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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
Texinfo documentation generator for XSL stylesheets
Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 LoVullo Associates, Inc.
This file is part of xslink.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
<stylesheet version="2.0"
<output method="text" />
<variable name="xt:nl" select="'&#10;'" />
Entry point
Any comments preceding the root node will not be output; it is
assumed that a license/copyright header will be placed here, or text
describing the stylesheet.
<template match="xsl:stylesheet|xsl:transform">
<apply-templates mode="xt:doc-gen"
select="node()" />
Generate `match' definition for templates with @code{@match}
The mode (default of @code{(select)}) will act as the function name
in the output, with the XPath following in place of the argument
TODO: Put more thought into large XPath expressions.
TODO: Params.
<template mode="xt:doc-gen" priority="7"
match="xsl:template[ @match ]">
<variable name="doc" as="xs:string?"
select="xt:get-docblock( . )" />
<variable name="mode" as="xs:string"
select="if ( @mode ) then @mode else '(default)'" />
<value-of select="concat(
'@deffn match {', @mode, '} ',
' on {', xt:escape-match( @match ), '}',
xt:serialize( . ),
'@end verbatim',
'@end deffn',
$xt:nl)" />
Escape `at' symbols in matches.
These are common in XPath queries (attribute selectors), but
conflict with the Texinfo command prefix.
<function name="xt:escape-match" as="xs:string">
<param name="match" as="xs:string" />
<variable name="preat" as="xs:string"
select="substring-before( $match, '@' )" />
<variable name="postat" as="xs:string"
select="substring-after( $match, '@' )" />
<sequence select="if ( $preat ) then
xt:escape-match( $postat ) )
$match" />
Generate definitions
The return type, if not provided as @code{@as}, defaults to
@code{xs:sequence()}. Parameters are output in a style consistent
with the XPath specification.
An anchor will also be generated using the name and (for functions) arity,
which allows for easy and intuitive referencing.
<template mode="xt:doc-gen" priority="5"
<variable name="doc" as="xs:string?"
select="xt:get-docblock( . )" />
<variable name="xmlns" as="xs:string"
select="xt:get-xmlns-from-name( @name, . )" />
<variable name="param-str" as="xs:string"
select="string-join( xt:typed-param-str( xsl:param ),
', ' )" />
<variable name="type" as="xs:string"
select="if ( @as ) then @as else 'xs:sequence*'" />
<variable name="anchor" as="xs:string"
select="if ( . instance of element( xsl:function ) ) then
concat( @name, '#', count( xsl:param ) )
@name" />
<value-of select="concat(
( if ( not( $anchor = '' ) ) then
concat( '@anchor{', $anchor, '}', $xt:nl )
'' ),
'@deftypefn ', name(), ' {', $type, '} ',
@name, ' (', $param-str, ')',
concat( '@t{', $xmlns, '}' ),
xt:serialize( . ),
'@end verbatim',
'@end deftypefn',
$xt:nl)" />
Generate xmlns attribute for the namespace prefix of @var{name}
<function name="xt:get-xmlns-from-name" as="xs:string">
<param name="name" as="xs:string" />
<param name="context" as="element()" />
<variable name="prefix" as="xs:string"
select="substring-before( $name, ':' )" />
<sequence select="concat(
( if ( $prefix ) then
concat( ':', $prefix )
'' ),
$prefix, $context ),
'&quot;' )" />
Determine whether the given comment node is a docblock
We ignore anything that is not immediately adjacent to a template or
function, allowing simple newlines to be used to delimit body text
from docblocks.
The first text node following the comment is ignored if it is a
newline, since it is common practice to end the line after a comment
closing tag.
<function name="xt:is-docblock" as="xs:boolean">
<param name="node" as="comment()" />
<variable name="next" as="node()?"
not( . instance of text()
and . = $xt:nl ) ]
[1]" />
<!-- FIXME: this will be a maintenance burden -->
<sequence select="$next instance of element( xsl:template )
or $next instance of element( xsl:function )
or $next instance of element( xsl:variable )" />
Attempts to retrieve a docblock for the given node
Only the immediately preceding comment is considered according to
the @code{xt:is-docblock} predicate above.
<function name="xt:get-docblock" as="xs:string?">
<param name="context" as="node()" />
<variable name="docblock" as="comment()?"
select="( ( $context/preceding-sibling::node()[
not( . instance of text()
and . = $xt:nl ) ] )
[ last() ] )
[ . instance of comment() ]" />
<sequence select="if ( not( $docblock ) ) then
xt:format-block( $docblock )" />
Format docblock for Texinfo
Currently, this only handles de-indenting text: certain Texinfo commands
must begin in column 1, and certain environments (like @code{example} and
@code{verbatim}) incur extra indentation based on how the XML docblock is
This considers the indentation of the first line of the docblock following
the opening delimiter to be the indentation throughout the entire
docblock, and strips those characters from the beginning of each
line. Both tabs and spaces are recognized.
<function name="xt:format-block" as="xs:string">
<param name="text" as="xs:string" />
<variable name="re" as="xs:string"
substring-after( $text, $xt:nl ),
$xt:nl ),
'(^[ ]*).+$', '$1', 'm' ) )" />
<!-- regexes that match empty strings aren't permitted, so we must check
against it -->
<sequence select="if ( $re = '^' ) then
replace( $text, $re, '', 'm' )" />
Echo comment blocks
This allows including arbitrary output, enabling the writing of
complete documentation as a component of the source code
itself. This style is popular in the TeX/LaTeX community, based on
Knuth's concept of "Literate Programming" in his languages
If you do @emph{not} wish for comments to be directly echoed, then
they must contain @code{@comment} at the beginning of the comment
node, with @emph{no} whitespace preceding it.
<template mode="xt:doc-gen" priority="5"
match="comment()[ not( starts-with( ., '@comment' ) ) ]">
<value-of select="xt:format-block( concat( ., $xt:nl ) )" />
Ignore docblock comments (handled in respective templates)
<template mode="xt:doc-gen" priority="7"
match="comment()[ xt:is-docblock( . ) ]" />
Generate typed parameter list from @var{params}
The style is consistent with that of the XPath specification: `PARAM
as TYPE'.
<function name="xt:typed-param-str" as="xs:string*">
<param name="params" as="element( xsl:param )*" />
<for-each select="$params">
<value-of select="concat(
if ( position() gt 1 ) then ' ' else '',
@name, ' as ',
if ( @as ) then @as else 'xs:sequence*',
'}' )" />
All other nodes are ignored, for now.
<template mode="xt:doc-gen" priority="1"
Serialization templates
This is very basic; it will be improved upon in the future.
<function name="xt:serialize" as="xs:string">
<param name="context" />
<variable name="result">
<apply-templates mode="xt:serialize"
select="$context" />
<value-of select="$result" separator="" />
<template mode="xt:serialize"
<value-of select="name()" />
<apply-templates mode="xt:serialize"
select="@*" />
<when test="node()">
<apply-templates mode="xt:serialize" />
<sequence select="concat('&lt;/', name(), '&gt;' )" />
<text> /&gt;</text>
<template match="@*" mode="xt:serialize">
<sequence select="concat(
' ',
normalize-space( . ),
'&quot;' )" />
<template match="text()" mode="xt:serialize">
<sequence select="." />
<template match="comment()" mode="xt:serialize">
<sequence select="concat( '&lt;!--', ., '--&gt;' )" />