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// XIR element parser generator
// Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Ryan Specialty Group, LLC.
// This file is part of TAME.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Element parser generator for parsing of [XIRF](super::super::flat).
use crate::{
fmt::{DisplayWrapper, TtQuote},
ClosedParseState, Context, ParseState, Transition, TransitionResult,
xir::{flat::Depth, CloseSpan, OpenSpan, Prefix, QName},
use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
use std::{
fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter},
use crate::{ele_parse, parse::Parser};
use super::AttrParseState;
/// A parser accepting a single element.
pub trait EleParseState: ParseState {}
/// Maximum level of parser nesting.
/// Unfortunately,
/// this limit _does not_ correspond to the level of XML nesting;
/// parsers composed of Sum NTs,
/// in particular,
/// push multiple parsers onto the stack for a single element.
/// Note that this is assuming that this parser is used only for TAME
/// sources.
/// If that's not the case,
/// this can be made to be configurable like XIRF.
pub const MAX_DEPTH: usize = 64;
/// Parser stack for trampoline.
/// This can be used as a call stack for parsers while avoiding creating
/// otherwise-recursive data structures with composition-based delegation.
/// However,
/// it is more similar to CPS,
/// in that the parser popped off the stack need not be the parser that
/// initiated the request and merely represents the next step in
/// a delayed computation.
/// If such a return context is unneeded,
/// a [`ParseState`] may implement tail calls by simply not pushing itself
/// onto the stack before requesting transfer to another [`ParseState`].
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct StateStack<S: ClosedParseState>(ArrayVec<S, MAX_DEPTH>);
pub type StateStackContext<S> = Context<StateStack<S>>;
// Note that public visibility is needed because `ele_parse` expands outside
// of this module.
impl<S: ClosedParseState> StateStack<S> {
/// Request a transfer to another [`ParseState`],
/// expecting that control be returned to `ret` after it has
/// completed.
/// This can be reasoned about like calling a thunk:
/// the return [`ParseState`] is put onto the stack,
/// the target [`ParseState`] is used for the state transition to
/// cause [`Parser`] to perform the call to it,
/// and when it is done
/// (e.g. a dead state),
/// `ret` will be pop'd from the stack and we'll transition back to
/// it.
/// Note that this method is not responsible for returning;
/// see [`Self::ret_or_dead`] to perform a return.
/// However,
/// the calling [`ParseState`] is not responsible for its return,
/// unlike a typical function call.
/// Instead,
/// this _actually_ more closely resembles CPS
/// (continuation passing style),
/// and so [`ele_parse!`] must be careful to ensure that stack
/// operations are properly paired.
/// On the upside,
/// if something is erroneously `ret`'d,
/// the parser is guaranteed to be in a consistent state since the
/// entire state has been reified
/// (but the input would then be parsed incorrectly).
/// Note that tail calls can be implemented by transferring control
/// without pushing an entry on the stack to return to,
/// but that hasn't been formalized \[yet\] and requires extra care.
pub fn transfer_with_ret<SA, ST>(
&mut self,
Transition(ret): Transition<SA>,
target: TransitionResult<ST>,
) -> TransitionResult<ST>
SA: ParseState<Super = S::Super>,
ST: ParseState,
let Self(stack) = self;
// TODO: Global configuration to (hopefully) ensure that XIRF will
// actually catch this.
if stack.is_full() {
// TODO: We need some spans here and ideally convert the
// parenthetical error message into a diagnostic footnote.
// TODO: Or should we have a special error type that tells the
// parent `Parser` to panic with context?
"maximum parsing depth of {} exceeded while attempting \
to push return state {} \
(try reducing XML nesting as a workaround)",
/// Attempt to return to a previous [`ParseState`] that transferred
/// control away from itself,
/// otherwise yield a dead state transition to `deadst`.
/// Conceptually,
/// this is like returning from a function call,
/// where the function was invoked using [`Self::transfer_with_ret`].
/// However,
/// this system is more akin to CPS
/// (continuation passing style);
/// see [`Self::transfer_with_ret`] for important information.
/// If there is no state to return to on the stack,
/// then it is assumed that we have received more input than expected
/// after having completed a full parse.
pub fn ret_or_dead(
&mut self,
lookahead: S::Token,
deadst: S,
) -> TransitionResult<S> {
let Self(stack) = self;
// This should certainly never happen unless there is a bug in the
// `ele_parse!` parser-generator,
// since it means that we're trying to return to a caller that
// does not exist.
match stack.pop() {
Some(st) => Transition(st).incomplete().with_lookahead(lookahead),
None => Transition(deadst).dead(lookahead),
/// Test every [`ParseState`] on the stack against the predicate `f`.
pub fn all(&self, f: impl Fn(&S) -> bool) -> bool {
let Self(stack) = self;
/// Match some type of node.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum NodeMatcher {
/// Static [`QName`] with a simple equality check.
/// Any element with a matching [`Prefix`].
impl NodeMatcher {
/// Match against the provided [`QName`].
pub fn matches(&self, qname: QName) -> bool {
match self {
Self::QName(qn_match) if qn_match == &qname => true,
Self::Prefix(prefix) if Some(*prefix) == qname.prefix() => true,
_ => false,
impl From<QName> for NodeMatcher {
fn from(qname: QName) -> Self {
impl From<Prefix> for NodeMatcher {
fn from(prefix: Prefix) -> Self {
impl Display for NodeMatcher {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
use crate::xir::fmt::XmlPrefixAnyLocal;
match self {
Self::QName(qname) => Display::fmt(qname, f),
Self::Prefix(prefix) => XmlPrefixAnyLocal::fmt(prefix, f),
macro_rules! ele_parse {
$vis:vis enum $super:ident;
// Attr has to be first to avoid ambiguity with `$rest`.
$(type AttrValueError = $evty:ty;)?
type Object = $objty:ty;
[super] {
// Combination of square brackets above and the prefix here are
// needed for disambiguation.
$nt_first:ident := $($nt_defs:tt)*
) => {
ele_parse! {@!next $vis $super
$(type AttrValueError = $evty;)?
type Object = $objty;
$nt_first := $($nt_defs)*
ele_parse!(@!super_sum <$objty> $(#[$super_attr])* $vis $super
$([super] { $($super_body)* })?
$nt_first := $($nt_defs)*
(@!next $vis:vis $super:ident
// Attr has to be first to avoid ambiguity with `$rest`.
$(type AttrValueError = $evty:ty;)?
type Object = $objty:ty;
) => {
ele_parse!(@!nonterm_decl <$objty, $($evty)?> $vis $super $($rest)*);
(@!nonterm_decl <$objty:ty, $($evty:ty)?>
$vis:vis $super:ident $(#[$nt_attr:meta])* $nt:ident := $($rest:tt)*
) => {
ele_parse!(@!nonterm_def <$objty, $($evty)?>
$vis $super $(#[$nt_attr])* $nt $($rest)*
(@!nonterm_def <$objty:ty, $($evty:ty)?>
$vis:vis $super:ident $(#[$nt_attr:meta])* $nt:ident $qname:ident $(($($ntp:tt)*))?
{ $($matches:tt)* }; $($rest:tt)*
) => {
ele_parse!(@!ele_expand_body <$objty, $($evty)?>
$vis $super $(#[$nt_attr])* $nt $qname ($($($ntp)*)?) $($matches)*
ele_parse! {@!next $vis $super
$(type AttrValueError = $evty;)?
type Object = $objty;
(@!nonterm_def <$objty:ty, $($evty:ty)?>
$vis:vis $super:ident $(#[$nt_attr:meta])* $nt:ident
($ntref_first:ident $(| $ntref:ident)+); $($rest:tt)*
) => {
ele_parse!(@!ele_dfn_sum <$objty>
$vis $super $(#[$nt_attr])* $nt [$ntref_first $($ntref)*]
ele_parse! {@!next $vis $super
$(type AttrValueError = $evty;)?
type Object = $objty;
(@!nonterm_decl <$objty:ty, $($evty:ty)?> $vis:vis $super:ident) => {};
// Expand the provided data to a more verbose form that provides the
// context necessary for state transitions.
(@!ele_expand_body <$objty:ty, $($evty:ty)?>
$vis:vis $super:ident
$(#[$nt_attr:meta])* $nt:ident $qname:ident ($($ntp:tt)*)
@ { $($attrbody:tt)* } => $attrmap:expr,
$(/$(($close_span:ident))? => $closemap:expr,)?
// Special forms (`[sp](args) => expr`).
=> $special_map:expr,
// Nonterminal references are provided as a list.
// A configuration specifier can be provided,
// currently intended to support the Kleene star.
) => { paste::paste! {
ele_parse! {
@!ele_dfn_body <$objty, $($evty)?>
$vis $super $(#[$nt_attr])*$nt $qname ($($ntp)*)
@ { $($attrbody)* } => $attrmap,
/$($($close_span)?)? => ele_parse!(@!ele_close $($closemap)?),
$([$special]$(($($special_arg),*))? => $special_map,)?
<> {
// Generate state transitions of the form `(S) -> (S')`.
-> {
@ ->
([<$nt ChildNt_>]::$ntref, $ntref),
([<$nt ChildNt_>]::$ntref, $ntref) ->
)* ([<$nt ChildNt_>]::ExpectClose_, ()),
} };
// No explicit Close mapping defaults to doing nothing at all
// (so yield Incomplete).
(@!ele_close) => {
(@!ele_close $close:expr) => {
// Delegation when the destination type is `()`,
// indicating that the next state is not a child NT
// (it is likely the state expecting a closing tag).
$stack:ident, $ret:expr, (), $_target:expr, $done:expr
) => {
// Delegate to a child parser by pushing self onto the stack and
// yielding to one of the child's states.
// This uses a trampoline,
// which avoids recursive data structures
// (due to `ParseState` composition/stitching)
// and does not grow the call stack.
$stack:ident, $ret:expr, $ntnext_st:ty, $target:expr, $_done:expr
) => {
// Same as above,
// but in situations where we will never transition to a done state.
$stack:ident, $ret:expr, $ntnext_st:ty, $target:expr
) => {
(@!ele_dfn_body <$objty:ty, $($evty:ty)?>
$vis:vis $super:ident $(#[$nt_attr:meta])* $nt:ident $qname:ident
($($qname_matched:pat, $open_span:pat)?)
// Attribute definition special form.
@ {
// We must lightly parse attributes here so that we can retrieve
// the field identifiers that may be later used as bindings in
// `$attrmap`.
$field:ident: ($($fmatch:tt)+) => $fty:ty,
} => $attrmap:expr,
// Close expression
// (defaulting to Incomplete via @!ele_expand_body).
/$($close_span:ident)? => $closemap:expr,
// Streaming (as opposed to aggregate) attribute parsing.
$([attr]($attr_stream_binding:ident) => $attr_stream_map:expr,)?
// Nonterminal references.
<> {
-> {
@ -> ($ntfirst:path, $ntfirst_st:ty),
($ntprev:path, $ntprev_st:ty) -> ($ntnext:path, $ntnext_st:ty),
) => { paste::paste! {
crate::attr_parse! {
/// Attribute parser for
#[doc=concat!("[`", stringify!($nt), "`].")]
$(type ValueError = $evty;)?
struct #[doc(hidden)] [<$nt AttrState_>] -> [<$nt Attrs>] {
$field: ($($fmatch)+) => $fty,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
$vis enum [<$nt ChildNt_>] {
#[doc=concat!("Parser for element [`", stringify!($qname), "`] ")]
#[doc=concat!("with attributes [`", stringify!([<$nt Attrs>]), "`].")]
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Default)]
$vis struct $nt(crate::xir::parse::NtState<$nt>);
impl $nt {
/// A default state that cannot be preempted by the superstate.
#[allow(dead_code)] // not utilized for every NT
fn non_preemptable() -> Self {
/// Whether the given QName would be matched by any of the
/// parsers associated with this type.
fn matches(qname: crate::xir::QName) -> bool {
<Self as crate::xir::parse::Nt>::matcher().matches(qname)
/// Number of
/// [`NodeMatcher`](crate::xir::parse::NodeMatcher)s
/// considered by this parser.
/// This is always `1` for this parser.
#[allow(dead_code)] // used by Sum NTs
const fn matches_n() -> usize {
/// Format matcher for display.
/// This value may be rendered singularly or as part of a list of
/// values joined together by Sum NTs.
/// This function receives the number of values to be formatted
/// as `n` and the current 0-indexed offset within that list
/// as `i`.
/// This allows for zero-copy rendering of composable NTs.
/// `i` must be incremented after the operation.
#[allow(dead_code)] // used by Sum NTs
fn fmt_matches(
n: usize,
i: &mut usize,
f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter
) -> std::fmt::Result {
use crate::{
xir::{fmt::EleSumList, parse::Nt},
let matcher = &<Self as Nt>::matcher();
EleSumList::fmt_nth(n, *i, matcher, f)?;
*i += 1;
/// Whether the parser is in a state that can tolerate superstate
/// node preemption.
/// For more information,
/// see the superstate
" [`", stringify!($super), "::can_preempt_node`]."
fn can_preempt_node(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Self(st) => st.can_preempt_node(),
#[allow(dead_code)] // used only when there are child NTs
/// Whether the current state represents the last child NT.
fn is_last_nt(&self) -> bool {
use crate::xir::parse::NtState::*;
let Self(st) = self;
// This results in `Self::$ntref(..) => true,` for the
// _last_ NT,
// and `=> false` for all others.
// If there are no NTs,
// it results in `Self::Attrs(..) => true,`,
// which is technically true but will never be called in
// that context.
match st {
Attrs(..) => $(
Jmp([<$nt ChildNt_>]::$ntref(..)) =>
)* true,
_ => false,
impl crate::xir::parse::Nt for $nt {
type AttrState = [<$nt AttrState_>];
type ChildNt = [<$nt ChildNt_>];
fn matcher() -> crate::xir::parse::NodeMatcher {
impl std::fmt::Display for $nt {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self(st) => st.fmt(f),
impl crate::parse::ParseState for $nt {
type Token = crate::xir::flat::XirfToken<
type Object = $objty;
type Error = crate::xir::parse::NtError<$nt>;
type Context = crate::xir::parse::StateStackContext<Self::Super>;
type Super = $super;
fn parse_token(
tok: Self::Token,
#[allow(unused_variables)] // used only if child NTs
stack: &mut Self::Context,
) -> crate::parse::TransitionResult<Self::Super> {
use crate::{
parse::{EmptyContext, Transition, Transitionable},
parse::{parse_attrs, NtState},
use NtState::{
Attrs, Expecting, NonPreemptableExpecting,
RecoverEleIgnore, CloseRecoverIgnore,
RecoverEleIgnoreClosed, Closed, Jmp,
let Self(selfst) = self;
match (selfst, tok) {
Expecting | NonPreemptableExpecting,
XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth)
) if $nt::matches(qname) => {
let transition = Transition(Self(Attrs(
(qname, span, depth),
parse_attrs(qname, span)
// Streaming attribute parsing will cause the
// attribute map to be yielded immediately as the
// opening object,
// since we will not be aggregating attrs.
// Used only to match on `[attr]`.
let [<_ $attr_stream_binding>] = ();
return transition.ok($attrmap);
// If the `[attr]` special form was _not_
// provided,
// we'll be aggregating attributes.
XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth)
) if Self::matches(qname) => {
(qname, span, depth),
parse_attrs(qname, span)
// We only attempt recovery when encountering an
// unknown token if we're forced to accept that token.
XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth)
) => {
RecoverEleIgnore(qname, span, depth)
qname, span.name_span()
RecoverEleIgnore(qname, _, depth_open),
XirfToken::Close(_, span, depth_close)
) if depth_open == depth_close => {
RecoverEleIgnoreClosed(qname, span)
// Streaming attribute matching takes precedence over
// aggregate.
// This is primarily me being lazy,
// because it's not worth a robust syntax for something
// that's rarely used
// (macro-wise, I mean;
// it's heavily utilized as a percentage of
// source file parsed since short-hand template
// applications are heavily used).
st @ Attrs(..),
) => Transition(Self(st)).ok($attr_stream_map),
// Override the aggregate attribute parser
// delegation by forcing the below match to become
// unreachable
// (xref anchor <<SATTR>>).
// Since we have already emitted the `$attrmap`
// object on `Open`,
// this yields an incomplete parse.
(Attrs(meta, _), tok) => {
// This becomes unreachable when the `[attr]` special
// form is provided,
// which overrides this match directly above
// (xref <<SATTR>>).
(Attrs(meta @ (qname, span, depth), sa), tok) => {
sa.delegate_until_obj::<Self, _>(
|sa| Transition(Self(Attrs(meta, sa))),
// If we enter a dead state then we have
// failed produce an attribute object,
// in which case we'll recover by ignoring
// the entire element.
|| Transition(Self(RecoverEleIgnore(qname, span, depth))),
|#[allow(unused_variables)] sa, attrs| {
let obj = match attrs {
// Attribute field bindings for `$attrmap`
[<$nt Attrs>] {
} => {
// Optional `OpenSpan` binding
let _ = qname; // avoid unused warning
use crate::xir::parse::attr::AttrParseState;
let $qname_matched = qname;
let $open_span = sa.element_span();
// Lookahead is added by `delegate_until_obj`.
// We're transitioning from `(ntprev) -> (ntnext)`.
// If we have a token that matches `ntprev`,
// we can transition _back_ to that state rather
// than transitioning forward.
// We can _only_ do this when we know we are
// transitioning away from this state,
// otherwise we could return to a previous state,
// which violates the semantics of the implied
// DFA.
XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth)
) if $ntprev_st::matches(qname) => {
let tok = XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth);
// This NT said it could process this token,
// so force it to either do so or error,
// to ensure that bugs don't cause infinite
// processing of lookahead.
(Jmp($ntprev(meta)), tok) => {
// Since `ExpectClose_` does not have an `$ntprev`
// match,
// we have to handle transitioning back to the
// previous state as a special case.
// Further,
// we choose to transition back to this state
// _no matter what the element_,
// to force error recovery and diagnostics
// in that context,
// which will tell the user what elements were
// expected in the last NT rather than just
// telling them a closing tag was expected.
// To avoid a bunch of rework of this macro
// (which can hopefully be done in the future),
// this match is output for _every_ NT,
// but takes effect only for the final NT because
// of the `is_last_nt` predicate.
// _It is important that it only affect the
// final NT_,
// otherwise we'll transition back to _any_
// previous state at the close,
// which completely defeats the purpose of
// having ordered states.
Jmp([<$nt ChildNt_>]::ExpectClose_(meta)),
XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth)
) if Self(Jmp($ntprev(meta))).is_last_nt() => {
let tok = XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth);
// If this NT cannot handle this element,
// it should error and enter recovery to
// ignore it.
// XIRF ensures proper nesting,
// so we do not need to check the element name.
Jmp([<$nt ChildNt_>]::ExpectClose_((qname, _, depth)))
| CloseRecoverIgnore((qname, _, depth), _),
XirfToken::Close(_, span, tok_depth)
) if tok_depth == depth => {
let $close_span = span;
$closemap.transition(Self(Closed(Some(qname), span.tag_span())))
Jmp([<$nt ChildNt_>]::ExpectClose_(meta @ (qname, otspan, _))),
) => {
use crate::parse::Token;
CloseRecoverIgnore(meta, unexpected_tok.span())
Self::Error::CloseExpected(qname, otspan, unexpected_tok)
// We're still in recovery,
// so this token gets thrown out.
(st @ (RecoverEleIgnore(..) | CloseRecoverIgnore(..)), _) => {
// Note that this does not necessarily represent an
// accepting state
// (see `is_accepting`).
st @ (
| NonPreemptableExpecting
| Closed(..)
| RecoverEleIgnoreClosed(..)
) => {
fn is_accepting(&self, _: &Self::Context) -> bool {
use crate::xir::parse::NtState::*;
matches!(*self, Self(Closed(..) | RecoverEleIgnoreClosed(..)))
(@!ele_dfn_sum <$objty:ty> $vis:vis $super:ident
$(#[$nt_attr:meta])* $nt:ident [$($ntref:ident)*]
) => {paste::paste! {
"Parser expecting one of ",
$("[`", stringify!($ntref), "`], ",)*
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Default)]
$vis struct $nt(crate::xir::parse::SumNtState<$nt>);
impl $nt {
fn non_preemptable() -> Self {
// Whether the given QName would be matched by any of the
// parsers associated with this type.
// This is short-circuiting and will return as soon as one
// parser is found,
// so it may be a good idea to order the sum type according
// to the most likely value to be encountered.
// At its worst,
// this may be equivalent to a linear search of the parsers.
// With that said,
// Rust/LLVM may optimize this in any number of ways,
// especially if each inner parser matches on a QName
// constant.
// Let a profiler and disassembly guide you.
#[allow(dead_code)] // used by superstate
fn matches(qname: crate::xir::QName) -> bool {
// If we used an array or a trait,
// then we'd need everything to be a similar type;
// this allows for _any_ type provided that it expands
// into something that contains a `matches` associated
// function of a compatible type.
false $(|| $ntref::matches(qname))*
// Number of
// [`NodeMatcher`](crate::xir::parse::NodeMatcher)s
// considered by this parser.
// This is the sum of the number of matches of each
// constituent NT.
const fn matches_n() -> usize {
// Count the number of NTs by adding the number of
// matches in each.
0 $(+ $ntref::matches_n())*
/// Format constituent NTs for display.
/// This function receives the number of values to be
/// formatted as `n` and the current 0-indexed offset within
/// that list as `i`.
/// This allows for zero-copy rendering of composable NTs.
/// See also [`SumNt::fmt_matches_top`] to initialize the
/// formatting process with the correct values.
/// [`SumNt::fmt_matches_top`]: crate::xir::parse::SumNt
fn fmt_matches(
n: usize,
i: &mut usize,
f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter
) -> std::fmt::Result {
$ntref::fmt_matches(n, i, f)?;
/// Whether the parser is in a state that can tolerate
/// superstate node preemption.
/// For more information,
/// see the superstate
" [`", stringify!($super), "::can_preempt_node`]."
fn can_preempt_node(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Self(st) => st.can_preempt_node(),
impl crate::xir::parse::SumNt for $nt {
/// Begin formatting using [`Self::fmt_matches`].
/// This provides the initial values for the function.
fn fmt_matches_top(f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
Self::fmt_matches(Self::matches_n().saturating_sub(1), &mut 0, f)
impl std::fmt::Display for $nt {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self(st) => st.fmt(f),
impl crate::parse::ParseState for $nt {
type Token = crate::xir::flat::XirfToken<
type Object = $objty;
type Error = crate::xir::parse::SumNtError<$nt>;
type Context = crate::xir::parse::StateStackContext<Self::Super>;
type Super = $super;
fn parse_token(
tok: Self::Token,
stack: &mut Self::Context,
) -> crate::parse::TransitionResult<Self::Super> {
use crate::{
match (self.0, tok) {
st @ (Expecting | NonPreemptableExpecting),
XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth)
) if $ntref::matches(qname) => {
// Propagate non-preemption status,
// otherwise we'll provide a lookback
// of the original token and end up
// recursing until we hit the `stack`
// limit.
match st {
NonPreemptableExpecting => {
_ => {
XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth)
XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth)
) if $ntref::matches(qname) => {
XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth)
// If we're non-preemptable,
// then we're expected to be able to process this
// token or fail trying.
XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth)
) => {
RecoverEleIgnore(qname, span, depth, Default::default())
// Use name span rather than full `OpenSpan`
// since it's specifically the name that was
// unexpected,
// not the fact that it's an element.
// An unexpected token when repeating ends repetition
// and should not result in an error.
Expecting | NonPreemptableExpecting,
) => Transition(Self(Expecting)).dead(tok),
// XIRF ensures that the closing tag matches the opening,
// so we need only check depth.
RecoverEleIgnore(_, _, depth_open, _),
XirfToken::Close(_, _, depth_close)
) if depth_open == depth_close => {
(st @ RecoverEleIgnore(..), _) => {
fn is_accepting(&self, _: &Self::Context) -> bool {
use crate::xir::parse::SumNtState;
matches!(self, Self(SumNtState::Expecting))
// Generate superstate sum type.
// This is really annoying because we cannot read the output of another
// macro,
// and so we have to do our best to re-parse the body of the
// original `ele_parse!` invocation without duplicating too much
// logic,
// and we have to do so in a way that we can aggregate all of
// those data.
(@!super_sum <$objty:ty> $(#[$super_attr:meta])* $vis:vis $super:ident
[super] {
// Non-whitespace text nodes can be mapped into elements
// with the given QName as a preprocessing step,
// allowing them to reuse the existing element NT system.
$([text]($text:ident, $text_span:ident) => $text_map:expr,)?
// Optional _single_ NT to preempt arbitrary elements.
// Sum NTs can be used to preempt multiple elements.
// NT definition is always followed by `:=`.
$nt:ident :=
// Identifier if an element NT.
// Parenthesis for a sum NT,
// or possibly the span match for an element NT.
// So: `:= QN_IDENT(span)` or `:= (A | B | C)`.
$( ($($_p:tt)*) )?
// Braces for an element NT body.
$( {$($_b:tt)*} )?
// Element and sum NT both conclude with a semicolon,
// which we need to disambiguate the next `$nt`.
) => { paste::paste! {
/// Superstate representing the union of all related parsers.
/// This [`ParseState`] allows sub-parsers to independently the
/// states associated with their own subgraph,
/// and then yield a state transition directly to a state of
/// another parser.
/// This is conceptually like CPS (continuation passing style),
/// where this [`ParseState`] acts as a trampoline.
/// This [`ParseState`] is required for use with [`Parser`];
/// see [`ClosedParseState`] for more information.
/// [`Parser`]: crate::parse::Parser
/// [`ParseState`]: crate::parse::ParseState
/// [`ClosedParseState`]: crate::parse::ClosedParseState
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
$vis enum $super {
// Default parser is the first NT,
// and is non-preemptable to force error handling if the root node
// is unexpected.
// Note that this also prevents preemption at the root,
// which is necessary for now anyway since we need to be able
// to statically resolve imports without template expansion in
// NIR
// (otherwise we have a chicken-and-egg problem).
impl Default for $super {
fn default() -> Self {
ele_parse!(@!ntfirst_init $super, $($nt)*)
impl From<$nt> for $super {
fn from(st: $nt) -> Self {
impl std::fmt::Display for $super {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::$nt(e) => std::fmt::Display::fmt(e, f),
/// Superstate error object representing the union of all related
/// parsers' errors.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
$vis enum [<$super Error_>] {
$nt(<$nt as crate::parse::ParseState>::Error),
impl From<<$nt as crate::parse::ParseState>::Error>
for [<$super Error_>]
fn from(e: <$nt as crate::parse::ParseState>::Error) -> Self {
[<$super Error_>]::$nt(e)
impl std::error::Error for [<$super Error_>] {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
impl std::fmt::Display for [<$super Error_>] {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::$nt(e) => std::fmt::Display::fmt(e, f),
impl crate::diagnose::Diagnostic for [<$super Error_>] {
fn describe(&self) -> Vec<crate::diagnose::AnnotatedSpan> {
match self {
Self::$nt(e) => e.describe(),
impl crate::parse::ParseState for $super {
type Token = crate::xir::flat::XirfToken<
type Object = $objty;
type Error = [<$super Error_>];
type Context = crate::xir::parse::StateStackContext<Self>;
fn parse_token(
tok: Self::Token,
stack: &mut Self::Context,
) -> crate::parse::TransitionResult<Self> {
use crate::{
xir::flat::{XirfToken, RefinedText},
// Used only by _some_ expansions.
use crate::xir::flat::Text;
match (self, tok) {
// [super] {
// [text] preemption;
// see `Self::can_preempt_node`.
Text($text, $text_span)
) if st.can_preempt_node() => {
// Preemption NT
) if st.can_preempt_node() && $pre_nt::matches(qname) => {
// Prevent recursing on this token.
// }
// Depth check is unnecessary since _all_ xir::parse
// parsers
// (at least at the time of writing)
// ignore whitespace and comments,
// so may as well return early.
// TODO: I'm ignoring _all_ text for now to
// proceed with development; fix.
XirfToken::Text(RefinedText::Whitespace(..), _)
| XirfToken::Comment(..)
) => {
// Pass token directly to child until it reports
// a dead state,
// after which we return to the `ParseState`
// atop of the stack.
(Self::$nt(st), tok) => st.delegate_child(
|deadst, tok, stack| {
stack.ret_or_dead(tok, deadst)
fn is_accepting(&self, stack: &Self::Context) -> bool {
// This is short-circuiting,
// starting at the _bottom_ of the stack and moving
// upward.
// The idea is that,
// is we're still in the middle of parsing,
// then it's almost certain that the [`ParseState`] on the
// bottom of the stack will not be in an accepting
// state,
// and so we can stop checking early.
// In most cases,
// if we haven't hit EOF early,
// the stack should be either empty or consist of only the
// root state.
// After having considered the stack,
// we can then consider the active `ParseState`.
stack.all(|st| st.is_inner_accepting(stack))
&& self.is_inner_accepting(stack)
impl $super {
/// Whether the inner (active child) [`ParseState`] is in an
/// accepting state.
/// [`ParseState`]: crate::parse::ParseState
fn is_inner_accepting(
ctx: &<Self as crate::parse::ParseState>::Context
) -> bool {
use crate::parse::ParseState;
match self {
Self::$nt(st) => st.is_accepting(ctx),
/// Whether the inner parser is in a state that can tolerate
/// superstate node preemption.
/// Node preemption allows us (the superstate) to ask for
/// permission from the inner parser to parse some token
/// ourselves,
/// by asking whether the parser is in a state that would
/// cause semantic issues if we were to do so.
/// For example,
/// if we were to preempt text nodes while an inner parser was
/// still parsing attributes,
/// then we would emit an object associated with that text
/// before the inner parser had a chance to conclude that
/// attribute parsing has completed and emit the opening
/// object for that node;
/// the result would otherwise be an incorrect
/// `Text, Open` instead of the correct `Open, Text`,
/// which would effectively unparent the text.
/// Similarly,
/// if we were to parse our own tokens while an inner parser
/// was performing error recovery in such a way as to ignore
/// all child tokens,
/// then we would emit an object in an incorrect context.
#[allow(dead_code)] // TODO: Remove when using for tpl apply
fn can_preempt_node(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Self::$nt(st) => st.can_preempt_node(),
(@!ntfirst_init $super:ident, $ntfirst:ident $($nt:ident)*) => {
/// Nonterminal.
/// This trait is used internally by the [`ele_parse!`] parser-generator.
pub trait Nt: Debug {
/// Attribute parser for this element.
type AttrState: AttrParseState;
/// [`NtState::Jmp`] states for child NTs.
type ChildNt: Debug + PartialEq + Eq;
/// Matcher describing the node recognized by this parser.
fn matcher() -> NodeMatcher;
/// States for nonterminals (NTs).
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum NtState<NT: Nt> {
/// Expecting opening tag for element.
/// Non-preemptable [`Self::Expecting`].
/// Recovery state ignoring all remaining tokens for this
/// element.
RecoverEleIgnore(QName, OpenSpan, Depth),
// Recovery completed because end tag corresponding to the
// invalid element has been found.
RecoverEleIgnoreClosed(QName, CloseSpan),
/// Recovery state ignoring all tokens when a `Close` is
/// expected.
/// This is token-agnostic---it
/// may be a child element,
/// but it may be text,
/// for example.
CloseRecoverIgnore((QName, OpenSpan, Depth), Span),
/// Parsing element attributes.
Attrs((QName, OpenSpan, Depth), NT::AttrState),
/// Preparing to pass control (jump) to a child NT's parser.
/// Closing tag found and parsing of the element is
/// complete.
Closed(Option<QName>, Span),
impl<NT: Nt> Default for NtState<NT> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<NT: Nt> NtState<NT> {
pub fn can_preempt_node(&self) -> bool {
use NtState::*;
match self {
// Preemption before the opening tag is safe,
// since we haven't started processing yet.
Expecting => true,
// The name says it all.
// Instantiated by the superstate.
NonPreemptableExpecting => false,
// Preemption during recovery would cause tokens to be parsed
// when they ought to be ignored,
// so we must process all tokens during recovery.
RecoverEleIgnore(..) | CloseRecoverIgnore(..) => false,
// It is _not_ safe to preempt attribute parsing since attribute
// parsers aggregate until a non-attribute token is
// encountered;
// we must allow attribute parsing to finish its job
// _before_ any preempted nodes are emitted since the
// attributes came _before_ that node.
Attrs(..) => false,
// These states represent jump states where we're about to
// transition to the next child parser.
// It's safe to preempt here,
// since we're not in the middle of parsing.
// Note that this includes `ExpectClose_` because of the macro
// preprocessing,
// and Rust's exhaustiveness check will ensure that it is
// accounted for if that changes.
// If we're expecting that the next token is a `Close`,
// then it must be safe to preempt other nodes that may
// appear in this context as children.
Jmp(..) => true,
// If we're done,
// we want to be able to yield a dead state so that we can
// transition away from this parser.
RecoverEleIgnoreClosed(..) | Closed(..) => false,
impl<NT: Nt> Display for NtState<NT> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
use crate::xir::fmt::{TtCloseXmlEle, TtOpenXmlEle};
use NtState::*;
match self {
Expecting | NonPreemptableExpecting => write!(
"expecting opening tag {}",
RecoverEleIgnore(name, _, _) | RecoverEleIgnoreClosed(name, _) => {
"attempting to recover by ignoring element \
with unexpected name {given} \
(expected {expected})",
given = TtQuote::wrap(name),
expected = TtQuote::wrap(NT::matcher()),
CloseRecoverIgnore((qname, _, depth), _) => write!(
"attempting to recover by ignoring input \
until the expected end tag {expected} \
at depth {depth}",
expected = TtCloseXmlEle::wrap(qname),
Attrs(_, sa) => Display::fmt(sa, f),
Closed(Some(qname), _) => {
write!(f, "done parsing element {}", TtQuote::wrap(qname),)
// Should only happen on an unexpected `Close`.
Closed(None, _) => write!(
"skipped parsing element {}",
// TODO: A better description.
Jmp(_) => {
"preparing to transition to \
parser for next child element(s)"
/// Sum nonterminal.
/// This trait is used internally by the [`ele_parse!`] parser-generator.
pub trait SumNt: Debug {
fn fmt_matches_top(f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result;
/// States for sum nonterminals.
/// Sum NTs act like a sum type,
/// transitioning to the appropriate inner NT based on the next token of
/// input.
/// Sum NTs have order-based precedence when faced with ambiguity,
/// like a PEG.
/// This is expected to be wrapped by a newtype for each Sum NT,
/// and does not implement [`ParseState`] itself.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Default)]
pub enum SumNtState<NT: SumNt> {
/// Expecting an opening tag for an element.
/// Non-preemptable [`Self::Expecting`].
/// Recovery state ignoring all remaining tokens for this
/// element.
RecoverEleIgnore(QName, OpenSpan, Depth, PhantomData<NT>),
impl<NT: SumNt> SumNtState<NT> {
/// Whether the parser is in a state that can tolerate
/// superstate node preemption.
pub fn can_preempt_node(&self) -> bool {
use SumNtState::*;
match self {
// Preemption before the opening tag is safe,
// since we haven't started processing yet.
Expecting => true,
// The name says it all.
// Instantiated by the superstate.
NonPreemptableExpecting => false,
// Preemption during recovery would cause tokens to
// be parsed when they ought to be ignored,
// so we must process all tokens during recovery.
RecoverEleIgnore(..) => false,
impl<NT: SumNt> Display for SumNtState<NT> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
use SumNtState::*;
match self {
Expecting | NonPreemptableExpecting => {
write!(f, "expecting ")?;
RecoverEleIgnore(name, _, _, _) => {
"attempting to recover by ignoring element \
with unexpected name {given} \
given = TtQuote::wrap(name),
mod test;