
2379 lines
66 KiB

* Summary page program
* Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018 R-T Specialty, LLC.
* This file is part of the Liza Data Collection Framework
* liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This file is used for direct interaction with the rater for testing purposes.
* As such, much of it is a rushed implementation; it's a bit of a kluge and
* could use some refactoring.
* Also, it is terriby stateful and difficult to work with. I have the utmost
* confidence in your ability to look away and pretend you never saw this
* script.
// intentionally global; developers can override
var program = document.location.pathname.match( '/raters/(.*?)/' )[1],
submit_url = '/raters/submit-test.php?program=' + program,
supplier = rater.supplier,
prior_url = '/raters/submit-test.php?retrieve=' + supplier +
'&program=' + program,
qdata_host = 'dev';
// last YAML test case results
let yaml_results = [];
var client = ( function()
// URL to which quote/result submissions should be POSTed
var form = document.querySelector( 'form.entry-form' ),
final_prem = form.querySelector( '.final-premium' ),
final_accept = form.querySelector( '.final-accept' ),
final_comments = form.querySelector( '.final-comments' ),
voi = document.getElementById( 'voi-list' ),
coview = document.getElementById( 'class-overview-list' ),
final_good = document.getElementById( 'final-accept-good' ),
final_bad = document.getElementById( 'final-accept-bad' ),
load_prior = document.getElementById( 'load-prior' ),
workstatus = null,
valspan = {},
bucket = {},
rate_result = {},
// used to overwrite existing test cases rather than create a new
save_id = '',
rate_callback = function() {},
// whether to ignore user input (do not put in bucket)
ignore_input = false;
function setWorkStatus( message )
if ( workstatus === null )
workstatus = document.createElement( 'div' );
workstatus.id = 'workstatus';
document.body.appendChild( workstatus );
workstatus.innerHTML = message;
workstatus.className = ( message ) ? 'show' : '';
function populateBucket()
Array.prototype.slice.call( form.querySelectorAll( '[name]' ) ).forEach(
function( field )
var name = field.name.replace( /\[\]$/, '' );
if ( !name )
// if the name does not match, then we removed the square
// brackets, meaning that this is a set
bucket[ name ] = ( name === field.name )
? +field.value
: [ +field.value ];
updateParamTestcaseDfn( name );
function overrideBucket( boverride )
for ( var name in boverride )
bucket[ name ] = boverride[ name ];
function removeEntryFocus()
form.className = form.className.replace( /\bfocus\b/, '' );
document.body.addEventListener( 'mouseup', function( e )
var overform = hasParent( form, e.target );
if ( overform === false )
} );
form.addEventListener( 'reset', function()
if ( ignore_input )
// wait until *after* reset
setTimeout( function()
bucket = {};
}, 0 );
} );
form.addEventListener( 'mouseover', function()
} );
function clearTestCase()
save_id = '';
prior_result = undefined;
// clear prior class from body
document.body.className = document.body.className.replace(
/\bprior\b/, ''
function setTestCase( id, result )
save_id = ''+( id );
prior_result = result;
// this really should be set...
if ( !( prior_result.vars ) )
prior_result.vars = {};
// add prior class name to body
document.body.className += ' prior';
function showEntryForm()
if ( form.className.match( /\bfocus\b/ ) )
form.className += ' focus';
// on field change, update bucket
form.addEventListener( 'change', function( e )
if ( ignore_input )
// if we changed something, then the displayed premium (if any) must be
// invalidated
var target = e.target,
name = target.name.replace( /\[\]$/, '' ),
value = +target.value.trim();
if ( !name )
// if this is a set, we want to store every value
if ( name !== target.name )
var toarr = Array.prototype.slice;
// retrieve all the rows
var rows = toarr.call(
.querySelectorAll( '.entry-row' )
// determine if we're working with a matrix
var matrix = /\bmatrix\b/.test( rows[ 0 ].className );
value = [];
rows.forEach( function( row, i )
var ref = value;
// for matricies, add value to a sub-array; vectors, just keep
// appending to the original array
if ( matrix )
ref = value[ i ] = [];
// add each value
toarr.call( row.querySelectorAll( '[name]' ) ).forEach(
function( node )
ref.push( +node.value.trim() );
} );
bucket[ name ] = value;
// update entry dfn
updateParamTestcaseDfn( name, value );
} );
// update screen on submit
form.addEventListener( 'submit', function( e )
// do not submit the form
rate( bucket );
} );
form.addEventListener( 'click', function( e )
if ( e.target.className === 'entry-add' )
addRow( e.target.parentElement, e.target );
else if ( e.target.className === 'entry-rm' )
removeColumn( e.target );
else if ( e.target.className === 'entry-add-matrix' )
addColumn( e.target );
} );
final_good.addEventListener( 'click', function( e )
showFinalComments( true, function( comment, _, waiting )
var prem = rate_result.premium;
submitQuote( bucket, rate_result, comment, true, waiting, prem, save_id );
} );
} );
final_bad.addEventListener( 'click', function( e )
showFinalComments( false, function( comment, expect, waiting )
submitQuote( bucket, rate_result, comment, false, waiting, expect, save_id );
} );
} );
function updateParamTestcaseDfn( name, value )
const dfn_element = getParamTestcaseDfnElement( name );
if ( dfn_element === undefined )
value = value || bucket[ name ];
const dfn = name + ': ' + JSON.stringify( value );
dfn_element.innerText = dfn;
function getParamTestcaseDfnElement( name )
return document.querySelectorAll(
'#param-input-' + name + ' > .entry-testcase-dfn'
)[ 0 ];
function showFinalComments( looksgood, callback )
final_comments.className += ' show';
var submit = document.getElementById( 'final-submit' ),
cancel = document.getElementById( 'final-cancel' ),
expect_container = document.getElementById(
submit_new = document.getElementById( 'final-submit-new' ),
// we do not care about the expected value if the premium looks good
expect_container.style.display = ( looksgood )
? 'none'
: 'inline';
// if a test case is set, give them the option to clear it and submit it
// as a new test case
submit_new.style.display = ( save_id )
? 'inline'
: 'none';
// make it very clear what the user is about to do
submit.innerHTML = ( save_id )
? 'Update Existing Test Case'
: 'Submit';
// we won't use addEventListener becuase we only want one event to be
// attached
submit.onclick = function( e )
var comments = document.getElementById( 'final-comments' ),
expected = document.getElementById( 'final-expected' ),
waiting = document.getElementById( 'final-waiting' );
+( expected.value.replace( /^\$/, '' ) ),
rmclass( final_comments, 'show' );
submit_new.onclick = function( e )
// clear save id and trigger normal submit
save_id = '';
submit.onclick( e );
cancel.onclick = function( e )
rmclass( final_comments, 'show' );
// give focus to final comments
document.getElementById( 'final-comments' ).focus();
function hideFinalAccept()
// replace all shows since there may be multiple
final_accept.className = final_accept.className.replace(
function getXhrJsonSync( method, url, data )
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.open( method, url, false );
if ( method.toLowerCase() === 'post' )
xhttp.setRequestHeader( 'Content-type',
xhttp.send( ( data ) ? 'data=' + JSON.stringify( data ) : null );
if ( xhttp.status !== 200 )
throw Error( 'Submit failed; status: ' + xhttp.status );
// this will fail if the response is crap, but will be caught by the
// exception
return JSON.parse( xhttp.responseText );
function getXhrJson( method, url, data, callback )
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.open( method, url, true );
if ( method.toLowerCase() === 'post' )
xhttp.setRequestHeader( 'Content-type',
xhttp.onload = function()
if ( xhttp.status !== 200 )
callback( null,
Error( 'Submit failed; status: ' + xhttp.status )
callback( JSON.parse( xhttp.responseText ) );
xhttp.send( ( data ) ? 'data=' + JSON.stringify( data ) : null );
function submitQuote(
bucket, result, comment, looksgood, waiting, expected, caseid, success_callback
// we don't want to modify the original result (could use
// Object.create() here, but they may be using IE)
var tmpresult = function() {};
tmpresult.prototype = result;
// it is absolutely pointless to store debug information since the ids
// change at any time and are dependent on the XSL processor
var submit_result = new tmpresult();
// so that it's property serialized
for ( var name in result )
submit_result[ name ] = result[ name ];
// we do not need the debug information (there's a lot of it and it
// changes frequently)
submit_result.debug = undefined;
// nor do we need constants (especially large ones)!
submit_result.consts = undefined;
var data = {
bucket: bucket,
result: submit_result,
looksgood: !!looksgood,
waiting: !!waiting,
comment: encodeURIComponent( comment ),
expected: expected,
supplier: supplier,
// will cause an existing test case to be overwritten, if set
caseid: caseid,
getXhrJson( 'POST', submit_url, data, function( response, err )
// check the response of the actual save (just because we
// got a HTTP 200 doesn't mean we successfully saved to the
// server; we could have also hit the wrong page
// (misconfigured)!)
if ( err )
'Ah, crap! Quote submission failed! Contact IT before ' +
'you do anything else.\n\n' +
'Here are the boring details:\n' +
' ' + err.message
success_callback && success_callback();
} );
function addRow( parent, before )
before = before || parent.querySelector( '.entry-add' );
// get the row to duplicate
var dup = parent.querySelector( '.entry-row' )
.cloneNode( true );
parent.insertBefore( dup, before );
// trigger change so that its value can be recorded
triggerChange( dup.querySelector( '[name]' ) );
function addColumn( event_target )
// get the field to duplicate
var dup = event_target.parentElement.querySelector( '.entry-field' )
.cloneNode( true );
event_target.parentElement.insertBefore( dup, event_target );
// trigger change so that its value can be recorded
triggerChange( dup.querySelector( '[name]' ) );
function removeColumn( event_target )
var rm = event_target.parentElement,
parent = rm.parentElement,
rowParent = parent.parentElement,
rows = rowParent.querySelectorAll( '.entry-row' ).length,
cols = parent.querySelectorAll( '.entry-field' ).length;
// do not remove last column of last row
if ( ( rows + cols ) === 2 )
// remove the element
parent.removeChild( rm );
// if there are no more columns, remove the row
if ( cols === 1 )
rowParent.removeChild( parent );
// re-gather values in bucket to accomodate missing value (we can do so
// simply by triggering a change on one of the elements of the same
// name)
triggerChange( rowParent.querySelector( '[name]' ) );
function triggerChange( element )
if ( !element )
// create change event
var event = document.createEvent( 'Event' );
event.initEvent( 'change', true, true );
// trigger event
element.dispatchEvent( event );
function rate( args, showresults, exception )
showresults = ( showresults === undefined ) ? true : !!showresults;
exception = !!exception;
var rater = window.rater;
if ( !( window.rater ) )
alert( 'fatal: rater unavailable.' );
setWorkStatus( 'Performing rating...' );
var result = rater( args );
// XXX: ewwww
rate_result = result;
if ( !( showresults ) )
// log result to the console in case we want to peeky peeky
console.log( result );
rate_callback( result );
setWorkStatus( 'Updating premium...' );
updateSummaryPremium( result.premium );
// VOIs are referenced immediately, so render them first
updateVois( result.vars, function()
// classes are faster to process than the other summary values
updateSummaryValues( result.vars );
} );
catch ( e )
setWorkStatus( 'Rating error occurred.' );
console && console.log( e );
if ( exception )
throw e;
alert( 'fatal: ' + e.message );
function updateSummaryPremium( premium )
final_prem.innerHTML = premium;
final_prem.className += ' show';
final_accept.className += ' show';
setPlaceholderValue( 'yields_premium', '', premium );
function clearSummaryPremium()
final_prem.innerHTML = '';
rmclass( final_prem, 'show' );
rmclass( final_accept, 'show' );
function getValueDisplay( value )
if ( Array.isArray( value ) )
return joinValues( value );
return ( value === undefined )
? ''
: ''+( value );
function updateVois( vars, callback )
setWorkStatus( 'Processing VOIs...' );
voi.innerHTML = '';
var queue = [];
for ( var name in vars )
queue.push( name );
var vois = {},
qlen = queue.length,
i = qlen;
dequeueSetsOf( 10, function( c )
if ( i-- === 0 )
// display the VOIs
processVois( vois );
document.getElementById( 'voi-container' ).className += ' show';
callback && callback();
'Processing VOIs (' +
Math.floor( ( ( qlen - i ) / qlen ) * 100 ) +
var name = queue[ i ],
value = vars[ name ];
if ( value
&& /^prem|^min|^surcharge|^cov(erage)?|^credit|^percent|^factor|^rate|Prem|[tT]otal/
.test( name )
&& !( /^_/.test( name ) )
var display = getValueDisplay( value ),
prior = ( prior_result && prior_result.vars[ name ] )
? getValueDisplay( prior_result.vars[ name ] )
: '';
// update values of interest (voi)
if ( display !== '[]' )
vois[ name ] = [ display, prior ];
// continue
} )();
function updateSummaryValues( vars, placeid, callback )
var queue = [];
for ( var name in vars )
queue.push( name );
var qlen = queue.length;
// repaint frequently; this is intensive
dequeueSetsOf( 10, function( c )
if ( queue.length === 0 )
name = queue.pop();
'Formatting summary values (' +
Math.floor( ( ( qlen - queue.length ) / qlen ) * 100 ) +
var value = vars[ name ],
display = getValueDisplay( value ),
prior = ( prior_result && prior_result.vars[ name ] )
? getValueDisplay( prior_result.vars[ name ] )
: '';
setPlaceholderValue( name, '', display );
if ( prior )
setPlaceholderValue( name, '-prior', prior );
setLetListPlaceholders( name, display, prior );
// continue
} )();
function dequeueSetsOf( n, c )
return function dq( i )
i = i || 0;
c( function()
if ( i === 0 )
setTimeout( function()
dq( n )
}, 0 );
dq( i - 1 );
} );
function processVois( vois )
// add the vois to the screen in the proper order (reversed)
var i = window.voi_order.length;
while ( i-- )
var data = window.voi_order[ i ],
name = data[ 0 ],
depth = data[ 1 ],
href = data[ 2 ];
if ( vois[ name ] )
var voi = vois[ name ];
addVoi( name, voi[ 0 ], voi[ 1 ], href, depth );
function addVoi( name, value, prior, href, depth )
depth = depth || 0;
// if the VOI has a value other than 0 (our poor-man check is using a
// regex to remove anything and see if we have a non-empty string left)
if ( ( value.replace( /[\[\]0,]/g, '' ) === '' )
&& ( prior.replace( /[\[\]0,]/g, '' ) === '' )
var depthstr = '',
i = depth;
while ( i-- )
if ( i === 0 )
depthstr += '|-';
depthstr += '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
// if href is not given, then use name
href = href || name;
// got lazy.
var tr = document.createElement( 'tr' );
tr.className = 'depth' + depth;
tr.innerHTML = (
'<td>' +
'<a href="#' + href + '">' +
depthstr + name +
'</a>' +
'</td>' +
'<td>' + depthstr.replace( /-/, '' ) + value + '</td>' +
( ( !prior ) ? '' :
'<td class="prior">' + prior + '</td>'
tr.addEventListener( 'click', function( e )
// ignore link clicks
if ( e.target.nodeName === 'A' )
var val = JSON.parse( value );
if ( Array.isArray( val ) )
var t = 0;
for ( var i in val )
t += val[ i ];
val = t;
voiPainterAdd( tr, val );
} );
voi.appendChild( tr );
function addClassOverview( name, value )
var prior = ( prior_result && prior_result.vars[ name ] )
? getValueDisplay( prior_result.vars[ name ] )
: '';
// got lazy.
var tr = document.createElement( 'tr' );
tr.innerHTML = (
'<td>' +
'<a href="#:class:' + name + '">' +
name +
'</a>' +
coview.appendChild( tr );
function joinValues( values )
var ret = '[';
if ( Array.isArray( values[ 0 ] ) )
var subvals = [];
for ( var i in values )
subvals.push( joinValues( values[ i ] ) );
ret += subvals.join( ', ' );
ret += ( Array.isArray( values ) )
? values.join( ', ' )
: values;
return ret + ']';
function updateSummaryClasses( classes, vars, placeid, callback )
coview.innerHTML = '';
var queue = [];
for ( var name in classes )
queue.push( name );
var qlen = queue.length;
dequeueSetsOf( 10, function( c )
if ( queue.length === 0 )
callback && callback();
var name = queue.pop();
// hide internal classes ("-" prefix)
if ( /^-/.test( name ) )
return c();
'Formatting class summary values (' +
Math.floor( ( ( qlen - queue.length ) / qlen ) * 100 ) +
// output the classification and the total premium for the class
setPlaceholderValue( 'class-' + name, placeid,
''+( classes[ name ] ) +
' -> ' +
vars[ name ]
classes[ name ]
if ( prior_result
&& prior_result.classes
&& prior_result.classes[ name ]
// XXX: duplicate
setPlaceholderValue( 'class-' + name, '-prior',
''+( prior_result.classes[ name ] ) +
' -> ' +
prior_result.vars[ name ]
classes[ name ]
// if this class was a match, add it to the overview with its
// accumulator value
if ( classes[ name ] )
addClassOverview( name, vars[ name ] );
} )();
document.getElementById( 'class-overview' ).className += ' show';
function updateSummaryDebug( debug, parent, callback )
var queue = [];
// do nothing if debug data is not yet available
if ( !debug )
// loop through each element on the DOM, *not* each debug id returned to
// us, since we want to clear any that may be missing
Array.prototype.slice.call( parent.querySelectorAll( '.debugid' ) )
.forEach( function( element )
queue.push( element.id );
} );
var qlen = queue.length;
dequeueSetsOf( 10, function( c )
if ( queue.length === 0 )
callback && callback();
'Processing breakdown values (' +
Math.floor( ( ( qlen - queue.length ) / qlen ) * 100 ) +
var id = queue.pop(),
did = id.replace( /^ubd-/, '' );
setPlaceholderValue( id, '', ( debug[ did ] )
? JSON.stringify( debug[ did ] )
: ''
catch ( e )
'Debug (stringify debug ' + did + ' ): ' +
} )();
var getPlaceholder = ( function()
var domcache = {};
function getPlaceholder( name, placeid )
var classname = ( 'entry-value' + ( placeid || '' ) );
var current = domcache[ name + placeid ];
if ( current )
return current;
// ignore system vars
if ( name.match( /^___/ ) )
return null;
var parent = document.getElementById( name );
if ( !parent )
return null;
var legend = parent.getElementsByTagName( 'legend' ),
dest = ( legend.length ) ? legend[ 0 ] : parent;
var element = document.createElement( 'span' );
element.className = classname;
dest.appendChild( element );
// rather than re-scanning the DOM each time
domcache[ name + placeid ] = element;
return element;
return getPlaceholder;
} )();
function setPlaceholderValue( name, placeid, value, hasval )
var p = getPlaceholder( name, placeid );
if ( p === null )
p.innerHTML = value;
// do not handle prior flagging
if ( placeid === '-prior' )
// get fieldset
var fs = p.parentNode.parentNode;
if ( fs.nodeName === 'FIELDSET' )
fs.className = fs.className.replace( /\Bhasval\B/, '' );
if ( ( hasval !== undefined && hasval )
// progressively more time-consuming checks
|| ( ( hasval === undefined )
&& value
&& +value !== 0
&& value.replace( /[\[\],0]/g, '' )
fs.className += ' hasval';
function setLetListPlaceholders( name, value, prior )
if ( name.match( /^___/ ) )
// certainly room for improvement here (especially performance-wise),
// but this is a quick implementation
var elements = document.querySelectorAll( '.letlist-' + name );
Array.prototype.slice.call( elements ).forEach( function( element )
if ( !( element.id ) )
// prefix with alpha so as not to cause a syntax error on query
element.id = 'll' + Math.floor(
( new Date() ).getTime() * Math.random()
setPlaceholderValue( element.id, '', value );
// include prior values, if available
if ( prior )
setPlaceholderValue( element.id, '-prior', prior );
} );
function rmclass( element, name )
element.className = element.className.replace(
new RegExp( '\\b' + name + '\\b', 'g' ),
function hasParent( parent, element )
var parentElement = element.parentElement;
if ( parentElement === parent )
return true;
return ( parentElement )
? hasParent( parent, parentElement )
: false;
// LET ME HACK IN PEACE! >:@ (What? Unconstrained development is a fantasy?
// Is unlimited time unreasonable? Phf. Maybe that Time Weaver frog person
// knows how to help with that. If you don't know that reference and you're
// in here hacking this code, then that implies that you are new; it then
// begs the question: why has it persisted for so long!!! Of course it has,
// though. That's how TODOs/XXXs work: they don't get fixed; they just turn
// text in your editor pretty [obnoxious] colors.)
function resetFields()
// XXX: gahhhhhh!!!!!!!
ignore_input = true;
function rowquery( name )
return document.querySelectorAll(
'#param-input-' + name + ' > .entry-row'
for ( var field in bucket )
// may happen if we're loading data from another source
if ( bucket[ field ] === undefined )
var fdata = bucket[ field ],
elements = rowquery( field ),
length = ( fdata.length > elements.length )
? fdata.length
: elements.length;
if ( elements.length === 0 )
// not everything is an array of values
if ( Array.isArray( fdata ) )
// add/clear fields on the form as necessary to accomdate bucket
// data
for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ )
// field exists in bucket but not on the form
if ( ( fdata[ i ] !== undefined ) && !( elements[ i ] ) )
addRow( elements[ 0 ].parentNode );
// field exists on form but not in the bucket
else if ( elements[ i ] && ( fdata[ i ] === undefined ) )
// TODO: remove field instead
elements[ i ].querySelector( '[name]' ).value = '';
// if we have a matrix of values, we must also add columns
// for each
if ( Array.isArray( fdata[ i ] ) )
var element = rowquery( field )[ i ],
cols = element.querySelectorAll(
len = ( fdata[ i ].length > cols.length )
? fdata[ i ].length
: cols.length;
// check each column
for ( var j = 0; j < len; j++ )
if ( ( fdata[ i ][ j ] !== undefined )
&& !( cols[ j ] )
// re-query in case we just added a row
addColumn( element.querySelector(
) );
else if ( cols[ j ]
&& ( fdata[ i ][ j ] === undefined )
// TODO: remove field instead
cols[ i ].querySelector( '[name]' ).value = '';
updateParamTestcaseDfn( field );
ignore_input = false;
function emptyBucket()
// prevent form updates from propagating to the bucket
ignore_input = true;
for ( var field in bucket )
var fdata = bucket[ field ];
// not everything is an array; if not, simply set the value and move
// on
if ( !( Array.isArray( fdata ) ) )
var element = document.querySelector(
'[name="' + field + '"]'
if ( element )
element.value = fdata;
var elements = document.querySelectorAll(
'[name="' + field + '[]"]'
var total = 0;
for ( var i = 0, l = fdata.length; i < l; i++ )
if ( !( elements[ i ] ) )
// if a matrix, update each value
if ( Array.isArray( fdata[ i ] ) )
for ( var j = 0, jl = fdata[ i ].length; j < jl; j++ )
elements[ total++ ].value = fdata[ i ][ j ];
// not a matrix
elements[ total++ ].value = fdata[ i ];
updateParamTestcaseDfn( field );
// re-allow input
ignore_input = false;
function getUserFromHostname( hostname )
// strip off any domain, remove number from username and strip anything
// after a dash (e.g. gerwitm-ubuntu2.lovullo.local => gerwitm)
return hostname.split( '.' )[ 0 ].replace( /[0-9]+$/, '' )
.split( '-' )[ 0 ];
* Prior module: load prior quotes (test cases)
* Not to be confused in speech with the Friar module, which would have your
* premiums divinely calculated and communicated through a deep meditation.
var Prior = ( function ___loadprior( dom )
var exports = {},
// current set of loaded test cases
curset = {};
var getLoadDialog = function()
// URL with fragment to automatically display this dialog
var url = document.location.href.replace( /#.*$/, '' ) + '#prior';
var dialog = dom.createElement( 'div' );
dialog.id = 'prior';
dialog.className = 'load-dialog';
dialog.innerHTML =
"<h1>Load Prior Quotes</h1>" +
"<p>" +
"Below is a list of all prior saved quotes; choose one " +
"to load it into the test area." +
"</p>" +
"<p>" +
"To load this dialog automatically on page load, you " +
"may use the following link: <a href=\"" + url + "\">" +
url + "</a>"
// re-test button
var retest = dom.createElement( 'button' );
retest.innerHTML = 'Regression Test';
retest.addEventListener( 'click', function( e )
e.target.disabled = 'disabled';
retestAll( function()
e.target.disabled = '';
} );
} );
// load quote number
var loadquote = dom.createElement( 'button' );
loadquote.innerHTML = 'Load Quote #';
loadquote.addEventListener( 'click', function( e )
var qid = prompt( 'Enter quote #:' );
if ( !qid )
loadQuote( qid, qdata_host );
} );
const yamlconsole = dom.createElement( 'div' );
yamlconsole.style.display = 'none';
yamlconsole.id = 'yamlconsole';
yamlconsole.addEventListener( 'click', ev =>
const target = ev.target;
if ( target.dataset.caseIndex === undefined )
loadYamlTestCase( +ev.target.dataset.caseIndex );
} );
const yamlbrowse = dom.createElement( 'input' );
yamlbrowse.type = 'file';
yamlbrowse.style.display = 'none';
yamlbrowse.accept = '.yml, .yaml';
yamlbrowse.multiple = 'multiple';
yamlbrowse.addEventListener( 'change', e =>
yamlconsole.style.display = '';
yamlconsole.innerHTML = '';
if ( yamlbrowse.files.length === 0 )
Array.prototype.slice.call( yamlbrowse.files, 0 ),
createYamlRunner( yamlconsole )
yamlbrowse.value = '';
return false;
} );
const yamlcases = dom.createElement( 'button' );
yamlcases.innerHTML = 'Load YAML Test Cases';
yamlcases.addEventListener( 'click', e =>
return false;
} );
dialog.appendChild( retest );
dialog.appendChild( loadquote );
dialog.appendChild( yamlcases );
dialog.appendChild( yamlbrowse );
dialog.appendChild( yamlconsole );
dialog.appendChild( getPriorTable() );
dom.body.appendChild( dialog );
// reassign the function to always return the instance
getLoadDialog = function()
return dialog;
return getLoadDialog();
* Create YAML test case runner
* @param {HTMLElement} yamlconsole element to contain runner output
* @return {function(string)} runner
const createYamlRunner = yamlconsole => require( 'progtest' )
{ rater: window.rater },
write( str )
yamlconsole.innerHTML += str;
* Run test cases in each YAML file FILES
* @param {Array<File>} files YAML files
* @param {function(string)} runner test case runner
* @return {undefined}
const runYamlTestCases = function( files, runner )
if ( files.length === 0 )
const testfile = files.shift();
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = ev =>
const yaml = ev.target.result;
runner( yaml )
.then( results => yaml_results = results )
.catch( e => alert( e.message ) );
// run for remaining files
runYamlTestCases( files, runner );
reader.readAsBinaryString( testfile );
const loadYamlTestCase = function( caseid )
const testcase = yaml_results[ caseid ];
if ( !testcase )
alert( 'error: No such test case: ' + caseid );
const { desc, given, expect, failures } = testcase;
if ( !given )
alert( 'error: Malformed test case data' );
console.log( given );
// overwrite the bucket
bucket = given;
// make it obvious to the user that the data has been loaded
// display expected values as the "prior" values
setTestCase( 0, { vars: expect } );
const success = failures.length === 0;
`[#${+caseid+1}] ${desc}`,
// switch to test data and rate
document.location.hash = '#test-data';
rate( bucket );
var getPriorTable = function()
var table = dom.createElement( 'table' ),
headings = [
"Date", "Description", "User", "Premium", "Expected"
// add headings
for ( var head in headings )
var th = dom.createElement( 'th' );
th.innerHTML = headings[ head ];
th.className = headings[ head ].toLowerCase();
table.appendChild( th );
// add count
var count = dom.createElement( 'caption' );
count.innerHTML =
'<b>Total Count:</b> <span class="count">0</span>';
table.appendChild( count );
table.clear = function()
var rows = table.querySelectorAll( 'tr' );
for ( var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++ )
table.removeChild( rows[ i ] );
table.addRow = function( looksgood, waiting /*, ... */ )
var tr = dom.createElement( 'tr' );
// the first argument is the id
var id = arguments[ 0 ];
tr.id = '_testcase_' + id;
// the second argument will determine the row color (looksgood)
tr.className =
( ( arguments[ 1 ] )
? 'good'
: 'bad'
) +
( ( arguments[ 2 ] )
? ' waiting'
: ''
// all other arguments will be cells
for ( var i = 3; i < arguments.length; i++ )
var td = dom.createElement( 'td' );
td.innerHTML = arguments[ i ];
td.className = headings[ i - 3 ].toLowerCase();
// first cell will contain a hyperlink for auto-loading on
// visit
if ( i === 3 )
var a = dom.createElement( 'a' );
a.href = ( '#prior/' + id );
a.innerHTML = td.innerHTML;
td.innerHTML = '';
td.appendChild( a );
a.addEventListener( 'click', function( e )
doLoad( id );
} );
tr.appendChild( td );
table.appendChild( tr );
table.setCount = function( count )
table.querySelector( '.count' ).innerHTML = +count;
table.mark = function( id, type )
table.querySelector( '#_testcase_' + id ).className = type;
table.changePremium = function( id, premium )
var element = table.querySelector(
'#_testcase_' + id + ' .premium'
// add the value and retain the previous value
element.innerHTML = '$' + premium +
'<div class="prev-val">(was ' + element.innerHTML +
table.changeComment = function( id, comment )
var element = table.querySelector(
'#_testcase_' + id + ' .description'
element.innerHTML = comment.replace( /\n/g, '<br />' );
function doLoad( id )
// give them an indication that something is happening
setTimeout( function()
loadPriorTestCase( id );
}, 0 );
// when a row is clicked, trigger the load
table.addEventListener( 'click', function( e )
// we care only of row clicks
if ( e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'td' )
// get the unique id for this test case
var id = e.target.parentNode.id.replace( /^_testcase_/, '' );
doLoad( id );
} );
getPriorTable = function()
return table;
return getPriorTable();
function loadPrior()
// first, clear out any existing results
// load prior data from server
var response = getXhrJsonSync( 'GET', prior_url ),
table = getPriorTable(),
results = response.results;
// store the current set of test cases
curset = results;
// add test test case to the table
for ( testcase in results )
var result = results[ testcase ];
// comment
( result.comment.replace( /\n/g, '<br />' )
|| '<em>(no comment)</em>'
// username (from hostname)
getUserFromHostname( result.hostname ),
// premium
( '$' + ( result.premium || 0.00 ) ),
// expected premium
( ( result.expected )
? '$' + result.expected
: ( result.looksgood )
? '$' + result.premium
: '-'
table.setCount( results.length );
function getTestCaseData( id )
return getXhrJsonSync( 'GET', prior_url + '&id=' + id );
function getQuoteData( id, qdata_host )
return getXhrJsonSync(
'GET', prior_url + '&host=' + qdata_host + '&qid=' + id
catch ( e )
return { error: 'Invalid response from server.' };
function showRatingResultPage()
dom.location.hash = 'test-data';
function loadQuote( qid, host, bucket_override )
var data = getQuoteData( qid, host );
if ( data.error !== 'OK' )
alert( data.error );
rater.fromMap( data.results.bucket, function( data )
bucket = data;
if ( bucket_override )
overrideBucket( bucket_override );
rate( bucket );
} );
function loadPriorTestCase( id )
var casedata = getTestCaseData( id );
if ( casedata.status !== 200 )
alert( 'Could not load test case.\n\n' + casedata.error );
var data = casedata.results;
// display the message so that they know what they're looking at
data.hostname, data.comment, data.looksgood, id
// overwrite the bucket
bucket = data.bucket;
// set this test case so that our next save overwrites it
setTestCase( id, data.result );
// make it obvious to the user that the data has been loaded
// prefill the comment and expected data on the submission form,
// leaving room at the top for additional comments
document.getElementById( 'final-comments' )
.innerHTML = (
"\n\n\n" +
document.getElementById( 'final-expected' ).value = data.expected;
// let the browser catch up and then perform rating
setTimeout( function()
// switch to test data and rate
document.location.hash = '#test-data';
rate( bucket );
}, 0 );
function getPrevSubmitCommentText( hostname, comment )
return "Previously submitted by " +
getUserFromHostname( hostname ) + ": " + comment;
function retestAll( callback )
var queue = [],
skipped = 0,
// regression test results, which may or may not be submitted to
// the server
history = {};
// queue each of the test cases
for ( var testcase in curset )
queue.push( curset[ testcase ] );
var count = failures = changed = 0,
start = ( new Date() ).getTime();
var run = function()
// do not pop(); we want to do them in order so it doesn't look
// too odd to the user
var test = queue.shift();
// all done
if ( !( test ) )
var time = ( new Date() ).getTime() - start;
var msg = (
'Test complete. Re-ran ' + count + ' test(s) with ' +
failures + ' failure(s) in ' + ( time / 1000 ) + 's.' +
"\n\n" +
( ( skipped )
? skipped + " test(s) premium checks " +
"were skipped because they " +
"have no expected premium; please aid in the " +
"automated testing of these by selecting " +
"them and entering an expected premium when " +
"re-submitting it (by clicking Incorrect). " +
"These skipped tests are still noted if " +
"their premiums changed (in italics), but " +
"their success statuses are left untouched."
: ''
) +
( ( failures === 0 )
? ( !skipped )
? "\n\nYou should feel pretty sweet right now."
: ''
: "\n\nSomeone's got some splainin' to do."
) +
( ( !changed ) ? "\n\nNo test cases have changed." :
"\n\n" + changed + " case(s) changed." +
"\n\nWould you like the results of this regression " +
"to be recorded? This will cause the status of each " +
"test case to be updated as shown. If unsure, click " +
// if we have changes, show a box asking if the changes
// should be uploaded to the server; otheriwse, just alert
// (which will return undefined and cast to false)
var submit = !!( changed && confirm || alert )
.call( window, msg );
if ( submit )
saveRegression( history );
callback && callback( count, failures, time );
var table = getPriorTable();
table.mark( test.id, 'testing' );
setTimeout( function()
var testdata = getTestCaseData( test.id ).results;
// rate, but do not update the screen
rate( testdata.bucket, false, true );
catch ( e )
console.log( e );
table.mark( test.id, 'skip' );
// abort! abort!
//alert( 'An error occurred. Aborting.' );
// determine what premium we're expecting (default to
// existing premium)
var expected = testdata.expected || testdata.result.premium,
skipme = !( testdata.looksgood || testdata.expected );
var correct = (
&& ( rate_result.premium == expected )
// add to changed count if the status changed
var has_changed = ( testdata.looksgood !== correct );
changed += ( +has_changed && !skipme );
skipped += +skipme;
// only add to the total count if the premium was actually
// compared
if ( !skipme )
if ( !( correct ) )
// store in case the user decides to save to the server
if ( has_changed )
history[ test.id ] = {
looksgood: correct,
bucket: testdata.bucket,
result: rate_result,
expected: expected,
comment: testdata.comment,
hostname: testdata.hostname,
previous: testdata.result,
// show the comment that would be saved to the
// server, should they choose to do so
genRegressionComment( history[ test.id ] )
// update table
table.changePremium( test.id, rate_result.premium );
( ( correct )
? 'good'
: 'bad'
) +
( ( has_changed )
? ' changed'
: ''
) +
( ( rate_result.premium !== testdata.result.premium )
? ' premchanged'
: ''
) +
( ( skipme )
? ' skipped'
: ''
// continue
}, 0 );
// run 'em one by one
setTimeout( run, 0 );
function genRegressionComment( item )
return "[Regression Test: " +
( ( item.looksgood ) ? "Pass" : "Fail" ) +
"] Expected $" + item.expected + "; calculated $" +
item.result.premium + "; previously $" +
item.previous.premium + "\n\n" +
getPrevSubmitCommentText( item.hostname, item.comment );
function saveRegression( history )
for ( var id in history )
var item = history[ id ];
// generate comment
var comment = genRegressionComment( item );
( item.waiting || false ),
function() {}
exports.initHtml = function()
exports.showLoad = function()
getLoadDialog().className += ' show';
exports.hideLoad = function()
var dialog = getLoadDialog();
dialog.className = dialog.className.replace( /\bshow\b/g, '' );
exports.setPriorMessage = function( host, message, good, id )
var container = document.getElementById( 'prior-message' );
if ( !container )
const direct_link = ( id )
? '<br /><br /><a href="#prior/' + id + '">[Direct Link]</a>'
: '';
container.style.display = ( message ) ? 'inline-block' : 'none';
container.className = ( good ) ? 'good' : 'bad';
container.innerHTML = (
( host ? '<b>' + getUserFromHostname( host ) + ':</b> ' : '' ) +
.replace( /^\n+|\n+$/g, '' )
.replace( / /g, ' &nbsp;' )
.replace( /\t/g, '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' )
.replace( /\n/g, '<br />' )
/(Previously submitted by [^:]+:)/g,
+ direct_link
exports.loadQuote = loadQuote;
exports.loadPriorTestCase = loadPriorTestCase;
return exports;
} )( document );
function begin()
// initialize prior div
// allow linking to test cases
var pmatch;
if ( pmatch = document.location.href.match( /#prior(?:\/(.*))?$/ ) )
var id = pmatch[ 1 ];
if ( !( id ) )
// no id given; let them choose
// we were given an id; load it!
console.log( 'Loading ' + id + '...' );
Prior.loadPriorTestCase( id );
// allow settings params from the URL (very basic parsing; barely used); we
// use a colon rather than ? because ? is not included in the location
// object
var pdata;
var bucket_override = [];
if ( pdata = document.location.hash.match( /:(.*)$/ ) )
// params delimited by &
var params = pdata[1].split( '&' );
for ( var param in params )
// values delimited from the name by =
var valdata = params[ param ].split( '=' ),
val = JSON.parse( valdata[ 1 ] );
bucket_override[ valdata[ 0 ] ] = val;
bucket[ valdata[ 0 ] ] = val;
console.log( 'Bucket override: ' + valdata[ 0 ] + '=' + val );
overrideBucket( bucket_override );
catch ( e )
// probably not the type of data we're looking for; just ignore
// allow loading of quote ids
var mdata;
if ( mdata = document.location.hash.match( /#load\/([a-z]+)\/([0-9]+)/ ) )
var host = mdata[1],
id = mdata[2];
// load the quote
Prior.loadQuote( id, host, bucket_override );
var vpt = [ 0, 0, 0 ],
vpt_cur = 0;
function voiPainterAdd( tr, value )
var c = 'sel' + vpt_cur;
tr.classList.toggle( c );
vpt[ vpt_cur ] += ( value * ( tr.classList.contains( c ) ? 1 : -1 ) );
vpt[ vpt_cur ] = +( vpt[ vpt_cur ].toFixed( 6 ) );
showVoiPainter( vpt[ vpt_cur ] );
var vp_element = null,
vpt_dest = [];
function showVoiPainter( val )
if ( !vp_element )
vp_element = document.createElement( 'div' );
vp_element.id = 'voi-painter';
for ( var i in vpt )
vpt_dest[ i ] = document.createElement( 'div' );
vpt_dest[ i ].classList.add( 'sel' + i );
vpt_dest[ i ].innerHTML = '0';
vp_element.appendChild( vpt_dest[ i ] );
( function( i )
vpt_dest[ i ].addEventListener( 'click', function()
vpt_cur = i;
} );
} )( i );
document.getElementById( 'test-data' ).appendChild( vp_element );
vpt_dest[ vpt_cur ] .innerHTML = val;
return {
updateSummaryDebug: updateSummaryDebug,
onRate: function( callback )
rate_callback = callback;
begin: begin,
Prior: Prior,
} )();