\section{Notational Conventions} This section provides a fairly terse overview of the foundational mathematical concepts used in this paper. While we try to reason about \tame{} in terms of algebra, first-order logic; and set theory; notation varies even within those branches. To avoid ambiguity, especially while introducing our own notation, core operators and concepts are explicitly defined below. This section begins its numbering at~0. This is not only a hint that \tame{} (and this paper) use 0-indexing, but also because equations; definitions; theorems; corollaries; and the like are all numbered relative to their section. When you see any of these prefixed with ``0.'', this sets those references aside as foundational mathematical concepts that are not part of the theory and operation of \tame{} itself. \subsection{Propositional Logic} \index{boolean!false@\false{}}% \index{boolean!true@\true{}}% \index{boolean!FALSE@\tamefalse{}}% \index{boolean!TRUE@\tametrue{}}% \index{integer (\Int)}% We reproduce here certain axioms and corollaries of propositional logic for convenience and to clarify our interpretation of certain concepts. The use of the symbols $\logand$, $\logor$, and~$\neg$ are standard. The symbol $\vdash$ means ``infer''. We use $\implies$ in place of $\rightarrow$ for implication, since the latter is used to denote the mapping of a domain to a codomain in reference to functions. We further use $\equiv$ in place of $\leftrightarrow$ to represent material equivalence. \begin{definition}[Logical Conjunction] $p,q \vdash (p\logand q)$. \end{definition} \begin{definition}[Logical Disjunction] $p \vdash (p\logor q)$ and $q \vdash (p\logor q)$. \end{definition} \begin{definition}[Law of Excluded Middle] $\vdash (p \logor \neg p)$. \end{definition} \begin{definition}[Law of Non-Contradiction] $\vdash \neg(p \logand \neg p)$. \end{definition} \begin{definition}[De Morgan's Theorem] $\neg(p \logand q) \vdash (\neg p \logor \neg q)$ and $\neg(p \logor q) \vdash (\neg p \logand \neg q)$. \end{definition} \index{equivalence!material (\ensuremath{\equiv})} \begin{definition}[Material Equivalence] $p\equiv q \vdash \big((p \logand q) \logor (\neg p \logand \neg q)\big)$. \end{definition} $\equiv$ denotes a logical identity. Consequently, it'll often be used as a definition operator. \begin{definition}[Logical Implication] $p\implies q \vdash (\neg p \logor q)$. \end{definition} \begin{definition}[Truth Values]\dfnlabel{truth-values} $\vdash\true$ and $\vdash\neg\false$. \end{definition} \subsection{First-Order Logic and Set Theory} The symbol $\emptyset$ represents the empty set---% the set of zero elements. We assume that the axioms of ZFC~set theory hold, but define $\in$ here for clarity. \index{set!membership@membership (\ensuremath{\in})} \begin{definition}[Set Membership] $x \in S \equiv \Set{x} \cap S \not= \emptyset.$ \end{definition} \index{quantification|see {fist-order logic}} \index{first-order logic!quantification (\ensuremath{\forall, \exists})} $\forall$ denotes first-order universal quantification (``for all''), and $\exists$ first-order existential quantification (``there exists''), over some \gls{domain}. \index{disjunction|see {first-order logic}} \index{first-order logic!disjunction (\ensuremath{\logor})} \begin{definition}[Existential Quantification]\dfnlabel{exists} $\Exists{x\in X}{P(x)} \equiv \true \in \Set{P(x) \mid x\in X}$. \end{definition} \index{conjunction|see {first-order logic}} \index{first-order logic!conjunction (\ensuremath{\logand})} \begin{definition}[Universal Quantification]\dfnlabel{forall} $\Forall{x\in X}{P(x)} \equiv \neg\Exists{x\in X}{\neg P(x)}$. \end{definition} \index{set!empty (\ensuremath{\emptyset, \{\}})} \begin{remark}[Vacuous Truth] By Definition~7, $\Exists{x\in\emptyset}P \equiv \false$ and by \dfnref{forall}, $\Forall{x\in\emptyset}P \equiv \true$. And so we also have the tautologies $\vdash \neg\Exists{x\in\emptyset}P$ and $\vdash \Forall{x\in\emptyset}P$. \end{remark} \begin{definition}[Boolean/Integer Equivalency]\dfnlabel{bool-int} $\Set{0,1}\in\Int, \false \equiv 0$ and $\true \equiv 1$. \end{definition} \tamefalse{} and~\tametrue{} are constants in \tame{} mapping to the \gls{integer} values $\{0,1\}\in\Int$. \dfnref{bool-int} relates these constants to their \gls{boolean} counterparts so that they may be used in numeric contexts and vice-versa. \subsection{Functions} The notation $f = x \mapsto x' : A\rightarrow B$ represents a function~$f$ that maps from~$x$ to~$x'$, where $x\in A$ (the domain of~$f$) and $x'\in B$ (the co-domain of~$f$). A function $A\rightarrow B$ can be represented as the Cartesian product of its domain and codomain, $A\times B$. For example, $x\mapsto x^2 : \Int\rightarrow\Int$ is represented by the set of ordered pairs $\Set{(x,x^2) \mid x\in\Int}$, which looks something like \begin{equation*} \Set{\ldots,\,(0,0),\,(1,1),\,(2,4),\,(3,9),\,\ldots}. \end{equation*} The set of values over which some function~$f$ ranges is its \emph{image}, which is a subset of its codomain. In the example above, both the domain and codomain are the set of integers~$\Int$, but the image is $\Set{x^2 \mid x\in\Int}$, which is clearly a subset of~$\Int$. We therefore have \begin{align} A \rightarrow B &\subset A\times B, \\ f : A \rightarrow B &\vdash f \subset A\times B, \\ f = \alpha \mapsto \alpha' : A \rightarrow B &= \Set{(\alpha,\alpha') \mid \alpha\in A \logand \alpha'\in B}, \\ f[D\subseteq A] &= \Set{f(\alpha) \mid \alpha\in D} \subset B, \\ f[] &= f[A]. \end{align} And ordered pair $(x,y)$ is also called a \emph{$2$-tuple}. Generally, an \emph{$n$-tuple} is used to represent an $n$-ary function, where by convention we have $(x)=x$. So $f(x,y) = f((x,y)) = x+y$. If we let $t=(x,y)$, then we also have $f(x,y) = ft$, which we'll sometimes write as a subscript~$f_t$ where disambiguation is necessary and where parenthesis may add too much noise; this notation is especially well-suited to indexes, as in $f_1$. Binary functions are often written using \emph{infix} notation; for example, we have $x+y$ rather than $+(x,y)$. \begin{equation} f_x = f(x) \in \Set{b \mid (x,b) \in f} \end{equation} \subsubsection{Binary Operations On Functions} Consider two unary functions $f$ and~$g$, and a binary relation~$R$. We introduce a notation~$\bicomp R$ to denote the composition of a binary function with two unary functions.\footnote{% The notation originates from~$\circ$ to denote ordinary function composition, as in $(f\circ g)(x) = f(g(x))$.} \begin{align} f &: A \rightarrow B \\ g &: A \rightarrow D \\ R &: B\times D \rightarrow F \\ f \bicomp{R} g &= \alpha \mapsto f_\alpha R g_\alpha : A \rightarrow F \end{align} Note that $f$ and~$g$ must share the same domain~$A$. In that sense, this is the mapping of the operation~$R$ over the domain~$A$. This is analogous to unary function composition~$f\circ g$. A scalar value~$x$ can be mapped onto some function~$f$ using a constant function. For example, consider adding some number~$x$ to each element in the image of~$f$: \begin{equation*} f \bicomp+ (\_\mapsto x) = \alpha \mapsto f_\alpha + x. \end{equation*} The symbol~$\_$ is used to denote a variable that is never referenced. For convenience, we also define $\bicompi{R}$, which recursively handles combinations of function and scalar values. This notation is used to simplify definitions of the classification system (see \secpref{class}) when dealing with vectors (see \secref{vec}). \begin{equation}\label{eq:bicompi} \alpha \bicompi{R} \beta = \begin{cases} \gamma \mapsto \alpha_\gamma \bicompi{R} \beta_\gamma &\text{if } (\alpha : A\rightarrow B) \logand (\beta : A\rightarrow D),\\ \gamma \mapsto \alpha_\gamma \bicompi{R} (\_ \mapsto \beta) &\text{if } (\alpha : A\rightarrow B) \logand (\beta \in\Real),\\ \alpha R \beta &\text{otherwise}. \end{cases} \end{equation} Note that we consider the bracket notation for the image of a function $(f:A\rightarrow B)[A]$ to itself be a binary function. Given that, we have $f\bicomp{[]} = f\bicomp{[A]}$ for functions returning functions (such as vectors of vectors in \secref{vec}), noting that $\bicompi{[]}$ is \emph{not} a sensible construction. \subsection{Vectors and Index Sets}\seclabel{vec} \tame{} supports scalar, vector, and matrix values. Unfortunately, its implementation history leaves those concepts a bit tortured. A vector is a sequence of values, defined as a function of an~\gls{index set}. \begin{definition}[Vector]\dfnlabel{vec} Let $J\subset\Int$ represent an index set. A \emph{vector}~$v\in\Vectors^\Real$ is a totally ordered sequence of elements represented as a function of an element of its index set: \begin{equation}\label{vec} v = \Vector{v_0,\ldots,v_j}^{\Real}_{j\in J} = j \mapsto v_j : J \rightarrow \Real. \end{equation} \end{definition} This definition means that $v_j = v(j)$, making the subscript a notational convenience. We may omit the superscript such that $\Vectors^\Real=\Vectors$ and $\Vector{\ldots}^\Real=\Vector{\ldots}$. \begin{definition}[Matrix]\dfnlabel{matrix} Let $J\subset\Int$ represent an index set. A \emph{matrix}~$M\in\Matrices$ is a totally ordered sequence of elements represented as a function of an element of its index set: \begin{equation} M = \Vector{M_0,\ldots,M_j}^{\Vectors^\Real}_{j\in J} = j \mapsto M_j : J \rightarrow \Vectors^\Real. \end{equation} \end{definition} The consequences of \dfnref{matrix}---% defining a matrix as a vector of independent vectors---% are important. This defines a matrix to be more like a multidimensional array, with no requirement that the lengths of the vectors be equal. \begin{corollary}[Matrix Row Length Variance]\corlabel{matrix-row-len} $\vdash \Exists{M\in\Matrices}{\neg\Forall*{j}{\Forall{k}{\len{M_j} = \len{M_k}}}}$. \end{corollary} \corref{matrix-row-len} can be read ``there exists some matrix~$M$ such that not all row lengths of~$M$ are equal''. In other words---% the inner vectors of a matrix can vary in length. Since a vector is a function, a vector or matrix can be converted into a set of unique elements like so: \begin{alignat*}{2} \bigcup\Vector{\Vector{0,1},\Vector{2,2},\Vector{2,0}}\!\bicomp{[]} &\mapsto &&\bigcup\Vector{\Vector{0,1}\![],\Vector{2,2}\![],\Vector{2,0}[]}\![] \\ &\mapsto &&\bigcup\Vector{\Set{0,1},\Set{2},\Set{2,0}}\![] \\ &\mapsto &&\bigcup\Set{\Set{0,1},\Set{2},\Set{2,0}} \\ &= &&\Set{0,1,2}. \end{alignat*} We can also add two vectors, and scale them: \begin{align*} 1 \bicomp{+} \Vector{1,2,3} \bicomp{+} \Vector{4,5,6} &= \Vector{1+1,\, 2+1,\, 3+1} \bicomp{+} \Vector{4,5,6} \\ &= \Vector{2,3,4} \bicomp{+} \Vector{4,5,6} \\ &= \Vector{2+4,\, 3+5,\, 4+6} \\ &= \Vector{6, 8, 10}. \end{align*} \subsection{XML Notation} \index{XML} The grammar of \tame{} is XML. Equivalence relations will be used to map source expressions to an underlying mathematical expression. For example, \begin{equation*} \xml{} \equiv x = y \end{equation*} \noindent defines that pattern of \xmlnode{match} expression to be materially equivalent to~$x=y$---% anywhere an equality relation appears, you could equivalently replace it with that XML representation without changing the meaning of the mathematical expression.