; Support for `cond-expand' allows Rebirth to introduce new features each
;; time that it is compiled. If matched, expressions will be evaluated as
;; if they were entered in place of the `cond-expand' itself; otherwise,
;; the entire `cond-expand' expression as a whole will be discarded.
;; Birth will always discard `cond-expand' expressions unless they contain
;; an `else' clause, which permits us to compile on the first pass without
;; error.
(define (expand-cond-expand args)
(if (pair? args)
(let* ((clause (car args))
(feature (token-value (car clause)))
(body (cdr clause)))
;; now we get meta
(case feature
(("string->es" "else") (body->es body #f))
(else (if (es:defined? feature)
(body->es body #f)
(expand-cond-expand (cdr args))))))
;; if we're not yet compiled with Rebirth, then string->es will
;; not yet be available---but it _will_ be in Rebirth, so
;; compile cond-expand such that it marks it as supported
(case feature
;; these two are always supported in Rebirth Lisp
(("string->es" "else") (body->es body #f))
;; keep recursing until we find something (this allows us to
;; short-circuit, most notably with "else")
(expand-cond-expand (cdr args)))))))
;; Determine whether the given name NAME represents a macro.
;; If `string->es' is not yet supported, then this procedure always
;; yields `#f'. Otherwise, the compiler runtime `_env.macros' is consulted.
;; See `cdfn-macro' for more information.
(define (macro? name)
(string->es "_env.macros[$$name] !== undefined"))
(else #f)))
;; Determine if FN is a procedure or macro and apply it accordingly with
;; arguments ARGS.
;; These actions represent two separate environments: If a macro, then the
;; call needs to be executed immediately within the context of the compiler
;; runtime. Otherwise, procedure applications are simply compiled to be
;; produced with the rest of the compiler output and will be run at a later
;; time within the context of the compiled program.
(define (apply-proc-or-macro fn args)
(if (macro? fn)
(string->es "_env.macros[$$fn].apply(null,$$args)")
;; Procedures are produced as part of the compiler output.
(let ((argstr (join ", " (map sexp->es args))))
(string-append (env-ref fn) "(" argstr ")"))))
;; Primitive special forms.
;; These are forms that cannot be re-written as macros because of
;; chicken-and-egg issues. Since the Rebirth compiler is temporary, we're
;; not going to worry about getting rid of the rest of these.
;; String values are simple function aliases. Function values take over
;; the compilation of that function and allow for defining special forms
;; (in place of macro support). The first argument FN is the name of the
;; function/procedure/form, and ARGS is the list of arguments.
;; For the forms previously defined here in Birth, see `fnmap-premacro' in
;; `es.scm'.
(define (fnmap fn args t)
(case fn
;; output raw code into the compiled ECMAScript (what could go wrong?)
(token-value (car args)))
;; very primitive cond-expand
(("cond-expand") (expand-cond-expand args))
;; Note that the unquote forms are only valid within a quasiquote; see
;; that procedure for the handling of those forms. Since we do not
;; support the special prefix form, we also offer "`quote" as a
;; shorthand for quasiquote.
(("quote") (quote-sexp (car args)))
(("quasiquote" "`quote") (quasiquote-sexp (car args)))
(("define") (cdfn t))
(("define-macro") (cdfn-macro t)) ; not defined until string->es cond
;; Defining `include' is trivial right now since we're not doing any
;; sort of static analysis---we just need to start compilation of the
;; requested file and inline it right where we are. Note that this
;; doesn't enclose the file in `begin', so this isn't yet proper.
(("include") (rebirth->ecmascript
(es:file->string (token-value (car args))))))
;; If we have macro support (`cdfn-macro'), then assume that they exist
;; and try to use them; otherwise, continue to use built-in forms, which
;; have been moved into `fnmap-premacro').
(cdfn-macro (apply-proc-or-macro fn args))
(else (fnmap-premacro fn args t))))))
;; Convert s-expressions or scalar into ECMAScript
;; T may be either an array of tokens or a primitive token (e.g. string,
;; symbol). This procedure is applied recursively to T as needed if T is
;; a list.
(define (sexp->es t)
(if (not (list? t))
(error "unexpected non-list for sexp->es token"))
(if (token? t)
(case (token-type t)
;; strings output as-is (note that we don't escape double quotes,
;; because the method of escaping them is the same in Scheme as it
;; is in ECMAScript---a backslash)
(("string") (string-append "\"" (token-value t) "\""))
;; symbols have the same concerns as procedure definitions: the
;; identifiers generated need to be ES-friendly
(("symbol") (env-ref t))
(else (error
"cannot compile unknown token `" (token-type t) "'"))))
;; otherwise, process the expression
(fnmap (token-value (car t))
(cdr t)