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# Generate HTML from post Markdown source
# Copyright (C) 2019 Mike Gerwitz
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# This script accepts the file name rather than data on stdin because the
# filename encodes the post date.
# Note that the `pagetitle' is set to "ignoreme"---it is not used, but is
# needed to suppress the warning pandoc produces without suppressing all
# warnings.
# Pandoc is used to generate the HTML and includes a (mostly) static header
# and footer. Note that this duplicates the date logic in `post2meta',
# because that must be run on this output, but the post must also contain
# the date, and we want to do all HTML processing now.
declare -r srcref=
set -euo pipefail
# Pandoc output format and extensions.
declare -ra ext=(
# Convert extensions to `+'-delimited string.
local IFS=+
echo "${ext[*]}"
# Wrap h1 in an hgroup along with the post date.
# Sometimes this script is used on things that aren't posts (e.g. normal
# pages), in which case a date will be unavailable and the output will be
# unchanged.
local -r date=${1?Missing date}
local -r file=${2?Missing file}
# Abort if this is not a date prefix
[[ $date =~ [0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} ]] || {
local -r repo_href="$srcref/$file"
local anchor
printf -vanchor '<a class="muted" href="%s">%s</a>' \
"$repo_href" \
sed '/^<h1/{
a<h2 class="date">'"$anchor"'</h2></hgroup>
# Pre-format Markdown files before they get to Pandoc
# These may be able to be implemented as Pandoc filters, but I haven't had
# the time to research that yet.
# I had originally switched to Markdown hoping that it would suit my needs
# better than an ad-hoc formatting language of my own design. And yet here
# I am again, adding to the language.
# Accepting a filename instead of stdin allows us to output errors
# including the name of the file.
local -r file="$1"
awk '
infence = 0
gather = 0
nltrim = 0
triml = 0
indent = 0
ex = 0
# indentation is the first non-space character
{ indent = match($0, /[^ ]/) - 1 }
# HTML nesting
/^ *<\/details>/ {
triml = indent
triml && indent >= 0 {
if (indent < triml) {
printf "error: post2html: %s:%d: expected %d-char indent, found %d\n", \
FILENAME, NR, triml, indent \
> "/dev/stderr"
ex = 1
} else {
# must have `triml` leading spaces
$0 = substr($0, triml + 1)
# must appear _after_ triml above so we just discard what is left,
# or we mess up the indentation calculation
nltrim && indent {
gsub( /^ +/, "" )
nltrim = 0
/^ *<details\>/ {
triml = indent + 2
# ties
!infence { $0 = gensub( /([^\\])~/, "\\1 ", "g" ) }
!infence { $0 = gensub( /\\~/, "~", "g" ) }
# TeX-style newline removal
!infence && /%$/ {
gsub( /%$/, "" )
printf "%s", $0
nltrim = 1
# reference to the content of the last fence (e.g. if a previous
# code block is HTML and we want to render it as an example)
/^```/ {
gather = !gather
infence = gather
if ( gather ) gblock = ""
!/^```/ && gather { gblock = gblock $0 "\n" }
!gather && /^ *@LASTFENCE@$/ { print gblock; next }
{ print }
END { exit(ex) }
' "$file"
# Generate HTML from post. Note that `pagetitle' is set just to suppress
# Pandoc warnings about it missing; it is unused.
local -r file=${1?Missing file name}
local -r base=$( basename "$file" .md )
local -r date=${base:0:10}
pandoc -f"$( pexts )" -thtml5 \
--standalone --template src/pandoc.tpl \
--metadata pagetitle:ignoreme \
--wrap none \
--highlight-style tango \
--mathml \
-B <( src/mkheader post @__PAGE_TITLE__@ ) \
-A src/footer.tpl.htm \
< <( prefmt "$file" ) \
| src/h12title @__PAGE_TITLE__@ \
| hgroup-wrap "$date" "$file"
main "$@"