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// Concrete ASG
// Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Ryan Specialty Group, LLC.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Base concrete [`Asg`] implementation.
use super::graph::{Asg, AsgEdge, AsgError, AsgResult, Node, ObjectRef};
use super::ident::IdentKind;
use super::object::{FragmentText, Object};
use crate::sym::Symbol;
use fixedbitset::FixedBitSet;
use petgraph::graph::{
DiGraph, EdgeIndex, Graph, IndexType, Neighbors, NodeIndex,
use petgraph::visit::{GraphBase, IntoNeighbors, Visitable};
/// Concrete ASG.
/// This implementation is currently based on [`petgraph`].
/// Identifiers are cached by name for `O(1)` lookup.
/// Since [`SymbolIndex`][crate::sym::SymbolIndex] is used for this purpose,
/// the index may contain more entries than nodes and may contain gaps.
/// For more information,
/// see [`Asg`].
pub struct BaseAsg<'i, Ix: IndexType> {
/// Directed graph on which objects are stored.
graph: DiGraph<Node<'i>, AsgEdge, Ix>,
/// Map of [`SymbolIndex`][crate::sym::SymbolIndex] to node indexes.
/// This allows for `O(1)` lookup of identifiers in the graph.
/// Note that,
/// while we store [`NodeIndex`] internally,
/// the public API encapsulates it within an [`ObjectRef`].
index: Vec<NodeIndex<Ix>>,
/// Empty node indicating that no object exists for a given index.
empty_node: NodeIndex<Ix>,
impl<'i, Ix> BaseAsg<'i, Ix>
Ix: IndexType,
/// Create an ASG with the provided initial capacity.
/// The value for `objects` will be used as the capacity for the nodes
/// in the graph,
/// as well as the initial index capacity.
/// The value for `edges` may be more difficult to consider,
/// since edges are used to represent various relationships between
/// different types of objects,
/// but it's safe to say that each object will have at least one
/// edge to another object.
/// A basic `new` method is not provided to ensure that callers consider
/// capacity during construction,
/// since graphs can get quite large.
pub fn with_capacity(objects: usize, edges: usize) -> Self {
let mut graph = Graph::with_capacity(objects, edges);
let mut index = Vec::with_capacity(objects);
// Exhaust the first index to be used as a placeholder.
let empty_node = graph.add_node(Some(Object::Empty));
Self {
/// Index the provided symbol `name` as representing the identifier `node`.
/// This index permits `O(1)` identifier lookups.
/// After an identifier is indexed it is not expected to be reassigned
/// to another node.
/// Debug builds contain an assertion that will panic in this instance.
/// Panics
/// ======
/// Will panic if unable to allocate more space for the index.
fn index_identifier(&mut self, name: &'i Symbol<'i>, node: NodeIndex<Ix>) {
let i: usize = name.index().into();
if i >= self.index.len() {
// If this is ever a problem we can fall back to usize max and
// re-compare before panicing
let new_size = (i + 1)
.expect("internal error: cannot allocate space for ASG index");
self.index.resize(new_size, self.empty_node);
// We should never overwrite indexes
debug_assert!(self.index[i] == self.empty_node);
self.index[i] = node;
impl<'i, Ix> Asg<'i, Ix> for BaseAsg<'i, Ix>
Ix: IndexType,
fn declare(
&mut self,
name: &'i Symbol<'i>,
kind: IdentKind,
) -> AsgResult<ObjectRef<Ix>> {
// TODO: src check
if let Some(existing) = self.lookup(name) {
return Ok(existing);
let node = self.graph.add_node(Some(Object::Ident(name, kind)));
self.index_identifier(name, node);
fn declare_extern(
&mut self,
name: &'i Symbol<'i>,
expected_kind: IdentKind,
) -> AsgResult<ObjectRef<Ix>> {
// TODO: resolution!
let node = self
.add_node(Some(Object::Extern(name, expected_kind)));
self.index_identifier(name, node);
fn set_fragment(
&mut self,
identi: ObjectRef<Ix>,
text: FragmentText,
) -> AsgResult<ObjectRef<Ix>> {
// This should _never_ happen as long as you're only using ObjectRef
// values produced by these methods.
let node = self
.expect("internal error: BaseAsg::set_fragment bogus identi");
// This should also never happen, since we immediately repopulate
// the node below.
let ty = node
.expect("internal error: BaseAsg::set_fragment missing Node data");
let result = match ty {
Object::Ident(sym, kind) => {
Ok(Object::IdentFragment(sym, kind, text))
_ => {
let err = Err(AsgError::BadFragmentDest(format!(
"identifier is not a Object::Ident): {:?}",
fn get<I: Into<ObjectRef<Ix>>>(&self, index: I) -> Option<&Object<'i>> {
self.graph.node_weight(index.into().0).map(|node| {
.expect("internal error: BaseAsg::get missing Node data")
fn lookup(&self, name: &'i Symbol<'i>) -> Option<ObjectRef<Ix>> {
let i: usize = name.index().into();
.filter(|ni| ni.index() > 0)
.map(|ni| ObjectRef(*ni))
fn add_dep(&mut self, identi: ObjectRef<Ix>, depi: ObjectRef<Ix>) {
self.graph.update_edge(identi.0, depi.0, Default::default());
fn has_dep(&self, ident: ObjectRef<Ix>, dep: ObjectRef<Ix>) -> bool {
self.graph.contains_edge(ident.0, dep.0)
// TODO: encapsulate Petgraph API (N.B. this is untested!)
impl<'i, Ix> Visitable for BaseAsg<'i, Ix>
Ix: IndexType,
type Map = FixedBitSet;
fn visit_map(&self) -> Self::Map {
fn reset_map(&self, map: &mut Self::Map) {
impl<'i, Ix> GraphBase for BaseAsg<'i, Ix>
Ix: IndexType,
type NodeId = NodeIndex<Ix>;
type EdgeId = EdgeIndex<Ix>;
impl<'a, 'i, Ix> IntoNeighbors for &'a BaseAsg<'i, Ix>
Ix: IndexType,
type Neighbors = Neighbors<'a, AsgEdge, Ix>;
fn neighbors(self, n: Self::NodeId) -> Self::Neighbors {
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::sym::SymbolIndex;
type Sut<'i> = BaseAsg<'i, u8>;
fn create_with_capacity() {
let node_capacity = 100;
let edge_capacity = 300;
let sut = Sut::with_capacity(node_capacity, edge_capacity);
// breaks encapsulation to introspect; the behavior is
// transparent to callers (aside from performance
// characteristics)
let (nc, ec) = sut.graph.capacity();
assert!(nc >= node_capacity);
assert!(ec >= edge_capacity);
assert!(sut.index.capacity() >= node_capacity);
fn declare_new_unique_idents() -> AsgResult<()> {
let mut sut = Sut::with_capacity(0, 0);
// NB: The index ordering is important! We first use a larger
// index to create a gap, and then use an index within that gap
// to ensure that it's not considered an already-defined
// identifier.
let syma = Symbol::new_dummy(SymbolIndex::from_u32(5), "syma");
let symb = Symbol::new_dummy(SymbolIndex::from_u32(1), "symab");
let nodea = sut.declare(&syma, IdentKind::Meta)?;
let nodeb = sut.declare(&symb, IdentKind::Worksheet)?;
assert_ne!(nodea, nodeb);
Some(&Object::Ident(&syma, IdentKind::Meta)),
Some(&Object::Ident(&symb, IdentKind::Worksheet)),
fn lookup_by_symbol() -> AsgResult<()> {
let mut sut = Sut::with_capacity(0, 0);
let sym = Symbol::new_dummy(SymbolIndex::from_u32(1), "lookup");
let node = sut.declare(&sym, IdentKind::Meta)?;
assert_eq!(Some(node), sut.lookup(&sym));
fn declare_extern() -> AsgResult<()> {
let mut sut = Sut::with_capacity(0, 0);
let sym = Symbol::new_dummy(SymbolIndex::from_u32(1), "extern");
let node = sut.declare_extern(&sym, IdentKind::Meta)?;
assert_eq!(Some(&Object::Extern(&sym, IdentKind::Meta)), sut.get(node),);
// TODO: incompatible
fn declare_returns_existing_compatible() -> AsgResult<()> {
let mut sut = Sut::with_capacity(0, 0);
let sym = Symbol::new_dummy(SymbolIndex::from_u32(1), "symdup");
let node = sut.declare(&sym, IdentKind::Meta)?;
// Same declaration a second time
let redeclare = sut.declare(&sym, IdentKind::Meta)?;
assert_eq!(node, redeclare);
fn add_fragment_to_ident() -> AsgResult<()> {
let mut sut = Sut::with_capacity(0, 0);
let sym = Symbol::new_dummy(SymbolIndex::from_u32(1), "tofrag");
let node = sut.declare(&sym, IdentKind::Meta)?;
let fragment = "a fragment".to_string();
let node_with_frag = sut.set_fragment(node, fragment.clone())?;
// Attaching a fragment should _replace_ the node, not create a
// new one
node, node_with_frag,
"fragment node does not match original node"
Some(&Object::IdentFragment(&sym, IdentKind::Meta, fragment)),
fn add_fragment_to_fragment_fails() -> AsgResult<()> {
let mut sut = Sut::with_capacity(0, 0);
let sym = Symbol::new_dummy(SymbolIndex::from_u32(1), "sym");
let node = sut.declare(&sym, IdentKind::Meta)?;
let fragment = "orig fragment".to_string();
sut.set_fragment(node, fragment.clone())?;
// Since it's already a fragment, this should fail.
let err = sut
.set_fragment(node, "replacement".to_string())
.expect_err("Expected failure");
match err {
AsgError::BadFragmentDest(str) if str.contains("sym") => (),
_ => panic!("expected AsgError::BadFragmentDest: {:?}", err),
// Make sure we didn't leave the node in an inconsistent state
Some(&Object::IdentFragment(&sym, IdentKind::Meta, fragment)),
fn add_ident_dep_to_ident() -> AsgResult<()> {
let mut sut = Sut::with_capacity(0, 0);
let sym = Symbol::new_dummy(SymbolIndex::from_u32(1), "sym");
let dep = Symbol::new_dummy(SymbolIndex::from_u32(1), "dep");
let symnode = sut.declare(&sym, IdentKind::Meta)?;
let depnode = sut.declare(&dep, IdentKind::Meta)?;
sut.add_dep(symnode, depnode);
assert!(sut.has_dep(symnode, depnode));
// sanity check if we re-add a dep
sut.add_dep(symnode, depnode);
assert!(sut.has_dep(symnode, depnode));