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# Mike Gerwitz personal mutt configuration
# Copyright (C) 2014 Mike Gerwitz
# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are
# permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and
# this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without warranty
# of any kind.
set realname="Mike Gerwitz"
# caches dramatically speed up larger mailboxes
set header_cache="~/.mutt/cache/headers"
set message_cachedir="~/.mutt/cache/messages"
set certificate_file="~/.mutt/certs"
# every message I send is GPG-signed to assert my identity
set pgp_sign_as=0x8EE30EAB
set crypt_replysign
set crypt_replyencrypt
set crypt_autosign
set crypt_autoencrypt
set crypt_verify_sig
# this is the default, but let's make it explicit for purposes of
# documentation---I do not mass-sign e-mails, and the task of entering a
# password does not add much to the time of composing an e-mail message
set nopgp_use_gpg_agent
# we're not using gpg-agent for a reason, so let's not entrust this task to
# mutt either
set pgp_timeout=1
# force TLS
set ssl_starttls
set ssl_force_tls
# spam my mailserver; that's fine.
set noimap_passive
# I have external e-mail indicators, but if I have my client open, don't
# piss me off by having those indicators say I have new mail any having my
# inbox not refresh quickly
set mail_check=30
# responsiveness
set timeout=5
set net_inc=5
# header stuffs
set use_from=yes
set edit_headers=yes
my_hdr X-URL: http://mikegerwitz.com
# get rid of the obnoxious line wrapping markers, which makes it especially
# inconvenient to copy text from the terminal when people decide to be
# inconsiderate with their line length
set nomarkers
# let's fit some more text on the page and ensure that rude lines (long) are
# wrapped
set print_command="fold -s -w120 | lpr -o cpi=15 -o lpi=9"
# spelling should always be enabled for composition
set editor="vim -c \"set spell spelllang=en\""
# minor modification to default style to add author to the very right, which
# is useful for mailing lists
set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%?l?%4l&%4c?) %s %> %F"
# self
alternates -group self .*@mikegerwitz.com mikegerwitz@gnu.org
alias me Mike Gerwitz <mike@mikegerwitz.com>
alias -group gnuself me-gnu Mike Gerwitz <mikegerwitz@gnu.org>
# default to personal account and automatically switch to GNU account if it
# is mentioned
source ~/.mutt/account-personal
message-hook "%C gnuself" "source ~/.mutt/account-gnu"
source ~/.mutt/theme
# load system-specific configuration
source ~/.mutt/local