
319 lines
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Operations on paths
Copyright (C) 2017 R-T Specialty, LLC.
This file is part of TAME.
TAME is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see
<stylesheet version="2.0"
<template name="preproc:get-path">
<param name="path" />
<param name="prev" select="''" />
<variable name="first" select="substring-before( $path, '/' )" />
<variable name="rest" select="substring-after( $path, '/' )" />
<!-- if there's no $first, then there is no path separator, in which case
we're done; if there's no rest, then there is a path separator, but it
resulted in an empty string, meanaing that it ends in a path
separator, in which case we are also done -->
<when test="not( $first ) or not( $rest )">
<!-- no more path separators; we're done -->
<value-of select="$prev" />
<!-- keep recursing -->
<call-template name="preproc:get-path">
<with-param name="path" select="$rest" />
<with-param name="prev">
<if test="not( $prev = '' )">
<value-of select="concat( $prev, '/' )" />
<value-of select="$first" />
<function name="preproc:get-path" as="xs:string">
<param name="path" />
<call-template name="preproc:get-path">
<with-param name="path" select="$path" />
<!-- FIXME: duplicate code with above -->
<template name="preproc:get-basename">
<param name="path" />
<param name="prev" select="''" />
<variable name="first" select="substring-before( $path, '/' )" />
<variable name="rest" select="substring-after( $path, '/' )" />
<!-- if there's no $first, then there is no path separator, in which case
we're done; if there's no rest, then there is a path separator, but it
resulted in an empty string, meanaing that it ends in a path
separator, in which case we are also done -->
<when test="not( $first ) or not( $rest )">
<!-- no more path separators; we're done -->
<value-of select="$path" />
<!-- keep recursing -->
<call-template name="preproc:get-basename">
<with-param name="path" select="$rest" />
<with-param name="prev">
<if test="not( $prev = '' )">
<value-of select="concat( $prev, '/' )" />
<value-of select="$first" />
<!-- TODO: rename to preproc:resolve-path -->
<template name="preproc:resolv-path">
<param name="path" />
<!-- in order: strip //, process ../, strip ./ -->
<call-template name="preproc:strip-sdot-path">
<with-param name="path">
<call-template name="preproc:resolv-rel-path">
<with-param name="path">
<call-template name="preproc:strip-extra-path">
<with-param name="path" select="$path" />
<function name="preproc:resolv-path" as="xs:string">
<param name="path" />
<variable name="result" as="xs:string*">
<call-template name="preproc:resolv-path">
<with-param name="path" select="$path" />
<sequence select="string-join( $result, '' )" />
<!-- alias to the above -->
<function name="preproc:resolve-path" as="xs:string">
<param name="path" />
<sequence select="preproc:resolv-path( $path )" />
<!-- XXX: warning, this won't like 'foo../' -->
<template name="preproc:resolv-rel-path">
<param name="path" />
<!-- relative paths -->
<variable name="before" select="substring-before( $path, '../' )" />
<variable name="after" select="substring-after( $path, '../' )" />
<when test="$before">
<call-template name="preproc:resolv-rel-path">
<with-param name="path">
<!-- remove the last directory before the ../ -->
<variable name="before-path">
<call-template name="preproc:get-path">
<with-param name="path" select="$before" />
<value-of select="$before-path" />
<!-- the above get-path call will strip the trailing slash -->
<if test="not( $before-path = '' ) and not( $after = '' )">
<value-of select="$after" />
<!-- if there's no $before but there is an $after, then we must begin with
'../', which we can do nothing with; output it and continue processing
the remainder of the path -->
<when test="$after">
<call-template name="preproc:resolv-rel-path">
<with-param name="path" select="$after" />
<!-- no relative paths remaining -->
<value-of select="$path" />
<template name="preproc:strip-sdot-path">
<param name="path" />
<!-- the only time this should be called with an unresolved relative path
is if it begins with one, in which case we'll simply output it and
continue processing without it -->
<when test="starts-with( $path, '../' )">
<!-- continue processing without it -->
<call-template name="preproc:strip-sdot-path">
<with-param name="path" select="substring-after( $path, '../' )" />
<!-- path is safe for processing -->
<variable name="a" select="substring-before( $path, './' )" />
<variable name="b" select="substring-after( $path, './' )" />
<!-- if we found one, recurse -->
<when test="$a or $b">
<call-template name="preproc:strip-sdot-path">
<with-param name="path">
<value-of select="$a" />
<if test="$a and $b">
<value-of select="$b" />
<!-- done -->
<value-of select="$path" />
<template name="preproc:strip-extra-path">
<param name="path" />
<variable name="a" select="substring-before( $path, '//' )" />
<variable name="b" select="substring-after( $path, '//' )" />
<!-- if we found one, recurse -->
<when test="$a or $b">
<call-template name="preproc:strip-extra-path">
<with-param name="path">
<value-of select="$a" />
<if test="$a and $b">
<value-of select="$b" />
<!-- we're done! -->
<value-of select="$path" />
Resolve relative package imports
This situation arises when a source package (src) imports another
package (src-import) that has a reference to an external symbol
See /doc/notes/path-processing for an illustration.
<function name="preproc:resolve-relative-import" as="xs:string">
<param name="src-root" as="xs:string" />
<param name="src-name" as="xs:string" />
<param name="src-import" as="xs:string" />
<param name="sub-import" as="xs:string" />
<variable name="src-prefix" as="xs:string"
select="concat( $src-root, '/', $src-name )" />
<!-- Step 1: resolve relative paths from sub-import -->
<variable name="src-import-dir" as="xs:string"
select="preproc:get-path( $src-import )" />
<variable name="sub-concat" as="xs:string"
select="if ( $src-import-dir ) then
concat( $src-import-dir, '/', $sub-import ) )
$sub-import" />
<!-- Step 2: remove package name prefix, if present -->
<variable name="src-name-base" as="xs:string"
select="preproc:get-path( $src-name )" />
<variable name="src-prefix" as="xs:string"
select="concat( $src-root, $src-name-base, '/' )" />
<variable name="suffix" as="xs:string"
select="substring-after( $sub-concat, $src-prefix )" />
<sequence select="if ( $suffix ) then $suffix else $sub-concat" />