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264 lines
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* Tests for conforming Thenable implementation
* Copyright (C) 2014 Mike Gerwitz
* This file is part of jsTonic.
* jstonic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
let Class = require( 'easejs' ).Class,
Sut = require( '../../' ).then.Thenable,
expect = require( 'chai' ).expect;
module.exports = ( ctor, accept, reject ) =>
describe( 'conforming to Thenable', () =>
it( 'implements Thenable', () =>
expect( Class.isA( Sut, ctor() ) ).to.be.true );
describe( '#then', () => _thenTests( ctor, accept, reject ) );
* Promises/A+ 2.2.4.
* For detailed rationale on why this is imposed on a simple
* thenable, see the Thenable interface.
describe( 'call stack', () =>
describe( 'is allowed to clear', () =>
let stack_ctor = ( type, done ) =>
let cleared = '';
// rm Error (2 lines); onTimeout callback (1); strip
// remaining file and line numbers, since they may vary
// with onTimeout call location; this should hopefully
// be flexible enough to accomodate various environments
// (provided that Error().stack is available)
let getStack = () =>
.replace( /^.*\n.*\n.*\n/, '' )
.replace( /\(.*?:[0-9]+:[0-9]+\)/g, '' );
let chk = () =>
expect( cleared ).to.equal(
getStack().replace( /^.*\n/, '' ) );
// ensure the stack clears
setTimeout( () => cleared = getStack(), 0 );
// if the callback is invoked asynchronously, then it
// will run after the above timeout callback
let sut = ctor(),
n = 3;
while ( n-- ) {
type === accept && chk,
type === reject && chk );
// finish after all callbacks have been applied
setTimeout( () => done() );
type( sut );
it( 'before invoking fulfillment callback', done =>
stack_ctor( accept, done ) );
it( 'before invoking rejection callback', done =>
stack_ctor( reject, done ) );
} ) );
} );
function _thenTests( ctor, accept, reject )
let sut;
// these methods just make it easier to work into a lisp-style
// procedure
let accept_sut = () => accept( sut ),
reject_sut = () => reject( sut );
beforeEach( () =>
sut = ctor();
} );
it( 'returns another Thenable', () =>
expect( Class.isA( Sut, ctor().then( null, null ) ) )
.to.be.true );
describe( 'callbacks', () =>
* The Promises/A+ specification states that non-function
* arguments must be "ignored"; this is a bit ambiguous, since
* ignoring can involve any number of things, including throwing
* an exception (and ignoring the values as a consequence of
* aborting the call).
* We will allow the implementation to do whatever it chooses,
* provided that the most definitive indications of intentional
* omission are permitted without error.
* See Promises/A+ §2.2.1.
describe( 'params', () =>
it( 'permit omitted callbacks', () =>
expect( () => ctor().then() )
.to.not.throw( Error ) );
it( 'permit undefined callbacks', () =>
expect( () => ctor().then( undefined, undefined ) )
.to.not.throw( Error ) );
it( 'permit null callbacks', () =>
expect( () => ctor().then( null, null ) )
.to.not.throw( Error ) );
} );
it( 'trigger fulfillment on accept', done =>
accept_sut( sut.then( ()=>done() ) ) );
it( 'trigger rejection on reject', done =>
reject_sut( sut.then( null, ()=>done() ) ) );
* An implementation that invokes both callbacks for a given
* value/reason pair (that is---either an accept or reject) is
* implying that the request both succeeded and failed; since we
* have no intent on supporting superimposed states---and it's
* rational to assume that the consumer of the implementation
* has no such intent either---such an implementation should be
* considered to be in error.
* This will obviously not catch cases that may require certain
* types of input (e.g. a bug in specific portions of the
* logic), but will hopefully help to point out fatal design
* flaws, and prevent the need to duplicate such obvious tests
* for every `Thenable` implementation.
describe( 'are not both called for a value/reason pair', () =>
* This implementation attempts to determine, broadly,
* whether both callbacks were invoked. Doing so is not
* fool-proof, since `Thenable` mandates asynchrony, but we
* have no idea when the asynchronous event will be
* scheduled. Here, we assume that the callbacks are
* scheduled immediately after the invocation of `accept` or
* `reject`, and that scheduling our own callback would
* enqueue it after any `Thenable` callbacks. This may or
* may not be true.
let postchk = ( f, done ) =>
let ok = true,
cf = () => ok = false;
f( ctor().then(
( f === reject ) && cf,
( f === accept ) && cf ) );
setTimeout( () => {
expect( ok ).to.be.true;
}, 0 );
it( 'when fulfilled', done =>
postchk( accept, done ) );
it( 'when rejected', done =>
postchk( reject, done ) );
} );
* Promises/A+ §2.2.5.
describe( 'calling context', () =>
let no_context = ( () => this )();
let expect_no_c = done =>
() => expect( this ).to.equal( no_context )
&& done();
it( 'invokes fulfilled callback without context', done =>
accept_sut( sut
.then( expect_no_c( ()=>done() ), null ) ) );
it( 'invokes reject callback without context', done =>
reject_sut( sut
.then( null, expect_no_c( ()=>done() ) ) ) );
} );
} );
describe( 'invoked multiple times', () =>
* There may be more than one observer interested in the results
* of a computation; Promises/A+ §2.2.6 states that each
* callback should be invoked in the order of their respective
* `then` calls.
describe( 'will invoke in order of respective #then', () =>
let c = ( chk, i ) => {
expect( chk[ i-1 ] ).to.be.undefined;
chk[ i ] = undefined;
let multi_ctor = done =>
let chk = [ 0, 1, 2 ];
chk.forEach( i =>
let f = c( chk, i );
sut.then( f, f );
} );
sut.then( ()=>done(), ()=>done() );
return sut;
it( 'all fulfillment callbacks upon accept', done =>
accept_sut( multi_ctor( done ) ) );
it( 'all rejection callbacks upon reject', done =>
reject_sut( multi_ctor( done ) ) );
} ) );