Remove old files
@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
[submodule "docs/papers/coope"]
path = docs/papers/coope
url =
[submodule "docs/papers/cptt"]
path = docs/papers/cptt
url =
[submodule "papers/cptt"]
path = papers/cptt
url =
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
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# Article configuration
@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
### About
<img src="/images/me-libreplanet-2016.png"
alt="Photo of Mike"
title="LibrePlanet 2016 Talk 'Restore Online Freedom!'"
class="inline-img avatar" />
GPG Fingerprint: `D6E9 B930 028A 6C38 F43B 2388 FEF6 3574 5E6F 6D05` [\[?\]][gpg]
Mike Gerwitz is a [free (as in freedom) software][0] [hacker] and activist
with a focus on user privacy and security.
While much of his earlier experience focused on web development, most of his
free time is now spent researching cryptography; compilers; mathematics;
security and privacy; and various other fields. He also closely follows the
work of the [Free Software Foundation][0],
[Electronic Frontier Foundation][3], and other entities devoted to free
information and free society.
Mike is the author of [GNU ease.js][easejs]; a member of the
[GNU evaluation][gnueval] team; holds an administrative role in GNU; and is
a volunteer for various other aspects of the [GNU Project] and the
[Free Software Foundation].
Mike is a [hacker], not a [cracker]---the latter breaks the security of
systems, while the former expresses playful creativity in their work.
Outside of his field, Mike enjoys time with his family---including his
wife and two sons---who keep him very busy and help to keep him sane. Mike
also has a fascination with a wide range of sciences that he wishes he had
the time to devote to researching.
A great deal of information regarding Mike's opinions on various topics can be
found throughout this website. Much of this site is devoted to his thoughts and
ramblings on various matters and so will contain material that is subject to
strong bias; the reader is encouraged to construct his or her own opinions.
Formal papers contain no such influence without rationale and references.
Mike may be contacted at mtg at gnu dot org; he does not make use of "social
media" websites, though he may (or may not) respond to queries on websites
that he is a member of, and he does host his
[own GNU Social instance][social].
(Note: This website itself is free/libre---the source code is available via
the commit hash links in the footer of various pages and the content is
licensed for free distribution and, in most cases, modification.)
[View my résumé.][resume]
I recently changed GPG keys; see my [key transition statement][keytrans],
signed with both my [new][keytrans-new] and [old][keytrans-old] keys.
<span class="attribution">[LibrePlanet 2016 Photo][photo]
Copyright © 2016 Kori Feener, [CC BY 4.0][ccby]; used
with permission.</span>
[GNU Project]:
[Free Software Foundation]:
[resume]: about/resume
[keytrans]: /about/key-transition.txt
[keytrans-old]: /about/key-transition.txt.old.asc
[keytrans-new]: /about/
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
### Free Software Projects
This page is a placeholder simply to generate a menu item.
While it used to contain content,
my server now routes this request to cgit.
With that said---if you _are_ seeing this page,
then something has gone horribly wrong!
Do get in touch with me!
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
Papers / Articles
More information on each work is provided via its respective link. If a thought
post (that is---one of the posts that is listed on the index page) is of
adequate length with sufficient references and content, it may too be included.
@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
### Talks
<span class="talk-logo">[![LibrePlanet 2018][lp2018-logo]][lp2018]</span>
#### The Ethics Void (2018)
[Video][ev-video] • [Slides][ev-slides-pdf]
• [Slides Source Code][ev-src]
Many communities have widely adopted codes of ethics governing the moral
conduct of their members and professionals. Some of these codes may even be
enshrined in law, and for good reason—certain conduct can have enormous
consequences on the lives of others.
Software and technology pervade virtually every aspect of our lives. Yet,
when compared to other fields, our community leaders and educators have
produced an ethics void. Last year, I introduced numerous topics concerning
privacy, security, and freedom that raise serious ethical concerns. Join me
this year as we consider some of those examples and others in an attempt to
derive a code of ethics that compares to the moral obligations of other
fields, and to consider how leaders and educators should approach ethics
within education and guidance.
<span class="talk-logo">[![LibrePlanet 2017][lp2017-logo]][lp2017]</span>
#### The Surreptitious Assault on Privacy, Security, and Freedom (2017)
[Video][sapsf-video] • [Slides][sapsf-slides-pdf]
• [Slides Source Code][sapsf-src] • [Bibliography][sapsf-bib]
Privacy, security, and personal freedom: one cannot be had without the
others. Each of these essential rights are being surreptitiously
assaulted; only the most technical among us even know what to look for, let
alone how to defend ourselves. Governments, corporations, and groups of
ill-minded individuals are spying and preying upon both users and bystanders
with unprecedented frequency and breadth. For those of us who do understand
these issues, it would be irresponsible not to fight for the rights of
others and continue to bring these assaults to light.
This talk will survey the most pressing issues of today, including topics of
government surveillance and espionage; advertisers and data analytics; the
Internet of Things; corporate negligence; public policy and the crypto
wars; dangers of a non-free Web and untrusted, ephemeral software; pervasive
monitoring; remote servers, services, and "the cloud"; modern vehicles;
the fight against decentralization and free software; societal pressures and
complacency with the status quo; and more.
Attendees will walk away with a broad understanding of these topics; an
overview of mitigations; and dozens of resources for further research and
discussion with others. No prior knowledge of security or cryptography are
<span class="talk-logo">[![LibrePlanet 2016][lp2016-logo]][lp2016]</span>
#### Restore Online Freedom! (2016)
[Video][rof] • [Slides][slides-pdf] • [Slides Source Code][slides-src]
• [LibrePlanet Collection][collection]
Imagine a world where surveillance is the default and users must opt-in to
privacy. Imagine that your every action is logged and analyzed to learn how
you behave, what your interests are, and what you might do next. Imagine
that, even on your fully free operating system, proprietary software is
automatically downloaded and run not only without your consent, but often
without your knowledge. In this world, even free software cannot be easily
modified, shared, or replaced. In many cases, you might not even be in
control of your own computing---your actions and your data might be in
control by a remote entity, and only they decide what you are and are not
allowed to do.
This may sound dystopian, but this is the world you're living in right
now. The Web today is an increasingly hostile, freedom-denying place that
propagates to nearly every aspect of the average users' lives---from their
PCs to their phones, to their TVs and beyond. But before we can stand up
and demand back our freedoms, we must understand what we're being robbed of,
how it's being done, and what can (or can't) be done to stop it.
[lp2016-logo]: /images/lp-2016.png
[sapsf-slides-pdf]: /talks/sapsf.pdf
[sapsf-src]: /projects/sapsf/
[sapsf-bib]: /projects/sapsf/plain/sapsf.bib
[lp2017-logo]: /images/lp-2017.png
[ev-slides-pdf]: /talks/ethics-void.pdf
[ev-src]: /projects/ethics-void/
[lp2018-logo]: /images/lp-2018.png
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
Page Not Found
Sorry---the page you requested cannot be found; it may have been removed or you
may have stumbled across a broken link. If you believe that you have received
this message in error, please contact Mike directly. If you have arrived at this
page from an external link, please contact the author of that website instead.
[This is where one would insert the obligatory ``we apologize for the
inconvenience''...but this is a personal site, not a business, so I'm not all
that sympathetic. If it's a bug, it'll be fixed. If you think that the page
you're looking for should exist (and that it did in the past), consider looking
through this site's repository (available on the Projects page) and seeing what
might have happened to it. Good day to you, kind sir/madam/otherwise.]
@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
### GitHubbub! GitHub Does Not Value Software Freedom.
<div class="inline-img octoflop">
![GitHub](/images/octoright-large.png "GitHub logo rotated 270° to resemble a Copyright symbol")
If you hit this page expecting to have been taken to my GitHub profile,
then this is probably not what you were looking for;
but let me tell you why you're here.
Before providing a link to something hosted on a service,
it is important to consider whether the service or website is antithetical
to the message you are trying to convey to your readers/visitors,
and whether it deserves clarification;
there's a little bit of both here.
If you're looking for a host friendly toward free software,
take a look at the [GNU ethical repository criteria][gnu-repo],
which sets standards for acceptable hosts to parts of the
[GNU operating system][gnu].
#### Non-Free JavaScript
[Free software][freesw] guarantees your freedom to study,
and share the software that you use.
We value these freedoms on the desktop,
so why should we compromise when websites serve proprietary JavaScript
[just because it creates the illusion of remote execution][whyfreejs]?
When you visit a website that serves JavaScript to the client,
your web browser is automatically [downloading and executing][jstrap]
(often without your permission) ephemeral, unsigned, untrusted software.
If that JavaScript is not [freely licensed][librejs],
then the software running in your web browser is proprietary.
**When you visit ``,
you download over 200kB of obfuscated code,
much of which is proprietary.**
This code provides many website features that are fairly essential,
and *do not work with JavaScript disabled*:
- Change repository names or descriptions;
- Delete repositories;
- Add an SSH key to your account;
- Fork repositories;
- Create pull requests;
- Enable and disable project features;
- Use the wiki and issue trackers;
- View graphs of statistics;
- And others.
That is---GitHub forces you to run proprietary software in order to use much
of their website.
This is a bit startling for a host that owes its very existence to the
success and development of free software.
#### Desire To Remain Non-Free
I contacted GitHub back in April 2014 pointing out these concerns and
asking if they would be able to either liberate their JavaScript or make
GitHub's essential functionality work without JavaScript enabled.
The first response I received was from one of their "JavaScript Developers":
> Hi Mike,
> Thanks for getting in touch with us here. Some of our internal projects are
> specific to running GitHub, and as such will probably remain closed. We do
> make an effort to open source projects that we create that we think would be
> beneficial to the community, some of which is JavaScript.
> You can see a list of some of the open source projects that power GitHub
> here:
This response is unfortunately misguided---yes,
it is good that GitHub produces free software,
but it is a false assumption that their proprietary code would serve no
benefit to the community:
the very existence of their proprietary software [gives them unjust
control over their users][unjust];
relinquishing that control is of benefit to the community.
I replied to the above message to clarify my point.
After receiving no response,
I forwarded the e-mail to GitHub's original founders:
[Tom Preston-Werner][tom],
[Chris Wanstrath][chris],
and [PJ Hyett][pj].
The response I received from Chris was blunt and discouraging:
> Hey Mike,
> We have no plans to release's JavaScript as free software at
> this time, nor do we have plans to remove the site's dependence on
> JavaScript. Thanks for the interest.
The original correspondence is provided here:
1. [Original request][gh-request] to ``, Tom, Chris, and
2. [Reply to my original request][gh-request-reply] from one of the developers.
3. [My reply to the developer][gh-request2] providing more information and
asking for a commitment.
4. [Forward of my reply][gh-request3] to Tom, Chris, and PJ, after having
received no response from the developer.
5. [Response from Chris Wanstrath][gh-request3-reply] stating that GitHub
has "no plans" to liberate its JavaScript or "remove the site's
dependence on JavaScript".
[gh-request]: /docs/gh/email-request.txt
[gh-request-reply]: /docs/gh/email-request-reply.txt
[gh-request2]: /docs/gh/email-request2.txt
[gh-request3]: /docs/gh/email-request3.txt
[gh-request3-reply]: /docs/gh/email-request3-reply.txt
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
<div id="gnulinux-inside" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;">
<a href="">
<img src=""
alt="GNU/Linux Inside!" title="GNU/Linux Inside!" />
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
GNU/Linux Inside
This website and the server on which it is hosted is run entirely by [free
Do you use GNU/Linux or other free software on your website? Flaunt it! Feel
free to place the image below on your own website, blog, or anywhere else you
see fit to let others know that you support GNU and free software.
This image also helps to bring awareness to the [GNU operating system][1] as
well as GNU's philosophy.[0] The majority of users today consider the operating
system to be called ``Linux'', which is false---this is the name of the kernel;
GNU is the operating system.[2]
*The page fold is transparent*; it will therefore work well with any background
color. Please note that this is a PNG with alphatransparency---older browsers
that users shouldn't be using anymore (such as IE 6) will not render it properly
unless you take the necessary precautions.
[img:gnu-inside.png:GNU/Linux Inside!]
Feel free to [download the source file (GIMP)][3], released under the [Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Unported License][4]. It incorporates [``A
Bold GNU Head''][5] by Aurelio A. Heckert, which appears at the top of this
page. Below is the code with which you may embed this on your own website.
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
### hoxsl
hoxsl (pronounced like "voxel") is a library for XSLT 2.0, written in pure
XSLT, that introduces various types of higher-order logic, including
higher-order functions; functional abstractions for common operations; and
XSLT templates that take XSLT as input and produce XSLT as output.
This project is written in a [literate][] style; [see the manual][manual]
for more information.
[Source code][src]
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the [GNU General Public License][gpl] as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
[manual]: manual/
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 41a35f3c37fd41772ff7ae8aca62d77c4cafcf6c
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
# Basic template configuration; command-line options will override
# Copyright (C) 2013, 2015, 2016 Mike Gerwitz
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# #
# we shall only consider ordered pages---that is, those that begin with numbers; this
# allows pages to exist that are not listed in the menu
find "$path_root/docs" -maxdepth 1 -name '[0-9][0-9]-*.??' \
-exec basename {} \; \
| sort
for p in $paths; do
# we shall consider the name of the link to be the path with the extension
# and sorting prefix stripped
name="$( basename "${p%%.*}" )"
echo "${name#??-}"
# lets certain browsers---such as the proprietary mobile Safari browser that
# seems to be far too Ubiquitous---know that they should trust us with rendering
# the page to fit within the device's screen resolution
html_head='<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0" />'
# menu just below the header, above the index
echo '<ul id="menu">'
# generate menu from the root documents
for name in `get-menu-docs`; do
# each word in the name will be capitalized and the link shall not contain
# the file extension
words=( ${name//[_-]/ } )
printf '<li><a href="/%s">%s</a></li>' "$name" "${words[*]^}"
echo '<li><a href="//"' \
'title="My GNU Social Instance">Social</a></li>'
# the remainder will appear below the menu, above the index
cat <<EOH
<div id="headline">
<a href="">
<img src="/images/eff-nsa-spying.png"
alt="NSA Spying on Americans"
title="NSA Spying on Americans" />
<a href="">
<img src="/images/win8-close.png"
alt="Close Windows, Open Doors" />
# additional content in the footer before the copyright (the awkward newline
# positions are to prevent spaces in the output)
html_footer=$(cat <<EOM
<a href="/about/inside" id="gnuinside">
<img src="/images/gnu-inside.png" alt="GNU/Linux Inside!" />
<div class="bimgs">
<a rel="license" href=""
><img src="/images/cc-bysa-88x31.png"
alt="[CC BY-SA]"
title="Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike"
width="88" height="31" border="0"
<a href=""
><img src="/images/fsf-member.png"
alt="[FSF Associate Member since 2007-10-31]"
title="FSF Associate Member"
width="125" height="31" border="0"
<a href=""
><img src="/images/elim-drm.gif"
alt="[ Eliminate DRM! ]"
title="Eliminate DRM!"
width="88" height="30" border="0"
# index-only footer (we don't want too much spam; the other pages look much
# cleaner without this)
html_index_footer=$(cat <<EOM
<div id="selflinks">
<a href="">
<img src="/images/gitlab.svg"
alt="mikegerwitz on GitLab"
title="mikegerwitz on GitLab"
width="42" height="42" border="0"
<a href="/about/githubbub">
<img src="/images/octoright-42.png"
alt="Don't see me on GitHub"
title="Don't see me on GitHub"
width="42" height="42" border="0"
<a href="">
<img src="/images/meditate-42.png"
alt="See me on Savannah"
title="See me on Savannah"
width="42" height="42" border="0"
<a href=""
title="mikegerwitz on Hacker News"
<a href="">
<img src="/images/fsf-42.png"
alt="FSF Member #5804"
title="FSF Member #5804"
width="42" height="42" border="0"
<a href="">
<img src="/images/eff-42.png"
alt="EFF Member"
title="EFF Member"
width="42" height="42" border="0"
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# General content template
# Copyright (C) 2013 Mike Gerwitz
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# #
# for the time being, content pages are simply styled with the index page
export html_body_class='index content'
resume-default index
Reference in New Issue