`arity.xsl' stylesheet combined with ref functions into `ref.xsl'

These are strongly related---they operate on the same abstraction.
Mike Gerwitz 2014-11-29 02:01:40 -05:00
parent c64cefe931
commit 5857eed3d6
8 changed files with 399 additions and 372 deletions

View File

@ -162,78 +162,4 @@
Create a reference to dynamic function @var{name} with arity
This function @emph{does not} verify that the function @var{name}
exists, nor does it verify that the provided @var{arity} is valid
for it. Further, the returned function reference will work
@emph{only with dynamic functions}—that is, an application template
is needed. See @file{transform/apply-gen.xsl} for more information
and examples.
<function name="f:make-ref" as="element( f:ref )">
<param name="name" as="xs:QName" />
<param name="arity" as="xs:integer" />
<variable name="ns"
select="namespace-uri-from-QName( $name )" />
<f:ref arity="{$arity}">
<element name="{$name}"
namespace="{$ns}" />
Determines whether @var{fnref} represents a valid dynamic function
This can be used to determine if @var{fnref} is valid as input to
other functions, some of which may produce an error if called with
an invalid dynamic function reference.
@i{Implementation details:} To be valid, @var{fnref} must:
@item Be an element of type @code{f:ref};
@item Have a numeric @code{@arity}; and
@item Have a child target function node.
<function name="f:is-ref" as="xs:boolean">
<param name="fnref" as="item()*" />
<variable name="ref" select="$fnref[ 1 ]" />
<!-- for @arity check: note that NaN != NaN -->
<sequence select="$ref instance of element( f:ref )
and number( $ref/@arity ) = number( $ref/@arity )
and exists( $ref/*[ 1 ] )" />
Retrieve the QName of the target dynamic function
Usually, this would match precisely the QName of the target
@i{Implementation details:} This actually represents the QName of
the @emph{application template}, which could differ from the target
function name. One reason this may be the case is to provide a
function alias.
<function name="f:QName" as="xs:QName?">
<param name="fnref" as="element( f:ref )" />
<variable name="target" as="element()?"
select="$fnref/element()[ 1 ]" />
<sequence select="node-name( $target )" />

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Arity calculations on dynamic and partially applied functions
Copyright (C) 2014 LoVullo Associates, Inc.
This file is part of hoxsl.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
<stylesheet version="2.0"
Attempt to retrieve arity of dynamic function @var{fnref}
@var{fnref} must be a dynamic function reference satisfying
@code{f:is-ref}. Partially applied function references will have an
arity equivalent to the free parameters in the target function.
<function name="f:arity" as="xs:integer">
<param name="fnref" as="item()+" />
<variable name="ref" as="element( f:ref )"
select="$fnref[ 1 ]" />
<variable name="arity" as="xs:integer"
select="$ref/@arity" />
<variable name="partial" as="xs:integer"
select="if ( $ref/@partial ) then
0" />
<sequence select="$arity - $partial" />

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<import href="arity.xsl" />
<import href="ref.xsl" />

src/apply/ref.xsl 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Dynamic function reference
Copyright (C) 2014 LoVullo Associates, Inc.
This file is part of hoxsl.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
A dynamic function reference is a sequence describing a dynamic
function to be applied. It consists of two major parts—the dynamic
function reference descriptor and the arguments to bind to its
(desc[, arg1[, ...argn]])
@end example
The descriptor @var{desc} has the following format:
<f:ref arity="N" [...]>
<target />
@end example
where the @var{target} node shares the same QName as the function to
be applied, and @var{@arity} is its arity. The @var{f:ref} node may
be decorated with additional attributes depending on its context or
<stylesheet version="2.0"
Create a reference to dynamic function @var{name} with arity
This function @emph{does not} verify that the function @var{name}
exists, nor does it verify that the provided @var{arity} is valid
for it. Further, the returned function reference will work
@emph{only with dynamic functions}—that is, an application template
is needed. See @file{transform/apply-gen.xsl} for more information
and examples.
<function name="f:make-ref" as="element( f:ref )">
<param name="name" as="xs:QName" />
<param name="arity" as="xs:integer" />
<variable name="ns"
select="namespace-uri-from-QName( $name )" />
<f:ref arity="{$arity}">
<element name="{$name}"
namespace="{$ns}" />
Determines whether @var{fnref} represents a valid dynamic function
This can be used to determine if @var{fnref} is valid as input to
other functions, some of which may produce an error if called with
an invalid dynamic function reference.
@i{Implementation details:} To be valid, @var{fnref} must:
@item Be an element of type @code{f:ref};
@item Have a numeric @code{@arity}; and
@item Have a child target function node.
<function name="f:is-ref" as="xs:boolean">
<param name="fnref" as="item()*" />
<variable name="ref" select="$fnref[ 1 ]" />
<!-- for @arity check: note that NaN != NaN -->
<sequence select="$ref instance of element( f:ref )
and number( $ref/@arity ) = number( $ref/@arity )
and exists( $ref/*[ 1 ] )" />
Retrieve the QName of the target dynamic function
Usually, this would match precisely the QName of the target
@i{Implementation details:} This actually represents the QName of
the @emph{application template}, which could differ from the target
function name. One reason this may be the case is to provide a
function alias.
<function name="f:QName" as="xs:QName?">
<param name="fnref" as="element( f:ref )" />
<variable name="target" as="element()?"
select="$fnref/element()[ 1 ]" />
<sequence select="node-name( $target )" />
Attempt to retrieve arity of dynamic function @var{fnref}
@var{fnref} must be a dynamic function reference satisfying
@code{f:is-ref}. Partially applied function references will have an
arity equivalent to the free parameters in the target function.
<function name="f:arity" as="xs:integer">
<param name="fnref" as="item()+" />
<variable name="ref" as="element( f:ref )"
select="$fnref[ 1 ]" />
<variable name="arity" as="xs:integer"
select="$ref/@arity" />
<variable name="partial" as="xs:integer"
select="if ( $ref/@partial ) then
0" />
<sequence select="$arity - $partial" />

View File

@ -418,162 +418,4 @@
<scenario label="f:make-ref constructor">
<scenario label="when called with a function QName and arity">
<variable name="qname"
select="QName( $foo-uri, 'reftest' )" />
<variable name="arity"
select="2" />
<call function="f:make-ref">
<param name="name" select="$qname" />
<param name="arity" select="$arity" />
<expect label="produces a dynamic function reference"
test="f:is-ref( $x:result )" />
<expect label="produces provided reference arity"
test="f:arity( $x:result ) = $arity" />
<expect label="produces reference to expected QName"
test="f:QName( $x:result ) = $qname" />
<scenario label="produces a valid dynamic function reference">
<call function="f:apply">
<param name="fnref"
select="f:make-ref( QName( $foo-uri, 'fn1' ),
1 )" />
<param name="arg1"
select="$args/foo:arg1" />
<expect label="that can be applied using f:apply"
test="$x:result[ 1 ] = foo:applied[ @n = 1 ]
and $x:result[ 2 ] is $args/foo:arg1" />
<scenario label="f:is-ref predicate">
<scenario label="given a valid dynamic function reference">
<call function="f:is-ref">
<param name="fnref"
select="f:make-ref( QName( $foo-uri, 'foo' ), 0 )" />
<expect label="returns true()"
select="true()" />
<scenario label="given an invalid dynamic function reference">
<call function="f:is-ref">
<param name="fnref">
<foo:bar />
<expect label="returns false()"
select="false()" />
<scenario label="given a dynamic function reference without arity">
<call function="f:is-ref">
<param name="fnref">
<foo:bar />
<expect label="returns false()"
select="false()" />
<scenario label="given a dynamic function reference without
integral arity">
<call function="f:is-ref">
<param name="fnref">
<f:ref arity="moo">
<foo:bar />
<expect label="returns false()"
select="false()" />
<scenario label="given a dynamic function reference without target
<call function="f:is-ref">
<param name="fnref">
<f:ref arity="0" />
<expect label="returns false()"
select="false()" />
<scenario label="given an empty sequence">
<call function="f:is-ref">
<param name="fnref" select="()" />
<expect label="returns false()"
select="false()" />
<scenario label="given a non-element">
<call function="f:is-ref">
<param name="fnref" select="5" />
<expect label="returns false()"
select="false()" />
<scenario label="f:QName accessor">
<scenario label="given a valid dynamic function reference">
<variable name="foo-qname"
select="QName( $foo-uri, 'foo' )" />
<call function="f:QName">
<param name="fnref"
select="f:make-ref( $foo-qname, 0 )" />
<expect label="returns QName"
test="$x:result instance of xs:QName" />
<expect label="returns QName of target dynamic function"
select="$foo-qname" />
<scenario label="given a dynamic function reference with no target
<call function="f:QName">
<param name="fnref">
<f:ref arity="5" />
<expect label="returns empty sequence"
select="()" />

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Tests arity calculations
Copyright (C) 2014 LoVullo Associates, Inc.
This file is part of hoxsl.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
<description xmlns="http://www.jenitennison.com/xslt/xspec"
<variable name="foo-uri"
'foo', root(.)/element() )" />
<variable name="test-arity"
select="5" />
<variable name="test-fn"
select="f:make-ref( QName( $foo-uri, 'foo:bar' ),
$test-arity )" />
<scenario label="f:arity">
<scenario label="given a proper function reference">
<variable name="test-arity"
select="5" />
<!-- test our format directly; do not rely on the
apply-gen code -->
<call function="f:arity">
<param name="fnref" select="$test-fn" />
<expect label="provides function arity"
select="$test-arity" />
<scenario label="given a partially applied function reference">
<call function="f:arity">
<param name="fnref"
select="f:apply( $test-fn, 1, 2 )" />
<expect label="provides arity of the target function minus the
number of bound parameters"
select="$test-arity - 2" />
<scenario label="given a multiply-partially-applied function reference">
<call function="f:arity">
<param name="fnref"
f:apply( $test-fn, 1, 2 ),
3 )" />
<expect label="provides arity of the target function minus the
number of bound parameters"
select="$test-arity - 3" />

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Tests arity calculations
Tests dynamic function reference
Copyright (C) 2014 LoVullo Associates, Inc.
@ -29,4 +29,7 @@
<!-- this imports the SUT, as well as additional functions we need
for testing -->
<import href="../../src/apply.xsl" />
<!-- numerous templates for arity tests -->
<import href="../apply-test.xsl" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Tests dynamic function reference
Copyright (C) 2014 LoVullo Associates, Inc.
This file is part of hoxsl.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
<description xmlns="http://www.jenitennison.com/xslt/xspec"
<variable name="foo-uri"
'foo', root(.)/element() )" />
<variable name="test-arity"
select="5" />
<variable name="test-fn"
select="f:make-ref( QName( $foo-uri, 'foo:bar' ),
$test-arity )" />
<scenario label="f:make-ref constructor">
<scenario label="when called with a function QName and arity">
<variable name="qname"
select="QName( $foo-uri, 'reftest' )" />
<variable name="arity"
select="2" />
<call function="f:make-ref">
<param name="name" select="$qname" />
<param name="arity" select="$arity" />
<expect label="produces a dynamic function reference"
test="f:is-ref( $x:result )" />
<expect label="produces provided reference arity"
test="f:arity( $x:result ) = $arity" />
<expect label="produces reference to expected QName"
test="f:QName( $x:result ) = $qname" />
<scenario label="produces a valid dynamic function reference">
<variable name="arg">
<foo:bar />
<call function="f:apply">
<param name="fnref"
select="f:make-ref( QName( $foo-uri, 'fn1' ),
1 )" />
<param name="arg1" select="$arg" />
<expect label="that can be applied using f:apply"
test="$x:result[ 1 ] = foo:applied[ @n = 1 ]
and $x:result[ 2 ] is $arg" />
<scenario label="f:is-ref predicate">
<scenario label="given a valid dynamic function reference">
<call function="f:is-ref">
<param name="fnref"
select="f:make-ref( QName( $foo-uri, 'foo' ), 0 )" />
<expect label="returns true()"
select="true()" />
<scenario label="given an invalid dynamic function reference">
<call function="f:is-ref">
<param name="fnref">
<foo:bar />
<expect label="returns false()"
select="false()" />
<scenario label="given a dynamic function reference without arity">
<call function="f:is-ref">
<param name="fnref">
<foo:bar />
<expect label="returns false()"
select="false()" />
<scenario label="given a dynamic function reference without
integral arity">
<call function="f:is-ref">
<param name="fnref">
<f:ref arity="moo">
<foo:bar />
<expect label="returns false()"
select="false()" />
<scenario label="given a dynamic function reference without target
<call function="f:is-ref">
<param name="fnref">
<f:ref arity="0" />
<expect label="returns false()"
select="false()" />
<scenario label="given an empty sequence">
<call function="f:is-ref">
<param name="fnref" select="()" />
<expect label="returns false()"
select="false()" />
<scenario label="given a non-element">
<call function="f:is-ref">
<param name="fnref" select="5" />
<expect label="returns false()"
select="false()" />
<scenario label="f:QName accessor">
<scenario label="given a valid dynamic function reference">
<variable name="foo-qname"
select="QName( $foo-uri, 'foo' )" />
<call function="f:QName">
<param name="fnref"
select="f:make-ref( $foo-qname, 0 )" />
<expect label="returns QName"
test="$x:result instance of xs:QName" />
<expect label="returns QName of target dynamic function"
select="$foo-qname" />
<scenario label="given a dynamic function reference with no target
<call function="f:QName">
<param name="fnref">
<f:ref arity="5" />
<expect label="returns empty sequence"
select="()" />
<scenario label="f:arity">
<scenario label="given a proper function reference">
<variable name="test-arity"
select="5" />
<!-- test our format directly; do not rely on the
apply-gen code -->
<call function="f:arity">
<param name="fnref" select="$test-fn" />
<expect label="provides function arity"
select="$test-arity" />
<scenario label="given a partially applied function reference">
<call function="f:arity">
<param name="fnref"
select="f:apply( $test-fn, 1, 2 )" />
<expect label="provides arity of the target function minus the
number of bound parameters"
select="$test-arity - 2" />
<scenario label="given a multiply-partially-applied function reference">
<call function="f:arity">
<param name="fnref"
f:apply( $test-fn, 1, 2 ),
3 )" />
<expect label="provides arity of the target function minus the
number of bound parameters"
select="$test-arity - 3" />