
444 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Ryan Specialty, LLC.
// This file is part of TAME.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Intermediate representation for construction of the
//! [abstract semantic graph (ASG)](super) (AIR).
//! AIR serves as an abstraction layer between higher-level parsers and the
//! aggregate ASG.
//! It allows parsers to operate as a raw stream of data without having to
//! worry about ownership of or references to the ASG,
//! and allows for multiple such parsers to be joined.
//! AIR is _not_ intended to replace the API of the ASG---it
//! is intended as a termination point for the parsing pipeline,
//! and as such implements a subset of the ASG's API that is suitable
//! for aggregating raw data from source and object files.
//! Given that it does so little and is so close to the [`Asg`] API,
//! one might say that the abstraction is as light as air,
//! but that would surely result in face-palming and so we're not going
//! air such cringeworthy dad jokes here.
use super::{graph::object::Pkg, Asg, AsgError, ObjectIndex};
use crate::{
fmt::{DisplayWrapper, TtQuote},
parse::{prelude::*, util::SPair},
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display};
mod ir;
pub use ir::Air;
mod expr;
use expr::AirExprAggregate;
pub type IdentSym = SymbolId;
pub type DepSym = SymbolId;
/// AIR parser state.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Default)]
pub enum AirAggregate {
/// Parser is not currently performing any work.
/// Expecting a package-level token.
PkgHead(ObjectIndex<Pkg>, AirExprAggregate),
/// Parsing an expression.
/// This expects to inherit an [`AirExprAggregate`] from the prior state
/// so that we are not continuously re-allocating its stack for each
/// new expression root.
PkgExpr(ObjectIndex<Pkg>, AirExprAggregate),
/// Parser is in template parsing mode.
/// All objects encountered until the closing [`Air::TplClose`] will be
/// parented to this template rather than the parent [`Pkg`].
/// See [`Air::TplOpen`] for more information.
PkgTpl(ObjectIndex<Pkg>, AirExprAggregate, AirTplAggregate),
impl Display for AirAggregate {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
use AirAggregate::*;
match self {
Empty => write!(f, "awaiting AIR input for ASG"),
PkgHead(_, _) => {
write!(f, "expecting package header or an expression")
PkgExpr(_, expr) => {
write!(f, "defining a package expression: {expr}")
PkgTpl(_, _, tpl) => {
write!(f, "building a template: {tpl}",)
impl ParseState for AirAggregate {
type Token = Air;
type Object = ();
type Error = AsgError;
/// Destination [`Asg`] that this parser lowers into.
/// This ASG will be yielded by [`crate::parse::Parser::finalize`].
type Context = Asg;
fn parse_token(
tok: Self::Token,
asg: &mut Self::Context,
) -> crate::parse::TransitionResult<Self> {
use ir::{
AirIdent::*, AirPkg::*, AirSubsets::*, AirTodo::*, AirTpl::*,
use AirAggregate::*;
// TODO: Seems to be about time for refactoring this...
match (self, tok.into()) {
(st, AirTodo(Todo(_))) => Transition(st).incomplete(),
(Empty, AirPkg(PkgOpen(span))) => {
let oi_pkg = asg.create(Pkg::new(span)).root(asg);
(PkgHead(oi_pkg, expr), AirPkg(PkgOpen(span))) => {
Transition(PkgHead(oi_pkg, expr))
.err(AsgError::NestedPkgOpen(span, oi_pkg.span()))
(PkgExpr(oi_pkg, expr), AirPkg(PkgOpen(span))) => {
Transition(PkgExpr(oi_pkg, expr))
.err(AsgError::NestedPkgOpen(span, oi_pkg.span()))
// No expression was started.
(PkgHead(oi_pkg, _expr), AirPkg(PkgClose(span))) => {
oi_pkg.close(asg, span);
(PkgHead(..), AirBind(ident)) => {
todo!("PkgBody AirBind {ident:?}")
(PkgHead(oi_pkg, expr), tok @ AirExpr(..)) => {
Transition(PkgExpr(oi_pkg, expr))
// Note that templates may preempt expressions at any point,
// unlike in NIR at the time of writing.
PkgHead(oi_pkg, expr) | PkgExpr(oi_pkg, expr),
tok @ AirTpl(..),
) => Transition(PkgTpl(
// Note: We unfortunately can't match on `AirExpr | AirBind`
// and delegate in the same block
// (without having to duplicate type checks and then handle
// unreachable paths)
// because of the different inner types.
(PkgExpr(oi_pkg, expr), AirExpr(etok)) => {
Self::delegate_expr(asg, oi_pkg, expr, etok)
(PkgExpr(oi_pkg, expr), AirBind(etok)) => {
Self::delegate_expr(asg, oi_pkg, expr, etok)
// Templates can contain just about anything,
// so completely hand over parsing when we're in template mode.
(PkgTpl(oi_pkg, stored_expr, tplst), tok) => {
Self::delegate_tpl(asg, oi_pkg, stored_expr, tplst, tok.into())
(Empty, AirTpl(TplClose(..))) => {
todo!("Empty AirTpl::TplClose")
(Empty, AirPkg(PkgClose(span))) => {
(PkgExpr(oi_pkg, expr), AirPkg(PkgClose(span))) => {
match expr.is_accepting(asg) {
true => {
// TODO: this is duplicated with the above
oi_pkg.close(asg, span);
false => Transition(PkgExpr(oi_pkg, expr))
(Empty, tok @ (AirExpr(..) | AirBind(..) | AirTpl(TplOpen(_)))) => {
(Empty, AirIdent(IdentDecl(name, kind, src))) => {
asg.declare(name, kind, src).map(|_| ()).transition(Empty)
(Empty, AirIdent(IdentExternDecl(name, kind, src))) => asg
.declare_extern(name, kind, src)
.map(|_| ())
(Empty, AirIdent(IdentDep(sym, dep))) => {
asg.add_dep_lookup(sym, dep);
(Empty, AirIdent(IdentFragment(sym, text))) => {
asg.set_fragment(sym, text).map(|_| ()).transition(Empty)
(Empty, AirIdent(IdentRoot(sym))) => {
let obj = asg.lookup_or_missing(sym);
(st, tok @ AirIdent(..)) => todo!("{st:?}, {tok:?}"),
fn is_accepting(&self, _: &Self::Context) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::Empty)
impl AirAggregate {
/// Delegate to the expression parser [`AirExprAggregate`].
/// TODO: This ought to be further reduced into primitives in the core
/// [`crate::parse`] framework.
fn delegate_expr(
asg: &mut <Self as ParseState>::Context,
oi_pkg: ObjectIndex<Pkg>,
expr: AirExprAggregate,
etok: impl Into<<AirExprAggregate as ParseState>::Token>,
) -> TransitionResult<Self> {
let tok = etok.into();
let tokspan = tok.span();
expr.parse_token(tok, asg).branch_dead::<Self, _>(
// TODO: Enforce using type system to avoid need for this
// runtime check and prove that it is indeed impossible
// (which otherwise could fail to be the case due to changes
// since this was written).
|_, ()| {
"unexpected dead state transition at this token"
"AirExprAggregate should not have dead states"
|expr, result, ()| {
.transition(Self::PkgExpr(oi_pkg, expr))
/// Delegate to the expression parser [`AirTplAggregate`].
/// After template parsing is complete
/// (when reaching a dead state),
/// the stored expression [`AirExprAggregate`] is reinstated,
/// allowing parsing to continue where it left off before being
/// preempted by template parsing.
fn delegate_tpl(
asg: &mut <Self as ParseState>::Context,
oi_pkg: ObjectIndex<Pkg>,
stored_expr: AirExprAggregate,
tplst: AirTplAggregate,
tok: Air,
) -> TransitionResult<Self> {
.parse_token(tok, asg)
.branch_dead::<Self, AirExprAggregate>(
|_, stored_expr| {
Transition(Self::PkgExpr(oi_pkg, stored_expr)).incomplete()
|tplst, result, stored_expr| {
.transition(Self::PkgTpl(oi_pkg, stored_expr, tplst))
/// Template parser and token aggregator.
/// A template consists of
/// - Metadata about the template,
/// including its parameters; and
/// - A collection of [`Air`] tokens representing the body of the
/// template that will be expanded into the application site when the
/// template is applied.
/// This contains an embedded [`AirExprAggregate`] parser for handling
/// expressions just the same as [`AirAggregate`] does with packages.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum AirTplAggregate {
/// Ready for a template,
/// defined as part of the given package.
/// This state also include the template header;
/// unlike NIR,
/// AIR has no restrictions on when template header tokens are
/// provided,
/// which simplifies AIR generation.
/// The expression parser [`AirExprAggregate`] is initialized at this
/// state to avoid re-allocating its stack for adjacent templates.
/// This will not save any allocations if,
/// after reaching a dead state,
/// the caller
/// (or parent parser)
/// chooses to deallocate us.
Ready(ObjectIndex<Pkg>, AirExprAggregate),
/// Aggregating tokens into a template.
impl Display for AirTplAggregate {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Ready(_, _) => write!(f, "ready for template definition"),
Self::BuildingTpl(_, expr, _, None) => {
write!(f, "building anonymous template with {expr}")
Self::BuildingTpl(_, expr, _, Some(name)) => {
"building named template {} with {expr}",
impl ParseState for AirTplAggregate {
type Token = Air;
type Object = ();
type Error = AsgError;
type Context = Asg;
fn parse_token(
tok: Self::Token,
asg: &mut Self::Context,
) -> TransitionResult<Self::Super> {
use ir::{AirBind::*, AirSubsets::*, AirTodo::*, AirTpl::*};
use AirTplAggregate::*;
match (self, tok.into()) {
(st, AirTodo(Todo(_))) => Transition(st).incomplete(),
(Ready(oi_pkg, expr), AirTpl(TplOpen(span))) => {
let oi_tpl = asg.create(Tpl::new(span));
Transition(BuildingTpl(oi_pkg, oi_tpl, expr, None)).incomplete()
BuildingTpl(oi_pkg, oi_tpl, expr, _),
) => asg
.bind_definition(asg, name, oi_tpl)
.map(|oi_ident| oi_pkg.defines(asg, oi_ident))
.map(|_| ())
.transition(BuildingTpl(oi_pkg, oi_tpl, expr, Some(name))),
(BuildingTpl(oi_pkg, oi_tpl, expr, _), AirTpl(TplClose(span))) => {
oi_tpl.close(asg, span);
Transition(Ready(oi_pkg, expr)).incomplete()
(BuildingTpl(..), AirPkg(_)) => {
todo!("template cannot define packages")
(BuildingTpl(..), tok) => todo!("BuildingTpl body: {tok:?}"),
(st @ Ready(..), AirTpl(TplClose(span))) => {
st @ Ready(..),
tok @ (AirPkg(..) | AirExpr(..) | AirBind(..) | AirIdent(..)),
) => Transition(st).dead(tok.into()),
fn is_accepting(&self, _: &Self::Context) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::Ready(..))
impl AirTplAggregate {
fn define_in_pkg(oi_pkg: ObjectIndex<Pkg>) -> Self {
Self::Ready(oi_pkg, AirExprAggregate::new_in_pkg(oi_pkg))
mod test;