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// Pre-interned strings
// Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Ryan Specialty Group, LLC.
// This file is part of TAME.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Pre-interned strings.
//! These strings are expected to be encountered nearly every run,
//! and substitute static strings that would otherwise appear hard-coded
//! in the system and have to be interned to be compared against other
//! values.
//! See the [parent module](super) for more information.
use super::{Interner, SymbolId, SymbolIndexSize};
use crate::global;
/// Static symbol identifier that is stable between runs of the same version
/// of TAMER.
/// This symbol id is allocated at compile-time.
/// _All objects implementing this trait must have the same byte
/// representation as its inner [`SymbolId`]_.
pub unsafe trait StaticSymbolId<Ix: SymbolIndexSize = global::ProgSymSize>:
// Traits cannot contain constant functions.
// See [`st_as_sym`] below.
/// Convert any [`StaticSymbolId`] into its inner [`SymbolId`].
/// Static symbols are typed to convey useful information to newtypes that
/// wish to wrap or compose them.
/// This function peels back that type information to expose the inner
/// symbol.
/// Safety and Rationale
/// ====================
/// This function does its best to work around the limitation in Rust that
/// traits cannot contain constant functions
/// (at the time of writing).
/// To do this,
/// we require that every object of type [`StaticSymbolId`] have _the same
/// byte representation_ as [`SymbolId`].
/// Since Rust optimizes away simple newtype wrappers,
/// this means that we can simply cast the value to a symbol.
/// For example, if we have `StaticSymbolId<u32>`,
/// this would cast to a `SymbolId<u32>`.
/// The inner value of `SymbolId<u32>` is
/// `<u32 as SymbolIndexSize>::NonZero`,
/// which has the same byte representation as `u32`.
/// This would normally be done using [`std::mem::transmute`],
/// which ensures that the two types have compatible sizes.
/// Unfortunately,
/// the types here do not have fixed size and constant functions are
/// unable to verify that they are compatible at the time of writing.
/// We therefore must use [`std::mem::transmute_copy`] to circumvent this
/// size check.
/// Circumventing this check is safe given our trait bounds for all static
/// symbols in this module and its children.
/// However,
/// for this safety to hold,
/// we must ensure that no outside modules can implement
/// [`StaticSymbolId`] on their own objects.
/// For this reason,
/// [`StaticSymbolId`] implements [`private::Sealed`].
/// With that,
/// we get [`SymbolId`] polymorphism despite Rust's limitations.
/// A Note About Nightly
/// ====================
/// At the time of writing,
/// though,
/// this _does_ require two unstable features:
/// `const_fn_trait_bound` and `const_transmute_copy`.
/// We can get rid of the latter using raw pointer casts,
/// just as it does,
/// but since we're already relying on unstable flags,
/// we may as well use it while we require nightly for other things as
/// well.
/// `const_fn_trait_bound` cannot be removed in this situation without
/// another plan.
/// `const_panic` could be used with an enum,
/// but that still requires nightly.
pub const fn st_as_sym<T, Ix>(st: &T) -> SymbolId<Ix>
T: StaticSymbolId<Ix>,
Ix: SymbolIndexSize,
// SAFETY: A number of precautions are taken to make this a safe and
// sensible transformation; see function doc above.
SymbolId(unsafe { std::mem::transmute_copy(st) })
/// Generate a newtype containing a condensed [`SymbolId`].
macro_rules! static_symbol_newtype {
($(#[$attr:meta])* $name:ident<$size:ty>) => {
/// This is a statically-allocated symbol.
/// This symbol is generated at compile-time and expected to be
/// available in the 32-bit global interner once it has been
/// initialized.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct $name(<$size as SymbolIndexSize>::NonZero);
// Mark this as a static symbol type, ensuring that it size is fully
// compatible with the underlying `SymbolId` so as not to cause
// problems with `st_as_sym`.
impl private::Sealed for $name {}
unsafe impl StaticSymbolId<$size> for $name {}
assert_eq_size!($name, SymbolId<$size>);
impl $name {
const fn new(id: $size) -> Self {
Self(unsafe {
<$size as SymbolIndexSize>::NonZero::new_unchecked(id)
/// Cast static symbol into a [`SymbolId`] suitable for the global
/// program-level interner.
/// This is safe since global interner will always contain this
/// symbol before it can be read.
pub const fn as_sym(self) -> SymbolId<$size> {
pub const fn as_usize(self) -> usize {
self.0.get() as usize
impl From<$name> for SymbolId<$size> {
fn from(st: $name) -> Self {
/// Generate a series of newtypes and the macro `static_symbol_ty!` which
/// can be used to take a short identifier and convert it into its full
/// type identifier.
macro_rules! static_symbol_newtypes {
($($(#[$attr:meta])* $short:ident: $ty:ident<$size:ty>,)*) => {
static_symbol_newtype!($(#[$attr])* $ty<$size>);
macro_rules! static_symbol_ty {
($short) => {
/// Generate symbols for preinterned strings.
/// These symbols,
/// rather than being generated by the global internment system,
/// are generated statically.
/// Once the global interner is initialized
/// (see [parent module](`super`)),
/// which is on first access,
/// these symbols will reference valid values.
macro_rules! static_symbol_consts {
(@i $i:expr; <$size:ty> $name:ident: $ty:ident $str:expr, $($tail:tt)*) => {
"Interned `",
"` string `\"",
pub const $name: static_symbol_ty!($ty) =
// Recurse until no tail is left (terminating condition below).
// This will result in 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 ... and will eventually hit
// the recursion limit if we have too many static symbols, after
// which time we may have to switch methodology.
@i $i + 1;
// Terminating condition.
(@i $i:expr; <$size:ty>) => {}
/// Statically allocate [`SymbolId`]s for the provided symbols,
/// and schedule their static strings to be interned upon initialization
/// of the global interner.
/// This generates `fill`,
/// which the global interners call by default.
/// Any interner may optionally invoke this,
/// immediately after initialization,
/// /before/ any internment requests.
macro_rules! static_symbols {
(<$size:ty>; $($name:ident : $ty:ident $str:expr),*) => {
static_symbol_consts! {
// Index 0 is not valid, so begin at 1
@i 1;
$name: $ty $str,
/// Fill a new interner with static symbols.
/// Panics
/// ======
/// This function will panic if the interner has any symbols,
/// which would cause misalignment with the generated constants.
pub(in super::super) fn fill<'a, I, Ix>(interner: I) -> I
I: Interner<'a, Ix>,
Ix: SymbolIndexSize
interner.len() == 0,
"cannot fill non-empty Interner with static symbols"
// This array does not exist as a constant, because that would
// require that we count the number of items first for the
// sake of the type definition.
// This is more convenient.
].into_iter().for_each(|sym| { interner.intern(sym); });
static_symbol_newtypes! {
/// A symbol suitable as a C-style identifier.
/// This is the traditional `[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*`,
/// common in many programming languages.
cid: CIdentStaticSymbolId<global::ProgSymSize>,
/// Base-10 (decimal) integer value as a string.
dec: DecStaticSymbolId<global::ProgSymSize>,
/// A symbol resembling a QName of the form `prefix:local`.
/// A symbol of this type does _not_ mean that the symbol is intended to
/// be a QName;
/// this is merely a way to describe it.
/// For example,
/// `map:head` is intended as an identifier type,
/// not a QName.
qname: QnameIdentStaticSymbolId<global::ProgSymSize>,
/// This symbol serves only as a marker in the internment pool to
/// delimit symbol ranges;
/// its string value is incidental and should not be relied upon.
mark: MarkStaticSymbolId<global::ProgSymSize>,
/// A symbol suitable as a TAME identifier.
/// This is [`CIdentStaticSymbolId`] with `-` added:
/// `[a-zA-Z_-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*`.
/// This is also suitable as an XML node or attribute name.
tid: TameIdentStaticSymbolId<global::ProgSymSize>,
/// Symbol representing a URI.
/// This is intended for use primarily as an XML namespace.
/// URIs are expected to _not_ contain quotes and other characters that
/// may need escaping in XML attributes.
uri: UriStaticSymbolId<global::ProgSymSize>,
/// Static 16-bit [`Span`](crate::span::Span) context.
/// These contexts are intended for use in generated code where a better
/// context cannot be derived.
ctx: ContextStaticSymbolId<u16>,
/// Static symbols (pre-allocated).
/// Each of the constants in this module represent a [`SymbolId`] statically
/// allocated at compile-time.
/// The strings that they represent are automatically populated into the
/// global interners when the interner is first accessed.
/// _You should always use the generated constant to reference these
/// symbols!_
/// Do not rely upon their integer value,
/// as it _will_ change over time.
/// The sole exception is to use marker symbols to identify ranges
/// of symbols;
/// see [`MarkStaticSymbolId`].
/// See [`crate::sym`] for more information on static symbols.
/// `static` is a keyword in Rust,
/// so we shorten the module name to `st`.
/// The constants follow a naming convention:
/// - `L_` indicates that the identifier is all-lowercase.
pub mod st {
use super::*;
// Convert `0 ≤ n ≤ 9` into a static symbol representing a single
// decimal digit.
// Panics
// ======
// This will panic if `n > 9`.
pub fn decimal1(n: u8) -> DecStaticSymbolId {
assert!(n < 10);
// The symbols are expected to be in a very specific position in the
// pool (n+1).
// This is verified by tests at the bottom of this file.
DecStaticSymbolId(unsafe {
<global::ProgSymSize as SymbolIndexSize>::NonZero::new_unchecked(
(n as global::ProgSymSize) + 1,
impl From<u8> for DecStaticSymbolId {
// Convert `0 ≤ n ≤ 9` into a static symbol representing a single
// decimal digit.
// See [`decimal1`].
fn from(n: u8) -> Self {
static_symbols! {
// Decimal strings are expected to be at index (n+1).
// See `decimal1`.
N0: dec "0",
N1: dec "1",
N2: dec "2",
N3: dec "3",
N4: dec "4",
N5: dec "5",
N6: dec "6",
N7: dec "7",
N8: dec "8",
N9: dec "9",
L_BOOLEAN: cid "boolean",
L_CGEN: cid "cgen",
L_CLASS: cid "class",
L_CONST: cid "const",
L_DEP: cid "dep",
L_DESC: cid "desc",
L_DIM: cid "dim",
L_DTYPE: cid "dtype",
L_EMPTY: cid "empty",
L_FALSE: cid "false",
L_FLOAT: cid "float",
L_FUNC: cid "func",
L_FROM: cid "from",
L_GEN: cid "gen",
L_GENERATED: cid "generated",
L_INTEGER: cid "integer",
L_L: cid "l",
L_LPARAM: cid "lparam",
L_MAP: cid "map",
L_MAP_FROM: tid "map-from",
L_MAP_HEAD: qname "map:head",
L_MAP_TAIL: qname "map:tail",
L_META: cid "meta",
L_NAME: cid "name",
L_PACKAGE: cid "package",
L_PARAM: cid "param",
L_PARENT: cid "parent",
L_PREPROC: cid "preproc",
L_PROGRAM: cid "program",
L_RATE: cid "rate",
L_RETMAP: cid "retmap",
L_RETMAP_HEAD: qname "retmap:head",
L_RETMAP_TAIL: qname "retmap:tail",
L_SRC: cid "src",
L_SYM: cid "sym",
L_TITLE: cid "title",
L_TPL: cid "tpl",
L_TRUE: cid "true",
L_TYPE: cid "type",
L_UUROOTPATH: cid "__rootpath",
L_WORKSHEET: cid "worksheet",
L_XMLNS: cid "xmlns",
L_YIELDS: cid "yields",
URI_LV_RATER: uri "http://www.lovullo.com/rater",
URI_LV_PREPROC: uri "http://www.lovullo.com/rater/preproc",
URI_LV_LINKER: uri "http://www.lovullo.com/rater/linker",
// [Symbols will be added here as they are needed.]
// Marker indicating the end of the static symbols
// (this must always be last).
END_STATIC: mark "{{end}}"
/// Static 16-bit symbols (pre-allocated).
/// These symbols are intended for situations where a smaller symbol size is
/// necessary.
/// Presently,
/// this includes only the [`Span`](crate::span::Span) context.
/// See also [st](super::st) for general static symbols.
pub mod st16 {
use super::*;
static_symbols! {
// Special contexts.
// [Symbols will be added here as they are needed.]
// Marker indicating the end of the static symbols
// (this must always be last).
END_STATIC: mark "{{end}}"
/// Non-public module that can contain public traits.
/// The problem this module tries to solve is preventing anything outside of
/// this crate from implementing the `StaticSymbolId` trait,
/// since doing so opens us up to undefined behavior when transmuting
/// via [`st_as_sym`](super::st_as_sym).
mod private {
/// Extend this trait to prevent other modules from implementing the
/// subtype.
/// Since other modules extend [`StaticSymbolId`](super::StaticSymbolId)
/// for their own traits,
/// this trait must be `pub`.
/// But, since it is contained within a private module,
/// it is not possible to import the trait to implement it on other
/// things.
pub trait Sealed {}
mod test {
use super::{st, st16, DecStaticSymbolId};
use crate::sym::{GlobalSymbolIntern, GlobalSymbolResolve, SymbolId};
fn global_sanity_check_st() {
// If we _don't_ prefill, make sure we're not starting at the first
// offset when interning, otherwise it'll look correct.
let new: SymbolId = "force offset".intern();
new.as_usize() > st::END_STATIC.as_usize(),
"a new global symbol allocation was not > END_STATIC, \
indicating that prefill is either not working or that \
the prefill contains duplicate strings!"
// Further sanity check to make sure indexes align as expected,
// not that you wouldn't otherwise notice that the whole system is
// broken, but this ought to offer a more direct hint as to what
// went wrong.
assert_eq!(st::L_TRUE.as_sym(), "true".intern());
assert_eq!(st::L_FALSE.as_sym(), "false".intern());
fn global_sanity_check_st16() {
// If we _don't_ prefill, make sure we're not starting at the first
// offset when interning, otherwise it'll look correct.
let new: SymbolId<u16> = "force offset".intern();
new.as_usize() > st16::END_STATIC.as_usize(),
"a new 16-bit global symbol allocation was not > END_STATIC, \
indicating that prefill is either not working or that \
the prefill contains duplicate strings!"
fn decimal1_0_to_9() {
for n in 0..=9 {
assert_eq!(st::decimal1(n).as_sym().lookup_str(), n.to_string());
// From<u8>
fn decimal1_gt_9_panics() {