
163 lines
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<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="summary.xsl"?>
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.lovullo.com/rater ../../rater.xsd"
desc="General vector operations">
<lv:import package="../base" />
<lv:import package="../numeric/common" />
<!-- useful because you can pass a conditional expression as an argument and
select the index of the result -->
<lv:function name="vival" desc="Select index value from some vector">
<lv:param name="vector" type="float" set="vector" desc="Vector" />
<lv:param name="index" type="integer" desc="Index" />
<c:value-of name="vector">
<c:value-of name="index" />
<lv:function name="mival" desc="Select index value from some matrix">
<lv:param name="matrix" type="float" set="matrix" desc="Matrix" />
<lv:param name="row" type="integer" desc="Row index" />
<lv:param name="col" type="integer" desc="Column index" />
<c:value-of name="matrix">
<c:value-of name="row" />
<c:value-of name="col" />
<lv:template name="_map-value_" desc="Map from a value to another using a vector map">
<lv:param name="@from@" desc="Name of value to map" />
<lv:param name="@index@" desc="Index" />
<lv:param name="@using@" desc="Vector to use for mapping" />
<c:apply name="vival">
<c:arg name="vector">
<c:value-of name="@using@" />
<c:arg name="index">
<c:value-of name="@from@" index="@index@" />
Look up a matrix value using maps for both row and column indexes
This allows for the same values to be used with different matrices. The maps
will be used to map a value to an index within the matrix for either a row
or column.
<lv:function name="mlookup" desc="Matrix value lookup based on two index maps">
<lv:param name="matrix" type="float" set="matrix" desc="Rate matrix indexed by CT and PC" />
<lv:param name="rmap" type="integer" set="vector" desc="Row index map" />
<lv:param name="cmap" type="integer" set="vector" desc="Column index map" />
<lv:param name="rval" type="integer" desc="Row value (to be fed to map for index lookup)" />
<lv:param name="cval" type="integer" desc="Column value (to be fed to map for index lookup)" />
<c:value-of name="matrix">
<!-- row -->
<c:value-of name="rmap">
<c:value-of name="rval" />
<!-- column -->
<c:value-of name="cmap">
<c:value-of name="cval" />
<lv:function name="first_index" desc="Determine the matching index of a vector; -1 if no match">
<lv:param name="vector" type="float" set="vector" desc="Source vector to search" />
<lv:param name="value" type="integer" desc="Value to match" />
<lv:param name="offset" type="integer" desc="Vector offset" />
<!-- TODO: do not calculate every time -->
<c:value name="vlen" type="integer" desc="Vector length">
<c:value-of name="vector" />
<c:when name="offset">
<c:value-of name="vlen" />
<c:const value="-1" type="integer" desc="Not found" />
<c:when name="vector" index="offset">
<c:value-of name="value" />
<!-- found the index -->
<c:value-of name="offset" />
<c:recurse vector="vector" value="value">
<c:arg name="offset">
<c:value-of name="offset" />
<!-- generates a variable that can be recognized as an empty set (useful for
defaults to params that require sets) -->
<lv:rate-each class="always" yields="__empty" generates="__emptySet" index="k">
<c:const value="0" type="integer" desc="Nothing" />