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Simple one--three-character bash aliases for Git with tab completion
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Mike Gerwitz 3e03ad1102
Using --show-toplevel for `--` shortmap
2013-12-08 13:45:10 -05:00
COPYING Initial commit of shortmaps, bash_completion, COPYING, and README.md 2013-12-08 13:41:11 -05:00
README.md Added ca and CS shortmaps 2013-12-08 13:44:53 -05:00
bash_completion - and -- functions on their own line 2013-12-08 13:43:40 -05:00
shortmaps Using --show-toplevel for `--` shortmap 2013-12-08 13:45:10 -05:00


git-shortmaps provides very concise (one- or two-character), user-configurable commands for Git with support for Bash tab completion.

shortmaps / Bash Completion

The bash_completion file contains Bash completion for custom commands and "shortmappings", which provide single-character aliases to common Git commands.


Source the bash_completion file (e.g. place in .bashrc or in /etc/bash_completion.d/ on Debian systems), with the path to the provided shortmaps file as the only argument:

$ . bash_completion ./shortmaps

You may also add your own mappings to ~/.git-shortmaps.


By default, the following mappings are available, each with tab completion:

  • a - git add
  • A - git add -A
  • B - git bisect
  • Bs - git bisect start
  • Bg - git bisect good
  • Bb - git bisect bad
  • Br - git bisect reset
  • c - git commit
  • ca - git commit --amend
  • co - git checkout
  • C - git commit -am
  • CS - git commit -S -am
  • d - git diff
  • f - git fetch
  • m - git merge
  • p - git push
  • P - git pull
  • Pr - git pull --rebase
  • R - git rebase
  • Ri - git rebase --interactive
  • Ra - git rebase --abort
  • Rc - git rebase --continue
  • s - git status --short
  • S - git stash
  • t - execute tig
  • T - git tag
  • - - git checkout -
  • -- - cd to root dir of repository

The shortmaps may only be used within a git repository; otherwise, they will invoke the actual command on the system.

If a shortmap conflicts with an existing command on your system, then you may wrap the command in quotes to invoke the actual command rather than the shortmap (e.g. 'c' to invoke which c rather than the shortmap c).


The file format is as follows:


If CMD contains a colon (:) prefix, the command will be prefixed with git. If prefixed with a pipe (|), the command will be sent to eval (needed for certain features like subshells). Commands without either prefix will be executed normally.