\section{Encapsulating the Hacks} \label{sec:encap-hacks} Imagine jumping into a project in order to make a simple modification and then seeing the code in \jsref{lst:prot-share}. This is a far cry from the simple protected member declarations in traditional classical object-oriented languages. In fact, there becomes a point where the hacks discussed in the previous sections become unmaintainable messes that add a great deal of boilerplate code with little use other than to distract from the actual software itself. However, we do not have to settle for those messy implementations. Indeed, we can come up with some fairly elegant and concise solutions by encapsulating the hacks we have discussed into a classical object-oriented framework, library or simple helper functions. Let's not get ahead of ourselves too quickly; we will start exploring basic helper functions before we deal with diving into a full, reusable framework. This section is intended for educational and experimental purposes. Before using these examples to develop your own class system for ECMAScript, ensure that none of the existing systems satisfy your needs; your effort is best suited toward the advancement of existing projects than the segregation caused by the introduction of additional, specialty frameworks.\footnote{That is not to discourage experimentation. Indeed, one of the best, most exciting and fun ways to learn about these concepts are to implement them yourself.} These are discussed a bit later. \subsection{Constructor/Prototype Factory} \label{sec:ctor-factory} Section~\ref{sec:extending} offered one solution to the problem of creating an extensible constructor, allowing it to be used both to instantiate new objects and as a prototype. Unfortunately, as \jsref{lst:ctor-extend} demonstrated, the solution adds a bit of noise to the definition that will also be duplicated for each constructor. The section ended with the promise of a cleaner, reusable implementation. Perhaps we can provide that. Consider once again the issue at hand. The constructor, when called conventionally with the \operator{new} operator to create a new instance, must perform all of its construction logic. However, if we wish to use it as a prototype, it is unlikely that we want to run \emph{any} of that logic --- we are simply looking to have an object containing each of its members to use as a prototype without the risk of modifying the prototype of the constructor in question. Now consider how this issue is handled in other classical languages: the \keyword{extend} keyword. ECMAScript has no such keyword, so we will have to work on an implementation ourselves. We cannot use the name \func{extend()}, as it is a reserved name;\footnote{Perhaps for future versions of ECMAScript.} as such, we will start with a simple \func{Class} factory function with which we can create new ``classes'' without supertypes. We can than provide a \func{Class.extend()} method to define a ``class'' \emph{with} a supertype. \lstinputlisting[% label=lst:ctor-factory, caption=Constructor factory, lastline=60, ]{lst/ctor-factory.js} \jsref{lst:ctor-factory} demonstrates one such possible implementation of a constructor factory. Rather than thinking of ``creating a class'' and ``creating a class with a supertype'' as two separate processes, it is helpful to consider them one and the same; instead, we can consider the former to be ``creating a class \emph{with an empty supertype}''. As such, invoking \func{Class()} simply calls \func{Class.extend()} with \keyword{null} for the base (on line 6), allowing \func{Class.extend()} to handle the creation of a new constructor without a supertype. Both \func{Class()} and \func{Class.extend()} accept a \var{dfn} argument, which we will refer to as the \dfn{definition object}; this object is to contain each member that will appear on the prototype of the new constructor. The \var{base} parameter, defined on \func{Class.extend()}, denotes the constructor from which to extend (the constructor that will be instantiated and used as the prototype). Line 11 will default \var{base} to an empty function if one has not been provided (mainly, to satisfy the \func{Class()} call on line 6). With that, we can now continue onto creating our constructor, beginning on line 16. Section~\ref{sec:extending} introduced the concept of using an \var{extending} flag to let the constructor know when to avoid all of its construction logic if being used only as a prototype (see \jsref{lst:ctor-extend}). The problem with this implementation, as discussed, was that it required that \emph{each} constructor that wishes to use this pattern implement it themselves, violating the DRY\footnote{``Don't repreat yourself'', \emph{The Pragmatic Programmer}.} principle. There were two main areas of code duplication in \jsref{lst:ctor-extend} --- the checking of the \var{extending} flag in the constructor and the setting (and resetting) of the flag in \func{F.asPrototype()}. In fact, we can eliminate the \func{asPrototype()} method altogether once we recognize that its entire purpose is to set the flags before and after instantiation. To address the first code duplication issue --- the checking of the flag in the constructor --- we must remove the need to perform the check manually for each and every constructor. The solution, as demonstrated in \jsref{lst:ctor-factory}, is to separate our generic constructor logic (shared between all constructors that use the factory) from the logic that can vary between each constructor. \var{ctor} on line 16 accomplishes this by first performing the \var{extending} check (lines 19--22) and then forwarding all arguments to a separate function (\func{\_\_construct()}), if defined, using \func{Function.apply()} (lines 25--28). One could adopt any name for the constructor method; it is not significant.\footnote{The \code{\_\_construct} name was taken from PHP.} Note that the first argument to \func{Function.apply()} is important, as it will ensure that \keyword{this} is properly bound within the \func{\_\_construct()} method. To address the second code duplication issue and remove the need for \func{asPrototype()} in \jsref{lst:ctor-extend} entirely, we can take advantage of the implications of \func{Class.extend()} in \jsref{lst:ctor-factory}. The only time we wish to use a constructor as a prototype and skip \func{\_\_construct()} is during the process of creating a new constructor. As such, we can simply set the \var{extending} flag to \keyword{true} when we begin creating the new constructor (see line 14, though this flag could be placed anywhere before line 31) and then reset it to \keyword{false} once we are done (line 38). With that, we have eliminated the code duplication issues associated with \jsref{lst:ctor-extend}. The remainder of \jsref{lst:ctor-factory} is simply an abstraction around the manual process we have been performing since section~\ref{sec:proto} --- setting the prototype, properly setting the constructor and extending the prototype with our own methods. Recall section~\ref{sec:prot} in which we had to manually assign each member of the prototype for subtypes in order to ensure that we did not overwrite the existing prototype members (e.g. \func{M.prototype.push()} in \jsref{lst:prot-share}). The very same issue applies here: Line 31 first sets the prototype to an instance of \var{base}. If we were to then set \code{ctor.prototype = dfn}, we would entirely overwrite the benefit gained from specifying \var{base}. In order to automate this manual assignment of each additional prototype member of \var{dfn}, \func{copyTo()} is provided, which accepts two arguments --- a destination object \var{dest} to which each given member of \var{members} should be copied (defined on line 43 and called on line 34). Like the examples provided in section~\ref{sec:hack-around}, we use a self-executing function to hide the implementation details of our \func{Class} function from the rest of the world. To demonstrate use of the constructor factory, \jsref{lst:ctor-factory-ex} defines two classes\footnote{The reader should take care in noting that the term ``class'', as used henceforth, will refer to a class-like object created using the systems defined within this article. ECMAScript does not support classes, so the use of the term ``class'' in any other context is misleading.} --- \var{Foo} and \var{SubFoo}. Note that how, by placing the curly braces on their own line, we can create the illusion that \func{Class()} is a language construct: \lstinputlisting[% label=lst:ctor-factory-ex, caption=Demonstrating the constructor factory, firstline=62, firstnumber=last ]{lst/ctor-factory.js} The reader should note that an important assertion has been omitted for brevity in \jsref{lst:ctor-factory}. Consider, for example, what may happen in the case of the following: \begin{verbatim} Class.extend( "foo", {} ); \end{verbatim} It is apparent that \code{"foo"} is not a function and therefore cannot be used with the \operator{new} operator. Given that, consider line 31, which blindly invokes \code{base()} without consideration for the very probable scenario that the user mistakenly (due to their own unfamiliarity or a simple bug) provided us with a non-constructor for \var{base}. The user would then be presented with a valid, but not necessarily useful error --- did the error occur because of user error, or due to a bug in the factory implementation? To avoid confusion, it would be best to perform a simple assertion before invoking \var{base} (or wrap the invocation in a try/catch block, although doing so is not recommended in case \func{base()} throws an error of its own): \begin{verbatim} if ( typeof base !== 'function' ) { throw TypeError( "Invalid base provided" ); } \end{verbatim} Note also that, although this implementation will work with any constructor as \var{base}, only those created with \func{Class()} will have the benefit of being able to check the \var{extending} flag. As such, when using \func{Class.extend()} with third-party constructors, the issue of extensible constructors may still remain and is left instead in the hands of the developer of that base constructor. \subsubsection{Factory Conveniences} Although our constructor factory described in section~\ref{sec:ctor-factory} is thus far very simple, one should take the time to realize what a powerful abstraction has been created: it allows us to inject our own code in any part of the constructor creation process, giving us full control over our class-like objects. Indeed, this abstraction will be used as a strong foundation going forward throughout all of section~\ref{sec:encap}. In the meantime, we can take advantage of it in its infancy to provide a couple additional conveniences. First, consider the syntax of \func{Class.extend()} in \jsref{lst:ctor-factory}. It requires the extending of a constructor to be done in the following manner: \begin{verbatim} var SubFoo = Class.extend( Foo, {} ); \end{verbatim} Would it not be more intuitive to instead be able to extend a constructor in the following manner? \begin{verbatim} var SubFoo = Foo.extend( {} ); \end{verbatim} The above two statements are semantically equivalent --- they define a subtype \var{SubFoo} that extends from the constructor \var{Foo} --- but the latter example is more concise and natural. Adding support for this method is trivial, involving only a slight addition to \jsref{sec:ctor-factory}'s \func{C.extend()} method, perhaps around line 30: \lstinputlisting[% label=lst:ctor-factory-sextend, caption=Adding a static \func{extend()} method to constructors, firstnumber=31 ]{lst/ctor-factory-sextend.js} Of course, one should be aware that this implementation is exploitable in that, for example, \func{Foo.extend()} could be reassigned at any point. As such, using \func{Class.extend()} is the safe implementation, unless you can be certain that such a reassignment is not possible. Alternatively, in ECMAScript 5 and later environments, one can use \func{Object.defineProperty()}, as discussed in sections~\ref{sec:encap-naive} and \ref{sec:encap-proper}, to make the method read-only. Now consider the instantiation of our class-like objects, as was demonstrated in \jsref{lst:ctor-factory-ex}: \begin{verbatim} var inst = new Foo( "Name" ); \end{verbatim} We can make our code even more concise by eliminating the \operator{new} operator entirely, allowing us to create a new instance as such: \begin{verbatim} var inst = Foo( "Name" ); \end{verbatim} Of course, our constructors do not yet support this, but why may we want such a thing? Firstly, for consistency --- the core ECMAScript constructors do not require the use of the keyword, as has been demonstrated throughout this article with the various \var{Error} types. Secondly, the omission of the keyword would allow us to jump immediately into calling a method on an object without dealing with awkward precedence rules: \code{Foo( "Name" ).getName()} vs. \code{( new Foo( "Name" ) ).getName()}. However, those reasons exist more to offer syntactic sugar; they do little to persuade those who do want or not mind the \operator{new} operator. The stronger argument against the \operator{new} operator is what happens should someone \emph{omit} it, which would not be at all uncommon since the keyword is not required for the core ECMAScript constructors. Recall that \keyword{this}, from within the constructor, is bound to the new instance when invoked with the \operator{new} operator. As such, we expect to be able to make assignments to properties of \keyword{this} from within the constructor without any problems. What, then, happens if the constructor is invoked \emph{without} the keyword? \keyword{this} would instead be bound (according to the ECMAScript standard\cite{es5-call}) to ``the global object'',\footnote{In most browser environments, the global object is \var{window}.} unless in strict mode. This is dangerous: \lstinputlisting[% label=lst:new-global, caption=Introducing unintended global side-effects with constructors ]{lst/new-global.js} Consider \jsref{lst:new-global} above. Function \func{Foo()}, if invoked with the \operator{new} operator, results in an object with a \var{Boolean} property equal to \keyword{true}. However, if we were to invoke \func{Foo()} \emph{without} the \operator{new} operator, this would end up \emph{overwriting the built-in global \var{Boolean} object reference}. To solve this problem, while at the same time providing the consistency and convenience of being able to either include or omit the \operator{new} operator, we can add a small block of code to our generated constructor \var{ctor} (somewhere around line 23 of \jsref{lst:ctor-factory}, after the extend check but before \func{\_\_construct()} is invoked): \lstinputlisting[% label=lst:new-global-fix, caption=Allowing for omission of the \operator{new} operator, firstnumber=24 ]{lst/new-global-fix.js} The check, as demonstrated in \jsref{lst:new-global-fix}, is as simple as ensuring that \keyword{this} is properly bound to a \emph{new instance of our constructor \var{ctor}}. If not, the constructor can simply return a new instance of itself through a recursive call. Alternatively, the reader may decide to throw an error instead of automatically returning a new instance. This would require the use of the \operator{new} operator for instantiation, while still ensuring that the global scope will not be polluted with unnecessary values. If the constructor is in strict mode, then the pollution of the global scope would not be an issue and the error would instead help to point out inconsistencies in the code. However, for the reason that the keyword is optional for many core ECMAScript constructors, the author recommends the implementation in \jsref{lst:new-global-fix}. \subsection{Private Member Encapsulation} Section~\ref{sec:encap} discussed the encapsulation of private member data by means of private property and method objects, thereby avoiding the performance impact of privileged members (see section~\ref{sec:privileged}). In order to avoid memory leaks, the private data was stored on the instance itself rather than a truly encapsulated object. The amount of code required for this implementation was relatively small, but it is still repeated unnecessarily between all constructors. The private member implementation had two distinct pieces --- private properties, as demonstrated in \jsref{lst:encap-inst}, and private methods, as demonstrated in \jsref{lst:method-priv}. This distinction is important, as private methods should not be redefined for each new instance (see \fref{fig:proto-priv-cmp}). Properties, however, \emph{must} have their values copied for each new instance to prevent references from being shared between them (see \jsref{lst:proto-reuse}; note that this is not an issue for scalars). For the time being, we will focus on the method implementation and leave the manual declaration of private properties to the \func{\_\_construct()} method. The listings in section~\ref{sec:encap} were derived from a simple concept --- the private member objects were within the scope of the prototype members. However, if we are to encapsulate this hack within our constructor factory, then the members (the definition object) would be declared \emph{outside} the scope of any private member objects that are hidden within our factory. To expose the private ``prototype'' object, we could accept a function instead of a definition object, which would expose a reference to the object (as in \jsref{lst:prot-func}). However, this would be very unnatural and unintuitive; to keep our ``class'' declarations simple, another method is needed. Consider the private member concept in a classical sense --- the private data should be available only to the methods of the class and should not be accessible outside of them. That is, given any class \code{C} with private property \code{C.\_priv} and public method \code{C.getPrivValue()}, and an instance \code{i} of class \code{C}, \code{i.\_priv} should not be defined unless within the context of \code{i.getPrivValue()}. Consider then the only means of exposing that data to the members of the prototype in ECMAScript without use of closures: through the instance itself (\keyword{this}). This naturally derives an implementation that had not been previously considered due to the impracticality of its use without factory --- exposing private members before a method invocation and revoking them after the method has returned. To accomplish this, the factory must be able to intelligently determine when a method is being invoked. This leads us into a somewhat sensitive topic --- function wrapping. In order to perform additional logic on invocation of a particular method, it must be wrapped within another function. This \dfn{wrapper} would expose the private data on \keyword{this}, invoke the original function associated with the method call, remove the reference and then return whatever value was returned by the original function. This creates the illusion of invoking the method directly.\footnote{This is the same concept used to emulate \code{Function.bind()} in pre-ECMAScript 5 environments. This concept can also be easily extended to create \dfn{partially applied functions}.} \lstinputlisting[% label=lst:func-wrap, caption=Wrapping a function by returning a \emph{new} function which calls the original, lastline=16 ]{lst/func-wrap.js} \jsref{lst:func-wrap} demonstrates the basic concept of a function wrapper. \func{wrap()} accepts a single argument, \var{func}, and returns a new anonymous function which invokes \var{func}, returning its value with a prefix and a suffix. Note how all arguments are forwarded to \var{func}, allowing us to invoke our wrapped function as if it were the original. Also note the context in which \var{func} is being called (the first argument of \func{apply()}). By binding \keyword{this} of \var{func} to \keyword{this} of our wrapper, we are effectively forwarding it. This detail is especially important if we are using a wrapper within a prototype, as we \emph{must} bind \keyword{this} to the instance that the method is being invoked upon. Use of \func{wrap()} with a prototype is demonstrated in \jsref{lst:func-wrap-ex} below. \lstinputlisting[% label=lst:func-wrap-ex, caption=Using \func{wrap()} from \jsref{lst:func-wrap} with prototypes, firstnumber=last, firstline=20 ]{lst/func-wrap.js} It is this concept that will be used to implement method wrapping in our constructor factory. For each function $f$ of definition object $D$, $f'$ will be created using a method similar to \jsref{lst:func-wrap-ex}. $f'$ will invoke $f$ after setting the private member object on \keyword{this}, then reset it after $f$ returns. Finally, the return value of $f$ will be returned by $f'$. It should be noted that $f'$ must exist even if $f$ is public, since public methods may still need access to private members.\footnote{As we will see in the examination of \fref{fig:func-wrap-perf}, the performance impact of this decision is minimal.} \begin{figure*}[t] \center \subfloat[% Wrapper performance \emph{(invocation only)}. Operations per second rounded to millions.\cite{jsperf-func-wrap} Numbers in parenthesis indicate percent change between the two values, demonstrating a significant performance loss. ]{ \input{data/func-wrap-invoke.tex} \label{fig:func-wrap-perf-invoke} } \quad \subfloat[% Wrapper performance \emph{with business logic} (\code{(new Array(100)).join('|').split('|')}); performance impact is negligible. Operations per second.\cite{jsperf-func-wrap-blogic} ]{ \input{data/func-wrap-blogic.tex} \label{fig:func-wrap-perf-blogic} } \caption{Function wrapping performance considerations. When measuring invocation performance, the wrapper appears to be prohibitive. However, when considering the business logic that the remainder of the software is likely to contain, the effects of the wrapper are negligible. As such, worrying about the wrapper is likely to be a micro-optimization, unless dealing with call stack limitations. The wrapper in these tests simply invokes the wrapped method with \code{Function.apply()}, forwarding all arguments.} \label{fig:func-wrap-perf} \end{figure*} Many readers are likely to be concerned about a decision that wraps every function of our definition object, as this will require two function calls each time a method is invoked. \frefpg{fig:func-wrap-perf-invoke} shows why this detail is likely to be a concern --- invoking our wrapped function is so slow in comparison to invoking the original function directly that the solution seems prohibitive. However, one must consider how functions are \emph{actually} used --- to perform some sort of business logic. It is rare that we would invoke bodiless functions continuously in a loop. Rather, we should take into consideration the \emph{percent change between function invocations that contain some sort of business logic}. This is precisely what \frefpg{fig:func-wrap-perf-blogic} takes into consideration, showing that our invocation worry is would actually be a micro-optimization. For example, in software that performs DOM manipulation, the performance impact of wrapper invocation is likely to be negligible due to repaints being highly intensive operations. One legitimate concern of our wrapper implementation, however, is limited call stack space. The wrapper will effectively cut the remaining stack space in half if dealing with recursive operations on itself, which may be a problem for environments that do not support tail call optimizations, or for algorithms that are not written in such a way that tail call optimizations can be performed.\footnote{Another concern is that the engine may not be able to perform tail call optimization because the function may recurse on the wrapper instead of itself.} In such a situation, we can avoid the problem entirely by recommending that heavy recursive algorithms do not invoke wrapped methods; instead, the recursive operation can be performed using ``normal'' (unwrapped) functions and its result returned by a wrapped method call. \begin{figure}[t] \center \input{data/stack-limits.tex} \caption{Call stack limits of various common browsers. \cite{oreilly-hpj} Determining the call stack limit for your own environment is as simple as incrementing a counter for each recursive call until an error is thrown.} \label{fig:stack-limits} \end{figure} That said, call stack sizes for ECMAScript environments are growing ever larger. Call stack limits for common browsers (including historical versions for comparison) are listed in \frefpg{fig:stack-limits}. Should this limit be reached, another alternative is to use \func{setTimeout()} to reset the stack and continue the recursive operation. This can also have the benefit of making the operation asynchronous. Factoring this logic into the constructor factory is further complicated by our inability to distinguish between members intended to be public and those intended to be private. In section~\ref{sec:encap}, this issue was not a concern because the members could be explicitly specified separately per implementation. With the factory, we are provided only a single definition object; asking for multiple would be confusing, messy and unnatural to those coming from other classical object-oriented languages. Therefore, our second task shall be to augment \func{copyTo()} in \jsref{lst:ctor-factory} to distinguish between public and private members. Section~\ref{sec:privileged} mentioned the convention of using a single underscore as a prefix for member names to denote a private member (e.g. \code{this.\_foo}). We will adopt this convention for our definition object, as it is both simple and performant (only a single-character check). Combining this concept with the wrapper implementation, we arrive at \jsref{lst:ctor-factory-priv}. \lstinputlisting[% label=lst:ctor-factory-priv, caption=Altering the constructor factory in \jsref{lst:ctor-factory} to support private methods in a manner similar to \jsref{lst:method-priv}, lastline=97 ]{lst/ctor-factory-priv.js} In order to expose the private methods \emph{only} from within wrapped methods, \jsref{lst:ctor-factory-priv} relies on the fact that only the constructor factory knows the name of the private ``prototype'' object (as denoted by \var{\_privname}). Wrappers, before invoking the wrapped function (method), will assign the private object to \code{this.\_priv} (line 84) and unassign it after the wrapped function returns (line 91).\footnote{We set the value to \keyword{undefined} rather than using the \operator{delete} operator because the latter causes a slight performance hit under v8.} Methods may then access private members by referencing \code{this.\_priv}. % TODO: REFERENCE NEEDED FOR ABOVE V8 MENTION \func{copyTo()}, now receiving both public and private destination objects as arguments, will place all members prefixed with an underscore on the private member object (lines 71--72). As has already been mentioned, the member will be wrapped regardless of whether or not it is private (line 74), ensuring that public methods also have access to private members. \jsref{lst:ctor-factory-priv-ex} demonstrates how this implementation may be used to define a private method \func{\_getPrivValue()} that is accessable only to other methods; attempting to invoke the method publically would result in a \code{TypeError} (resulting from an attempt to call \keyword{undefined} as if it were a function). Also note that \var{Foo.\_\_priv}, although defined from within the method \func{getValue()}, is \keyword{undefined} after the method returns. \lstinputlisting[% label=lst:ctor-factory-priv-ex, caption=Demonstrating use of private methods with constructor factory, firstline=107 ]{lst/ctor-factory-priv.js} \subsubsection{Wrapper Implementation Concerns} The wrapper implementation is not without its dilemmas. Firstly, consider how \func{wrap()} clears \var{\_\_priv} in \jsref{lst:ctor-factory-priv} (lines 84--91). The wrapper requires that the call stack be cleared up to the point of the invocation of the wrapped function. Consequently, this means that any code executed before the call stack is cleared to that point will have access to the instance during which time \code{this.\_priv} is assigned, giving that code access to private members and breaking encapsulation. \lstinputlisting[% label=lst:ctor-factory-priv-exploit-stack, caption=Exploiting wrapper implementation via callbacks to gain access to private members outside of the class ]{lst/ctor-factory-priv-exploit.js} This fatal flaw is demonstrated in \jsref{lst:ctor-factory-priv-exploit-stack}, which executes a callback before the wrapped function returns. That callback, which has access to the instance that called it, is able to access the private members because it is executed before its caller returns. There are three ways to work around this: \begin{enumerate} \item Remove the assignment before invoking the callback, \item Use \func{setTimeout()} or \func{setInterval()} to invoke the callback, allowing the stack to clear before the callback is invoked, or \item Do not invoke any functions that are not defined on the class itself. \end{enumerate} None of the above options are acceptable solutions. The first option adds unnecessary logic to the method that makes assumptions about the underlying system, which is especially dangerous if the implementation of \func{wrap()} were to ever change. The second solution does not suffer from the same design issues as the first, but forces the method to be asynchronous, which is not always desirable. The third option is terribly prohibitive, as it not only disallows any type of serial callback, but also disallows invoking any methods of injected dependencies. % TODO: Reference to section where this issue is highlighted, once available A proper solution to this issue is obvious, but its discussion will be deferred to future implementations due to additional complexities raised when dealing with properties. Until that time, the reader should be aware of the issue and consider potential solutions. The second concern is a bit more subtle. Once again, we focus around lines 82--91 in \jsref{lst:ctor-factory-priv}. Consider what problems that this wrapper may cause when dealing with nested method calls --- that is, one method calling another on the same instance. \lstinputlisting[% label=lst:ctor-factory-priv-nested-clear, caption=Problems with nested method calls given the \func{wrap()} implementation in \jsref{lst:ctor-factory-priv} ]{lst/ctor-factory-priv-nested-clear.js} This issues is demonstrated by \jsref{lst:ctor-factory-priv-nested-clear}. The \var{Database} class's \func{\_\_construct()} method performs two private method calls --- \func{\_resolveHost()}, to get the IP address of the host, and \func{\_connect()}, which attempts to connect to the database. Unfortunately, after the call to \func{\_resolveHost()}, its wrapper sets \var{\_\_priv} to \keyword{undefined} (line 91 in \jsref{lst:ctor-factory-priv}), which will cause the second method call to fail! To resolve this issue, \func{wrap()} could store the previous value of \code{this.\_\_priv} and then, instead of setting the value to \keyword{undefined} after the wrapped function has returned, restore \code{this.\_\_priv} to its original value. This modification is shown in \jsref{lst:ctor-factory-priv-nested-fix}. \lstinputlisting[% label=lst:ctor-factory-priv-nested-fix, caption=Fixing private object assignment in nested wrapped function calls by restoring the previous value, firstnumber=80 ]{lst/ctor-factory-priv-nested-fix.js} When the first wrapper is invoked, the previous value of \code{this.\_\_priv} will be \keyword{undefined}, allowing the wrapper to continue to operate as it used to. When nested wrappers are invoked, the previous value will contain the private member object and will allow \code{this.\_\_priv} to be properly restored on return. This functions much like a stack, using the call stack instead of an array.\footnote{This solution could have easily been worked into \jsref{lst:ctor-factory-priv}, but hopefully the additional discussion provided insight into critical design decisions.}