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US Department of Justice}, url = {https://www.eff.org/cases/bernstein-v-us-dept-justice}, urldate = {2017-03-09}, } % TODO: figure out how to render the URL @techreport{poodle:paper, author = {Möller, Brodo and Duong, Thai and Kotowicz, Krzysztof}, title = {This POODLE Bites: Exploiting the SSL 3.0 Fallback}, institution = {Google}, year = 2014, month = Sep, url = {https://www.openssl.org/~bodo/ssl-poodle.pdf}, } @online{w:crypto-wars, author = {Wikipedia}, title = {Crypto Wars}, url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crypto_wars}, urldate = {2017-03-10}, } @online{fedr:export-controls, author = {Executive Office of the President}, title = {Administration of Export Controls on Encryption Products}, url = {https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-1996-11-19/pdf/96-29692.pdf}, urldate = {2017-03-10}, month = 11, year = 1996, note = {Federal Register, Vol. 61, No. 224, Executive Order 58767}, } @online{doc:rev-export-reg, author = {United States Department of Commerce}, title = {Revised U.S. Encryption Export Regulations}, url = {https://epic.org/crypto/export_controls/regs_1_00.html}, month = 01, year = 2000, urldate = {2017-03-10}, } @online{arxiv:mac, author = {Martin, Jeremy and Mayberry, Travis and Donahue, Collin and Foppe, Lucas, and Brown, Lamont and Riggins, Chadwick and Rye, Erik C. and Brown, Dane}, title = {A Study of MAC Address Randomization in Mobile Devices and When it Fails}, year = 2017, month = 03, archivePrefix= {arXiv}, eprint = {1703.02874}, primaryClass = {cs.CR}, } @online{aimsid, author = {CellularPrivacy}, title = {Android IMSI-Catcher Detector}, url = {https://cellularprivacy.github.io/Android-IMSI-Catcher-Detector/}, urldate = {2017-03-11}, } @online{osmand, title = {OsmAnd - Offline Mobile Maps and Navigation}, url = {http://osmand.net/}, urldate = {2017-03-11}, } @online{mozilla:loc-services, author = {MozillaWiki}, title = {CloudServices/Location - MozillaWiki}, url = {https://wiki.mozilla.org/CloudServices/Location}, urldate = {2017-03-11}, } @online{openmobilenetwork, title = {OpenMobileNetwork}, url = {http://www.openmobilenetwork.org/}, urldate = {2017-03-11}, } @online{w:wps, author = {Wikipedia}, title = {Wi-Fi positioning system}, url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi-Fi_positioning_system}, urldate = {2017-03-11}, } @online{w:trilateration, author = {Wikipedia}, title = {Trilateration}, url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilateration}, urldate = {2017-03-11}, } @article{acm:spotfi, author = {Kotaru, Manikanta and Joshi, Kiran and Bharadia, Dinesh and Katti, Sachin}, title = {{SpotFi}: Decimeter Level Localization Using {WiFi}}, journal = {{ACM} {SIGCOMM} Computer Communication Review - {SIGCOMM'15}}, doi = {10.1145/2785956.2787487}, volume = 45, pages = {269-282}, year = 2015, } @article{acm:lteye, author = {Kumar, Swarun and Hamed, Ezzeldin and Katabi, Dina and Li, Li Erran}, title = {{LTE} radio analytics made easy and accessible}, journal = {{S3 '14} Proceedings of the 6th annual workshop on Wireless of the students, by the students, for the students}, doi = {10.1145/2645884.2645891}, pages = {29-30}, year = 2014, } @online{replicant, author = {Replicant}, title = {Replicant}, url = {http://www.replicant.us}, urldate = {2017-03-11}, annotation = {A fully free Android distribution} } @online{replicant:sec, author = {Replicant}, title = {Freedom and privacy/security issues}, url = {http://www.replicant.us/freedom-privacy-security-issues.php}, urldate = {2017-03-11}, } @online{replicant:samsung-bd, author = {Replicant}, title = {Samsung Galaxy back-door}, url = {http://redmine.replicant.us/projects/replicant/wiki/SamsungGalaxyBackdoor}, urldate = {2017-03-11}, annotation = {Backdoor in Samsung Galaxy phones closed by Replicant}, } @online{gnu:malware-mobile, author = {GNU Project}, title = {Malware in Mobile Devices}, url = {https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/malware-mobiles.html}, urldate = {2017-03-11}, annotation = {Numerous resources on privacy/security issues with mobile devices} } @online{jots:mobile, author = {Jinyan Zang and Krysta Dummit and James Graves and Paul Lisker and Latanya Sweeney}, title = {Who Knows What About Me? A Survey of Behind the Scenes Personal Data Sharing to Third Parties by Mobile Apps}, url = {http://jots.pub/a/2015103001/index.php}, urldate = {2017-03-11}, } @online{kryptowire:adups, author = {Kryptowire}, title = {KRYPTOWIRE DISCOVERS MOBILE PHONE FIRMWARE THAT TRANSMITTED PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION (PII) WITHOUT USER CONSENT OR DISCLOSURE}, url = {http://www.kryptowire.com/adups_security_analysis.html}, urldate = {2017-03-11}, annotation = {BLU mobile phones transmitting SMS content, contacts, call history, telephone numbers, IMEIs, etc to third-party servers without users' knolwedge or censent} }