hoxsl may be used directly from the distribution archive. To build from source (including a repository checkout), see `Configuring' below. Configuring =========== If your distribution contains a `configure` file in the project root, you may immediately run `./configure`. Otherwise, you likely have the sources as they exist in the project repository, which does not contain the generated `configure` script; you may generate it by issuing the following command: $ autoreconf -fvi hoxsl has two dependencies, which may be cloned as such: $ git clone https://github.com/lovullo/literate-xsl tools/literate-xsl $ git clone https://github.com/lovullo/xspec tools/xspec The latter is required only if running test cases (using `make check'). Once dependencies are in place, simply run: $ ./configure Building ======== After running `configure' above, all necessary runtime files and literate documentation may be built by running: $ make To build the distribution files, run `make distdir`. To create the distribution tarball, run `make dist`. To run all tests, run `make check`.