# Lighttpd server configuration for mikegerwitz.com # # This file has accumulated a lot of cruft over the years, a lot of which is # probably no longer necessary. Most of the redirections handle transitions # form older version of the site. # # This site uses cgit at /projects, but is otherwise a static website. ## $HTTP["scheme"] == "https" { $HTTP["host"] =~ "^www.mikegerwitz\.com" { url.redirect = ( "^(.*)$" => "https://mikegerwitz.com$0" ) } $HTTP["host"] =~ "^mikegerwitz\.com" { server.document-root = "/home/mikegerwitz/main/com" server.errorlog = "/var/log/lighttpd/mikegerwitz-error.log" accesslog.filename = "/var/log/lighttpd/mikegerwitz-access.log" server.errorfile-prefix = "/home/mikegerwitz/main/com/" url.redirect = ( # old URL "^/2[0-9]{3}/[0-9]+/[0-9]+/(.*)$" => "/$1", "^/papers/git-horror-story" => "/2012/05/a-git-horror-story-repository-integrity-with-signed-commits", "^/thoughts(/.*)?$" => "/$1", "^/feed/?" => "/rss", "^/resume/?" => "/about/resume", "^/hoxsl$" => "/hoxsl/", "^/docs/(.*).html" => "/papers/$1", "^/talks/sapsf/?$" => "/talks/sapsf.pdf", "^/talks/ethics-void/?$" => "/talks/ethics-void.pdf", "^/projects/$" => "/projects", ) url.rewrite-once = ( "^/\.well-known/.*" => "$0", "^/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}/.*[A-Z].*$" => "/redirect-map.php?path=$0", "^/projects/static/.*" => "$0", "^/projects$" => "/cgit.cgi", "^/projects/([^?/]+(/[^?]*)?)?(?:\?(.*))?$" => "/cgit.cgi?url=$1&$3", "^/rss/?" => "/rss.xml", "^/.+\.[a-zA-Z]+$" => "$0", "^/docs/.*?$" => "$0", "^/hoxsl/.*?$" => "$0", "^/talks/sapsf/?$" => "$0", "^/talks/ethics-void/?$" => "$0", "^/(.+?)/?$" => "/$1.html", ) alias.url = ( "/cgit.cgi" => "/usr/lib/cgit/cgit.cgi", "/projects/static/" => "/usr/share/cgit/", ) cgi.assign = ( "/usr/lib/cgit/cgit.cgi" => "", ) } }