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// XIR element parser generator tests
// Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Ryan Specialty Group, LLC.
// This file is part of TAME.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Element parser generator tests.
//! It is expected to be understood for these tests that `ele_parse`
//! directly invokes `attr_parse` to perform all attribute parsing,
//! and so testing of that parsing is not duplicated here.
//! A brief visual inspection of the implementation of `ele_parse`
//! should suffice to verify this claim.
//! [`Parser`] is configured to output a parse trace to stderr for tests,
//! which is visible when a test fails;
//! this aids in debugging and study.
//! To force it to output on a successful test to observe the behavior of
//! the system,
//! simply force the test to panic at the end.
use std::{assert_matches::assert_matches, error::Error, fmt::Display};
use crate::{
parse::{Object, ParseError, ParseState, Parsed},
span::{dummy::*, Span},
attr::{Attr, AttrSpan},
flat::{Depth, RefinedText, Text, Whitespace, XirfToken},
st::{prefix::*, qname::*},
CloseSpan, EleNameLen, EleSpan, OpenSpan, QName,
// Some number (value does not matter).
const N: EleNameLen = 10;
fn empty_element_no_attrs_no_close() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Foo;
impl Object for Foo {}
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
Root := QN_PACKAGE {
@ {} => Foo,
let toks = vec![
// Length (second argument) here is arbitrary.
XirfToken::Open(QN_PACKAGE, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S2), Depth(0)),
Parsed::Incomplete, // [Root] Open
Parsed::Object(Foo), // [Root@] Close (>LA)
Parsed::Incomplete, // [Root] Close (<LA)
// Same as above,
// but with an object emitted on Close rather than Incomplete.
fn empty_element_no_attrs_with_close() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl Object for Foo {}
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
Root := QN_PACKAGE {
@ {} => Foo::Attr,
/ => Foo::Close,
let toks = vec![
// Length (second argument) here is arbitrary.
XirfToken::Open(QN_PACKAGE, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S2), Depth(0)),
Parsed::Incomplete, // [Root] Open
Parsed::Object(Foo::Attr), // [Root@] Close (>LA)
Parsed::Object(Foo::Close), // [Root] Close (<LA)
// Same as above,
// but also with opening and closing spans.
fn empty_element_no_attrs_with_close_with_spans() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl crate::parse::Object for Foo {}
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
Root := QN_PACKAGE(_, ospan) {
@ {} => Foo::Attr(ospan),
/(cspan) => Foo::Close(cspan),
let toks = vec![
// Length (second argument) here is arbitrary.
XirfToken::Open(QN_PACKAGE, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S2), Depth(0)),
use Parsed::*;
Incomplete, // [Root] Open
Object(Foo::Attr(OpenSpan(S1, N))), // [Root@] Close (>LA)
Object(Foo::Close(CloseSpan::empty(S2))), // [Root] Close (<LA)
// Match on a namespace prefix rather than a static QName.
fn empty_element_ns_prefix() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Foo(QName);
impl Object for Foo {}
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
// This matches `c:*`.
Root := NS_C(qname, _) {
@ {} => Foo(qname),
let toks = vec![
// Just some `c:*`.
XirfToken::Open(QN_C_EQ, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S2), Depth(0)),
Parsed::Incomplete, // [Root] Open
Parsed::Object(Foo(QN_C_EQ)), // [Root@] Close (>LA)
Parsed::Incomplete, // [Root] Close (<LA)
fn empty_element_ns_prefix_nomatch() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Foo;
impl Object for Foo {}
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
// This matches `c:*`.
Root := NS_C {
@ {} => Foo,
let span = OpenSpan(S1, N);
// Non `c:*` element.
let unexpected = QN_PACKAGE;
let toks = vec![
XirfToken::Open(unexpected, span, Depth(0)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S2), Depth(0)),
let mut sut = Sut::parse(toks.into_iter());
let err = sut.next().unwrap().unwrap_err();
// TODO: This references generated identifiers.
// When a QName matches a namespace prefix,
// that specific QName should be used in subsequent errors,
// such as when expecting a closing tag.
fn empty_element_ns_prefix_invalid_close_contains_matching_qname() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Foo;
impl Object for Foo {}
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
// This matches `c:*`.
Root := NS_C {
@ {} => Foo,
let unexpected = QN_C_GT;
let span_unexpected = OpenSpan(S2, N);
let toks = vec![
// Just some `c:*`.
XirfToken::Open(QN_C_EQ, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
// We're not expecting a child.
XirfToken::Open(unexpected, span_unexpected, Depth(1)),
let mut sut = Sut::parse(toks.into_iter());
// The opening tag parses fine,
// and the unexpected tag successfully terminates attribute parsing.
assert_eq!(sut.next(), Some(Ok(Parsed::Incomplete))); // [Root] Open
assert_eq!(sut.next(), Some(Ok(Parsed::Object(Foo)))); // [Root@] Open (>LA)
// But then consuming the LA will produce an error,
// since we were not expecting a child.
let err = sut.next().unwrap().unwrap_err();
// TODO: This references generated identifiers.
// Verify that the error includes the QName that actually matched.
OpenSpan(S1, N),
XirfToken::Open(unexpected, span_unexpected, Depth(1)),
// Static, aggregate attribute objects.
fn empty_element_with_attr_bindings() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Foo(SymbolId, SymbolId, (Span, Span));
impl Object for Foo {}
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct AttrVal(Attr);
impl TryFrom<Attr> for AttrVal {
// Type must match AttrValueError on `ele_parse!`
type Error = AttrValueError;
fn try_from(attr: Attr) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum AttrValueError {}
impl Error for AttrValueError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
impl Display for AttrValueError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "test AttrValueError")
impl Diagnostic for AttrValueError {
fn describe(&self) -> Vec<crate::diagnose::AnnotatedSpan> {
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
// AttrValueError should be passed to `attr_parse!`
// (which is invoked by `ele_parse!`)
// as ValueError.
type AttrValueError = AttrValueError;
type Object = Foo;
// In practice we wouldn't actually use Attr
// (we'd use an appropriate newtype),
// but for the sake of this test we'll keep things simple.
Root := QN_PACKAGE {
@ {
name: (QN_NAME) => AttrVal,
value: (QN_VALUE) => AttrVal,
} => Foo(
(name.0.attr_span().value_span(), value.0.attr_span().value_span())
let name_val = "bar".into();
let value_val = "baz".into();
let toks = vec![
XirfToken::Open(QN_PACKAGE, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
// Purposefully out of order just to demonstrate that order does
// not matter.
XirfToken::Attr(Attr(QN_VALUE, value_val, AttrSpan(S2, S3))),
XirfToken::Attr(Attr(QN_NAME, name_val, AttrSpan(S4, S5))),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S6), Depth(0)),
Parsed::Incomplete, // Open
Parsed::Incomplete, // Attr
Parsed::Incomplete, // Attr
Parsed::Object(Foo(name_val, value_val, (S5, S3))), // Close
Parsed::Incomplete, // Close (LA)
// This only tests one scenario under which attribute parsing may fail
// (others are tested with `attr_parse!`).
// Failure to parse an attribute is considered a failure at the element
// level and recovery will skip the entire element.
fn element_with_failed_attr_parsing() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl crate::parse::Object for Foo {}
const QN_ROOT: QName = QN_PACKAGE;
const QN_CHILD: QName = QN_DIM;
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
Root := QN_ROOT {
@ {
_name: (QN_NAME) => Attr,
} => Foo::Open,
// Important to check that this is not emitted.
/ => Foo::Close,
Child := QN_CHILD {
@ {} => Foo::Child,
let toks = vec![
XirfToken::Open(QN_ROOT, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
// Child elements should be ignored.
XirfToken::Open(QN_CHILD, OpenSpan(S4, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S5), Depth(1)),
// Recovery ends at the closing tag.
XirfToken::Close(Some(QN_ROOT), CloseSpan::empty(S6), Depth(0)),
let mut sut = Sut::parse(toks.into_iter());
use Parsed::*;
// Root will open normally.
assert_eq!(sut.next(), Some(Ok(Incomplete))); // [Root] Root Open
// But the child will result in an error because we have not provided a
// required attribute.
let err = sut.next().unwrap().unwrap_err();
); // [Root] Child Open (>LA)
// The remaining tokens should be ignored and we should finish parsing.
// Since the opening object was not emitted,
// we must not emit the closing.
Incomplete, // [Root!] Child Open (<LA)
Incomplete, // [Root!] Child Close
Incomplete, // [Root] Root Close
// Rather than using aggregate attributes,
// `[test]` allows for dynamic streaming attribute parsing.
// This is necessary for elements like short-hand template applications.
fn element_with_streaming_attrs() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl crate::parse::Object for Foo {}
const QN_ROOT: QName = QN_PACKAGE;
const QN_CHILD: QName = QN_DIM;
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
Root := QN_ROOT {
// symbol soup
@ {} => Foo::Open,
/ => Foo::Close,
// This binds all attributes in place of `@ {}` above.
[attr](attr) => Foo::Attr(attr),
Child := QN_CHILD {
@ {} => Foo::Child,
let attr1 = Attr(QN_NAME, "one".into(), AttrSpan(S2, S3));
let attr2 = Attr(QN_TYPE, "two".into(), AttrSpan(S3, S4));
let toks = vec![
XirfToken::Open(QN_ROOT, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
// These attributes should stream,
// but only _after_ having emitted the opening object from `@ {}`.
// A child should halt attribute parsing just the same as `@ {}`
// would without the `[text]` special form.
XirfToken::Open(QN_CHILD, OpenSpan(S5, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S6), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(Some(QN_ROOT), CloseSpan(S2, N), Depth(0)),
// Unlike other test cases,
// rather than attribute parsing yielding a single object,
// we will see both the `@ {}` object _and_ individual attributes
// from the `[attr]` map.
// Since we are not aggregating,
// and since streaming attributes must be emitted _after_ the opening
// object to ensure proper nesting in the downstream IR,
// the `@ {}` object is emitted immediately upon opening instead of
// emitting an incomplete parse.
use Parsed::*;
Object(Foo::Open), // [Root] Root Open
Object(Foo::Attr(attr1)), // [Root] attr1
Object(Foo::Attr(attr2)), // [Root] attr2
Incomplete, // [Child] Child Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::Child), // [Child@] Child Close (>LA)
Incomplete, // [Child] Child Close (<LA)
Object(Foo::Close), // [Root] Root Close
// An unexpected element produces an error for the offending token and
// then employs a recovery strategy so that parsing may continue.
fn unexpected_element() {
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = ();
Root := QN_PACKAGE {
// symbol soup
@ {} => (),
let unexpected = "unexpected".unwrap_into();
let span = OpenSpan(S1, 3);
// Note that the depth is >0 just to ensure that we don't
// hard-code some assumption that `0` means "root".
const DEPTH_ROOT: Depth = Depth(5);
const DEPTH_CHILD: Depth = Depth(6);
// Implied here is that we have valid XIRF.
// This means that,
// in the context of the larger real-world system
// (not these test cases),
// even as we discard tokens,
// XIRF is still doing its job before feeding them to us,
// meaning that we get XIRF's parsing even though we've chosen
// to ignore further input for this element.
// In other words---our
// decision to skip tokens does not skip the validations that XIRF
// performs,
// such as ensuring proper nesting.
let toks = vec![
// Any name besides `QN_PACKAGE`
XirfToken::Open(unexpected, span, DEPTH_ROOT),
// From this point on we are in a recovery state,
// and will not emit tokens
// (or further errors)
// for these inputs.
XirfToken::Attr(Attr(QN_VALUE, "ignored".into(), AttrSpan(S2, S3))),
XirfToken::Open(QN_NAME, OpenSpan(S4, N), DEPTH_CHILD),
// This ensures that closing at a different depth will not count
// as the closing node for recovery.
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S5), DEPTH_CHILD),
// This final token closes the element that caused the error,
// and so brings us into an accepting state.
XirfToken::Close(Some(unexpected), CloseSpan(S6, 3), DEPTH_ROOT),
let mut sut = Sut::parse(toks.into_iter());
// The first token of input is the unexpected element,
// and so should result an error.
// The referenced span should be the _name_ of the element,
// not the tag,
// since the error is referring not to the fact that an element
// was encountered
// (which was expected),
// but to the fact that the name was not the one expected.
let err = sut.next().unwrap().unwrap_err();
// TODO: This references generated identifiers.
// The diagnostic should describe the name of the element as being
// invalid.
assert_eq!(err.describe()[0].span(), span.name_span());
// We should have now entered a recovery mode whereby we discard
// input until we close the element that introduced the error.
assert_eq!(Some(Ok(Parsed::Incomplete)), sut.next()); // Attr
assert_eq!(Some(Ok(Parsed::Incomplete)), sut.next()); // Open (C)
assert_eq!(Some(Ok(Parsed::Incomplete)), sut.next()); // Close (C)
// The recovery state must not be in an accepting state,
// because we didn't close at the root depth yet.
let (mut sut, _) =
sut.finalize().expect_err("recovery must not be accepting");
// The next token should close the element that is in error,
// and bring us into an accepting state.
// But since we are not emitting tokens,
// we'll still be marked as incomplete.
assert_eq!(Some(Ok(Parsed::Incomplete)), sut.next()); // Close (R)
.expect("recovery must complete in an accepting state");
fn single_child_element() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl Object for Foo {}
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
Root := QN_PACKAGE {
@ {} => Foo::RootAttr,
Child := QN_CLASSIFY {
@ {} => Foo::ChildAttr,
let toks = vec![
XirfToken::Open(QN_PACKAGE, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
XirfToken::Open(QN_CLASSIFY, OpenSpan(S2, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S3), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(Some(QN_PACKAGE), CloseSpan(S4, N), Depth(0)),
Parsed::Incomplete, // [Root] Root Open
Parsed::Object(Foo::RootAttr), // [Root@] Child Open (>LA)
Parsed::Incomplete, // [Child] Child Open (<LA)
Parsed::Object(Foo::ChildAttr), // [Child@] Child Close (>LA)
Parsed::Incomplete, // [Child] Child Close (<LA)
Parsed::Incomplete, // [Root] Root Close
// Since all NTs are zero-or-more,
// we should accept when an expecting child is missing
// (when we receive `Close` instead of an `Open` for the child).
fn single_child_element_missing() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl Object for Foo {}
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
Root := QN_PACKAGE {
@ {} => Foo::Root,
// Expected,
// but will not be provided.
// We never yield this.
Child := QN_CLASSIFY {
@ {} => Foo::Child,
let toks = vec![
XirfToken::Open(QN_PACKAGE, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
// Missing child,
// which should be okay.
XirfToken::Close(Some(QN_PACKAGE), CloseSpan(S4, N), Depth(0)),
Parsed::Incomplete, // [Root] Root Open
Parsed::Object(Foo::Root), // [Root@] Root Close (<LA)
Parsed::Incomplete, // [Root] Root Close (>LA)
/// Expands off of [`single_child_element`],
/// but the former provides a clear indication of whether a single state
/// is properly recognized without having to worry about how nonterminals'
/// states transition to one-another in sequence.
fn multiple_child_elements_sequential() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl crate::parse::Object for Foo {}
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
Root := QN_PACKAGE(_, ospan) {
@ {} => Foo::RootOpen(ospan.span()),
/(cspan) => Foo::RootClose(cspan.span()),
// Order matters here.
// Demonstrates that span identifier bindings are scoped to the
// nonterminal block
// (so please keep the identifiers the same as above).
ChildA := QN_CLASSIFY(_, ospan) {
@ {} => Foo::ChildAOpen(ospan.span()),
/(cspan) => Foo::ChildAClose(cspan.span()),
ChildB := QN_EXPORT {
@ {} => Foo::ChildBOpen,
/ => Foo::ChildBClose,
let toks = vec![
XirfToken::Open(QN_PACKAGE, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
// ChildA
XirfToken::Open(QN_CLASSIFY, OpenSpan(S2, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S3), Depth(1)),
// Child B
XirfToken::Open(QN_EXPORT, OpenSpan(S3, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S4), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(Some(QN_PACKAGE), CloseSpan(S5, N), Depth(0)),
use Parsed::*;
Incomplete, // [Root] Root Open
Object(Foo::RootOpen(S1)), // [Root@] ChildA Open (>LA)
Incomplete, // [ChildA] ChildA Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::ChildAOpen(S2)), // [ChildA@] ChildA Close (>LA)
Object(Foo::ChildAClose(S3)), // [ChildA] ChildA Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [ChildB] ChildB Open
Object(Foo::ChildBOpen), // [ChildB@] ChildB Close (>LA)
Object(Foo::ChildBClose), // [ChildB] ChildB Close (<LA)
Object(Foo::RootClose(S5)), // [Root] Root Close
// Used by below tests.
fn x_ignored_between_elements(tok: XirfToken<RefinedText>) {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl crate::parse::Object for Foo {}
const QN_SUT: QName = QN_PACKAGE;
const QN_A: QName = QN_CLASSIFY;
const QN_B: QName = QN_EXPORT;
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
Root := QN_SUT {
@ {} => Foo::Root,
A := QN_A {
@ {} => Foo::A,
B := QN_B {
@ {} => Foo::B,
let toks = vec![
// Whitespace before start tag.
XirfToken::Open(QN_SUT, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
// Whitespace between children.
XirfToken::Open(QN_A, OpenSpan(S2, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S3), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Open(QN_B, OpenSpan(S3, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S4), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(Some(QN_SUT), CloseSpan(S5, N), Depth(0)),
// Whitespace after end tag.
use Parsed::*;
Incomplete, // [Root] tok
Incomplete, // [Root] Root Open
Incomplete, // [Root@] tok
Object(Foo::Root), // [Root@] A Open (>LA)
Incomplete, // [A] A Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::A), // [A@] A Close (>LA)
Incomplete, // [A] A Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [A] tok
Incomplete, // [B] B Open
Object(Foo::B), // [B@] B Close (>LA)
Incomplete, // [B] B Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [Root] tok
Incomplete, // [Root] Root Close
Incomplete, // [Root] tok
// Even if we do not accept mixed data
// (text and elements),
// whitespace text ought to be accepted and entirely ignored.
fn whitespace_ignored_between_elements() {
RefinedText::Whitespace(Whitespace(Text(" ".unwrap_into(), S1))),
// Comments have no semantic meaning,
// and ought not to,
// because we control the language and can do better.
fn comments_ignored_between_elements() {
// TODO: This error recovery seems to be undesirable,
// both consuming an element and skipping the requirement;
// it is beneficial only in showing that recovery is possible and
// accounted for.
// Let's revisit once we're further along and have concrete examples to
// determine if there is a proper umbrella recovery strategy,
// or if it needs to be configurable depending on context.
fn child_error_and_recovery() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
ChildABad, // Will not yield this one.
impl crate::parse::Object for Foo {}
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
Root := QN_PACKAGE {
@ {} => Foo::RootOpen,
// Must be emitted if `RootOpen` is to maintain balance.
/ => Foo::RootClose,
// This is what we're expecting,
// but not what we will provide.
// But we _will_ provide this expected value,
// after error recovery ignores the above.
@ {} => Foo::ChildABad,
ChildB := QN_EXPORT {
@ {} => Foo::ChildB,
let unexpected = "unexpected".unwrap_into();
let span = OpenSpan(S2, N);
let toks = vec![
// The first token is the expected root.
XirfToken::Open(QN_PACKAGE, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
// --> But this one is unexpected (name).
XirfToken::Open(unexpected, span, Depth(1)),
// And so we should ignore it up to this point.
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S3), Depth(1)),
// At this point,
// having encountered the closing tag,
// the next token should result in a dead state,
// which should then result in a transition away from the state
// for `ChildA`,
// which means that we expect `ChildB`.
// Parsing continues normally.
XirfToken::Open(QN_EXPORT, OpenSpan(S4, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S5), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(Some(QN_PACKAGE), CloseSpan(S4, N), Depth(0)),
let mut sut = Sut::parse(toks.into_iter());
use Parsed::*;
// The first token is expected,
// and we enter attribute parsing for `Root`.
assert_eq!(Some(Ok(Incomplete)), sut.next()); // [Root] Open 0
// The second token _will_ be unexpected,
// but we're parsing attributes for `Root`,
// so we don't know that yet.
// Instead,
// the `Open` ends attribute parsing and yields a token of lookahead.
Some(Ok(Object(Foo::RootOpen))), // [Root@] Open 1 (>LA)
// The token of lookahead (`Open`) is unexpected for `ChildA`,
// which must throw an error and enter a recovery state.
// The token should be consumed and returned in the error,
// _not_ produced as a token of lookahead,
// since we do not want to reprocess bad input.
let err = sut.next().unwrap().unwrap_err();
// TODO: This references generated identifiers.
// Diagnostic message should be delegated to the child.
assert_eq!(err.describe()[0].span(), span.name_span());
// The next token is the self-closing `Close` for the unexpected opening
// tag.
// Since we are in recovery,
// it should be ignored.
assert_eq!(Some(Ok(Incomplete)), sut.next()); // [ChildA!] Close 1
// Having recovered from the error,
// we should happily accept the remaining tokens starting with
// `ChildB`.
// An intelligent system ought to accept `ChildA` if it didn't produce
// any output for the erroneous input,
// but that's not what we're doing yet.
Incomplete, // [ChildB] Open 1
Object(Foo::ChildB), // [ChildB@] Close 1 (>LA)
Incomplete, // [ChildB] Close 1 (<LA)
Object(Foo::RootClose), // [Root] Close 0
// This differs from the above test in that we encounter unexpected elements
// when we expected to find the end tag.
// This means that the element _name_ is not in error,
// but the fact that an element exists _at all_ is.
fn child_error_and_recovery_at_close() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl Object for Foo {}
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
Root := QN_PACKAGE {
@ {} => Foo::Open,
/ => Foo::Close,
let unexpected_a = "unexpected a".unwrap_into();
let unexpected_b = "unexpected b".unwrap_into();
let span_a = OpenSpan(S2, N);
let span_b = OpenSpan(S4, N);
let toks = vec![
// The first token is the expected root.
XirfToken::Open(QN_PACKAGE, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
// Root is now expecting either attributes
// (of which there are none),
// or a closing element.
// In either case,
// an opening element is entirely unexpected.
XirfToken::Open(unexpected_a, span_a, Depth(1)),
// And so we should ignore it up to this point.
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S3), Depth(1)),
// Let's do the same thing again.
// It may be ideal to have another error exposed for each individual
// element that is unexpected,
// but for now the parser is kept simple and we simply continue
// to ignore elements until we reach the close.
XirfToken::Open(unexpected_b, span_b, Depth(1)),
// And so we should ignore it up to this point.
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S5), Depth(1)),
// Let's mix it up a bit with some text and make sure that is
// ignored too.
RefinedText::Unrefined(Text("unexpected text".unwrap_into(), S5)),
// Having recovered from the above tokens,
// this will end parsing for `Root` as expected.
XirfToken::Close(Some(QN_PACKAGE), CloseSpan(S6, N), Depth(0)),
let mut sut = Sut::parse(toks.into_iter());
// The first token is expected,
// and we enter attribute parsing for `Root`.
assert_eq!(Some(Ok(Parsed::Incomplete)), sut.next()); // [Root] Open 0
// The second token _will_ be unexpected,
// but we're parsing attributes for `Root`,
// so we don't know that yet.
// Instead,
// the `Open` ends attribute parsing and yields a token of lookahead.
Some(Ok(Parsed::Object(Foo::Open))), // [Root@] Open 1 (>LA)
// The token of lookahead (`Open`) is unexpected for `Root`,
// which is expecting `Close`.
// The token should be consumed and returned in the error,
// _not_ produced as a token of lookahead,
// since we do not want to reprocess bad input.
let err = sut.next().unwrap().unwrap_err();
// TODO: This references generated identifiers.
OpenSpan(S1, N),
XirfToken::Open(unexpected_a, span_a, Depth(1)),
// The diagnostic information should include a reference to where the
// element was opened
// (so that the user understands what needs closing),
// followed by the span of the token in error
// (which naturally comes after the opening tag).
let desc = err.describe();
assert_eq!(desc[0].span(), S1); // Span of opening tag we want closed
assert_eq!(desc[1].span(), span_a.span()); // Span of error
// The recovery state must not be in an accepting state,
// because we didn't close at the root depth yet.
let (mut sut, _) =
sut.finalize().expect_err("recovery must not be accepting");
// The next token is the self-closing `Close` for the unexpected opening
// tag.
// Since we are in recovery,
// it should be ignored.
assert_eq!(Some(Ok(Parsed::Incomplete)), sut.next()); // [Root!] Close 1
// We are still in recovery,
// and so we should still be ignoring tokens.
// It may be more ideal to throw individual errors per unexpected
// element
// (though doing so may be noisy if there is a lot),
// but for now the parser is kept simple.
assert_eq!(Some(Ok(Parsed::Incomplete)), sut.next()); // [Root!] Open 1
assert_eq!(Some(Ok(Parsed::Incomplete)), sut.next()); // [Root!] Close 1
assert_eq!(Some(Ok(Parsed::Incomplete)), sut.next()); // [Root!] Text
// Having recovered from the error,
// we should now be able to close successfully.
assert_eq!(Some(Ok(Parsed::Object(Foo::Close))), sut.next());
.expect("recovery must complete in an accepting state");
// A nonterminal of the form `(A | ... | Z)` should accept the element of
// any of the inner nonterminals.
fn sum_nonterminal_accepts_any_valid_element() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl crate::parse::Object for Foo {}
// QNames don't matter as long as they are unique.
const QN_A: QName = QN_PACKAGE;
const QN_B: QName = QN_CLASSIFY;
const QN_C: QName = QN_EXPORT;
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
Root := (A | B | C);
A := QN_A {
@ {} => Foo::A,
B := QN_B {
@ {} => Foo::B,
C := QN_C {
@ {} => Foo::C,
use Parsed::*;
use XirfToken::{Close, Open};
// Try each in turn with a fresh instance of `Root`.
[(QN_A, Foo::A), (QN_B, Foo::B), (QN_C, Foo::C)]
.for_each(|(qname, obj)| {
let toks = vec![
Open(qname, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S2), Depth(0)),
Incomplete, // [X] Open
Object(obj), // [X@] Close (>LA)
Incomplete, // [X] Close
// Whitespace should be accepted around elements.
fn sum_nonterminal_accepts_x(tok: XirfToken<RefinedText>) {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl crate::parse::Object for Foo {}
// QNames don't matter as long as they are unique.
const QN_A: QName = QN_PACKAGE;
const QN_B: QName = QN_CLASSIFY;
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
// Sum type requires two NTs but we only use A.
Root := (A | B);
A := QN_A {
@ {} => Foo::A,
B := QN_B {
@ {} => Foo::B,
use Parsed::*;
use XirfToken::{Close, Open};
// Try each in turn with a fresh instance of `Root`.
let toks = vec![
// Leading.
Open(QN_A, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S2), Depth(0)),
// Trailing.
Incomplete, // [A] tok
Incomplete, // [A] Open
Object(Foo::A), // [A@] Close (>LA)
Incomplete, // [A] Close
Incomplete, // [A] tok
fn sum_nonterminal_accepts_whitespace() {
RefinedText::Whitespace(Whitespace(Text(" ".unwrap_into(), S1))),
fn sum_nonterminal_accepts_comments() {
// Compose sum NTs with a parent element.
fn sum_nonterminal_as_child_element() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl crate::parse::Object for Foo {}
// QNames don't matter as long as they are unique.
const QN_ROOT: QName = QN_PACKAGE;
const QN_A: QName = QN_DIM;
const QN_B: QName = QN_CLASSIFY;
const QN_C: QName = QN_VALUE;
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
Root := QN_PACKAGE {
@ {} => Foo::Open(QN_ROOT),
/ => Foo::Close(QN_ROOT),
// A|B followed by a C.
AB := (A | B);
A := QN_A {
@ {} => Foo::Open(QN_A),
/ => Foo::Close(QN_A),
B := QN_B {
@ {} => Foo::Open(QN_B),
/ => Foo::Close(QN_B),
C := QN_C {
@ {} => Foo::Open(QN_C),
/ => Foo::Close(QN_C),
let toks = vec![
XirfToken::Open(QN_ROOT, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
// A
XirfToken::Open(QN_A, OpenSpan(S2, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S3), Depth(1)),
// B
XirfToken::Open(QN_C, OpenSpan(S3, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S4), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(Some(QN_ROOT), CloseSpan(S5, N), Depth(0)),
use Parsed::*;
Incomplete, // [Root] Root Open
Object(Foo::Open(QN_ROOT)), // [Root@] A Open (>LA)
Incomplete, // [A] A Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::Open(QN_A)), // [A@] A Close (>LA)
Object(Foo::Close(QN_A)), // [A] A Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [C] B Open
Object(Foo::Open(QN_C)), // [C@] B Close (>LA)
Object(Foo::Close(QN_C)), // [C] B Close (<LA)
Object(Foo::Close(QN_ROOT)), // [Root] Root Close
fn sum_nonterminal_error_recovery() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl crate::parse::Object for Foo {}
// QNames don't matter as long as they are unique.
const QN_A: QName = QN_PACKAGE;
const QN_B: QName = QN_CLASSIFY;
let unexpected: QName = "unexpected".unwrap_into();
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
Root := (A | B);
A := QN_A {
@ {} => Foo::A,
B := QN_B {
@ {} => Foo::B,
// Something >0 just to assert that we're actually paying attention to
// it when consuming tokens during recovery.
let depth = Depth(5);
let depth_child = Depth(6);
// An extra token to yield after we're done parsing to ensure that we
// properly yield a dead state transition.
let dead_tok = XirfToken::Open(QN_NAME, OpenSpan(S5, N), depth);
let toks = vec![
// Neither A nor B,
// which will produce an error and enter recovery.
XirfToken::Open(unexpected, OpenSpan(S1, N), depth),
// A child element to be ignored,
// to ensure that its closing tag will not halt recovery
// prematurely.
// This further tests that it's too late to provide a valid opening
// token
// (which is good because we're not at the right depth).
XirfToken::Open(QN_A, OpenSpan(S2, N), depth_child),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S3), depth_child),
// Closing token for the bad element at the corresponding depth,
// which will end recovery.
XirfToken::Close(Some(unexpected), CloseSpan(S4, N), depth),
// Should result in a dead state post-recovery,
// just as we would expect if we _didn't_ recover.
let mut sut = Sut::parse(toks.into_iter());
// The first token of input is the unexpected element,
// and so should result an error.
// The referenced span should be the _name_ of the element,
// not the tag,
// since the error is referring not to the fact that an element
// was encountered
// (which was expected),
// but to the fact that the name was not the one expected.
let err = sut.next().unwrap().unwrap_err();
// TODO: This references generated identifiers.
OpenSpan(S1, N).name_span(),
// Diagnostic message should describe the name of the element.
assert_eq!(err.describe()[0].span(), OpenSpan(S1, N).name_span());
// We should have now entered a recovery mode whereby we discard
// input until we close the element that introduced the error.
assert_eq!(sut.next(), Some(Ok(Parsed::Incomplete))); // Open child
assert_eq!(sut.next(), Some(Ok(Parsed::Incomplete))); // Close child
// The recovery state must not be in an accepting state,
// because we didn't close at the root depth yet.
let (mut sut, _) =
sut.finalize().expect_err("recovery must not be accepting");
// The next token should close the element that is in error,
// and bring us into an accepting state.
// But since we are not emitting tokens,
// we'll still be marked as incomplete.
assert_eq!(Some(Ok(Parsed::Incomplete)), sut.next()); // Close root
// Encountering any tokens post-recovery should result in a dead state
// just the same as if we had closed normally.
let err = sut.next().unwrap().unwrap_err();
ParseError::UnexpectedToken(given_tok, _) if given_tok == dead_tok,
// Having otherwise completed successfully,
// and now yielding dead states,
// we must indicate that parsing has completed successfully so that
// the caller knows that it can safely move on.
.expect("recovery must complete in an accepting state");
fn child_repetition() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl crate::parse::Object for Foo {}
const QN_ROOT: QName = QN_PACKAGE;
const QN_A: QName = QN_DIM;
const QN_B: QName = QN_CLASSIFY;
const QN_C: QName = QN_EXPORT;
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
Root := QN_PACKAGE {
@ {} => Foo::RootOpen,
/ => Foo::RootClose,
ChildA := QN_A {
@ {} => Foo::ChildOpen(QN_A),
/ => Foo::ChildClose(QN_A),
ChildB := QN_B {
@ {} => Foo::ChildOpen(QN_B),
/ => Foo::ChildClose(QN_B),
ChildC := QN_C {
@ {} => Foo::ChildOpen(QN_C),
/ => Foo::ChildClose(QN_C),
let toks = vec![
XirfToken::Open(QN_ROOT, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
// ChildA (1)
XirfToken::Open(QN_A, OpenSpan(S2, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S3), Depth(1)),
// ChildA (2)
XirfToken::Open(QN_A, OpenSpan(S3, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S4), Depth(1)),
// ChildB (1)
XirfToken::Open(QN_B, OpenSpan(S4, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S5), Depth(1)),
// ChildB (2)
XirfToken::Open(QN_B, OpenSpan(S5, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S6), Depth(1)),
// ChildC (only)
XirfToken::Open(QN_C, OpenSpan(S6, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S7), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(Some(QN_ROOT), CloseSpan(S8, N), Depth(0)),
use Parsed::*;
// Note that we cannot observe the handoff after the repeating parsers
// below because Parser immediately recur.
// For example,
// when ChildA has been closed,
// it awaits the next token to see if it should reset or if it should
// emit a dead state.
// If it receives `QN_A`,
// then it'll reset.
// However,
// `QN_B` will cause it to emit `dead` with the `Open` token as
// lookahead,
// which then gets turned into `Incomplete` with lookahead by
// `ParseState::delegate`,
// which then causes `Parser` to immediate recur,
// masking the `Incomplete` entirely.
// And so what we see below is a cleaner,
// albeit not entirely honest,
// script.
// (Also please note that the above description is true as of the time
// of writing,
// but it's possible that this comment has not been updated since
// then.)
Incomplete, // [Root] Root Open
Object(Foo::RootOpen), // [Root@] ChildA Open (>LA)
Incomplete, // [ChildA] ChildA Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::ChildOpen(QN_A)), // [ChildA@] ChildA Close (>LA)
Object(Foo::ChildClose(QN_A)), // [ChildA] ChildA Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [ChildA] ChildA Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::ChildOpen(QN_A)), // [ChildA@] ChildA Close (>LA)
Object(Foo::ChildClose(QN_A)), // [ChildA] ChildA Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [ChildB] ChildB Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::ChildOpen(QN_B)), // [ChildB@] ChildB Close (>LA)
Object(Foo::ChildClose(QN_B)), // [ChildB] ChildB Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [ChildB] ChildB Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::ChildOpen(QN_B)), // [ChildB@] ChildB Close (>LA)
Object(Foo::ChildClose(QN_B)), // [ChildB] ChildB Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [ChildC] ChildC Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::ChildOpen(QN_C)), // [ChildC@] ChildC Close (>LA)
Object(Foo::ChildClose(QN_C)), // [ChildC] ChildC Close (<LA)
Object(Foo::RootClose), // [Root] Root Close
fn child_repetition_invalid_tok_dead() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl crate::parse::Object for Foo {}
// QNames don't matter as long as they are unique.
const QN_ROOT: QName = QN_PACKAGE;
const QN_CHILD: QName = QN_DIM;
let unexpected: QName = "unexpected".unwrap_into();
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
Root := QN_PACKAGE {
@ {} => Foo::RootOpen,
/ => Foo::RootClose,
Child := QN_CHILD {
@ {} => Foo::ChildOpen,
/ => Foo::ChildClose,
let toks = vec![
XirfToken::Open(QN_ROOT, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
// Child (success)
XirfToken::Open(QN_CHILD, OpenSpan(S2, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S3), Depth(1)),
// Repeat (unexpected)
XirfToken::Open(unexpected, OpenSpan(S2, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S3), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(Some(QN_ROOT), CloseSpan(S8, N), Depth(0)),
let mut sut = Sut::parse(toks.into_iter());
use Parsed::*;
let mut next = || sut.next();
assert_eq!(next(), Some(Ok(Incomplete))); // [Root] Open
assert_eq!(next(), Some(Ok(Object(Foo::RootOpen)))); // [Root@] Open >
assert_eq!(next(), Some(Ok(Incomplete))); // [Child] Open <
assert_eq!(next(), Some(Ok(Object(Foo::ChildOpen)))); // [Child@] Close >
assert_eq!(next(), Some(Ok(Object(Foo::ChildClose)))); // [Child] Close <
// Intuitively,
// we may want to enter recovery and ignore the element.
// But the problem is that we need to emit a dead state so that other
// parsers can handle the input,
// because it may simply be the case that our repetition is over.
// Given that dead state and token of lookahead,
// `Parser` will immediately recurse to re-process the erroneous
// `Open`.
// Since the next token expected after the `Child` NT is `Close`,
// this will result in an error and trigger recovery _on `Root`_,
// which will ignore the erroneous `Open`.
// TODO: This references generated identifiers.
OpenSpan(S1, N),
XirfToken::Open(unexpected, OpenSpan(S2, N), Depth(1)),
// This next token is also ignored as part of recovery.
assert_eq!(next(), Some(Ok(Incomplete))); // [Root] Child Close
// Finally,
// `Root` encounters its expected `Close` and ends recovery.
assert_eq!(next(), Some(Ok(Object(Foo::RootClose)))); // [Root] Close
.expect("recovery must complete in an accepting state");
// Repetition on a nonterminal of the form `(A | ... | Z)` will allow any
// number of `A` through `Z` in any order.
// This is similar to the above test.
fn sum_repetition() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl crate::parse::Object for Foo {}
const QN_ROOT: QName = QN_PACKAGE;
const QN_A: QName = QN_DIM;
const QN_B: QName = QN_CLASSIFY;
const QN_C: QName = QN_EXPORT;
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
Root := QN_PACKAGE {
@ {} => Foo::Open(QN_ROOT),
/ => Foo::Close(QN_ROOT),
// A|B|C in any order,
// any number of times.
ABC := (A | B | C );
A := QN_A {
@ {} => Foo::Open(QN_A),
/ => Foo::Close(QN_A),
B := QN_B {
@ {} => Foo::Open(QN_B),
/ => Foo::Close(QN_B),
C := QN_C {
@ {} => Foo::Open(QN_C),
/ => Foo::Close(QN_C),
let toks = vec![
XirfToken::Open(QN_ROOT, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
// A (1)
XirfToken::Open(QN_A, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S2), Depth(1)),
// A (2)
XirfToken::Open(QN_A, OpenSpan(S2, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S3), Depth(1)),
// B (1)
XirfToken::Open(QN_B, OpenSpan(S3, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S4), Depth(1)),
// C (1)
XirfToken::Open(QN_C, OpenSpan(S4, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S5), Depth(1)),
// B (2)
XirfToken::Open(QN_B, OpenSpan(S5, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S6), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(Some(QN_ROOT), CloseSpan(S7, N), Depth(0)),
use Parsed::*;
// See notes on preceding repetition test `child_repetition` regarding
// the suppression of `Incomplete` for dead states.
Incomplete, // [Root] Root Open
Object(Foo::Open(QN_ROOT)), // [Root@] A Open (>LA)
Incomplete, // [A] A Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::Open(QN_A)), // [A@] A Close (>LA)
Object(Foo::Close(QN_A)), // [A] A Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [A] A Open
Object(Foo::Open(QN_A)), // [A@] A Close (>LA)
Object(Foo::Close(QN_A)), // [A] A Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [B] B Open
Object(Foo::Open(QN_B)), // [B@] B Close (>LA)
Object(Foo::Close(QN_B)), // [B] B Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [C] C Open
Object(Foo::Open(QN_C)), // [C@] C Close (>LA)
Object(Foo::Close(QN_C)), // [C] C Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [B] B Open
Object(Foo::Open(QN_B)), // [B@] B Close (>LA)
Object(Foo::Close(QN_B)), // [B] B Close (<LA)
Object(Foo::Close(QN_ROOT)), // [Root] Root Close
// Text nodes may appear between elements if a `[text]` special form
// specifies a mapping on the superstate.
// This is "mixed content" in XML.
fn mixed_content_text_nodes() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
Text(SymbolId, Span),
impl crate::parse::Object for Foo {}
const QN_ROOT: QName = QN_PACKAGE;
const QN_A: QName = QN_CLASSIFY;
const QN_B: QName = QN_EXPORT;
const QN_C: QName = QN_DIM;
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
[super] {
// The `[text]` special form here introduces a `Text` mapping
// for all non-whitespace text nodes.
[text](sym, span) => Foo::Text(sym, span),
Root := QN_ROOT {
@ {} => Foo::Open(QN_ROOT),
/ => Foo::Close(QN_ROOT),
// Text allowed at any point between these elements because of
// the `[super]` definition.
// Used to verify that Text doesn't force a dead state
// transition away from AB at the close of a `A|B`.
A := QN_A {
@ {} => Foo::Open(QN_A),
/ => Foo::Close(QN_A),
// Text should be permitted even though we permit no children,
// because of the `[super]` definition.
B := QN_B {
@ {} => Foo::Open(QN_B),
/ => Foo::Close(QN_B),
AB := (A | B);
C := QN_C {
@ {} => Foo::Open(QN_C),
/ => Foo::Close(QN_C),
let tok_ws = XirfToken::Text(
RefinedText::Whitespace(Whitespace(Text(" ".unwrap_into(), S1))),
let text_root = "text root".into();
let text_a = "text a".into();
let text_a2 = "text a2".into();
let text_b = "text b".into();
let text_b2 = "text b2".into();
let toks = vec![
XirfToken::Open(QN_ROOT, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
// Whitespace will not match the `[text]` special form.
// Text before root open.
// This must be emitted as a _child_ of Root,
// meaning that Root must be given the opportunity to report that
// attribute parsing is finished before we emit the object.
XirfToken::Text(RefinedText::Unrefined(Text(text_root, S1)), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Open(QN_A, OpenSpan(S2, N), Depth(1)),
// Text within a child.
XirfToken::Text(RefinedText::Unrefined(Text(text_a, S2)), Depth(2)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S3), Depth(1)),
// Text _after_ a child node,
// which does not require ending attribute parsing before emitting.
XirfToken::Text(RefinedText::Unrefined(Text(text_a2, S3)), Depth(1)),
// Try to yield B with text.
XirfToken::Open(QN_B, OpenSpan(S3, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Text(RefinedText::Unrefined(Text(text_b, S4)), Depth(2)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S4), Depth(1)),
// Finally, some more text permitted at the close of b.
XirfToken::Text(RefinedText::Unrefined(Text(text_b2, S5)), Depth(1)),
// Encountering the text at the close should not have transitioned
// us away from the parser,
// so let's verify that we can still parse `AB`.
XirfToken::Open(QN_B, OpenSpan(S4, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S6), Depth(1)),
// Provide C,
// just so this test doesn't depend on being able to accept zero
// of an NT.
// This otherwise has no impact on this test beyond ensuring it
// doesn't fail for reasons unrelated to whitespace.
XirfToken::Open(QN_C, OpenSpan(S5, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S6), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(Some(QN_ROOT), CloseSpan(S6, N), Depth(0)),
use Parsed::*;
Incomplete, // [Root] Root Open
Incomplete, // [Root@] WS
Object(Foo::Open(QN_ROOT)), // [Sut] Text (>LA)
Object(Foo::Text(text_root, S1)), // [Root] Text (<LA)
Incomplete, // [A] A Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::Open(QN_A)), // [A@] A Text (>LA)
Object(Foo::Text(text_a, S2)), // [Sut] Text (<LA)
Object(Foo::Close(QN_A)), // [A] A Close
Object(Foo::Text(text_a2, S3)), // [Sut] Text
Incomplete, // [B] B Open
Object(Foo::Open(QN_B)), // [B@] B Text (>LA)
Object(Foo::Text(text_b, S4)), // [B] Text (<LA)
Object(Foo::Close(QN_B)), // [B] B Close
Object(Foo::Text(text_b2, S5)), // [Sut] Text
Incomplete, // [B] B Open
Object(Foo::Open(QN_B)), // [B@] B Text (>LA)
Object(Foo::Close(QN_B)), // [B] B Close
Incomplete, // [C] C Open
Object(Foo::Open(QN_C)), // [C@] C Text (>LA)
Object(Foo::Close(QN_C)), // [C] C Close
Object(Foo::Close(QN_ROOT)), // [Root] Root Close
/// Contrast this test with [`mixed_content_text_nodes`] above.
fn no_mixed_content_super() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl crate::parse::Object for Foo {}
const QN_SUT: QName = QN_PACKAGE;
const QN_A: QName = QN_CLASSIFY;
// No text permitted.
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
Root := QN_SUT {
@ {} => Foo::Root,
A := QN_A {
@ {} => Foo::A,
let text_a = "text a".into();
let toks = vec![
XirfToken::Open(QN_SUT, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
XirfToken::Open(QN_A, OpenSpan(S2, N), Depth(1)),
// Text should not be permitted.
XirfToken::Text(RefinedText::Unrefined(Text(text_a, S2)), Depth(2)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S3), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(Some(QN_SUT), CloseSpan(S6, N), Depth(0)),
let mut sut = Sut::parse(toks.into_iter());
use Parsed::*;
// The first two tokens should parse successfully
// (four calls because of LA).
assert_eq!(sut.next(), Some(Ok(Incomplete))); // [Root] Root Open
assert_eq!(sut.next(), Some(Ok(Object(Foo::Root)))); // [Root@] A Open (>LA)
assert_eq!(sut.next(), Some(Ok(Incomplete))); // [A] A Open (<LA)
assert_eq!(sut.next(), Some(Ok(Object(Foo::A)))); // [A@] Text (>LA)
// The next token is text,
// which is not permitted because of a lack of `[super]` with
// `[text`].
assert_matches!(sut.next(), Some(Err(_))); // [A] Text (<LA)
// A then enters recovery,
// completes recovery,
// and parsing finishes.
Incomplete, // [A] A Close
Incomplete, // [Root] Root Close
// Using the same superstate node preemption mechanism as `[text]` above,
// the superstate can also preempt opening element nodes.
// This is useful for things that can appear in _any_ context,
// such as template applications.
fn superstate_preempt_element_open_sum() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl crate::parse::Object for Foo {}
const QN_ROOT: QName = QN_PACKAGE;
const QN_CHILDA: QName = QN_NAME;
const QN_CHILDB: QName = QN_DIM;
const QN_PRE_A: QName = QN_CLASSIFY;
const QN_PRE_B: QName = QN_EXPORT;
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
[super] {
// We can provide a _single_ NT to preempt.
// Using a sum type allows us to preempt multiple nodes.
Root := QN_ROOT {
@ {} => Foo::Root,
/ => Foo::RootClose,
// Note how `AB` is _not_ a child here.
ChildA := QN_CHILDA {
@ {} => Foo::ChildA,
/ => Foo::ChildAClose,
ChildB := QN_CHILDB {
@ {} => Foo::ChildB,
/ => Foo::ChildBClose,
PreA := QN_PRE_A(_, ospan) {
@ {} => Foo::PreA(ospan.span()),
/ => Foo::PreAClose,
PreB := QN_PRE_B(_, ospan) {
@ {} => Foo::PreB(ospan.span()),
/ => Foo::PreBClose,
PreAB := (PreA | PreB);
let toks = vec![
XirfToken::Open(QN_ROOT, OpenSpan(S2, N), Depth(0)),
// At this point we are performing attribute parsing.
// Let's try to preempt;
// we'll want to ensure that attributes will be omitted before the
// preempted node,
// otherwise we'd be a sibling rather than a child.
XirfToken::Open(QN_PRE_B, OpenSpan(S3, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S3), Depth(1)),
// Now let's return to normal parsing with the expected child.
XirfToken::Open(QN_CHILDA, OpenSpan(S4, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S4), Depth(1)),
// We're now expecting `ChildB`.
// Preempt again.
XirfToken::Open(QN_PRE_A, OpenSpan(S5, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S5), Depth(1)),
// Preemption should not have changed the state of `Root`,
// and so _we should still be expecting `ChildB`_.
XirfToken::Open(QN_CHILDB, OpenSpan(S6, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S6), Depth(1)),
// We ought to be able to preempt before the closing tag too.
XirfToken::Open(QN_PRE_B, OpenSpan(S7, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S7), Depth(1)),
// Adjacent,
// just to be sure that we allow the previous to close before we
// preempt again.
XirfToken::Open(QN_PRE_A, OpenSpan(S8, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S7), Depth(1)),
// This poor document has had enough.
// Let it close.
XirfToken::Close(Some(QN_ROOT), CloseSpan(S2, N), Depth(0)),
use Parsed::*;
Incomplete, // [Root] Root Open
Object(Foo::Root), // [Root@] B Open (>LA)
Incomplete, // [PreB] B Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::PreB(S3)), // [PreB] B Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::PreBClose), // [PreB] B Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [ChildA] ChildA Open
Object(Foo::ChildA), // [ChildA@] ChildA Close (<LA)
Object(Foo::ChildAClose), // [ChildA] ChildA Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [PreA] A Open
Object(Foo::PreA(S5)), // [PreA@] A Close (>LA)
Object(Foo::PreAClose), // [PreA] A Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [ChildB] ChildB Open
Object(Foo::ChildB), // [ChildB@] ChildB Close (<LA)
Object(Foo::ChildBClose), // [ChildB] ChildB Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [PreB] B Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::PreB(S7)), // [PreB] B Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::PreBClose), // [PreB] B Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [PreA] A Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::PreA(S8)), // [PreA] A Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::PreAClose), // [PreA] A Close (<LA)
Object(Foo::RootClose), // [Root] Root Close
// Superstate preemption as above,
// but using a normal NT instead of Sum NT.
fn superstate_preempt_element_open_non_sum() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl crate::parse::Object for Foo {}
const QN_ROOT: QName = QN_PACKAGE;
const QN_CHILDA: QName = QN_NAME;
const QN_CHILDB: QName = QN_DIM;
const QN_PRE_A: QName = QN_CLASSIFY;
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
[super] {
// We can provide a _single_ NT to preempt.
Root := QN_ROOT {
@ {} => Foo::Root,
/ => Foo::RootClose,
// Note how `AB` is _not_ a child here.
ChildA := QN_CHILDA {
@ {} => Foo::ChildA,
/ => Foo::ChildAClose,
ChildB := QN_CHILDB {
@ {} => Foo::ChildB,
/ => Foo::ChildBClose,
PreA := QN_PRE_A(_, ospan) {
@ {} => Foo::PreA(ospan.span()),
/ => Foo::PreAClose,
let toks = vec![
XirfToken::Open(QN_ROOT, OpenSpan(S2, N), Depth(0)),
// At this point we are performing attribute parsing.
// Let's try to preempt;
// we'll want to ensure that attributes will be omitted before the
// preempted node,
// otherwise we'd be a sibling rather than a child.
XirfToken::Open(QN_PRE_A, OpenSpan(S3, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S3), Depth(1)),
// Now let's return to normal parsing with the expected child.
XirfToken::Open(QN_CHILDA, OpenSpan(S4, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S4), Depth(1)),
// We're now expecting `ChildB`.
// Preempt again.
XirfToken::Open(QN_PRE_A, OpenSpan(S5, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S5), Depth(1)),
// Preemption should not have changed the state of `Root`,
// and so _we should still be expecting `ChildB`_.
XirfToken::Open(QN_CHILDB, OpenSpan(S6, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S6), Depth(1)),
// Finally,
// we ought to be able to preempt before the closing tag too.
XirfToken::Open(QN_PRE_A, OpenSpan(S7, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S7), Depth(1)),
// This poor document has had enough.
// Let it close.
XirfToken::Close(Some(QN_ROOT), CloseSpan(S2, N), Depth(0)),
use Parsed::*;
Incomplete, // [Root] Root Open
Object(Foo::Root), // [Root@] A Open (>LA)
Incomplete, // [PreA] A Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::PreA(S3)), // [PreA] A Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::PreAClose), // [PreA] A Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [ChildA] ChildA Open
Object(Foo::ChildA), // [ChildA@] ChildA Close (<LA)
Object(Foo::ChildAClose), // [ChildA] ChildA Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [PreA] A Open
Object(Foo::PreA(S5)), // [PreA@] A Close (>LA)
Object(Foo::PreAClose), // [PreA] A Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [ChildB] ChildB Open
Object(Foo::ChildB), // [ChildB@] ChildB Close (<LA)
Object(Foo::ChildBClose), // [ChildB] ChildB Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [PreA] A Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::PreA(S7)), // [PreA] A Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::PreAClose), // [PreA] A Close (<LA)
Object(Foo::RootClose), // [Root] Root Close
// Layers of preemption
// (e.g. nested template applications).
fn superstate_preempt_element_open_nested() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Foo {
impl crate::parse::Object for Foo {}
const QN_ROOT: QName = QN_PACKAGE;
const QN_PRE_A: QName = QN_CLASSIFY;
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = Foo;
[super] {
// We can provide a _single_ NT to preempt.
Root := QN_ROOT {
@ {} => Foo::Root,
/ => Foo::RootClose,
PreA := QN_PRE_A(_, ospan) {
@ {} => Foo::PreA(ospan.span()),
/(cspan) => Foo::PreAClose(cspan.span()),
let toks = vec![
XirfToken::Open(QN_ROOT, OpenSpan(S2, N), Depth(0)),
// First preemption
XirfToken::Open(QN_PRE_A, OpenSpan(S3, N), Depth(1)),
// And now a second preemption as a child of the first.
XirfToken::Open(QN_PRE_A, OpenSpan(S4, N), Depth(2)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S4), Depth(2)),
// Adjacent to ensure previous one closed.
XirfToken::Open(QN_PRE_A, OpenSpan(S5, N), Depth(2)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S5), Depth(2)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S3), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(Some(QN_ROOT), CloseSpan(S2, N), Depth(0)),
use Parsed::*;
Incomplete, // [Root] Root Open
Object(Foo::Root), // [Root@] PreA Open (>LA)
Incomplete, // [PreA] PreA Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::PreA(S3)), // [PreA@] PreA Open (>LA)
Incomplete, // [PreA] PreA Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::PreA(S4)), // [PreA@] PreA Close (>LA)
Object(Foo::PreAClose(S4)), // [PreA] PreA Close (<LA)
Incomplete, // [PreA] PreA Open (<LA)
Object(Foo::PreA(S5)), // [PreA@] PreA Close (>LA)
Object(Foo::PreAClose(S5)), // [PreA] PreA Close (<LA)
Object(Foo::PreAClose(S3)), // [PreA] PreA Close
Object(Foo::RootClose), // [Root] Root Close
// If there are any parsers that still have work to do
// (any on the stack),
// we cannot consider ourselves to be done parsing.
fn superstate_not_accepting_until_root_close() {
const QN_ROOT: QName = QN_PACKAGE;
const QN_A: QName = QN_CLASSIFY;
ele_parse! {
enum Sut;
type Object = ();
Root := QN_ROOT {
@ {} => (),
A := QN_A {
@ {} => (),
let toks = vec![
XirfToken::Open(QN_ROOT, OpenSpan(S1, N), Depth(0)),
XirfToken::Open(QN_A, OpenSpan(S2, N), Depth(1)),
XirfToken::Close(None, CloseSpan::empty(S3), Depth(1)),
// A is in an accepting state here,
// but we haven't yet closed Root and so Sut should not allow us
// to finish parsing at this point.
let mut sut = Sut::parse(toks.into_iter());
use Parsed::*;
assert_eq!(sut.next(), Some(Ok(Incomplete))); // [Root] Open Root
assert_eq!(sut.next(), Some(Ok(Object(())))); // [Root@] Open A (>LA)
assert_eq!(sut.next(), Some(Ok(Incomplete))); // [A] Open A (<LA)
assert_eq!(sut.next(), Some(Ok(Object(())))); // [A@] Close A (>LA)
assert_eq!(sut.next(), Some(Ok(Incomplete))); // [A] Close A (<LA)
// Since we haven't yet finished parsing the root,
// this should not be an accepting state even though the active child
// is in an accepting state.
let (mut sut, _) = sut
.expect_err("child accepting must not be accepting for superstate");
let err = sut.next().unwrap().unwrap_err();
assert_matches!(err, ParseError::UnexpectedEof(..),);
// Ensure that we can actually export the generated identifiers
// (add visibility to them).
// We don't want to always make them public by default because then Rust
// forces us to make any other objects they use public,
// which is annoying and confusing for things like test cases.
// Otherwise it wouldn't pose much of a practical issue,
// since we could still encapsulate default-pub identifiers within private
// modules.
// This will fail at compile time if there's a problem.
pub use test_exportable_generated_idents::ExportMe;
mod test_exportable_generated_idents {
use super::*;
ele_parse! {
// This is the line that determines visibility of all identifiers
// generated within this macro invocation.
pub enum Sut;
type Object = ();
ExportMe := QN_PACKAGE {
@ {} => (),