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// Basic streaming parsing framework
// Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Ryan Specialty Group, LLC.
// This file is part of TAME.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Basic streaming parser framework for lowering operations.
//! _TODO: Some proper docs and examples!_
use crate::span::Span;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::mem::take;
use std::{error::Error, fmt::Display};
/// Result of applying a [`Token`] to a [`ParseState`],
/// with any error having been wrapped in a [`ParseError`].
pub type ParsedResult<S> = ParseResult<S, Parsed<<S as ParseState>::Object>>;
/// Result of some non-parsing operation on a [`Parser`],
/// with any error having been wrapped in a [`ParseError`].
pub type ParseResult<S, T> =
Result<T, ParseError<<S as ParseState>::Token, <S as ParseState>::Error>>;
/// A single datum from a streaming IR with an associated [`Span`].
/// A token may be a lexeme with associated data,
/// or a more structured object having been lowered from other IRs.
pub trait Token: Display + Debug + PartialEq + Eq {
/// Retrieve the [`Span`] representing the source location of the token.
fn span(&self) -> Span;
impl<T: Token> From<T> for Span {
fn from(tok: T) -> Self {
/// An infallible [`Token`] stream.
/// If the token stream originates from an operation that could potentially
/// fail and ought to be propagated,
/// use [`TokenResultStream`].
/// The name "stream" in place of "iterator" is intended to convey that this
/// type is expected to be processed in real-time as a stream,
/// not read into memory.
pub trait TokenStream<T: Token> = Iterator<Item = T>;
/// A [`Token`] stream that may encounter errors during parsing.
/// If the stream cannot fail,
/// consider using [`TokenStream`].
pub trait TokenResultStream<T: Token, E: Error> = Iterator<Item = Result<T, E>>;
/// A deterministic parsing automaton.
/// These states are utilized by a [`Parser`].
/// A [`ParseState`] is also responsible for storing data about the
/// accepted input,
/// and handling appropriate type conversions into the final type.
/// That is---an
/// automaton may store metadata that is subsequently emitted once an
/// accepting state has been reached.
/// Whatever the underlying automaton,
/// a `(state, token)` pair must uniquely determine the next parser
/// action.
/// Intuitively,
/// since only one [`Parser`] may hold a mutable reference to
/// an underlying [`TokenStream`] at any given point,
/// this does in fact represent the current state of the entire
/// [`TokenStream`] at the current position for a given parser
/// composition.
pub trait ParseState: Default + PartialEq + Eq + Debug {
/// Input tokens to the parser.
type Token: Token;
/// Objects produced by a parser utilizing these states.
type Object;
/// Errors specific to this set of states.
type Error: Error + PartialEq + Eq;
/// Construct a parser.
/// Whether this method is helpful or provides any clarity depends on
/// the context and the types that are able to be inferred.
fn parse<I: TokenStream<Self::Token>>(toks: I) -> Parser<Self, I> {
/// Parse a single [`Token`] and optionally perform a state transition.
/// The current state is represented by `self`.
/// The result of a parsing operation is a state transition with
/// associated [`ParseStatus`] data.
/// Note that `self` is owned,
/// for a couple primary reasons:
/// 1. This forces the parser to explicitly consider and document all
/// state transitions,
/// rather than potentially missing unintended behavior through
/// implicit behavior; and
/// 2. It allows for more natural functional composition of state,
/// which in turn makes it easier to compose parsers
/// (which conceptually involves stitching together state
/// machines).
fn parse_token(self, tok: Self::Token) -> TransitionResult<Self>;
/// Whether the current state represents an accepting state.
/// An accepting state represents a valid state to stop parsing.
/// If parsing stops at a state that is _not_ accepting,
/// then the [`TokenStream`] has ended unexpectedly and should produce
/// a [`ParseError::UnexpectedEof`].
/// It makes sense for there to be exist multiple accepting states for a
/// parser.
/// For example:
/// A parser that parses a list of attributes may be used to parse one
/// or more attributes,
/// or the entire list of attributes.
/// It is acceptable to attempt to parse just one of those attributes,
/// or it is acceptable to parse all the way until the end.
fn is_accepting(&self) -> bool;
/// Result of applying a [`Token`] to a [`ParseState`].
/// This is used by [`ParseState::parse_token`];
/// see that function for rationale.
pub type ParseStateResult<S> = Result<
ParseStatus<<S as ParseState>::Token, <S as ParseState>::Object>,
<S as ParseState>::Error,
/// Denotes a state transition.
/// This newtype was created to produce clear, self-documenting code;
/// parsers can get confusing to read with all of the types involved,
/// so this provides a mental synchronization point.
/// This also provides some convenience methods to help remote boilerplate
/// and further improve code clarity.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Transition<S: ParseState>(pub S);
impl<S: ParseState> Transition<S> {
/// A state transition with corresponding data.
/// This allows [`ParseState::parse_token`] to emit a parsed object and
/// corresponds to [`ParseStatus::Object`].
pub fn with(self, obj: S::Object) -> (Self, ParseStateResult<S>) {
(self, Ok(ParseStatus::Object(obj)))
/// A state transition indicating that more data is needed before an
/// object can be emitted.
/// This corresponds to [`ParseStatus::Incomplete`].
pub fn incomplete(self) -> (Self, ParseStateResult<S>) {
(self, Ok(ParseStatus::Incomplete))
/// A dead state transition.
/// This corresponds to [`ParseStatus::Dead`],
/// and a calling parser should use the provided [`Token`] as
/// lookahead.
pub fn dead(self, tok: S::Token) -> (Self, ParseStateResult<S>) {
(self, Ok(ParseStatus::Dead(tok)))
/// A transition with corresponding error.
/// This indicates a parsing failure.
/// The state ought to be suitable for error recovery.
pub fn err<E: Into<S::Error>>(self, err: E) -> (Self, ParseStateResult<S>) {
(self, Err(err.into()))
/// A state transition with associated data.
/// Conceptually,
/// imagine the act of a state transition producing data.
/// See [`Transition`] for convenience methods for producing this tuple.
pub type TransitionResult<S> = (Transition<S>, ParseStateResult<S>);
/// A streaming parser defined by a [`ParseState`] with exclusive
/// mutable access to an underlying [`TokenStream`].
/// This parser handles operations that are common among all types of
/// parsers,
/// such that specialized parsers need only implement logic that is
/// unique to their operation.
/// This also simplifies combinators,
/// since there is more uniformity among distinct parser types.
/// After you have finished with a parser,
/// if you have not consumed the entire iterator,
/// call [`finalize`](Parser::finalize) to ensure that parsing has
/// completed in an accepting state.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Parser<S: ParseState, I: TokenStream<S::Token>> {
toks: I,
state: S,
last_span: Option<Span>,
impl<S: ParseState, I: TokenStream<S::Token>> Parser<S, I> {
/// Indicate that no further parsing will take place using this parser,
/// and [`drop`] it.
/// Invoking the method is equivalent to stating that the stream has
/// ended,
/// since the parser will have no later opportunity to continue
/// parsing.
/// Consequently,
/// the caller should expect [`ParseError::UnexpectedEof`] if the
/// parser is not in an accepting state.
pub fn finalize(
) -> Result<(), (Self, ParseError<S::Token, S::Error>)> {
if self.state.is_accepting() {
} else {
let span = self.last_span.and_then(|s| s.endpoints().1);
Err((self, ParseError::UnexpectedEof(span)))
impl<S: ParseState, I: TokenStream<S::Token>> Iterator for Parser<S, I> {
type Item = ParsedResult<S>;
/// Parse a single [`Token`] according to the current
/// [`ParseState`],
/// if available.
/// If the underlying [`TokenStream`] yields [`None`],
/// then the [`ParseState`] must be in an accepting state;
/// otherwise, [`ParseError::UnexpectedEof`] will occur.
/// This is intended to be invoked by [`Iterator::next`].
/// Accepting a token rather than the [`TokenStream`] allows the caller
/// to inspect the token first
/// (e.g. to store a copy of the [`Span`][crate::span::Span]).
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let otok = self.toks.next();
match otok {
None if self.state.is_accepting() => None,
// The EOF occurred at the end of the last encountered span,
// if any.
None => Some(Err(ParseError::UnexpectedEof(
self.last_span.and_then(|s| s.endpoints().1),
Some(tok) => {
// Store the most recently encountered Span for error
// reporting in case we encounter an EOF.
self.last_span = Some(tok.span());
let result;
(Transition(self.state), result) =
take(&mut self.state).parse_token(tok);
use ParseStatus::*;
match result {
// Nothing handled this dead state,
// and we cannot discard a lookahead token,
// so we have no choice but to produce an error.
Ok(Dead(invalid)) => {
Ok(parsed @ (Incomplete | Object(..))) => {
Err(e) => Some(Err(e.into())),
/// Common parsing errors produced by [`Parser`].
/// These errors are common enough that they are handled in a common way,
/// such that individual parsers needn't check for these situations
/// themselves.
/// Having a common type also allows combinators to handle error types in a
/// consistent way when composing parsers.
/// Parsers may return their own unique errors via the
/// [`StateError`][ParseError::StateError] variant.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ParseError<T: Token, E: Error + PartialEq + Eq> {
/// Token stream ended unexpectedly.
/// This error means that the parser was expecting more input before
/// reaching an accepting state.
/// This could represent a truncated file,
/// a malformed stream,
/// or maybe just a user that's not done typing yet
/// (e.g. in the case of an LSP implementation).
/// If no span is available,
/// then parsing has not even had the chance to begin.
/// If this parser follows another,
/// then the combinator ought to substitute a missing span with
/// whatever span preceded this invocation.
/// The parser reached an unhandled dead state.
/// Once a parser returns [`ParseStatus::Dead`],
/// a parent context must use that provided token as a lookahead.
/// If that does not occur,
/// [`Parser`] produces this error.
/// In the future,
/// it may be desirable to be able to query [`ParseState`] for what
/// tokens are acceptable at this point,
/// to provide better error messages.
/// A parser-specific error associated with an inner
/// [`ParseState`].
impl<T: Token, EA: Error + PartialEq + Eq> ParseError<T, EA> {
pub fn inner_into<EB: Error + PartialEq + Eq>(self) -> ParseError<T, EB>
EA: Into<EB>,
use ParseError::*;
match self {
UnexpectedEof(x) => UnexpectedEof(x),
UnexpectedToken(x) => UnexpectedToken(x),
StateError(e) => StateError(e.into()),
impl<T: Token, E: Error + PartialEq + Eq> From<E> for ParseError<T, E> {
fn from(e: E) -> Self {
impl<T: Token, E: Error + PartialEq + Eq> Display for ParseError<T, E> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::UnexpectedEof(ospan) => {
write!(f, "unexpected end of input at ")?;
match ospan {
None => write!(f, "<unknown location>"),
Some(span) => write!(f, "{}", span),
Self::UnexpectedToken(tok) => {
write!(f, "unexpected {}", tok)
Self::StateError(e) => Display::fmt(e, f),
impl<T: Token, E: Error + PartialEq + Eq + 'static> Error for ParseError<T, E> {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
match self {
Self::StateError(e) => Some(e),
_ => None,
impl<S: ParseState, I: TokenStream<S::Token>> From<I> for Parser<S, I> {
fn from(toks: I) -> Self {
Self {
state: Default::default(),
last_span: None,
/// Result of a parsing operation.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ParseStatus<T, O> {
/// Additional tokens are needed to complete parsing of the next object.
/// Parsing of an object is complete.
/// This does not indicate that the parser is complete,
/// as more objects may be able to be emitted.
/// Parser encountered a dead state relative to the given token.
/// A dead state is an empty accepting state that has no state
/// transition for the given token.
/// A state is empty if a [`ParseStatus::Object`] will not be lost if
/// parsing ends at this point
/// (that is---there is no partially-built object).
/// This could simply mean that the parser has completed its job and
/// that control must be returned to a parent context.
/// If a parser is _not_ in an accepting state,
/// then an error ought to occur rather than a dead state;
/// the difference between the two is that the token associated with
/// a dead state can be used as a lookahead token in order to
/// produce a state transition at a higher level,
/// whereas an error indicates that parsing has failed.
/// Intuitively,
/// this means that a [`ParseStatus::Object`] had just been emitted
/// and that the token following it isn't something that can be
/// parsed.
/// If there is no parent context to handle the token,
/// [`Parser`] must yield an error.
/// Result of a parsing operation.
/// Whereas [`ParseStatus`] is used by [`ParseState`] to influence parser
/// operation,
/// this type is public-facing and used by [`Parser`].
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Parsed<O> {
/// Additional tokens are needed to complete parsing of the next object.
/// Parsing of an object is complete.
/// This does not indicate that the parser is complete,
/// as more objects may be able to be emitted.
impl<T: Token, O> From<ParseStatus<T, O>> for Parsed<O> {
fn from(status: ParseStatus<T, O>) -> Self {
match status {
ParseStatus::Incomplete => Parsed::Incomplete,
ParseStatus::Object(x) => Parsed::Object(x),
ParseStatus::Dead(_) => {
unreachable!("Dead status must be filtered by Parser")
pub mod test {
use std::{assert_matches::assert_matches, iter::once};
use super::*;
use crate::{span::DUMMY_SPAN as DS, sym::GlobalSymbolIntern};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
enum TestToken {
impl Display for TestToken {
fn fmt(&self, _f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
impl Token for TestToken {
fn span(&self) -> Span {
use TestToken::*;
match self {
Close(span) | Comment(span) | Text(span) => *span,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum EchoState {
impl Default for EchoState {
fn default() -> Self {
impl ParseState for EchoState {
type Token = TestToken;
type Object = TestToken;
type Error = EchoStateError;
fn parse_token(self, tok: TestToken) -> TransitionResult<Self> {
match tok {
TestToken::Comment(..) => Transition(Self::Done).with(tok),
TestToken::Close(..) => {
TestToken::Text(..) => Transition(self).dead(tok),
fn is_accepting(&self) -> bool {
*self == Self::Done
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum EchoStateError {
impl Display for EchoStateError {
fn fmt(&self, _: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
impl Error for EchoStateError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
type Sut<I> = Parser<EchoState, I>;
fn successful_parse_in_accepting_state_with_spans() {
// EchoState is placed into a Done state given Comment.
let tok = TestToken::Comment(DS);
let mut toks = once(tok.clone());
let mut sut = Sut::from(&mut toks);
// The first token should be processed normally.
// EchoState proxies the token back.
assert_eq!(Some(Ok(Parsed::Object(tok))), sut.next());
// This is now the end of the token stream,
// which should be okay provided that the first token put us into
// a proper accepting state.
assert_eq!(None, sut.next());
// Further, finalizing should work in this state.
fn fails_on_end_of_stream_when_not_in_accepting_state() {
let span = Span::new(10, 20, "ctx".intern());
let mut toks = [TestToken::Close(span)].into_iter();
let mut sut = Sut::from(&mut toks);
// The first token is fine,
// and allows us to acquire our most recent span.
// Given that we have no tokens,
// and that EchoState::default does not start in an accepting
// state,
// we must fail when we encounter the end of the stream.
fn returns_state_specific_error() {
// TestToken::Close causes EchoState to produce an error.
let errtok = TestToken::Close(DS);
let mut toks = [errtok.clone()].into_iter();
let mut sut = Sut::from(&mut toks);
// The token must have been consumed.
// It is up to a recovery process to either bail out or provide
// recovery tokens;
// continuing without recovery is unlikely to make sense.
assert_eq!(0, toks.len());
fn fails_when_parser_is_finalized_in_non_accepting_state() {
let span = Span::new(10, 10, "ctx".intern());
// Set up so that we have a single token that we can use for
// recovery as part of the same iterator.
let recovery = TestToken::Comment(DS);
let mut toks = [
// Used purely to populate a Span.
// Recovery token here:
let mut sut = Sut::from(&mut toks);
// Populate our most recently seen token's span.
// Attempting to finalize now in a non-accepting state should fail
// in the same way that encountering an end-of-stream does,
// since we're effectively saying "we're done with the stream"
// and the parser will have no further opportunity to reach an
// accepting state.
let result = sut.finalize();
Err((_, ParseError::UnexpectedEof(s))) if s == span.endpoints().1
// The sut should have been re-returned,
// allowing for attempted error recovery if the caller can manage
// to produce a sequence of tokens that will be considered valid.
// `toks` above is set up already for this,
// which allows us to assert that we received back the same `sut`.
let mut sut = result.unwrap_err().0;
assert_eq!(Some(Ok(Parsed::Object(recovery))), sut.next());
// And so we should now be in an accepting state,
// able to finalize.
fn unhandled_dead_state_results_in_error() {
// A Text will cause our parser to return Dead.
let tok = TestToken::Text(DS);
let mut toks = once(tok.clone());
let mut sut = Sut::from(&mut toks);
// Our parser returns a Dead status,
// which is unhandled by any parent context
// (since we're not composing parsers),
// which causes an error due to an unhandled Dead state.
assert_eq!(sut.next(), Some(Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(tok))),);