
218 lines
6.7 KiB

# @configure_input@
# Compiles packages written in the Calc DSL.
# Copyright (C) 2018 R-T Specialty, LLC.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Note that this build process is unconventional in order to avoid the startup
# costs that would be associated with executing dslc with each and every package
# (see the other Makefile for more information). Therefore, everything is
# written to .cqueue for later processing by dslc.
# The issue of re-building based on timestamps---which Make would normally take
# care of exclusively---must also be given special care now that we are handling
# the building separately from Make. Each enqueued request also touches the
# destination file to update its timestamp, ensuring that it is seen by Make as
# modified (as if it were compiled) and therefore will trigger the building of
# the targets that depend upon it. In the case of the object files (xmlo), a
# temporary file is created when it is enqueued. As part of the queued request
# for compilation is a request to delete this temporary file. In the event that
# the build fails, this temporary file will be seen and will force a rebuild of
# the file, despite its timestamp.
# The same issue does not exist for xmle, js, and html files, since they have
# linear dependency trees and dslc will rm the file on failure, which
# obliterates the timestamp.
# #
path_rates := $(path_suppliers)/rates
path_map := map
path_c1map := $(path_map)/c1
path_dsl := rater
path_ui := ui
path_suppliers := suppliers
path_lv := lovullo
path_srv := srv
src_suppliers := $(wildcard $(path_suppliers)/*.xml)
src_map := $(wildcard $(path_map)/*.xml)
src_c1map := $(wildcard $(path_c1map)/*.xml)
dest_summary_html := $(patsubst \
$(path_suppliers)/%.xml, \
$(path_suppliers)/%.html, \
dest_standalone := $(patsubst \
$(path_suppliers)/%.xml, \
$(path_suppliers)/%.js, \
dest_map := $(patsubst \
$(path_map)/%.xml, \
$(path_map)/%.xmle, \
dest_c1map := $(patsubst \
$(path_c1map)/%.xml, \
$(path_c1map)/%.php, \
compiled_suppliers := $(src_suppliers:.xml=.xmlo)
linked_suppliers := $(src_suppliers:.xml=.xmle)
comma := ,
extless_supp_delim := $(subst .xml,,$(subst .xml ,$(comma),$(src_suppliers)))
ant = @ANT@ -e
.PHONY: default clean \
interp-rate-tables summary-html c1map \
standalones program-ui program-ui-immediate program-data-copy \
do-build version FORCE
# these files will never be deleted when Make considers them to be intermediate
# (e.g. when building summary pages), since they are still needed or take a
# while to build
.PRECIOUS: %.js %.xml %.xmle %.xmlo
SHELL = /bin/bash -O extglob
default: program-ui c1map FORCE
program-ui: standalones ui/package.js ui/Program.js program-ui-immediate
program-ui-immediate: ui/html/index.phtml
include suppliers.mk
# starts with a fresh cqueue
summary-html: $(dest_summary_html) ;
%.html: %.js
@echo "summary $*.xmle $@" >>.cqueue
@touch $@
standalones: $(dest_standalone)
%.xmle: %.xmlo
@echo "link $< $@" >>.cqueue
@touch $@
%.js: %.xmle
@echo "standalone $< $@" >>.cqueue
@touch $@
# C1 XML
c1map: $(dest_c1map)
%.php: %.xml
@echo "c1map $< $@" >>.cqueue
@touch $@
%.dot: %.xmlo
@echo "dot $< $@" >> .cqueue
%.dote: %.xmle
@echo "dot $< $@" >> .cqueue
%.svg: %.dote
dot -Tsvg "$<" > "$@"
%.svg: %.dot
dot -Tsvg "$<" > "$@"
%.xml: %.dat
rater/tools/tdat2xml $< > $@
%.xml: %.typelist
rater/tame/build-aux/list2typedef $(*F) < $< > $@
%.csvo: %.csvm
rater/tools/csvm2csv $< > $@
%.csvo: %.csvi
rater/tools/csvi $< > $@
%.csvo: %.csv
cp $< $@
%.xml: %.csvo
rater/tools/csv2xml $< > $@
version: .version.xml
.version.xml: FORCE
git log HEAD^.. -1 --pretty=format:'<version>%h</version>' > .version.xml
ui/program.expanded.xml: ui/program.xml | .version.xml
@echo "progui-expand $< $@" >> .cqueue
ui/Program.js: ui/program.expanded.xml ui/package.js
@echo "progui-class $< $@ include-path=../../../ui/" >> .cqueue
ui/html/index.phtml: ui/program.expanded.xml
@echo "progui-html $< $@ out-path=./" >> .cqueue
ui/package-dfns.xmlo: ui/package-dfns.xml
ui/package-dfns.xml: ui/program.expanded.xml
@echo "progui-pkg $< $@" >> .cqueue
ui/package-map.xmlo: ui/package-map.xml
ui/package-map.xml: ui/program.expanded.xml ui/package-dfns.xml
@echo "progui-pkg-map $< $@" >> .cqueue
# for the time being, this does not depend on clean-rate-tables because $(ant) will
$(MAKE) -C doc/specs
# this will eventually go away once we don't have X-repo klugery
# for the time being, this does not depend on clean-rate-tables because ant will
# run it
find $(path_suppliers) $(path_map) $(path_c1map) common/ rater/core rater/lv \( \
-name '*.xmlo' \
-o -name '*.xmle' \
-o -name '*.js' \
-o -name '*.html' \
-o -name '*.dep' \
-o -name '*.tmp' \
\) -exec rm -v {} \;
rm -rf $(path_ui)/package-dfns.* \
$(path_ui)/package-map.* \
$(path_ui)/program.expanded.xml \
$(path_ui)/include.js \
$(path_ui)/Program.js \
find . -path '*/tables/*.csvm' -o -path '*/territories/*.dat' \
| sed 's/\.csvm$$/\.xml/; s/\.dat$$/\.xml/' \
| xargs rm -fv
# generates a Makefile that will properly build all package dependencies; note
# that territory and rate packages also have includes; see top of this file for
# an explanation
$(ant) pkg-dep \
&& mv $(path_ui)/program.dep $(path_ui)/package-dfns.dep
xmlo_cmd='@echo "validate $$(patsubst %.tmp,%.xml,$$<) $$@" >> .cqueue \
&& echo "compile $$(patsubst %.tmp,%.xml,$$<) $$@" >> .cqueue \
&& echo "rm $$(patsubst %.xmlo,%.tmp,$$@)" >> .cqueue \
&& touch $$@ \
&& touch -d +1sec $$(patsubst %.xmlo,%.tmp,$$@) >> .cqueue' \
./rater/tools/gen-make common/ $(path_suppliers)/ $(path_dsl)/ $(path_map)/ $(path_ui)/ >$@
@test $$EUID -eq 0 \
&& echo 'You actually ran me as root? Are you insane!?' \
|| echo 'Make it yourself.'
# simply forces a job to run, thereby forcing the invocation of the secondary
# Makefile (this is not explicitly required, because of prepare, but signifies
# intent and is self-documenting)