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// XIR tree representation
// Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Ryan Specialty Group, LLC.
// This file is part of TAME.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! XIR token stream parsed into a tree-based IR (XIRT).
//! **This is a work-in-progress implementation.**
//! It will be augmented only as needed.
//! Parsing is handled by [`ParserState::parse_token`].
//! An [`Iterator::scan`]-based parser can be constructed using
//! [`parser_from`] or [`parse`][parse()].
//! ```
//! use tamer::xir::tree::{ParserState, parse, parser_from};
//!# use tamer::xir::Token;
//!# let token_stream: std::vec::IntoIter<Token> = vec![].into_iter();
//! // Lazily parse a stream of XIR tokens as an iterator, yielding the next
//! // fully parsed object. This may consume any number of tokens.
//! let parser = parser_from(token_stream);
//!# let token_stream: std::vec::IntoIter<Token> = vec![].into_iter();
//! // Consume a single token at a time, yielding either an incomplete state
//! // or the next parsed object.
//! let parser = token_stream.scan(ParserState::new(), parse);
//! ```
//! `parser_from` Or `parse`?
//! =========================
//! [`parser_from`] is implemented in terms of [`parse`][parse()].
//! They have slightly different use cases and tradeoffs:
//! [`parse`][parse()] yields a [`Result`] containing [`Parsed`],
//! which _may_ contain a [`Parsed::Tree`],
//! but it's more likely to contain [`Parsed::Incomplete`];
//! this is because it typically takes multiple [`Token`]s to complete
//! parsing within a given context.
//! In return, though, you get some important guarantees:
//! 1. [`parse`][parse()] consumes only a _single_ token; and
//! 2. It has a constant upper bound for execution time.
//! This means that [`parse`][parse()] will never cause the system to
//! hang---you
//! are in complete control over how much progress parsing makes,
//! and are free to stop and resume it at any time.
//! However,
//! if you do not care about those things,
//! working with [`Parsed`] is verbose and inconvenient;
//! sometimes you just want the next [`Tree`] object.
//! For this,
//! we have [`parser_from`],
//! which does two things:
//! 1. It filters out all [`Parsed::Incomplete`]; and
//! 2. On [`Parsed::Tree`],
//! it yields the inner [`Tree`].
//! This is a much more convenient API,
//! but is not without its downsides:
//! if the context is large
//! (e.g. the root node of a large XML document),
//! parsing can take a considerable amount of time,
//! and the [`Iterator`] produced by [`parser_from`] will cause the
//! system to process [`Iterator::next`] for that entire duration.
//! See also [`attr_parser_from`] and [`parse_attrs`] for parsing only
//! attributes partway through a token stream.
//! Cost of Parsing
//! ===============
//! While [`Tree`] is often much easier to work with than a stream of
//! [`Token`],
//! there are notable downsides:
//! - The context in which parsing began
//! (see _Parser Implementation_ below)
//! must complete before _any_ token is emitted.
//! If parsing begins at the root element,
//! this means that the _entire XML document_ must be loaded into
//! memory before it is available for use.
//! - While the token stream is capable of operating using constant memory
//! (since [`Token`] can be discarded after being consumed),
//! a [`Tree`] holds a significant amount of data in memory.
//! It is recommended to parse into [`Tree`] only for the portions of the
//! XML document that will benefit from it.
//! For example,
//! by avoiding parsing of the root element into a tree,
//! you can emit [`Tree`] for child elements without having to wait for
//! the entire document to be parsed.
//! Validity Of Token Stream
//! ========================
//! XIR verifies that each [`Token`] is syntactically valid and follows an
//! XML grammar subset;
//! as such,
//! the tree parser does not concern itself with syntax analysis.
//! It does,
//! however,
//! perform _[semantic analysis]_ on the token stream.
//! Given that,
//! [`ParserState::parse_token`] returns a [`Result`],
//! with parsing errors represented by this module's [`ParseError`].
//! As an example,
//! a XIR token stream permits unbalanced tags.
//! However,
//! we cannot represent an invalid tree,
//! so that would result in a semantic error.
//! [semantic analysis]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_analysis_(compilers)
//! Parser Implementation
//! =====================
//! The parser that lowers the XIR [`Token`] stream into a [`Tree`]
//! is implemented on [`ParserState`],
//! which exists to encapsulate the [`Stack`].
//! This parser is a [stack machine],
//! where the stack represents the [`Tree`] that is under construction.
//! Parsing operates on _context_.
//! At present, the only parsing context is an element---it
//! begins parsing at an opening tag ([`Token::Open`]) and completes
//! parsing at a _matching_ [`Token::Close`].
//! All attributes and child nodes encountered during parsing of an element
//! will automatically be added to the appropriate element,
//! recursively.
//! [stack machine]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stack_machine
//! State Machine With A Typed Stack
//! --------------------------------
//! The parser is a [finate-state machine (FSM)] with a stack encoded in
//! variants of [`Stack`],
//! where each variant represents the current state of the parser.
//! The parser cannot be reasoned about as a pushdown automaton because the
//! language of the [`Stack`] is completely arbitrary,
//! but it otherwise operates in a similar manner.
//! Each state transition consumes the entire stack and produces a new one,
//! which may be identical.
//! Intuitively, though, based on the construction of [`Stack`],
//! this is equivalent to popping the needed data off of the stack and
//! optionally pushing additional information.
//! By encoding the stack in [`Stack`] variants,
//! we are able to verify statically that the stack is always in a valid
//! state and contains expected data---that
//! is, our stack is fully type-safe.
//! [state machine]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite-state_machine
mod attr;
mod parse;
use super::{QName, Token, TokenResultStream, TokenStream};
use crate::{span::Span, sym::SymbolId};
use std::{error::Error, fmt::Display, iter, mem::take};
pub use attr::{Attr, AttrList};
/// A XIR tree (XIRT).
/// This object represents a XIR token stream parsed into a tree
/// representation.
/// This representation is easier to process and manipulate in most contexts,
/// but also requires memory allocation for the entire tree and requires
/// that a potentially significant portion of a token stream be processed
/// (e.g. from start to end tag for a given element).
/// _Note that this implementation is incomplete!_
/// It will be augmented as needed.
/// For more information,
/// see the [module-level documentation](self).
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Tree {
/// XML element.
/// Text node.
/// A text node cannot contain other [`Tree`] elements;
/// sibling text nodes must exist within an [`Element`].
Text(SymbolId, Span),
/// This variant exists purely because `#[non_exhaustive]` has no effect
/// within the crate.
/// This ensures that matches must account for other variants that will
/// be introduced in the future,
/// easing the maintenance burden
/// (for both implementation and unit tests).
impl Into<Option<Element>> for Tree {
fn into(self) -> Option<Element> {
match self {
Self::Element(ele) => Some(ele),
_ => None,
impl Into<Option<SymbolId>> for Tree {
fn into(self) -> Option<SymbolId> {
match self {
Self::Text(text, _) => Some(text),
_ => None,
impl Tree {
/// Yield a reference to the inner value if it is an [`Element`],
/// otherwise [`None`].
pub fn as_element<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a Element> {
match self {
Self::Element(ele) => Some(ele),
_ => None,
/// Yield the inner value if it is an [`Element`],
/// otherwise [`None`].
pub fn into_element(self) -> Option<Element> {
/// Whether the inner value is an [`Element`].
pub fn is_element(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::Element(_))
/// Yield a string representation of the element,
/// if applicable.
/// This is incomplete.
pub fn as_sym(&self) -> Option<SymbolId> {
match self {
Self::Text(sym, ..) => Some(*sym),
_ => None,
/// Element node.
/// This represents an [XML element] beginning with an opening tag that is
/// either self-closing or ending with a balanced closing tag.
/// The two spans together represent the span of the entire element with all
/// its constituents.
/// [XML element]: https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-starttags
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Element {
name: QName,
/// Zero or more attributes.
attrs: Option<AttrList>,
/// Zero or more child nodes.
children: Vec<Tree>,
/// Spans for opening and closing tags respectively.
span: (Span, Span),
impl Element {
/// Element name.
pub fn name(&self) -> QName {
/// Child [`Tree`] objects of this element.
pub fn children(&self) -> &Vec<Tree> {
/// Attributes of this element.
pub fn attrs(&self) -> Option<&AttrList> {
/// Opens an element for incremental construction.
/// This is intended for use by the parser to begin building an element.
/// It does not represent a completed element and should not be yielded
/// to any outside caller until it is complete.
/// This incomplete state is encoded in [`Stack::BuddingElement`].
fn open(name: QName, span: Span) -> Self {
Self {
attrs: None,
children: vec![],
span: (span, span), // We do not yet know where the span will end
/// Complete an element's span by setting its ending span.
/// When elements are still budding (see [`Stack::BuddingElement`]),
/// the ending span is set to the starting span,
/// since the end is not yet known.
fn close_span(self, close_span: Span) -> Self {
Element {
span: (self.span.0, close_span),
/// A [`Stack`] representing an element and its (optional) parent's stack.
/// Storing the parent of an [`Element`] allows it to be manipulated on the
/// [`Stack`] using the usual operations,
/// while maintaining the context needed to later add it as a child to
/// its parent once the element is completed.
/// This is used to represent a [`Stack::BuddingElement`].
/// This type exists because enum variants are not their own types,
/// but we want to nest _only_ element stacks,
/// not any type of stack.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ElementStack {
element: Element,
/// Parent element stack to be restored once element has finished
/// processing.
pstack: Option<Box<ElementStack>>,
impl ElementStack {
/// Attempt to close an element,
/// verifying that the closing tag is either self-closing or
/// balanced.
/// This does not verify that a request to self-close only happens if
/// there are no child elements;
/// that is the responsibility of the parser producing the XIR
/// stream to ensure that self-closing can only happen during
/// attribute parsing.
fn try_close(
close_name: Option<QName>,
close_span: Span,
) -> Result<Self> {
let Element {
name: ele_name,
span: (open_span, _),
} = self.element;
// Note that self-closing with children is syntactically
// invalid and is expected to never make it into a XIR
// stream to begin with, so we don't check for it.
if let Some(name) = close_name {
if name != ele_name {
return Err(ParseError::UnbalancedTag {
open: (ele_name, open_span),
close: (name, close_span),
Ok(Self {
element: self.element.close_span(close_span),
pstack: self.pstack,
/// Transfer stack element into the parent as a child and return the
/// previous [`Stack`] state,
/// or yield a [`Stack::ClosedElement`] if there is no parent.
/// If there is a parent element,
/// then the returned [`Stack`] will represent the state of the stack
/// prior to the child element being opened,
/// as stored with [`ElementStack::store`].
fn consume_child_or_complete(self) -> Stack {
match self.pstack {
Some(parent_stack) => Stack::BuddingElement(
None => Stack::ClosedElement(self.element),
/// Push the provided [`Element`] onto the child list of the inner
/// [`Element`].
fn consume_element(mut self, child: Element) -> Self {
/// Push the provided [`Attr`] onto the attribute list of the inner
/// [`Element`].
fn consume_attrs(mut self, attr_list: AttrList) -> Self {
/// Transfer self to the heap to be later restored.
/// This method simply exists for self-documentation.
fn store(self) -> Box<Self> {
/// The state and typed stack of the XIR parser stack machine.
/// Since all possible states of the stack are known statically,
/// we encode the stack into variants,
/// where each variant represents the state of the parser's state
/// machine.
/// This way,
/// we know that the stack is always well-formed,
/// and benefit from strong type checking.
/// This also allows Rust to optimize its use.
/// Rust will compile this into a value that exists on the stack,
/// so we wind up with an actual stack machine in the end anyway.
/// For more information,
/// see the [module-level documentation](self).
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Stack {
/// Empty stack.
/// Empty stack expected to parse isolated, individual attributes.
/// The purpose of this over `Empty` is to ensure that the parser is
/// able to properly fail on invalid XIR input when the caller is not
/// trying to parse individual attributes.
/// An [`Element`] that is still under construction.
/// (This is a tree IR,
/// so here's a plant pun).
/// A completed [`Element`].
/// This should be consumed and emitted.
/// An [`AttrList`] that is still under construction.
BuddingAttrList(Option<ElementStack>, AttrList),
/// An attribute is awaiting its value,
/// after which it will be attached to an element.
AttrName(Option<(Option<ElementStack>, AttrList)>, QName, Span),
/// A completed [`AttrList`] without any [`Element`] context.
/// A completed [`Attr`] without any [`AttrList`] context.
/// Parsing has completed relative to the initial context.
/// This is the final accepting state of the state machine.
/// The parser will not operate while in this state,
/// which must be explicitly acknowledged and cleared in order to
/// indicate that additional tokens are expected and are not in
/// error.
impl Default for Stack {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Stack {
/// Attempt to open a new element.
/// If the stack is [`Self::Empty`],
/// then the element will be considered to be a root element,
/// meaning that it will be completed once it is closed.
/// If the stack contains [`Self::BuddingElement`],
/// then a child element will be started,
/// which will be consumed by the parent one closed rather than
/// being considered a completed [`Element`].
/// Attempting to open an element in any other context is an error.
fn open_element(self, name: QName, span: Span) -> Result<Self> {
let element = Element::open(name, span);
Ok(Self::BuddingElement(ElementStack {
pstack: match self {
// Opening a root element (or lack of context).
Self::Empty => Ok(None),
// Open a child element.
Self::BuddingElement(pstack) => Ok(Some(pstack.store())),
// Opening a child element in attribute parsing context.
// Automatically close the attributes despite a missing
// AttrEnd to accommodate non-reader XIR.
Self::BuddingAttrList(Some(pstack), attr_list) => {
// Attempting to open a child element in an isolated
// attribute parsing context means that `AttrEnd` was not
// provided
// (or that we're not parsing in the correct context).
Self::BuddingAttrList(None, ..) | Self::IsolatedAttrEmpty => {
Err(ParseError::AttrNameExpected(Token::Open(name, span)))
_ => todo! {},
/// Attempt to close an element.
/// Elements can be either self-closing
/// (in which case `name` is [`None`]),
/// or have their own independent closing tags.
/// If a name is provided,
/// then it _must_ match the name of the element currently being
/// processed---that is,
/// the tree must be _balanced_.
/// An unbalanced tree results in a [`ParseError::UnbalancedTag`].
fn close_element(self, name: Option<QName>, span: Span) -> Result<Self> {
match self {
Self::BuddingElement(stack) => stack
.try_close(name, span)
// We can implicitly complete the attribute list if there's a
// missing `Token::AttrEnd`,
// which alleviates us from having to unnecessarily generate
// it outside of readers.
Self::BuddingAttrList(Some(stack), attr_list) => stack
.try_close(name, span)
// See the error variant description for more information.
Self::BuddingAttrList(None, ..) => {
_ => todo! {},
/// Begin an attribute on an element.
/// An attribute begins with a [`QName`] representing its name.
/// It will be attached to a parent element after being closed with a
/// value via [`Stack::close_attr`].
fn open_attr(self, name: QName, span: Span) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(match self {
// Begin construction of an attribute list on a new element.
Self::BuddingElement(ele_stack) => Self::AttrName(
Some((Some(ele_stack), Default::default())),
// Continuation of attribute list.
Self::BuddingAttrList(ele_stack, attr_list) => {
Self::AttrName(Some((ele_stack, attr_list)), name, span)
// Isolated single attribute.
Self::IsolatedAttrEmpty => Self::AttrName(None, name, span),
_ => todo!("open_attr in state {:?}", self),
/// Assigns a value to an opened attribute and attaches to the parent
/// element.
fn close_attr(self, value: SymbolId, span: Span) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(match self {
Self::AttrName(Some((ele_stack, attr_list)), name, open_span) => {
attr_list.push(Attr::new(name, value, (open_span, span))),
// Isolated single attribute.
Self::AttrName(None, name, open_span) => {
Stack::IsolatedAttr(Attr::new(name, value, (open_span, span)))
_ => todo! {},
/// End attribute parsing.
/// If parsing occurs within an element context,
/// the accumulated [`AttrList`] will be attached to the budding
/// [`Element`].
fn end_attrs(self) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(match self {
Self::BuddingAttrList(None, attr_list) => {
Self::BuddingAttrList(Some(ele_stack), attr_list) => {
Self::IsolatedAttrEmpty => Self::Done,
_ => todo!("attr error"),
/// Appends a text node as a child of an element.
/// This is valid only for a [`Stack::BuddingElement`].
fn text(self, value: SymbolId, span: Span) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(match self {
Self::BuddingElement(mut ele) => {
ele.element.children.push(Tree::Text(value, span));
_ => todo! {},
/// State while parsing a XIR token stream into a tree.
/// [`ParserState`] is responsible only for dispatch and bookkeeping;
/// state transitions and stack manipulation are handled by the various
/// methods on [`Stack`].
/// This is a stack machine with the interface of a state machine.
/// The stack is encoded into the variants themselves
/// (which Rust will allocate on the stack),
/// which is sensible given that we always know exactly what and how
/// many arguments we need.
/// This gives us both the stack we want and type safety,
/// and has compile-time guarantees to ensure that we cannot produce a
/// stack that is not suitable for the computation at hand.
/// Note that this cannot be reasoned about in terms of a pushdown automaton
/// because there is no set language for the stack---it
/// contains arbitrary data holding the state of the current computation,
/// which is (theoretically, but not practically) unbounded by the
/// recursive nature of [`Element`].
/// This is very similar to the [XmlWriter](super::writer::XmlWriter),
/// except that a stack is needed to accumulate tokens until we can begin
/// emitting a tree.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct ParserState {
stack: Stack,
impl ParserState {
/// Create state of a new parser that has not yet seen any input
/// tokens.
/// _Consider using [`parser_from`] instead._
/// Parsers using this state are suitable only for valid starting
/// contexts,
/// as defined in the [module-level documentation](self).
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
stack: Default::default(),
/// Initialize the state of the parser with the given [`Stack`].
fn with(stack: Stack) -> Self {
Self { stack }
/// Consume a single XIR [`Token`] and attempt to parse it within the
/// context of the current [`Stack`].
/// Each call to this method represents a [state transition].
/// Invalid state transitions represent either a semantic error
/// (e.g. unbalanced tags)
/// or unimplemented features that will be added as needed.
/// This parser is not responsible for validating _syntax_,
/// since valid syntax is already implied by the existence of
/// [`Token`].
/// But it does perform semantic analysis on that token stream.
/// All heavy lifting is done by the various methods on [`Stack`].
/// See the [module-level documentation](self) for more information on
/// the implementation of the parser.
pub fn parse_token(&mut self, tok: Token) -> Result<Parsed> {
let stack = take(&mut self.stack);
match tok {
Token::Open(name, span) => stack.open_element(name, span),
Token::Close(name, span) => stack.close_element(name, span),
Token::AttrName(name, span) => stack.open_attr(name, span),
Token::AttrValue(value, span) => stack.close_attr(value, span),
Token::AttrEnd => stack.end_attrs(),
Token::Text(value, span) => stack.text(value, span),
// This parse is being rewritten, so we'll address this with a
// proper error then.
Token::AttrValueFragment(..) => {
panic!("AttrValueFragment is not parsable")
Token::Comment(..) | Token::CData(..) | Token::Whitespace(..) => {
Err(ParseError::Todo(tok, stack))
.map(|new_stack| self.store_or_emit(new_stack))
/// Emit a completed object or store the current stack for further processing.
fn store_or_emit(&mut self, new_stack: Stack) -> Parsed {
match new_stack {
Stack::ClosedElement(ele) => Parsed::Tree(Tree::Element(ele)),
Stack::IsolatedAttrList(attr_list) => Parsed::AttrList(attr_list),
Stack::IsolatedAttr(attr) => {
self.stack = Stack::IsolatedAttrEmpty;
// This parser has completed relative to its initial context and
// is not expecting any further input.
Stack::Done => Parsed::Done,
_ => {
self.stack = new_stack;
/// Result of a XIR tree parsing operation.
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, ParseError>;
/// Parsing error from [`ParserState`].
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ParseError {
/// The closing tag does not match the opening tag at the same level of
/// nesting.
UnbalancedTag {
open: (QName, Span),
close: (QName, Span),
/// [`Token::AttrEnd`] was expected in an isolated attribute context,
/// but [`Token::Close`] was encountered instead.
/// This means that we encountered an element close while parsing
/// attributes in an isolated context,
/// which may happen if we're parsing only attributes as part
/// of a larger XIR stream.
/// This should never happen if our XIR is well-formed _from a reader_,
/// but could happen if we generate XIR that we are not expecting to
/// subsequently parse.
/// There is nothing the user can do to correct it;
/// this represents a bug in the compiler.
/// An attribute was expected as the next [`Token`].
/// Token stream ended before attribute parsing was complete.
/// Not yet implemented.
Todo(Token, Stack),
impl Display for ParseError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
// TODO: not a useful error because of symbols and missing span information
Self::UnbalancedTag {
open: (open_name, open_span),
close: (close_name, close_span),
} => {
"expected closing tag `{}`, but found `{}` at {} \
(opening tag at {})",
open_name, close_name, close_span, open_span
Self::MissingIsolatedAttrEnd(span) => {
// Try to be helpful to developers and users alike.
let testmsg = "or a problem with your test case";
let testmsg = "and should be reported";
"internal error: expecting AttrEnd, found Close at {}; \
this represents a compiler bug {}",
span, testmsg
Self::AttrNameExpected(tok) => {
write!(f, "attribute name expected, found {}", tok)
// TODO: Perhaps we should include the last-encountered Span.
Self::UnexpectedAttrEof => {
"unexpected end of input during isolated attribute parsing",
Self::Todo(tok, stack) => {
"TODO: `{:?}` unrecognized. The parser is not yet \
complete, so this could represent either a missing \
feature or a semantic error. Stack: `{:?}`.",
tok, stack
impl Error for ParseError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
/// Either a parsed [`Tree`] or an indication that more tokens are needed to
/// complete the active context.
/// This has the same structure as [`Option`],
/// but is its own type to avoid confusion as to what this type may mean
/// when deeply nested within other types
/// (e.g. `Option<Result<Parsed, ParserError>>` reads a bit better
/// than `Option<Result<Option<Tree>, ParserError>>`).
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Parsed {
/// Parsing of an object is complete.
/// See [`parser_from`].
/// Parsing of an isolated attribute list is complete.
/// See [`parse_attrs`].
/// Parsing of a single isolated attribute is complete.
/// See [`attr_parser_from`].
/// The parser needs more token data to emit an object
/// (the active context is not yet complete).
/// All parsing has completed successfully relative to the original
/// context.
/// This does not necessarily mean that the XIR token stream has ended,
/// because parsing may have started for a portion of it.
/// However,
/// if parsing began at the root node for the XIR stream,
/// then this _does_ indicate the end of the XML document.
/// To continue using this parser after it has reached this state,
/// it must be explicitly reset to indicate that further parsing is
/// expected and not an error.
/// Wrap [`ParserState::parse_token`] result in [`Some`],
/// suitable for use with [`Iterator::scan`].
/// If you do not require a single-step [`Iterator::next`] and simply want
/// the next parsed object,
/// use [`parser_from`] instead.
/// Note that parsing errors are represented by the wrapped [`Result`],
/// _not_ by [`None`].
/// This will produce an iterator that can only return [`None`] if the
/// iterator it scans returns [`None`].
/// ```
/// use tamer::xir::tree::{ParserState, parse};
///# use tamer::xir::Token;
///# let token_stream: std::vec::IntoIter<Token> = vec![].into_iter();
/// // The above is equivalent to:
/// let parser = token_stream.scan(ParserState::new(), parse);
/// ```
pub fn parse(state: &mut ParserState, tok: Token) -> Option<Result<Parsed>> {
Some(ParserState::parse_token(state, tok))
/// Produce a lazy parser from a given [`TokenStream`],
/// yielding only when an object has been fully parsed.
/// Unlike [`parse`][parse()],
/// which is intended for use with [`Iterator::scan`],
/// this will yield /only/ when the underlying parser yields
/// [`Parsed::Tree`],
/// unwrapping the inner [`Tree`] value.
/// This interface is far more convenient,
/// but comes at the cost of not knowing how many parsing steps a single
/// [`Iterator::next`] call will take.
/// For more information on contexts,
/// and the parser in general,
/// see the [module-level documentation](self).
/// ```
/// use tamer::xir::tree::parser_from;
///# use tamer::xir::Token;
///# let token_stream: std::vec::IntoIter<Token> = vec![].into_iter();
/// // Lazily parse a stream of XIR tokens as an iterator.
/// let parser = parser_from(token_stream);
/// ```
pub fn parser_from(
toks: impl TokenStream,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<Tree>> {
toks.scan(ParserState::new(), parse)
.filter_map(|parsed| match parsed {
Ok(Parsed::Tree(tree)) => Some(Ok(tree)),
Ok(Parsed::Incomplete) => None,
Err(x) => Some(Err(x)),
Ok(Parsed::Done) => todo!("parser_from Parsed::Done"),
// These make no sense in this context and should never occur.
Ok(x @ (Parsed::AttrList(_) | Parsed::Attr(_))) => unreachable!(
"unexpected yield by XIRT (Tree expected): {:?}",
/// Begin parsing in an isolated attribute context,
/// producing an [`AttrList`] that is detached from any [`Element`].
/// This is useful when you wish to consume a XIR stream and collect only
/// the attributes of an element.
/// If you wish to process an entire element,
/// use [`parser_from`] instead.
/// Parsing must begin at a [`Token::AttrName`] token.
/// This will consume tokens until reaching [`Token::AttrEnd`],
/// and so it is important that the XIR stream contain this delimiter;
/// this should be the case with all readers.
pub fn parse_attrs<'a>(
toks: &mut impl TokenStream,
dest: AttrList,
) -> Result<AttrList> {
let mut state = ParserState::with(Stack::BuddingAttrList(None, dest));
loop {
match toks.next().and_then(|tok| parse(&mut state, tok)) {
None => return Err(ParseError::UnexpectedAttrEof),
Some(Err(err)) => return Err(err),
Some(Ok(Parsed::Incomplete)) => continue,
Some(Ok(Parsed::AttrList(attr_list))) => return Ok(attr_list),
Some(Ok(Parsed::Done)) => todo!("parse_attrs Parsed::Done"),
// These make no sense in this context and should never occur.
Some(Ok(x @ (Parsed::Tree(_) | Parsed::Attr(_)))) => unreachable!(
"unexpected yield by XIRT (AttrList expected): {:?}",
/// Produce a lazy attribute parser from a given [`TokenStream`],
/// yielding only when an attribute has been fully parsed.
/// This is a specialized parser that begins parsing partway through a XIR
/// token stream.
/// To parse an entire stream as a tree,
/// see [`parser_from`].
/// This parser does not take ownership over the iterator,
/// allowing parsing to continue on the underlying token stream after
/// attribute parsing has completed.
/// Once attribute parsing is finished,
/// parsing is able to continue on the underlying token stream as if the
/// attributes were never present in XIR at all;
/// this also allows this parser to be used as an attribute filter while
/// ensuring that the attributes are syntactically valid.
/// For more information on contexts,
/// and the parser in general,
/// see the [module-level documentation](self).
pub fn attr_parser_from<'a>(
toks: &'a mut impl TokenStream,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<Attr>> + 'a {
let mut state = ParserState::with(Stack::IsolatedAttrEmpty);
iter::from_fn(move || {
loop {
match toks.next().and_then(|tok| parse(&mut state, tok)) {
None => return None,
Some(Err(err)) => return Some(Err(err)),
Some(Ok(Parsed::Attr(attr))) => return Some(Ok(attr)),
Some(Ok(Parsed::Incomplete)) => continue,
// AttrEnd must have been encountered.
Some(Ok(Parsed::Done)) => return None,
// These make no sense in this context and should never occur.
Some(Ok(x @ (Parsed::Tree(_) | Parsed::AttrList(_)))) => {
"unexpected yield by XIRT (Attr expected): {:?}",
pub fn merge_attr_fragments<'a>(
toks: &'a mut impl TokenStream,
) -> impl TokenStream + 'a {
use crate::sym::{GlobalSymbolIntern, GlobalSymbolResolve};
let mut stack = Vec::with_capacity(4);
iter::from_fn(move || {
loop {
match toks.next() {
// Collect fragments and continue iterating until we find
// the final `Token::AttrValue`.
Some(Token::AttrValueFragment(frag, ..)) => {
// An AttrValue without any stack is just a normal value.
// We are not interested in it.
val @ Some(Token::AttrValue(..)) if stack.len() == 0 => {
return val;
// But if we have a stack,
// allocate a new string that concatenates each of the
// symbols and return a newly allocated symbol.
Some(Token::AttrValue(last, span)) if stack.len() > 0 => {
let merged = stack
.map(|frag| frag.lookup_str())
return Some(Token::AttrValue(merged, span));
other => return other,
mod test;