# personal screenrc - mikegerwitz # # This configuration file is provided in the hope that it will be helpful in # configuring your own software, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Please be mindful of # what is executing on your system. # # backtick commands # backtick 1 1 1 date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' backtick 2 999999 999999 whoami backtick 50 59 59 .screen/ssh-agent-key backtick 51 59 59 .screen/secstat backtick 100 3 3 .screen/load-avg backtick 101 0 0 .screen/mail backtick 102 287 287 .screen/weather # # vim-style keybindings # bind j focus down bind k focus up bindkey -k k2 screen htop bindkey -k k3 screen $EDITOR bindkey -k k4 screen emacs -gnus # no delay in sending keys (especially ESC) maptimeout 0 # # general options # startup_message off compacthist off altscreen on fit attrcolor b ".i" termcapinfo xterm 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm' term screen-256color defbce "on" # memory is cheap defscrollback 10000 # # status lines # hardstatus alwayslastline caption always "%{= kw}%-Lw%?%F%{= KW}%:%{+ .W}%?%n*%f %t%{-}%+Lw %= %?%F%{+b}%?%2`@%H%{-}%?%{-}" hardstatus string "%{= kw}%{+b}Happy Hacking%{-}%50`%51` %= %101` %100` %102` %1`%{-}" sorendition "= kW" # # source any local configs at the end of all this so that the settings in there # will override the settings here (this is needed, for example, because I have # certain status indicators that I may use at work that differ from my personal # PC) # source .screenrc-local