cannot link ; must link program linking ... building dependency tree... resolving dependency tree... l:mark-class found for non-existing symbol ; there is a bug in l:depgen-process-sym ( ) p - s - r - [s:: ::s] [r:: ::r] unresolved extern (declared by ` ') could not resolve external symbol ` ' ambiguous external symbol ` '; resolution failed (found ; ); pulled in by: - symbol name is not unique: ` ' found in and / depends upon external could not locate dependency list for / failed locating dependency symbol ` ' from package internal error: unknown symbol for l:depgen-sym: circular dependency ( ): - compiling entry point... compiling exit... compilation complete. fatal: missing exit fragment: ** linking metadata... ** linking worksheet... ** linking classifier... ** linking global params... ** linking types... ** linking functions... ** linking rater... linking ... missing object code for symbol could not locate package for exit-fragment: generating input map... missing object code for input map head or tail generating return map... missing object code for return map head or tail could not locate symbol dependencies: map is not a known field for ; ensure that it exists and is either used or has @keep set