
104 lines
2.4 KiB

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package xmlns="http://www.lovullo.com/rater"
<template name="_empty_" />
<template name="_with-static-reachable_">
All expressions here are reachable
(having been derived from named statements).
<rate yields="tplStaticA">
<c:sum />
<classify as="tpl-static-b">
<any />
<template name="_with-static-unreachable_">
This expression is on its own unreachable,
intended to be expanded into another expression.
<c:product />
<c:sum />
<template name="_with-static-mix-reachability_">
Both reachable and unreachable,
with the intent of expanding into an expression but also providing
itself with supporting expressions.
<c:product />
<c:product> <!-- depth N -->
<c:sum /> <!-- depth N+1 -->
The above expression will end at depth N+1,
to be auto-closed.
The below expression will yield an Ident->Expr,
and so will _begin_ at N+1.
We must therefore ensure,
and this test do so assert,
that this matching depth does not cause the reparenting of this next
expression into its preceding sibling.
<rate yields="tplStaticMix" /> <!-- begins at depth N+1 -->
<c:product />
Short-hand template application.
These get expanding into the long form so that we don't have to translate
back and forth between the underscore-padded strings.
The fixpoint test will further verify that TAMER also recognizes the long
`apply-template` form,
asserting their equivalency.
<t:short-hand-nullary />
<!-- TODO
<c:sum />
<t:inner-short />
<t:short-hand foo="bar" />
<t:short-hand foo="bar">
<c:sum />
<t:short-hand foo="bar">
<t:inner-short />
<rate yields="shortHandTplInExpr">
<t:short-hand in="rate" />
<template name="_tpl-with-short-hand-inner_">
<t:short-hand />
<t:short-hand in="sum" />