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// XIR reader
// Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Ryan Specialty Group, LLC.
// This file is part of TAME.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Parse XML files into a XIR [`Token`] stream.
//! This uses [`quick_xml`] as the parser.
use super::{DefaultEscaper, Error, Escaper, Token};
use crate::{
use quick_xml::{
attributes::Attributes, BytesDecl, BytesStart, Event as QuickXmlEvent,
use std::{collections::VecDeque, io::BufRead, result};
pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, Error>;
/// Parse XML into a XIR [`Token`] stream.
/// This reader is intended to be used as an [`Iterator`].
/// The underlying reader produces events in chunks that are far too
/// large for XIR,
/// so most [`Token`]s retrieved via this call are buffered.
/// Parsing takes place when that buffer is exhausted and the next event
/// is requested from the underlying reader
/// (see [`XmlXirReader::refill_buf`]).
/// Errors can only occur during parsing,
/// and will never occur on buffered tokens.
/// [`None`] is returned only on EOF,
/// not on error.
pub struct XmlXirReader<'s, B, S = DefaultEscaper>
B: BufRead,
S: Escaper,
/// Inner parser.
reader: quick_xml::Reader<B>,
/// Buffer for [`quick_xml::Reader`].
readbuf: Vec<u8>,
/// [`Token`] buffer populated upon receiving a new event from
/// `reader`.
/// This buffer serves [`Iterator::next`] requests until it is
/// depleted,
/// after which [`XmlXirReader::refill_buf`] requests another token
/// from `reader`.
tokbuf: VecDeque<Token>,
/// System for unescaping string data.
escaper: &'s S,
impl<'s, B: BufRead, S: Escaper> XmlXirReader<'s, B, S> {
pub fn new(reader: B, escaper: &'s S) -> Self {
let mut reader = quick_xml::Reader::from_reader(reader);
// XIR must support mismatched tags so that we are able to represent
// and reconstruct malformed inputs.
// XIRT will handle mismatch errors itself.
Self {
readbuf: Vec::new(),
// This capacity is largely arbitrary,
// but [`Token`]s are small enough that it likely does not
// matter much.
tokbuf: VecDeque::with_capacity(32),
/// Parse using the underlying [`quick_xml::Reader`] and populate the
/// [`Token`] buffer.
/// This is intended to be invoked once the buffer has been depleted by
/// [`XmlXirReader::next`].
pub fn refill_buf(&mut self) -> Option<Result<Token>> {
// Clear any previous buffer to free unneeded data.
match self.reader.read_event(&mut self.readbuf) {
// This is the only time we'll consider the iterator to be done.
Ok(QuickXmlEvent::Eof) => None,
Err(inner) => Some(Err(inner.into())),
Ok(ev) => match ev {
QuickXmlEvent::Empty(ele) => Some(
&mut self.tokbuf,
.and_then(|open| {
// Tag is self-closing, but this does not yet
// handle whitespace before the `/`.
self.tokbuf.push_front(Token::Close(None, DUMMY_SPAN));
QuickXmlEvent::Start(ele) => Some(Self::parse_element_open(
&mut self.tokbuf,
QuickXmlEvent::End(ele) => {
|qname| Ok(Token::Close(Some(qname), DUMMY_SPAN)),
// quick_xml emits a useless text event if the first byte is
// a '<'.
QuickXmlEvent::Text(bytes) if bytes.escaped().is_empty() => {
// quick_xml _escapes_ the unescaped CData before handing it
// off to us,
// which is a complete waste since we'd just have to
// unescape it again.
QuickXmlEvent::CData(bytes) => todo!("CData: {:?}", bytes),
QuickXmlEvent::Text(bytes) => Some(
.and_then(|sym| self.escaper.unescape(sym))
.map(|unesc| Token::Text(unesc, DUMMY_SPAN)),
// Comments are _not_ returned escaped.
QuickXmlEvent::Comment(bytes) => Some(
.map(|text| Token::Comment(text, DUMMY_SPAN)),
// TODO: This must appear in the Prolog.
QuickXmlEvent::Decl(decl) => match Self::validate_decl(&decl) {
Err(x) => Some(Err(x)),
Ok(()) => self.refill_buf(),
// We do not support processor instructions.
// TODO: Convert this into an error/warning?
// Previously `xml-stylesheet` was present in some older
// source files and may linger for a bit after cleanup.
QuickXmlEvent::PI(..) => self.refill_buf(),
x => todo!("event: {:?}", x),
/// Validate an that an XML declaration contains expected values.
/// A declaration looks like `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>`,
/// where `@encoding` is optional but `@version` is not.
/// It may also contain `@standalone`,
/// but we do not check for that.
/// We expect version 1.0 and UTF-8 encoding.
/// Failing when these expectations are voilated helps to ensure that
/// people unfamiliar with the system do not have expectations that
/// are going to be unmet,
/// which may result in subtle (or even serious) problems.
fn validate_decl(decl: &BytesDecl) -> Result<()> {
// NB: `quick-xml` docs state that `version` returns the quotes,
// but it does not.
let ver = &decl.version()?[..];
if ver != b"1.0" {
if let Some(enc) = decl.encoding() {
match &enc?[..] {
b"utf-8" | b"UTF-8" => (),
invalid => Err(Error::UnsupportedEncoding(
/// Parse opening element and its attributes into a XIR [`Token`]
/// stream.
/// The opening element is returned rather than being added to the token
/// buffer,
/// since the intent is to provide that token immediately.
fn parse_element_open(
escaper: &'s S,
tokbuf: &mut VecDeque<Token>,
ele: BytesStart,
) -> Result<Token> {
.and_then(|qname| {
Self::parse_attrs(escaper, tokbuf, ele.attributes())?;
// The first token will be immediately returned
// via the Iterator.
Ok(Token::Open(qname, DUMMY_SPAN))
/// Parse attributes into a XIR [`Token`] stream.
/// The order of attributes will be maintained.
/// This does not yet handle whitespace between attributes,
/// or around `=`.
fn parse_attrs<'a>(
escaper: &'s S,
tokbuf: &mut VecDeque<Token>,
mut attrs: Attributes<'a>,
) -> Result<()> {
// Disable checks to allow duplicate attributes;
// XIR does not enforce this,
// because it needs to accommodate semantically invalid XML for
// later analysis.
for result in attrs.with_checks(false) {
let attr = result?;
// The name must be parsed as a QName.
let name = attr.key.try_into()?;
// The attribute value,
// having just been read from XML,
// must have been escaped to be parsed properly.
// If it parsed but it's not technically escaped according to
// the spec,
// that's okay as long as we can read it again,
// but we probably should still throw an error if we
// encounter such a situation.
let value =
tokbuf.push_front(Token::AttrName(name, DUMMY_SPAN));
tokbuf.push_front(Token::AttrValue(value, DUMMY_SPAN));
impl<'s, B, S> Iterator for XmlXirReader<'s, B, S>
B: BufRead,
S: Escaper,
type Item = Result<Token>;
/// Produce the next XIR [`Token`] from the input.
/// For more information on how this reader operates,
/// see [`XmlXirReader`].
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
.or_else(|| self.refill_buf())
mod test;