
2518 lines
73 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Compiles rater XML into JavaScript
Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Ryan Specialty, LLC.
This file is part of TAME.
TAME is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see
This stylesheet should be included by whatever is doing the processing and is
responsible for outputting the generated code in whatever manner is
appropriate (inline JS, a file, etc).
<stylesheet version="2.0"
<!-- legacy classification system -->
<include href="js-legacy.xsl" />
<!-- and whether to enable it (set to non-empty string) -->
<param name="legacy-classify" select="''" />
<!-- calculation compiler -->
<include href="js-calc.xsl" />
<!-- rating worksheet definition compiler -->
<include href="worksheet.xsl" />
<!-- newline -->
<variable name="compiler:nl" select="'&#10;'" />
<!-- output additional information on the stack for debugging -->
<variable name="debug-id-on-stack" select="false()" />
Generates rater function
The rater is a single function that may be invoked with a key-value argument
list and will return a variety of data, including the final premium.
@param NodeSet pkgs all packages, including rater
@return compiled JS
<template name="compiler:entry">
<!-- enclose everything in a self-executing function to sandbox our data -->
<text>( function() { </text>
<!-- to store debug information for equations (we have to put this out here
so that functions also have access to it...yes, it's stateful, yes it's
bullshit, but oh well) -->
<text>/**@expose*/var C, consts = C = {};</text>
<text>/**@expose*/var D, debug = D = {};</text>
<text>/**@expose*/var P, params = P = {};</text>
<text>/**@expose*/var types = {};</text>
<text>/**@expose*/var meta = {};</text>
<template name="compiler:entry-rater">
<!-- the rater itself -->
<value-of select="$compiler:nl" />
<text>function rater( arglist, _canterm ) {</text>
<text>_canterm = ( _canterm == undefined ) ? true : !!_canterm;</text>
<!-- XXX: fix; clear debug from any previous runs -->
<text>debug = D = {};</text>
<!-- magic constants (N.B. these ones must be re-calculated with each
call, otherwise the data may be incorrect!) -->
<value-of select="$compiler:nl" />
<!-- XXX: Remove this; shouldn't be magic -->
<text>consts['__DATE_YEAR__'] = ( new Date() ).getFullYear(); </text>
<!-- clone the object so as not to modify the one that was passed
(ES5 feature); also adds constants -->
<text>var A, args = A = Object.create( arglist );</text>
<!-- will store the global params that we ended up requiring -->
<text>var req_params = {};</text>
<!-- handle defaults -->
<text>init_defaults( args, params );</text>
<value-of select="$compiler:nl" />
<text>/**@expose*/var c, classes = c = {};</text>
<text>/**@expose*/var gc, genclasses = gc = {};</text>
<!-- temporaries used in computations -->
<text>var result, tmp;</text>
<template name="compiler:classifier">
<!-- allow classification of any arbitrary dataset -->
<value-of select="$compiler:nl" />
<text>rater.classify = function( args, _canterm ) {</text>
return rater( args, _canterm ).classes;
<text> };</text>
<text>rater.classify.fromMap = function( args_base, _canterm ) { </text>
<text>var ret = {}; </text>
<text>rater.fromMap( args_base, function( args ) {</text>
<text>var result = rater( args, _canterm ); </text>
for ( var c in rater.classify.classmap )
ret[ c ] = {
/**@expose*/ is: !!result.classes[ c ],
/**@expose*/ indexes: result.vars[ rater.classify.classmap[ c ] ]
<text>} );</text>
<text>return ret;</text>
<text> }; </text>
<template name="compiler:exit-rater">
<param name="name" as="xs:string "/>
<param name="symbols" as="element( preproc:sym )*" />
<param name="mapfrom" as="element()*" />
<value-of select="$compiler:nl" />
<text>return { </text>
<!-- round the premium (special symbol ___yield) to max of 2 decimal places -->
<text>/**@expose*/premium: ( Math.round( args.___yield * 100 ) / 100 ), </text>
<text>/**@expose*/classes: classes, </text>
<text>/**@expose*/vars: args, </text>
<text>/**@expose*/reqParams: req_params, </text>
<text>/**@expose*/debug: debug </text>
<text>}; </text>
<!-- make the name of the supplier available -->
<text>/**@expose*/rater.supplier = '</text>
<value-of select="( tokenize( $name, '/' ) )[ last() ]" />
<text>'; </text>
<text>/**@expose*/rater.meta = meta;</text>
<text>/**@expose*/rater.consts = consts;</text>
<!-- provide classification -> yields mapping -->
<value-of select="$compiler:nl" />
<text>/**@expose*/rater.classify.classmap = { </text>
<apply-templates select="." mode="compiler:classifier-yields-map">
<with-param name="symbols" select="$symbols" />
<text> }; </text>
<!-- provide classification descriptions -->
<value-of select="$compiler:nl" />
<text>/**@expose*/rater.classify.desc = { </text>
<sequence select="
$symbols[ @type='class' ] )" />
<text> }; </text>
<!-- mapped fields (external names) -->
<value-of select="$compiler:nl" />
<text>/**@expose*/rater.knownFields = {</text>
<for-each select="$mapfrom">
<if test="position() > 1">
<text>, </text>
<value-of select="@name" />
<text>': !1</text>
<text>}; </text>
<text>/**@expose*/rater.params = params;</text>
<!-- the rater has been generated; return it -->
<text>return rater;</text>
<text>} )()</text>
<template match="lv:package" mode="compiler:classifier-yields-map">
<param name="symbols" />
<!-- for each cgen symbol (which is the classification @yields), map the
classification name (the @parent) to the cgen symbol name -->
<for-each select="$symbols[ @type='class' and not( @preproc:generated ) ]">
<if test="position() > 1">
<value-of select="substring-after( @name, ':class:' )" />
<!-- yields -->
<value-of select="@yields" />
<function name="compiler:class-desc">
<param name="syms" as="element( preproc:sym )*" />
<for-each select="$syms">
<if test="position() > 1">
<value-of select="substring-after( @name, ':class:' )" />
<!-- todo: escape -->
<value-of select="translate( normalize-space(@desc), &quot;'&quot;, '' )" />
Compile global parameter list into an object literal
@return key and value for the given parameter
<template match="lv:param" mode="compile">
<!-- generate key using param name -->
<value-of select="@name" />
<!-- param properties -->
<text>type: '</text>
<value-of select="@type" />
<value-of select="if ( @default ) then number(@default) else '0'" />
<text>depth: </text>
<!-- TODO: this logic is duplicated multiple places -->
<when test="@set = 'vector'">
<sequence select="1" />
<when test="@set = 'matrix'">
<sequence select="2" />
<sequence select="0" />
<text>required: </text>
<!-- param is required if the attribute is present, not non-empty -->
<value-of select="string( not( boolean( @default ) ) )" />
Generate value table for unions
The type of the table will be considered the type of the first enum and each
enum value table will be combined.
@return object literal properties containing union data
<template match="lv:typedef/lv:union" mode="compile" priority="5">
<!-- generate key using type name -->
<value-of select="../@name" />
<!-- its type will be the type of its first enum (all must share the same
domain) -->
<text>type: '</text>
<value-of select=".//lv:enum[1]/@type" />
<!-- finally, its table of values should consist of every enum it contains -->
<text>values: {</text>
<for-each select="./lv:typedef/lv:enum/lv:item">
<if test="position() > 1">
<apply-templates select="." mode="compile" />
Generate value table for enums
@return object literal properties containing enum data
<template match="lv:typedef/lv:enum" mode="compile" priority="5">
<!-- generate key using type name -->
<value-of select="../@name" />
<!-- domain of all values -->
<text>type: '</text>
<value-of select="@type" />
<!-- table of acceptable values -->
<text>values: {</text>
<for-each select="./lv:item">
<if test="position() > 1">
<apply-templates select="." mode="compile" />
<template match="lv:typedef/lv:base-type" mode="compile" priority="5">
<value-of select="../@name" />
<!-- base types are their own type -->
<text>type: '</text>
<value-of select="../@name" />
<template match="lv:typedef/*" mode="compile" priority="1">
<message terminate="yes">
<text>[lvc] Unhandled typedef: </text>
<value-of select="../@name" />
Generate enum item value
@return property representing a specific value
<template match="lv:enum/lv:item" mode="compile">
<param name="as-const" as="xs:boolean"
select="false()" />
<!-- determine enumerated value -->
<variable name="value">
<when test="@value">
<value-of select="@value" />
<!-- default to string value equivalent to name -->
<value-of select="@name" />
<!-- we are only interest in its value; its constant is an internal value -->
<sequence select="if ( $as-const ) then
concat( 'C[''', @name, ''']=', $value, ';' )
concat( '''', $value, ''':1' )" />
Generate an object containing values of constant sets
This is done instead of inlining constant values as we do with non-sets since
the specific index can be determined at runtime.
@return JS object assignment for constant set values
<template mode="compile" priority="2"
match="lv:const[ element() or @values ]">
<value-of select="@name" />
<!-- matrices -->
<for-each select="compiler:const-sets( . )[ not( . = '' ) ]">
<if test="position() > 1">
<for-each select="compiler:set-items( ., true() )">
<if test="position() > 1">
<value-of select="compiler:js-number( . )" />
<!-- vectors -->
<for-each select="compiler:set-items( ., false() )">
<if test="position() > 1">
<value-of select="compiler:js-number( . )" />
Falls back to scalar constants
<template mode="compile" priority="1"
<value-of select="@name" />
<value-of select="compiler:js-number( @value )" />
Produce sequence of sets
Sets are used to group together items in a matrix. A set can be
defined explicitly (using nodes), or via a GNU Octave or
MATLAB-style matrix definition.
<function name="compiler:const-sets" as="item()*">
<param name="const" as="element( lv:const )" />
<variable name="values-def" as="xs:string?"
select="$const/@values" />
<when test="$values-def and contains( $values-def, ';' )">
<sequence select="tokenize(
normalize-space( $values-def ), ';' )" />
<sequence select="$const/lv:set" />
Produce a sequence of items
Items represent elements of a vector. They may be specified
explicitly using nodes, or via a comma-delimited string.
<function name="compiler:set-items" as="xs:string*">
<param name="set" as="item()*" />
<param name="allow-values" as="xs:boolean" />
<when test="$set instance of xs:string">
<sequence select="tokenize(
normalize-space( $set ), ',' )" />
<when test="$set/@values and $allow-values">
<sequence select="tokenize(
normalize-space( $set/@values ), ',' )" />
<sequence select="$set/lv:item/@value" />
Format JS numbers such that they won't be misinterpreted as octal (if they
have leading zeroes)
<function name="compiler:js-number" as="xs:string?">
<param name="src" as="xs:string?" />
<variable name="norm" as="xs:string?"
select="normalize-space( $src )" />
<!-- note that this will make 0 into an empty string! -->
<variable name="stripped" as="xs:string"
select="replace( $norm, '^0+', '' )" />
<sequence select="if ( $stripped = '' ) then
$stripped" />
Single-TRUE-match classifications are effectively aliases
<template mode="compile" priority="7"
match="lv:classify[ count( lv:match ) = 1
and not( lv:match/@preproc:inline ) ]">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" tunnel="yes" />
<variable name="src" as="xs:string"
select="lv:match/@on" />
<variable name="src-sym" as="element( preproc:sym )"
select="$symtable-map( $src )" />
<variable name="c" as="element()?"
select="lv:match/c:*" />
<variable name="cmpval" as="xs:float?"
select="if ( exists( $c/c:value-of ) ) then
$symtable-map( $c/c:value-of/@name )/@value
$c/c:const/@value" />
<!-- we only handle aliasing of other classifications -->
<when test="$src-sym/@type = 'cgen' and $cmpval = 1">
<sequence select="$compiler:nl" />
<!-- simply alias the @yields -->
<sequence select="concat( 'A[''', @yields, '''] = ',
'A[''', $src, ''']; ')" />
<variable name="class-sym" as="element( preproc:sym )"
select="$symtable-map( $src-sym/@parent )" />
<variable name="cdest" as="xs:string"
select="if ( @preproc:generated = 'true' ) then
'c'" />
<variable name="cdest-src" as="xs:string"
select="if ( $class-sym/@preproc:generated = 'true' ) then
'c'" />
<sequence select="concat( $cdest, '[''', @as, '''] = ',
$cdest-src, '[''',
$class-sym/@orig-name, '''];' )" />
<!-- they must otherwise undergo the usual computation -->
<next-match />
Classification with no predicates always yields true/false, depending on
whether it's conjunctive or disjunctive
<template mode="compile" priority="7"
match="lv:classify[ empty( lv:match ) ]">
<variable name="val" as="xs:string"
select="if ( not( @any = 'true' ) ) then '1' else '0'" />
<value-of select="$compiler:nl" />
<sequence select="concat( compiler:class-var(.), '=!!', $val, ';' )" />
<if test="@yields">
<sequence select="concat( compiler:class-yields-var(.), '=', $val, ';' )" />
JS variable to which boolean class result will be assigned
<function name="compiler:class-var" as="xs:string">
<param name="class" as="element( lv:classify )" />
<variable name="prefix" as="xs:string"
select="if ( $class/@preproc:generated='true' ) then
''" />
<sequence select="concat( $prefix, 'c[''', $class/@as, ''']' )" />
JS variable to which class @yields will be assigned
<function name="compiler:class-yields-var" as="xs:string">
<param name="class" as="element( lv:classify )" />
<sequence select="concat( 'A[''', $class/@yields, ''']' )" />
<template mode="compile" priority="6"
match="lv:classify[ compiler:use-legacy-classify() ]">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" tunnel="yes" />
<sequence select="concat(
compiler:compile-classify-legacy( $symtable-map, . ),
'' ),
'/*lc!*/' )" />
<template match="lv:classify" mode="compile" priority="5">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" tunnel="yes" />
<sequence select="compiler:compile-classify-assign( $symtable-map, . )" />
<template mode="compile" priority="8"
and not( compiler:use-legacy-classify() ) ]">
<!-- emit nothing; it'll be inlined at the match site -->
<template mode="compile" priority="7"
match="lv:classify[ @terminate='true' ]">
<next-match />
<variable name="var" as="xs:string"
select="compiler:class-var( . )" />
<text>if (_canterm &amp;&amp; </text>
<value-of select="$var" />
<text>) throw Error( '</text>
<value-of select="replace( @desc, '''', '\\''' )" />
Raise $inner of type $from to $outer of type $to with universal or
existential ($ue) quantification
If the inner value is empty, simply return the outer without any action.
<function name="compiler:lift-match" as="xs:string">
<param name="from" as="xs:string" />
<param name="to" as="xs:string" />
<param name="ue" as="xs:string" />
<param name="inner" as="xs:string" />
<param name="outer" as="xs:string" />
<sequence select="if ( $inner = '' ) then
else if ( $outer = '' ) then
concat( $from, $to, $ue, '(',
$outer, ',', $inner, ')' )" />
<function name="compiler:use-legacy-classify" as="xs:boolean">
<variable name="flagname" as="xs:string"
select="'___feature-newclassify'" />
<sequence select="$legacy-classify != ''" />
<function name="compiler:compile-classify-assign" as="xs:string">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" />
<param name="classify" as="element( lv:classify )" />
<sequence select="string-join(
( $compiler:nl,
$symtable-map, $classify ) ) )" />
<function name="compiler:compile-classify-inline" as="xs:string">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" />
<param name="classify" as="element( lv:classify )" />
<!-- keep only the JS expression, grouping to ensure that surrounding
expressions (scalars, specifically, that lack grouping) maintain
their precedence -->
<sequence select="concat(
$symtable-map, $classify )[ 2 ],
')' )" />
Generate code to perform a classification
This return a sequence of (assignment prefix, compiled js, assignment
suffix); the caller should keep the assignment prefix and suffix for
normal compilation, but should keep only the JS portion (which is a
standalone expression) for inlining.
<function name="compiler:compile-classify" as="xs:string+">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" />
<param name="classify" as="element( lv:classify )" />
<variable name="dest" as="xs:string"
select="compiler:class-yields-var( $classify )" />
<!-- locate classification predicates (since lv:any and lv:all are split
into their own classifications, matching on any depth ensures we get
into any preproc:* nodes as well) -->
<variable name="criteria" as="element( lv:match )*"
select="$classify/lv:match" />
<variable name="criteria-syms"
as="map( xs:string, element( preproc:sym ) )"
for $match in $criteria
return map{ string( $match/@on ) :
$symtable-map( $match/@on ) } )" />
<!-- generate boolean value from match expressions -->
<variable name="op" as="xs:string"
select="compiler:match-group-op( $classify )" />
<variable name="scalars" as="element( lv:match )*"
select="$criteria[ $criteria-syms( @on )/@dim = '0' ]" />
<variable name="vectors" as="element( lv:match )*"
select="$criteria[ $criteria-syms( @on )/@dim = '1' ]" />
<variable name="matrices" as="element( lv:match )*"
select="$criteria[ $criteria-syms( @on )/@dim = '2' ]" />
<variable name="ns" select="count( $scalars )" />
<variable name="nv" select="count( $vectors )" />
<variable name="nm" select="count( $matrices )" />
<variable name="var" as="xs:string"
select="compiler:class-var( $classify )" />
<variable name="m1" as="element( lv:match )?" select="$matrices[1]" />
<variable name="v1" as="element( lv:match )?" select="$vectors[1]" />
<variable name="yield-to">
<call-template name="compiler:gen-match-yieldto">
<with-param name="yields" select="$classify/@yields" />
<!-- existential, universal -->
<variable name="ctype" as="xs:string"
select="if ( $classify/@any='true' ) then 'e' else 'u'" />
<variable name="js-matrix" as="xs:string"
$symtable-map, $classify, $matrices )" />
<variable name="js-vec" as="xs:string"
$symtable-map, $classify, $vectors )" />
<variable name="js-scalar" as="xs:string"
$symtable-map, $classify, $scalars )" />
<variable name="reduce" as="xs:string"
select="if ( $nm > 0 ) then
else if ( $nv > 0 ) then
'!!'" />
<variable name="outer-type" as="xs:string"
select="if ( $nm > 0 ) then
else if ( $nv > 0 ) then
's'" />
<variable name="js" as="xs:string"
's', $outer-type, $ctype,
'v', $outer-type, $ctype,
$js-matrix ) )" />
<!-- sequence of (assignment prefix, js, assignment suffix); it's up to
the caller to determine which of these to keep -->
<sequence select="concat( $var, '=', $reduce,
'(', $yield-to, '=' ),
');'" />
Generate JS suitable for a value match
If the value is _not_ a basic @value equality match, then it will be
wrapped in the necessary expression to transform it into a binary result
that can then be matched against `TRUE`.
<function name="compiler:match-on" as="xs:string">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" />
<param name="match" as="element( lv:match )" />
<variable name="sym" as="element( preproc:sym )"
select="$symtable-map( $match/@on )" />
<variable name="dim" as="xs:integer" select="$sym/@dim" />
<variable name="type" as="xs:string" select="$sym/@type" />
<variable name="inner" as="xs:string"
select="compiler:match-name-on( $symtable-map, $match )" />
<variable name="mf" as="xs:string"
select="if ( $dim = 2 ) then 'MM' else 'M'" />
<variable name="nf" as="xs:string"
select="if ( $dim = 2 ) then 'NN' else 'N'" />
<when test="$match/@anyOf">
<variable name="anyof" as="xs:string"
select="compiler:compile-anyof( $symtable-map, $match )" />
<when test="$dim > 0">
<sequence select="concat( $mf, '(', $inner, ',', $anyof, ')' )" />
<sequence select="concat( $anyof, '(', $inner, ')' )" />
<when test="$match[c:eq|c:ne|c:gt|c:lt|c:gte|c:lte]">
<variable name="c" as="element()"
select="$match/c:*" />
<variable name="name" as="xs:string"
select="$c/local-name()" />
<!-- should only be _one_ (@as validates this) -->
<variable name="expr" as="element()" select="$c/c:*" />
<!-- if it's not c:value-of, it must be scalar c:const (see lv:match
in validator) -->
<variable name="cdim" as="xs:integer"
select="if ( $c/c:value-of ) then
$symtable-map( $c/c:value-of/@name )/@dim
0" />
<variable name="cval" as="xs:float?"
select="if ( $c/c:value-of ) then
$symtable-map( $c/c:value-of/@name )/@value
$c/c:const/@value" />
<variable name="indexed" as="xs:boolean" select="$cdim gt 0" />
<variable name="f" as="xs:string"
select="concat( 'c', $name,
( if ( $indexed ) then 'i' else '' ) )" />
<!-- TODO: remove generation of useless debug output! -->
<variable name="exprjs" as="xs:string"
select="compiler:compile( $symtable-map, $expr )" />
<variable name="transform" as="xs:string"
select="concat( $f, '(', $exprjs, ')' )" />
<!-- scalars should have already been caught during validation, but we
do not support matrices -->
<if test="$indexed and $dim = 2">
<message terminate="yes"
select="concat( 'error: lv:match/c:*/c:index unsupported ',
'for matrix `',
$match/parent::lv/classify/@as, '''' )" />
<!-- Note: we currently only check for cgen, that's that's the only
type we can guarantee to be boolean; params can have any value
passed in and we are not necessarily validating the
domain. Until that is in place, it's too dangerous. We also
need more information in the symbol table. -->
<variable name="boolmatch" as="xs:boolean"
select="$type = 'cgen'" />
<!-- Boolean-TRUE matches need no translation; their values can be
used without modification. This allows primarily for
lower-cost class composition However, it's important that we do
this only when working with a boolean domain, otherwise we may
yield a value that is not in the domain {0,1}. -->
<when test="$boolmatch and $match/c:eq and $cval = 1">
<sequence select="$inner" />
<when test="$dim > 0">
<!-- negation, very common, so save some bytes -->
<when test="$boolmatch and $match/c:eq and $cval = 0">
<sequence select="concat( $nf, '(', $inner, ')' )" />
<sequence select="concat( $mf, '(', $inner, ',', $transform, ')' )" />
<!-- scalar, simply apply -->
<!-- negation, very common, so save some bytes -->
<when test="$boolmatch and $match/c:eq and $cval = 0">
<sequence select="concat( 'n(', $inner, ')' )" />
<sequence select="concat( $transform, '(', $inner, ')' )" />
<message terminate="yes" select="'error: not yet handled', $match" />
<function name="compiler:compile" as="xs:string">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" />
<param name="element" as="element()" />
<variable name="result">
<apply-templates select="$element" mode="compile">
<with-param name="symtable-map" select="$symtable-map"
tunnel="true" />
<!-- suppress match index generation, since we handle it ourselves now
(in a different way) -->
<with-param name="noindex" select="true()"
tunnel="true" />
<sequence select="string-join( $result, '' )" />
<function name="compiler:compile-anyof" as="xs:string">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" />
<param name="element" as="element()" />
<apply-templates select="$element" mode="compiler:match-anyof">
<with-param name="symtable-map" select="$symtable-map"
tunnel="true" />
Whether a set of matches is matching against a list of values and can be
optimized as such
<function name="compiler:is-value-list" as="xs:boolean">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" />
<param name="matches" as="element( lv:match )+" />
<sequence select="
count( $matches ) > 1
and count( distinct-values( $matches/@on ) ) = 1
and empty(
not( c:eq )
or (
and $symtable-map( c:eq/c:value-of/@name )/@dim != '0' ) ] )
and count( distinct-values( $matches/c:eq/c:value-of/@name ) ) > 1" />
Output an optimized match against a list of values.
This must only be used if compiler:is-value-list is `true()`.
<function name="compiler:value-list" as="xs:string">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" />
<param name="classify" as="element( lv:classify )" />
<param name="matches" as="element( lv:match )+" />
<!-- if this is not @any, then it's nonsense -->
<if test="not( $classify/@any = 'true' )">
<message terminate="yes"
select="concat( 'error: ', $classify/@as, ' match ',
$matches[1]/@on, 'will never succeed' )" />
<variable name="values" as="xs:string+"
for $name in $matches/c:eq/c:value-of/@name
return if ( $symtable-map( $name )/@value ) then
$symtable-map( $name )/@value
concat( 'A[''', $name, ''']' )" />
<sequence select="concat( 'new Set([', string-join( $values, ',' ), '])' )" />
Output optmized matrix matching
This should only be called in contexts where the compiler is absolutely
certain that the optimzation ought to be applied.
<function name="compiler:optimized-matrix-matches" as="xs:string">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" />
<param name="classify" as="element( lv:classify )" />
<param name="matrices" as="element( lv:match )*" />
<variable name="nm" as="xs:integer"
select="count( $matrices )" />
<!-- existential, universal -->
<variable name="ctype" as="xs:string"
select="if ( $classify/@any='true' ) then 'e' else 'u'" />
<when test="$nm = 0">
<sequence select="''" />
<when test="$nm = 1">
<sequence select="compiler:match-on( $symtable-map, $matrices[1] )" />
<when test="$nm > 1 and compiler:is-value-list( $symtable-map, $matrices )">
<variable name="values" as="xs:string+"
$symtable-map, $classify, $matrices )" />
<sequence select="concat( 'II(',
compiler:match-name-on( $symtable-map, $matrices[1] ),
',', $values, ')' )" />
<sequence select="concat( 'm', $ctype, '([',
for $m in $matrices
return compiler:match-on( $symtable-map, $m ),
'])' )" />
Output optmized vector matching
This should only be called in contexts where the compiler is absolutely
certain that the optimzation ought to be applied.
<function name="compiler:optimized-vec-matches" as="xs:string">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" />
<param name="classify" as="element( lv:classify )" />
<param name="vectors" as="element( lv:match )*" />
<variable name="nv" as="xs:integer"
select="count( $vectors )" />
<!-- existential, universal -->
<variable name="ctype" as="xs:string"
select="if ( $classify/@any='true' ) then 'e' else 'u'" />
<when test="$nv = 0">
<sequence select="''" />
<when test="$nv > 1 and compiler:is-value-list( $symtable-map, $vectors )">
<variable name="values" as="xs:string+"
$symtable-map, $classify, $vectors )" />
<sequence select="concat( 'I(',
compiler:match-name-on( $symtable-map, $vectors[1] ),
',', $values, ')' )" />
<sequence select="concat( 'v', $ctype, '([',
for $v in $vectors
return compiler:match-on( $symtable-map, $v ),
'])' )" />
Output optmized scalar matching
This should only be called in contexts where the compiler is absolutely
certain that the optimzation ought to be applied.
<function name="compiler:optimized-scalar-matches" as="xs:string">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" />
<param name="classify" as="element( lv:classify )" />
<param name="scalars" as="element( lv:match )*" />
<variable name="ns" as="xs:integer"
select="count( $scalars )" />
<!-- existential, universal -->
<variable name="cop" as="xs:string"
select="if ( $classify/@any = 'true' ) then '|' else '&amp;'" />
<when test="$ns = 0">
<sequence select="''" />
<when test="$ns > 1 and compiler:is-value-list( $symtable-map, $scalars )">
<variable name="values" as="xs:string+"
$symtable-map, $classify, $scalars )" />
<sequence select="concat( 'i(',
compiler:match-name-on( $symtable-map, $scalars[1] ),
',', $values, ')' )" />
<!-- either a single match or matches on >1 distinct @on -->
<sequence select="string-join(
for $s in $scalars
return compiler:match-on( $symtable-map, $s ),
$cop )" />
JS variable to serve as the source for a match (@on)
<function name="compiler:match-name-on" as="xs:string">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" />
<param name="match" as="element( lv:match )" />
<when test="$match/@preproc:inline='true'">
<variable name="classify" as="element( lv:classify )?"
select="( $match/parent::lv:classify
/preceding-sibling::lv:classify[ @yields=$match/@on ] )[1]" />
<if test="empty( $classify )">
<message terminate="yes"
select="concat( 'internal error: inline: ',
'cannot locate class `', $match/@on, '''' )" />
<sequence select="compiler:compile-classify-inline(
$symtable-map, $classify )" />
<variable name="sym" as="element( preproc:sym )"
select="$symtable-map( $match/@on )" />
<variable name="var" as="xs:string"
select="if ( $sym/@type = 'const' ) then 'C' else 'A'" />
<sequence select="concat( $var, '[''', $match/@on, ''']' )" />
<function name="compiler:match-value" as="xs:string">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" />
<param name="match" as="element( lv:match )" />
<!-- non-@value matches are transformed prior to matching against
(see compiler:match-on) -->
<variable name="value" as="xs:string"
select="if ( $match/@value ) then $match/@value else 'TRUE'" />
<variable name="sym" as="element( preproc:sym )?"
select="$symtable-map( $value )" />
<!-- value unavailable -->
<when test="$sym and not( $sym/@value )">
<text>[jsc] !!! bad classification match: `</text>
<value-of select="$value" />
<text>' is not a scalar constant</text>
<!-- simple constant -->
<when test="$sym">
<value-of select="$sym/@value" />
<!-- TODO: Should we disallow entirely? -->
<text>[jsc] warning: static classification match '</text>
<value-of select="$value" />
<text>' in </text>
<value-of select="$match/ancestor::lv:classify[1]/@as" />
<text>; use calculation predicate or constant instead</text>
<value-of select="$value" />
Generate code asserting a match
Siblings are joined by default with ampersands to denote an AND relationship,
unless overridden.
@return generated match code
<template match="lv:match" mode="compile" priority="1">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" tunnel="yes" />
<!-- default to all matches being required -->
<param name="operator" select="'&amp;&amp;'" />
<param name="yields" select="../@yields" />
<variable name="name" select="@on" />
<text> tmp=</text>
<variable name="input-raw" as="xs:string"
select="compiler:match-name-on( $symtable-map, . )" />
<!-- yields (if not set, generate one so that cmatches still works properly)
<variable name="yieldto">
<call-template name="compiler:gen-match-yieldto">
<with-param name="yields" select="$yields" />
<!-- the input value -->
<variable name="input">
<when test="@scalar = 'true'">
<text>stov( </text>
<value-of select="$input-raw" />
<text>, ((</text>
<value-of select="$yieldto" />
<!-- note that we default to 1 so that there is at least a single
element (which will be the case of the scalar is the first match)
in a given classification; the awkward inner [] is to protect
against potentially undefined values and will hopefully never
happen, and the length is checked on the inner grouping rather than
on the outside of the entire expression to ensure that it will
yield the intended result if yieldto.length === 0 -->
<value-of select="$input-raw" />
<!-- invoke the classification matcher on this input -->
<text>anyValue( </text>
<value-of select="$input" />
<text>, </text>
<!-- TODO: error if multiple; also, refactor -->
<when test="@value">
<value-of select="compiler:match-value( $symtable-map, . )" />
<when test="@pattern">
<text>function(val) {</text>
<text>return /</text>
<value-of select="@pattern" />
<when test="./c:*">
<text>function(val, __$$i) { </text>
<text>return (</text>
<for-each select="./c:*">
<if test="position() > 1">
<text disable-output-escaping="yes"> &amp;&amp; </text>
<text>(val </text>
<apply-templates select="." mode="compile-calc-when" />
<apply-templates select="." mode="compiler:match-anyof" />
<text>, </text>
<value-of select="$yieldto" />
<text>, </text>
<!-- if this match is part of a classification that should yield a matrix,
then force a matrix set -->
<when test="ancestor::lv:classify/@set = 'matrix'">
<text>, </text>
<when test="parent::lv:classify/@any='true'">
<!-- for debugging -->
<if test="$debug-id-on-stack">
<value-of select="$input" />
<!-- end of anyValue() call -->
<value-of select="@_id" />
<value-of select="@_id" />
<text>']=[])).push(tmp);/*!-*/ </text>
<template name="compiler:gen-match-yieldto">
<param name="yields" />
<when test="$yields">
<value-of select="$yields" />
<call-template name="compiler:gen-default-yield">
<with-param name="name" select="ancestor::lv:classify/@as" />
Handles the special "float" domain
Every possible value is a float, so this is always true.
<template match="lv:match[ @anyOf='float' ]" mode="compiler:match-anyof" priority="5">
Whether the provided value is an integer
Everything is a number, so we need only check that it has no remainer mod 1.
<template match="lv:match[ @anyOf='integer' ]" mode="compiler:match-anyof" priority="5">
Uh oh. Hopefully this never happens; will throw an exception if a type is
defined as a base type (using typedef), but is not handled by the compiler.
<template match="lv:match[ @anyOf=root(.)//lv:typedef[ ./lv:base-type ]/@name ]"
mode="compiler:match-anyof" priority="3">
<message terminate="yes"
select="concat( 'internal error: unhandled base type: ',
@anyOf )" />
Used for user-defined domains
<template match="lv:match[ @anyOf ]" mode="compiler:match-anyof" priority="1">
<sequence select="concat( 'TE(types[''', @anyOf, '''].values)' )" />
<function name="compiler:match-group-op" as="xs:string">
<param name="class" as="element( lv:classify )" />
<sequence select="if ( $class/@any = 'true' ) then
'&amp;&amp;'" />
Compiles a function
Parameters will be converted into actual function parameters. The function
will return the result of its expression (represented by a calculation in the
If the special param __experimental_guided_tco is defined, recursive calls
to the same function can set it to a true value to perform tail call
optimization (TCO). See js-calc.xsl for more information.
@return generated function
<template match="lv:function" mode="compile">
<value-of select="$compiler:nl" />
<text>function </text>
<call-template name="calc-compiler:gen-func-name">
<with-param name="name" select="@name" />
<text>( args </text>
<!-- add parameters -->
<for-each select="./lv:param">
<text>, </text>
<value-of select="@name" />
<text>) {</text>
<variable name="tco" as="xs:boolean"
select="compiler:function-supports-tco( . )" />
<if test="$tco">
<message select="concat('warning: ', @name, ' enabled experimental guided TCO')" />
<!-- top of this function's trampoline, if TCO was requested -->
<if test="$tco">
<text>var fresult=(</text>
<!-- begin calculation generation (there should be only one calculation node
as a child, so only it will be considered) -->
<apply-templates select="./c:*[1]" mode="compile" />
<!-- bottom of this function's trampoline, if TCO was requested; if the
flag is set (meaning a relevant tail call was hit), jump back to
the beginning of the function -->
<if test="$tco">
<text>return fresult;} </text>
Generates a premium calculation
The result of the generated expression, as denoted by a calculation in the
XML, will be stored in the variable identified by @yields.
TODO: If another calculation uses the yielded premium in the document before
this lv:rate block, then this block needs to be compiled *before* the block
that references is. We don't want to depend on order, as that would not be
declarative (in this particular scenario, at least).
@return generated self-executing premium calculation function
<template match="lv:rate" mode="compile">
<value-of select="$compiler:nl" />
<!-- see c:ceil/c:floor precision comments in js-calc -->
<variable name="precision">
<when test="@precision">
<value-of select="concat( '1e', @precision )" />
<apply-templates select="." mode="compile-cmatch" />
<variable name="predmatch">
<apply-templates select="." mode="compile-class-condition" />
<!-- destination var -->
<variable name="store">
<!-- TODO: escape single quotes (even though there should never be any) -->
<value-of select="@yields" />
<if test="$predmatch != 'true'">
<!-- preempt expensive logic, but still return a vector of the proper
length -->
<!-- TODO: when writing TAMER, note that this must be improved upon: it
only detects iterators of immedite children -->
<value-of select="$predmatch" />
<for-each select="c:sum[@generates]|c:product[@generates]">
<variable name="value">
<apply-templates mode="js-name-ref"
select="." />
<value-of select="@generates" />
<value-of select="$value" />
<value-of select="$store" />
<!-- predicate matches -->
<!-- store the premium -->
<value-of select="$store" />
<value-of select="$precision" />
<!-- return the result of the calculation for this rate block -->
<!-- yield 0 if there are no calculations (rather than a syntax error!) -->
<if test="empty( c:* )">
<text>[jsc] warning: empty rate block: `</text>
<value-of select="@yields" />
<!-- begin calculation generation (there should be only one calculation
node as a child, so only it will be considered) -->
<apply-templates select="./c:*[1]" mode="compile" />
<if test="$predmatch != 'true'">
<template match="lv:rate" mode="compile-class-condition">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" tunnel="yes" />
<variable name="rate" select="." />
<!-- Generate expression for class list (leave the @no check to the cmatch
algorithm, since we want per-index @no's). If @gentle-no is
set by rate-each expansion, then we want to ignore them entirely,
since we do not want it to clear our the final yield (generators take
care of this using _CMATCH_). -->
<variable name="class-set"
( @no = 'true'
and not( $rate/@gentle-no = 'true' ) )
or not( @no = 'true' ) ]" />
<when test="$class-set">
<if test="count( $class-set ) > 1">
<for-each select="$class-set">
<!-- join class expressions with AND operator -->
<if test="position() > 1">
<text disable-output-escaping="yes"> &amp;&amp; </text>
<!-- negate if @no -->
<if test="@no='true'">
<variable name="ref" select="@ref" />
<if test="$symtable-map( concat( ':class:', $ref ) )
<value-of select="@ref" />
<if test="count( $class-set ) > 1">
<!-- well, we need to output something -->
<!-- Non-predicated lv:rate -->
<template mode="compile-cmatch" priority="7"
match="lv:rate[ count( lv:class ) = 0 ]">
<!-- nothing (but the body must not reference it, or the body will have an
old value!) -->
Single-predicate lv:rate can be aliased
@no is excluded for simplicity (and it's also generally used with a
non-@no, and it's uncommon).
<template mode="compile-cmatch" priority="7"
match="lv:rate[ count( lv:class ) = 1
and not( lv:class/@no ) ]">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" tunnel="yes" />
<call-template name="compiler:get-class-yield">
<with-param name="symtable-map" select="$symtable-map" />
<with-param name="name" select="@ref" />
<with-param name="search" select="root(.)" />
<template match="lv:rate" mode="compile-cmatch" priority="5">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" tunnel="yes" />
<variable name="root" select="root(.)" />
<!-- set the magic _CMATCH_ var to represent a list of indexes that meet all
the classifications (note: this has to be calculated even on a
non-match, since it is often referenced by c:sum/c:product) -->
<for-each select="lv:class[ not( @no='true' ) ]">
<if test="position() > 1">
<text>, </text>
<call-template name="compiler:get-class-yield">
<with-param name="symtable-map" select="$symtable-map" />
<with-param name="name" select="@ref" />
<with-param name="search" select="$root" />
<text>], [</text>
<for-each select="lv:class[ @no='true' ]">
<if test="position() > 1">
<text>, </text>
<call-template name="compiler:get-class-yield">
<with-param name="symtable-map" select="$symtable-map" />
<with-param name="name" select="@ref" />
<with-param name="search" select="$root" />
<template name="compiler:get-class-yield">
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" />
<param name="name" />
<param name="search" />
<variable name="yields"
concat( ':class:', $name ) )/@yields" />
<when test="$yields != ''">
<value-of select="$yields" />
<call-template name="compiler:gen-default-yield">
<with-param name="name" select="$name" />
<template name="compiler:gen-default-yield">
<param name="name" />
<!-- a random name that would be invalid to reference from the XML -->
<value-of select="$name" />
Generates calculation used to yield a final premium
@return generated expression
<template match="lv:yield" mode="compile">
<!-- compile yield calculation -->
<apply-templates select="./c:*[1]" mode="compile" />
<template match="lv:meta/lv:prop" mode="compile">
<value-of select="@name" />
<call-template name="util:json">
<with-param name="array">
<!-- values -->
<for-each select="lv:value">
<variable name="name" select="@name" />
<!-- TODO: refactor -->
<value-of select="
root(.)//lv:const[ @name=$name ]/@value
, root(.)//lv:item[ @name=$name ]/@value" />
<!-- constants -->
<for-each select="lv:const">
<value-of select="@value" />
<template match="text()" mode="compile" priority="1">
<!-- do not output e.g. whitespace between nodes -->
<template match="lvp:*" mode="compile" priority="1">
<!-- do nothing with UI nodes -->
<template match="lvp:*" priority="1">
<!-- do nothing with UI nodes -->
Static code common to each rater
This is included here because XSLT cannot, without extension, read plain-text
files (the included file must be XML). If we separated it into another file,
we would be doing the same thing as we are doing here.
@return JavaScript code
<template name="compiler:static">
// precision
function p(p, x)
if (x % 1 === 0) return x;
return Math.round(x * p) / p;
// apply vector to matrix
function vmu(m, v)
const result = m.map(function(mv, i) {
return (mv.length ? mv : [0]).map(function(ms) { return ms & v[i] });
for (let i = result.length; i < v.length; i++) {
result[i] = [0];
return result;
function vme(m, v)
const result = m.map(function(mv, i) {
return (mv.length ? mv : [0]).map(function(ms) { return ms | v[i] });
for (let i = result.length; i < v.length; i++) {
result[i] = [v[i]];
return result;
function mu(ms)
const longest_row = Math.max.apply(null, ms.map(function(m) {
return m.length;
const longest_col = Math.max.apply(null, ms.map(function(m) {
return Math.max.apply(null, m.map(function(v) { return v.length; }));
const base = new Array(longest_row).fill(
new Array(longest_col).fill(1)
return ms.reduce(function(final, m) {
return final.map(function(v, i) {
return vu([v, m[i]||[0]]);
}, base);
function me(ms)
const longest_row = Math.max.apply(null, ms.map(function(m) {
return m.length;
const longest_col = Math.max.apply(null, ms.map(function(m) {
return Math.max.apply(null, m.map(function(v) { return v.length; }));
const base = new Array(longest_row).fill(
new Array(longest_col).fill(0)
return ms.reduce(function(final, m) {
return final.map(function(v, i) {
return ve([v, m[i]||[0]]);
}, base);
function vu(vs)
const longest = Math.max.apply(null, vs.map(function(v) {
return v.length;
const base = new Array(longest).fill(1);
const result = vs.reduce(
function(final, v, vi) {
return final.map(function(x, i) { return x & v[i] });
return result;
function ve(vs)
const longest = Math.max.apply(null, vs.map(function(v) {
return v.length;
const base = new Array(longest).fill(0);
const result = vs.reduce(
function(final, v, vi) {
return final.map(function(x, i) { return x | v[i] });
return result;
// apply scalar to vector
function svu(v, s)
return v.map(function(x) { return x & s });
function sve(v, s)
return v.map(function(x) { return x | s });
// apply scalar to matrix
function smu(m, s)
return m.map(function(v) {
return v.map(function(x) { return x & s });
function sme(m, s)
return m.map(function(v) {
return v.map(function(x) { return x | s });
// existential (any)
function E(v)
return v.some(function(s) { return s === 1 });
// existential (any) for matrices
function Em(m)
return m.some(E);
// types
function Tf(x) { return 1; }
function Ti(x) { return +(x % 1 === 0); }
function TE(xs) {
return function(x) {
return +(xs[x] === 1);
function M(vs, f) { return vs.map(f); }
function MM(ms, f) { return ms.map(function(vs) { return vs.map(f) }) }
var n = ceq(0);
function N(vs) { return vs.map(n); }
function NN(ms) { return ms.map(N); }
function i(s, xs) { return +xs.has(s) };
function I(v, xs) { return v.map(function(s) { return +xs.has(s) }) }
function II(m, xs) {
return m.map(function(v) {
return v.map(function(s) { return +xs.has(s) });
function ceq(y) { return function (x) { return +(x === y); }; }
function cne(y) { return function (x) { return +(x !== y); }; }
function cgt(y) { return function (x) { return +(x > y); }; }
function clt(y) { return function (x) { return +(x < y); }; }
function cgte(y) { return function (x) { return +(x >= y); }; }
function clte(y) { return function (x) { return +(x <= y); }; }
function ceqi(y) { return function (x, i) { return +(x === (y[i]||0)); }; }
function cnei(y) { return function (x, i) { return +(x !== (y[i]||0)); }; }
function cgti(y) { return function (x, i) { return +(x > (y[i]||0)); }; }
function clti(y) { return function (x, i) { return +(x < (y[i]||0)); }; }
function cgtei(y) { return function (x, i) { return +(x >= (y[i]||0)); }; }
function cltei(y) { return function (x, i) { return +(x <= (y[i]||0)); }; }
* Checks for matches against values for any param value
* A single successful match will result in a successful classification.
* For an explanation and formal definition of this algorithm, please see
* the section entitled "Classification Match (cmatch) Algorithm" in the
* manual.
* @param {Array|string} param value or set of values to check
* @param {Array|string} values or set of values to match against
* @param {Object} yield_to object to yield into
* @param {boolean} clear when true, AND results; otherwise, OR
* @return {boolean} true if any match is found, otherwise false
function anyValue( param, values, yield_to, ismatrix, clear, _id )
// convert everything to an array if needed (we'll assume all objects to
// be arrays; Array.isArray() is ES5-only) to make them easier to work
// with
if ( !Array.isArray( param ) )
param = [ param ];
var values_orig = values;
if ( typeof values !== 'object' )
// the || 0 here ensures that non-values are treated as 0, as
// mentioned in the specification
values = [ values || 0 ];
var tmp = [];
for ( var v in values )
tmp.push( v );
values = tmp;
// if no yield var name was provided, we'll just be storing in a
// temporary array which will be discarded when it goes out of scope
// (this is the result vector in the specification)
var store = yield_to || [];
var i = param.length,
found = false,
scalar = ( i === 0 ),
u = ( store.length === 0 ) ? clear : false;
while ( i-- )
// these var names are as they appear in the algorithm---temporary,
// and value
var t,
v = returnOrReduceOr( store[ i ], u );
// recurse on vectors
if ( Array.isArray( param[ i ] ) || Array.isArray( store[ i ] ) )
var r = deepClone( store[ i ] || [] );
if ( !Array.isArray( r ) )
r = [ r ];
var rfound = !!anyValue( param[ i ], values_orig, r, false, clear, _id );
found = ( found || rfound );
if ( Array.isArray( store[ i ] )
|| ( store[ i ] === undefined )
// we do not want to reduce; this is the match that we are
// interested in
store[ i ] = r;
t = returnOrReduceOr( r, clear );
// we have a scalar, folks!
scalar = true;
t = anyPredicate( values, ( param[ i ] || 0 ), i );
store[ i ] = +( ( clear )
? ( v && t )
: ( v || t )
// equivalent of "Boolean Classification Match" section of manual
found = ( found || !!store[ i ] );
if ( store.length > param.length )
var sval = ( scalar ) ? anyPredicate( values, param[0] ) : null;
if ( typeof sval === 'function' )
// pass the scalar value to the function
sval = values[0]( param[0] );
// XXX: review the algorithm; this is a mess
for ( var k = param.length, l = store.length; k < l; k++ )
// note that this has the same effect as initializing (in the
// case of a scalar) the scalar to the length of the store
var v = +(
( returnOrReduceOr( store[ k ], clear )
|| ( !clear && ( scalar && sval ) )
&& ( !clear || ( scalar && sval ) )
store[ k ] = ( scalar )
? v
: [ v ];
found = ( found || !!v );
return found;
function anyPredicate( preds, value, index )
return preds.some( function( p ) {
return (typeof p === 'function')
? p(value, index)
: p == value;
} );
function returnOrReduceOr( arr, c )
if ( arr === undefined )
return !!c;
else if ( !( arr.length ) )
return arr;
return arr.reduce( function( a, b ) {
return a || returnOrReduceOr( b, c );
} );
function returnOrReduceAnd( arr, c )
if ( arr === undefined )
return !!c;
else if ( !( arr.length ) )
return arr;
return arr.reduce( function( a, b ) {
return a && returnOrReduceAnd( b, c );
} );
function deepClone( arr )
if ( !Array.isArray( arr ) ) return arr;
return arr.map( deepClone );
* Converts a match set to an integer
* If the given set is an array, then return a sum of each of its boolean
* values (if any one is set, then it's 1); otherwise, cast the given
* value to a number, just in case it's not.
* This function does not check to ensure that the given set contains valid
* data.
* @param {*} match set to convert
* @return {number} 1 or 0
function matchSetToInt( match )
if ( Array.isArray( match ) )
return match.reduce( function( a, b ) {
return a + b;
}, 0);
return +match;
function cmatch( match, nomatch )
var len = 0,
cmatch = [];
// the length of our set should be the length of the largest set (we
// will not know this until runtime)
for ( var i in match )
// note that this has the consequence of not matching on scalar-only
// classifications...is this what we want? If not, we need to
// document a proper solution.
if ( ( match[ i ] || [] ).length > len )
len = match[ i ].length;
for ( var i in nomatch )
if ( ( nomatch[ i ] || [] ).length > len )
len = nomatch[ i ].length;
while ( len-- )
var fail = false;
for ( var i in match )
// if we're dealing with a scalar, then it should be used for
// every index
var mdata = ( !Array.isArray( match[ i ] )
? match[ i ]
: ( match[ i ] || [] )[ len ]
if ( !( matchSetToInt( mdata ) ) )
fail = true;
// XXX duplicate code
for ( var i in nomatch )
// if we're dealing with a scalar, then it should be used for
// every index
var mdata = ( !Array.isArray( nomatch[ i ] )
? nomatch[ i ]
: ( nomatch[ i ] || [] )[ len ]
if ( matchSetToInt( mdata ) !== 0 )
fail = true;
cmatch[ len ] = ( fail ) ? 0 : 1;
return cmatch;
* Return the length of the longest set
* Provide each set as its own argument.
* @return number length of longest set
function longerOf()
var i = arguments.length,
len = 0;
while ( i-- )
var thislen = arguments[ i ].length;
if ( thislen > len )
len = thislen;
return len;
/* scalar to vector */
function stov( s, n )
// already a vector
if ( Array.isArray( s ) )
// if the length is only one, then we can pretend that it is a
// scalar (unless the requested length is one, in which case it is
// utterly pointless to continue)
if ( ( n === 1 ) || ( s.length !== 1 ) )
return s;
s = s[ 0 ];
return (new Array(n)).fill(s);
function argreplace( orig, value )
if ( !( typeof orig === 'object' ) )
return value;
// we have an object; recurse
for ( var i in orig )
return argreplace( orig[ i ], value );
function init_defaults( args, params )
for ( var param in params )
var param_data = params[ param ];
var val = param_data['default'] || 0;
var depth = param_data.depth || 0;
args[ param ] = set_defaults( args[ param ], val, +depth );
function set_defaults( input, value, depth )
// scalar
if ( depth === 0 )
// TODO: error
if ( Array.isArray( input ) ) input = input[0];
return ( input === '' || input === undefined ) ? +value||0 : +input||0;
// TODO: error for both
if (!Array.isArray(input)) input = [input];
if (depth === 1 && Array.isArray(input[0])) input = input[0];
// TODO: this maintains old behavior, but maybe should be an error;
// we cannot have empty index sets (see design/tpl).
if (input.length === 0) input = [+value||0];
return input.map( function( x ) {
return ( depth === 2 )
? Array.isArray( x )
? x.map( function(s) { return +s||0; } )
: [ x ]
: ( x === '' || x === undefined ) ? +value||0 : +x||0;
} );
* Map each string in INPUT to uppercase
* @param {Array|string} input string
* @return {Array<number>|number} mapped value
function map_method_uppercase( input )
if ( Array.isArray( input ) )
return input.map( map_method_uppercase );
return ( ''+input ).toUpperCase();
* Map each string in INPUT to an integer
* An integer is constructed by taking the four higher-order bytes from
* the SHA256 hash of the input (corresponding to eight hexadecimal digits).
* @param {Array|string} input preimage
* @return {Array<number>|number} mapped value
function map_method_hash( input )
if ( Array.isArray( input ) )
return input.map( map_method_hash );
const hash = sha256( ''+input ).substr( 0, 8 );
return parseInt( hash, 16 );
<when test="compiler:use-legacy-classify()">
function div(x, y)
return x / y;
function pow(x, p)
return Math.pow(x, p);
<!-- x/0=0 introduced with new classification system; see commit message
for more detailed information -->
function div(x, y)
if (y === 0) return 0;
return x / y;
function pow(x, p)
if (x === 0) return 0;
return Math.pow(x, p);
<sequence select="unparsed-text(
concat( $__path-root, '/src/js/sha256.js' ) )" />