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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
Texinfo documentation generator for XSL stylesheets
Copyright (C) 2014 LoVullo Associates, Inc.
This file is part of xslink.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
<stylesheet version="2.0"
<output method="text" />
<variable name="xt:nl" select="'&#10;'" />
Entry point
Comments that precede the stylesheet definition will also be
processed, since these are commonly used to describe the stylesheet
as a whole.
<template match="xsl:stylesheet|xsl:transform">
<apply-templates mode="xt:doc-gen"
|node()" />
Generate `match' definition for templates with @code{@match}
The mode (default of @code{(select)}) will act as the function name
in the output, with the XPath following in place of the argument
TODO: Put more thought into large XPath expressions.
TODO: Params.
<template mode="xt:doc-gen" priority="7"
match="xsl:template[ @match ]">
<variable name="doc" as="comment()?"
select="xt:get-docblock( . )" />
<variable name="mode" as="xs:string"
select="if ( @mode ) then @mode else '(default)'" />
<value-of select="concat(
'@deffn match {', @mode, '} ',
' on {', xt:escape-match( @match ), '}',
xt:serialize( . ),
'@end verbatim',
'@end deffn',
$xt:nl)" />
Escape `at' symbols in matches.
These are common in XPath queries (attribute selectors), but
conflict with the Texinfo command prefix.
<function name="xt:escape-match" as="xs:string">
<param name="match" as="xs:string" />
<variable name="preat" as="xs:string"
select="substring-before( $match, '@' )" />
<variable name="postat" as="xs:string"
select="substring-after( $match, '@' )" />
<sequence select="if ( $preat ) then
xt:escape-match( $postat ) )
$match" />
Generate `template' and `function' definitions
The return type, if not provided as @code{@as}, defaults to
@code{xs:sequence()}. Parameters are output in a style consistent
with the XPath specification.
An anchor will also be generated using the namespace prefix and
local name, which allows for easy and intuitive referencing.
<template mode="xt:doc-gen" priority="5"
<variable name="doc" as="comment()?"
select="xt:get-docblock( . )" />
<variable name="param-str" as="xs:string"
select="string-join( xt:typed-param-str( xsl:param ),
', ' )" />
<variable name="type" as="xs:string"
select="if ( @as ) then @as else 'xs:sequence*'" />
<value-of select="concat(
'@anchor{', @name, '}',
'@deftypefn ', name(), ' {', $type, '} ',
@name, ' (', $param-str, ')',
xt:serialize( . ),
'@end verbatim',
'@end deftypefn',
$xt:nl)" />
Determine whether the given comment node is a docblock
We ignore anything that is not immediately adjacent to a template or
function, allowing simple newlines to be used to delimit body text
from docblocks.
The first text node following the comment is ignored if it is a
newline, since it is common practice to end the line after a comment
closing tag.
<function name="xt:is-docblock" as="xs:boolean">
<param name="node" as="comment()" />
<variable name="next" as="node()?"
not( . instance of text()
and . = $xt:nl ) ]
[1]" />
<!-- FIXME: this will be a maintenance burden -->
<sequence select="$next instance of element( xsl:template )
or $next instance of element( xsl:function )" />
Attempts to retrieve a docblock for the given node
Only the immediately preceding comment is considered according to
the @code{xt:is-docblock} predicate above.
<function name="xt:get-docblock" as="comment()?">
<param name="context" as="node()" />
<sequence select="$context/preceding-sibling::comment()[1][
xt:is-docblock( . ) ]" />
Echo comment blocks
This allows including arbitrary output, enabling the writing of
complete documentation as a component of the source code
itself. This style is popular in the TeX/LaTeX community, based on
Knuth's concept of "Literate Programming" in his languages
If you do @emph{not} wish for comments to be directly echoed, then
they must contain @code{@comment} at the beginning of the comment
node, with @emph{no} whitespace preceding it.
<template mode="xt:doc-gen" priority="5"
match="comment()[ not( starts-with( ., '@comment' ) ) ]">
<value-of select="concat( ., $xt:nl )" />
Ignore docblock comments (handled in respective templates)
<template mode="xt:doc-gen" priority="7"
match="comment()[ xt:is-docblock( . ) ]" />
Generate typed parameter list from @var{params}
The style is consistent with that of the XPath specification: `PARAM
as TYPE'.
<function name="xt:typed-param-str" as="xs:string*">
<param name="params" as="element( xsl:param )*" />
<for-each select="$params">
<value-of select="concat(
if ( position() gt 1 ) then ' ' else '',
@name, ' as ',
if ( @as ) then @as else 'xs:sequence*',
'}' )" />
All other nodes are ignored, for now.
<template mode="xt:doc-gen" priority="1"
Serialization templates
This is very basic; it will be improved upon in the future.
<function name="xt:serialize" as="xs:string">
<param name="context" />
<variable name="result">
<apply-templates mode="xt:serialize"
select="$context" />
<value-of select="$result" separator="" />
<template mode="xt:serialize"
<value-of select="name()" />
<apply-templates mode="xt:serialize"
select="@*" />
<when test="node()">
<apply-templates mode="xt:serialize" />
<sequence select="concat('&lt;/', name(), '&gt;' )" />
<text> /&gt;</text>
<template match="@*" mode="xt:serialize">
<sequence select="concat(
' ',
normalize-space( . ),
'&quot;' )" />
<template match="text()" mode="xt:serialize">
<sequence select="." />
<template match="comment()" mode="xt:serialize">
<sequence select="concat( '&lt;!--', ., '--&gt;' )" />