% The TAME Programming Language Classification System % % Copyright (C) 2021 Ryan Specialty Group, LLC. % % Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 % International License. %% \section{Classification System}\seclabel{class} \index{classification|textbf} A \dfn{classification} is a user-defined abstraction that describes (``classifies'') arbitrary data. Classifications can be used as predicates, generating functions, and can be composed into more complex classifications. Nearly all conditions in \tame{} are specified using classifications. \index{first-order logic!sentence} \index{classification!coupling} All classifications represent \dfn{first-order sentences}---% that is, they contain no \dfn{free variables}. Intuitively, this means that all variables within a~classification are \dfn{tightly coupled} to the classification itself. This limitation is mitigated through use of the template system. \begin{axiom}[Classification Introduction]\axmlabel{class-intro} \indexsym\Classify{classification} \indexsym\gamma{classification, yield} \index{classification!index set} \index{index set!classification} \index{classification!classify@\xmlnode{classify}} \index{classification!as@\xmlattr{as}} \index{classification!yields@\xmlattr{yields}} \todo{Symbol in place of $=$ here ($\equiv$ not appropriate).} \begin{subequations} \begin{gather} \begin{alignedat}{3} &\xml{}\label{eq:xml-classify} \\ &\quad \MFam{M^0}jJkK &&\VFam{v^0}jJ &&\quad s^0 \\[-4mm] &\quad \quad\vdots &&\quad\vdots &&\quad \vdots \\ &\quad \MFam{M^l}jJkK &&\VFam{v^m}jJ &&\quad s^n \\[-3mm] &\xml{} % NB: This -50mu needs adjustment if you change the alignment above! &&\mspace{-50mu}= \Classify^c_\gamma\left(\odot,M,v,s\right), \end{alignedat} \end{gather} \noindent where \indexsym\emptystr{empty string} \index{empty string (\ensuremath\emptystr)} \begin{align} J &\subset\Int \neq\emptyset, \\ \forall{j\in J}\Big(K_j &\subset\Int \neq\emptyset\Big), \\ \forall{k}\Big(M^k &: J \rightarrow K_{j\in J} \rightarrow \Bool\Big), \label{eq:class-matrix} \\ \forall{k}\Big(v^k &: J \rightarrow \Bool\Big), \\ \forall{k}\Big(s^k &\in\Bool\Big), \\ \alpha &\in\Set{\emptystr,\, \texttt{any="true"}}, \label{eq:xml-any-domain} \end{align} \noindent and the monoid~$\odot$ is defined as \indexsym\odot{classification, monoid} \index{classification!any@\xmlattr{any}} \index{classification!monoid|(} \begin{equation}\label{eq:classify-rel} \odot = \begin{cases} \Monoid\Bool\land\true &\alpha = \emptystr,\\ \Monoid\Bool\lor\false &\alpha = \texttt{any="true"}. \end{cases} \end{equation} \end{subequations} \end{axiom} % This TODO was the initial motivation for this paper! \todo{Emphasize index sets, both relationships and nonempty.} We use a $4$-tuple $\Classify\left(\odot,M,v,s\right)$ to represent a $\odot_1$-classification (a classification with the binary operation $\land$ or~$\lor$) consisting of a combination of matrix~($M$), vector~($v$), and scalar~($s$) matches, rendered above in columns.\footnote{% The symbol~$\odot$ was chosen since the binary operation for a monoid is~$\monoidop$ (see \secref{monoids}) and~$\odot$ looks vaguely like~$(\monoidop)$, representing a portion of the monoid triple.} A $\land$-classification is pronounced ``conjunctive classification'', and $\lor$ ``disjunctive''.\footnote{% \index{classification!terminology history} Conjunctive and disjunctive classifications used to be referred to, respectively, as \dfn{universal} and \dfn{existential}, referring to fact that $\forall\Set{a_0,\ldots,a_n}(a) \equiv a_0\land\ldots\land a_n$, and similarly for $\exists$. This terminology has changed since all classifications are in fact existential over their matches' index sets, and so the terminology would otherwise lead to confusion.} The variables~$c$ and~$\gamma$ are required in~\tame{} but are both optional in our notation~$\Classify^c_\gamma$, and can be used to identify the two different data representations of the classification.\footnote{% \xpath{classify/@yields} is optional in the grammar of \tame{}, but the compiler will generate one for us if one is not provided. As such, we will for simplicity consider it to be required here.} $\alpha$~serves as a placeholder for an optional \xml{any="true"}, with $\emptystr$~representing the empty string in~\eqref{eq:xml-any-domain}. Note the wildcard variable matching \xmlattr{desc}---% its purpose is only to provide documentation. \begin{corollary}[$\odot$ Commutative Monoid]\corlabel{odot-monoid} \index{classification!commutativity|(} $\odot$ is a commutative monoid in \axmref{class-intro}. \end{corollary} \begin{proof} By \axmref{class-intro}, $\odot$ must be a monoid. Assume $\alpha=\emptystr$. Then, $\odot = \Monoid\Bool\land\true$, which is proved by \lemref{monoid-land}. Next, assume $\alpha=\texttt{any="true"}$. Then, $\odot = \Monoid\Bool\lor\false$, which is proved by \lemref{monoid-land}. \end{proof} While \axmref{class-intro} seems to imply an ordering to matches, users of the language are free to specify matches in any order and the compiler will rearrange matches as it sees fit. \index{compiler!classification commutativity} This is due to the commutativity of~$\odot$ as proved by \corref{odot-monoid}, and not only affords great ease of use to users of~\tame{}, but also great flexibility to compiler writers. \index{classification!commutativity|)} For notational convenience, we will let \index{classification!monoid|)} \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \Classifyland(M,v,s) &= \Classify\left(\Monoid\Bool\land\true,M,v,s\right), \\ \Classifylor(M,v,s) &= \Classify\left(\Monoid\Bool\lor\true,M,v,s\right). \\ \end{aligned} \end{equation} \def\cpredmatseq{{M^0_j}_k \monoidops {M^l_j}_k} \def\cpredvecseq{v^0_j\monoidops v^m_j} \def\cpredscalarseq{s^0\monoidops s^n} \begin{axiom}[Classification-Predicate Equivalence]\axmlabel{class-pred} \index{classification!as predicate} Let $\Classify^c_\gamma\left(\Monoid\Bool\monoidop e,M,v,s\right)$ be a classification by~\axmref{class-intro}. We then have the first-order sentence \begin{equation*} c \equiv {} \Exists{j\in J}{\Exists{k\in K_j}\cpredmatseq\monoidop\cpredvecseq} \monoidop\cpredscalarseq. \end{equation*} \end{axiom} \begin{axiom}[Classification Yield]\axmlabel{class-yield} \indexsym\Gamma{classification, yield} \index{classification!yield (\ensuremath\gamma, \ensuremath\Gamma)} Let $\Classify^c_\gamma\left(\Monoid\Bool\monoidop e,M,v,s\right)$ be a classification by~\axmref{class-intro}. Then, \begin{subequations} \begin{align} r &= \begin{cases} 2 &M\neq\emptyset, \\ 1 &M=\emptyset \land v\neq\emptyset, \\ 0 &M\union v = \emptyset, \end{cases} \\ \displaybreak[0] \exists{j\in J}\Big(\exists{k\in K_j}\Big( \Gamma^2_{j_k} &= \cpredmatseq\monoidop\cpredvecseq\monoidop\cpredscalarseq \Big)\Big), \\ % \exists{j\in J}\Big( \Gamma^1_j &= \cpredvecseq\monoidop\cpredscalarseq \Big), \\ % \Gamma^0 &= \cpredscalarseq. \\ % \gamma &= \Gamma^r. \end{align} \end{subequations} \end{axiom} \begin{theorem}[Classification Composition]\thmlabel{class-compose} \index{classification!composition|(} Classifications may be composed to create more complex classifications using the classification yield~$\gamma$ as in~\axmref{class-yield}. This interpretation is equivalent to \axmref{class-pred} by \begin{equation} c \equiv \Exists{j\in J}{ \Exists{k\in K_j}{\Gamma^2_{j_k}} \monoidop \Gamma^1_j } \monoidop \Gamma^0. \end{equation} \end{theorem} \def\eejJ{\equiv \exists{j\in J}\Big(} \begin{proof} Expanding each~$\Gamma$ in \axmref{class-yield}, we have \begin{alignat*}{3} c &\eejJ\Exists{k\in K_j}{\Gamma^2_{j_k}} \monoidop \Gamma^1_j \Big) \monoidop \Gamma^0 &&\text{by \axmref{class-yield}} \\ % &\eejJ\exists{k\in K_j}\Big( \cpredmatseq \monoidop \cpredvecseq \monoidop \cpredscalarseq \Big) \\ &\hphantom{\eejJ}\;\cpredvecseq \monoidop \cpredscalarseq \Big) \monoidop \cpredscalarseq, \\ % &\eejJ\exists{k\in K_j}\Big(\cpredmatseq\Big) \monoidop \cpredvecseq \monoidop \cpredscalarseq \\ &\hphantom{\eejJ}\;\cpredvecseq \monoidop \cpredscalarseq \Big) \monoidop \cpredscalarseq, &&\text{by \dfnref{quant-conn}} \\ % &\eejJ\exists{k\in K_j}\Big(\cpredmatseq\Big) &&\text{by \dfnref{prop-taut}} \\ &\hphantom{\eejJ}\;\cpredvecseq \monoidop \cpredscalarseq \Big) \monoidop \cpredscalarseq, \\ % &\eejJ\exists{k\in K_j}\Big(\cpredmatseq\Big) &&\text{by \dfnref{quant-conn}} \\ &\hphantom{\eejJ}\;\cpredvecseq\Big) \monoidop \cpredscalarseq \monoidop \cpredscalarseq, \\ % &\eejJ\exists{k\in K_j}\Big(\cpredmatseq\Big) &&\text{by \dfnref{prop-taut}} \\ &\hphantom{\eejJ}\;\cpredvecseq\Big) \monoidop \cpredscalarseq. \tag*{\qedhere} \\ \end{alignat*} \end{proof} \index{classification!composition|)} \begin{lemma}[Classification Predicate Vacuity]\lemlabel{class-pred-vacu} \index{classification!vacuity|(} Let $\Classify^c_\gamma\left(\Monoid\Bool\monoidop e,\emptyset,\emptyset,\emptyset\right)$ be a classification by~\axmref{class-intro}. $\odot$ is a monoid by \corref{odot-monoid}. Then $c \equiv \gamma \equiv e$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} First consider $c$. \begin{alignat*}{3} c &\equiv \Exists{j\in J}{\Exists{k}{e}\monoidop e} \monoidop e \qquad&&\text{by \dfnref{monoid-seq}} \label{p:cri-c} \\ &\equiv \Exists{j\in J}{e \monoidop e} \monoidop e &&\text{by \dfnref{quant-elim}} \\ &\equiv \Exists{j\in J}{e} \monoidop e &&\text{by \ref{eq:monoid-identity}} \\ &\equiv e \monoidop e &&\text{by \dfnref{quant-elim}} \\ &\equiv e. &&\text{by \ref{eq:monoid-identity}} \end{alignat*} For $\gamma$, we have $r=0$ by \axmref{class-yield}, and so by similar steps as~$c$, $\gamma=\Gamma^r=e$. Therefore $c\equiv e$. \end{proof} \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{alignat*}{3} \begin{aligned} \xml{} \end{aligned} \quad&=\quad \Classifyland^\texttt{always}_\texttt{alwaysTrue} &&\left(\emptyset,\emptyset,\emptyset\right). \\ % \begin{aligned} \xml{} \end{aligned} \quad&=\quad \Classifylor^\texttt{never}_\texttt{neverTrue} &&\left(\emptyset,\emptyset,\emptyset\right). \end{alignat*} \caption{\tameclass{always} and \tameclass{never} from package \tamepkg{core/base}.} \label{fig:always-never} \end{figure} \spref{fig:always-never} demonstrates \lemref{class-pred-vacu} in the definitions of the classifications \tameclass{always} and \tameclass{never}. These classifications are typically referenced directly for clarity rather than creating other vacuous classifications, encapsulating \lemref{class-pred-vacu}. \index{classification!vacuity|)} \begin{theorem}[Classification Rank Independence]\thmlabel{class-rank-indep} \index{classification!rank|(} Let $\odot=\Monoid\Bool\monoidop e$. Then, \begin{equation} \Classify_\gamma\left(\odot,M,v,s\right) \equiv \Classify\left( \odot, \Classify_{\gamma'''}\left(\odot,M,\emptyset,\emptyset\right), \Classify_{\gamma''}\left(\odot,\emptyset,v,\emptyset\right), \Classify_{\gamma'}\left(\odot,\emptyset,\emptyset,s\right) \right). \end{equation} \end{theorem} \begin{proof} First, by \axmref{class-yield}, observe these special cases following from \lemref{class-pred-vacu}: \begin{equation} \begin{alignedat}{3} \Gamma'''^2 &= \cpredmatseq, \qquad&&\text{assuming $v\union s=\emptyset$} \\ \Gamma''^1 &= \cpredvecseq, &&\text{assuming $M\union s=\emptyset$} \\ \Gamma'^0 &= \cpredscalarseq. &&\text{assuming $M\union v=\emptyset$} \end{alignedat} \end{equation} By \thmref{class-compose}, we must prove \begin{multline}\label{eq:rank-indep-goal} \Exists{j\in J}{ \Exists{k\in K_j}{\cpredmatseq} \monoidop \cpredvecseq } \monoidop \cpredscalarseq \\ \equiv c \equiv \Exists{j\in J}{ \Exists{k\in K_j}{\gamma'''_{j_k}} \monoidop \gamma''_j } \monoidop \gamma'. \end{multline} By \axmref{class-yield}, we have $r'''=2$, $r''=1$, and $r'=0$, and so $\gamma'''=\Gamma'''^2$, $\gamma''=\Gamma''^1$, and $\gamma'=\Gamma'^0$. By substituting these values in~\ref{eq:rank-indep-goal}, the theorem is proved. \end{proof} \index{classification!rank|)} These definitions may also be used as a form of pattern matching to look up a corresponding variable. For example, if we have $\Classify^\texttt{foo}$ and want to know its \xmlattr{yields}, we can write~$\Classify^\texttt{foo}_\gamma$ to bind the \xmlattr{yields} to~$\gamma$.\footnote{% This is conceptually like a symbol table lookup in the compiler.} \subsection{Matches} \begin{axiom}[Match Input Translation]\axmlabel{match-input} Let $j$ and $k$ be free variables intended to be bound in the context of \axmref{class-pred}. Let $J$ and $K$ be defined by \axmref{class-intro}. Given some input~$x$, \begin{equation*} \varsub x = \begin{cases} x_{j_k} &\rank{x} = 2; \\ x_j &\rank{x} = 1; \\ x &\rank{x} = 0, \end{cases} \qquad\qquad \begin{aligned} j&\in J, \\ k&\in K_j. \end{aligned} \end{equation*} \end{axiom} \begin{axiom}[Match Rank]\axmlabel{match-rank} Let~$\sim{} : \Real\times\Real\rightarrow\Real$ be some binary relation. Then, \begin{equation*} \rank{\varsub x \sim \varsub y} = \begin{cases} \rank{x} &\rank{x} \geq \rank{y}, \\ \rank{y} &\text{otherwise}. \end{cases} \end{equation*} \end{axiom} \def\xyequivish{\varsub x\equivish \varsub y} \begin{axiom}[Element-Wise Equivalence ($\equivish$)] \indexsym\equivish{equivalence, element-wise} \index{equivalence!element-wise (\ensuremath\equivish)} \begin{align*} \rank{\varsub x}=\rank{\varsub y}=2,\, (\xyequivish) &\infer \Forall{j,k}{x_{j_k} \equiv y_{j_k}}, \\ \rank{\varsub x}=\rank{\varsub y}=1,\, (\xyequivish) &\infer \Forall{j}{x_j \equiv y_j}, \\ \rank{\varsub x}=\rank{\varsub y}=0,\, (\xyequivish) &\infer (x\equiv y). \end{align*} \end{axiom} \index{classification!match@\xmlnode{match}} \begin{axiom}[Match Introduction]\axmlabel{match-intro} \begin{alignat*}{2} \begin{aligned}[b] \xml{} \end{aligned} {}&\equivish{} \begin{aligned} &\xml{} \xmlnll &\quad \xml{} \xmlnll &\quad\quad \xml{} \xmlnll &\quad \xml{} \xmlnll &\xml{} \end{aligned} \qquad \sim{} = \smash{\begin{cases} = &\zeta=\xml{eq}, \\ < &\zeta=\xml{lt}, \\ > &\zeta=\xml{gt}, \\ \leq &\zeta=\xml{leq}, \\ \geq &\zeta=\xml{geq}. \end{cases}} \\ &\equivish \varsub x \sim \varsub y, \end{alignat*} \end{axiom} \begin{axiom}[Match Equality Short Form] \begin{equation*} \xml{} \equivish \xml{}. \end{equation*} \end{axiom} \todo{Define types and \xml{typedef}.} \begin{axiom}[Match Membership] When $T$ is a type defined with \xmlnode{typedef}, \begin{equation*} \xml{} \equivish \varsub x \in T. \end{equation*} \end{axiom} \begin{theorem}[Classification Match Element-Wise Binary Relation] \thmlabel{class-match} Within the context of \axmref{class-pred}, all \xmlnode{match} forms represent binary relations $\Real\times\Real\rightarrow\Bool$ ranging over individual elements of all index sets $J$ and $K_j\in K$. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} First, observe that each of $=$, $<$, $>$, $\leq$, $\geq$, and $\in$ have type $\Real\times\Real\rightarrow\Bool$. We must then prove that $\varsub x$ and $\varsub y$ are able to be interpreted as~$\Real$ within the context of \axmref{class-pred}. When $x,y\in\Real$, we have the trivial case $\varsub x=x\in\Real$ and $\varsub y=y\in\Real$ by \axmref{match-input}. Otherwise, variables $j$ and $k$ are free. Consider $\rank{\varsub x \sim \varsub y} = 2$; then $\rank{\varsub x \sim \varsub y} \in\Matrices$ by \dfnref{rank}, and so by \thmref{class-rank-indep} we have \begin{equation}\label{p:match-rel} \Forall{j\in J}{\Forall{k\in K_j}{\cpredmatseq}} \equiv \Forall{j\in J}{\Forall{k\in K_j}{\varsub x \sim \varsub y}}, \end{equation} which binds $j$ and $k$ to the variables of their respective quantifiers. Proceed similarly for $\rank{\varsub x \sim \varsub y} = 1$ and observe that $j$ becomes bound. Assume $x\in\Matrices$; then $x_{j_k}\in\Real$ by \dfnref{matrix}. Assume $y\in\Vectors^\Real$; then $y_j\in\Real$ by \dfnref{vec}. Finally, observe that $j$ ranges over $J$ in \ref{p:match-rel}, and $k$ over $K_j$. \end{proof} \thmref{class-match} is responsible for proving that matches range over each individual index. More subtly, it also shows that matches work with any combination of rank. \spref{f:ex:class-match-all-ranks} demonstrates a complete translation of source \tame{}~XML using all ranks. \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{align} &\begin{aligned} &\xml{} \xmlnl &\quad\begin{aligned} &\xml{} \quad&&\equivish \varsub A = \varsub u \\[-2mm] &\xml{} \quad&&\equivish \varsub A = \varsub t \xmlnll &\xml{} \quad&&\equivish \varsub u = \varsub t \xmlnll &\xml{} \quad&&\equivish \varsub t = \true \end{aligned} \xmlnll &\xml{} \end{aligned} &\text{by \axmref{match-intro}} \\ &= \Classifyland^\texttt{fullrank}\left( \Big(\left({A_j}_k = u_j\right), \left({A_j}_k = t \right) \Big), \left(u_j = t\right), t \right) &\text{by \axmref{class-intro}} \\ &\equiv \Exists{j\in J}{ \Exists*{k\in K_j}{\Big( \left({A_j}_k = u_j\right) \land \left({A_j}_k = t \right) \Big)} \land u_j = t } \land t. &\text{by \thmref{class-match}}. \end{align} \caption{Example demonstrating \thmref{class-match} using all ranks.} \label{f:ex:class-match-all-ranks} \end{figure} Visually, the one-dimensional construction of \axmref{class-pred} does not lend itself well to how intuitive the behavior of the system actually is. We therefore establish a relationship to the notation of linear algebra to emphasize the relationship between each of the inputs. \newcommand\matseqsup[1]{% \begin{bmatrix} M^{#1}_{0_0} & \dots & M^{#1}_{0_k} \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ M^{#1}_{j_0} & \dots & M^{#1}_{j_k} \\ \end{bmatrix}% } \newcommand\vecseqsup[1]{% \begin{bmatrix} v^{#1}_0 \\ \vdots \\ v^{#1}_j \\ \end{bmatrix}% } % This must be an axiom because it defines how the connectives operate; see % the remark. \begin{axiom}[Classification Matrix Notation]\axmlabel{class-mat-not} Let $\Gamma^2$ be defined by \axmref{class-yield}. Then, \begin{equation*} \Gamma^2 = \matseqsup{0}\monoidops\matseqsup{l} \monoidop \vecseqsup{0}\monoidops\vecseqsup{m} \monoidop s^0\monoidops s^n, \end{equation*} from which $\Gamma^1$, $\Gamma^0$, and $\gamma$ can be derived. \end{axiom} \begin{remark}[Logical Connectives With Matrix Notation] From the definition of \axmref{class-mat-not}, it should be clear that the logical connective $\monoidop$ necessarily acts like a Hadamard product with regards to how individual elements are combined. \end{remark} \axmref{class-mat-not} makes it easy to visualize classification operations simply by drawing horizontal boxes across the predicates, as demonstrated by \spref{f:class-mat-boxes}. % NB: Give this formatting extra attention if the document's formatting is % substantially changed, since it's not exactly responsible with it's % hard-coded units. \begingroup \begin{figure}[ht] \def\classmatraise#1{% \begin{aligned} #1 \\ {} \\ #1 \end{aligned} } \def\classmateq{% \matseqsup{0} \classmatraise{\monoidop\cdots\monoidop} \matseqsup{l} \classmatraise\monoidop \vecseqsup{0} \classmatraise{\monoidop\cdots\monoidop} \vecseqsup{m} \classmatraise{% {}\monoidop s^0\monoidop\cdots\monoidop s^n% } } \begin{align*} &\;\raisebox{-3mm}[0mm]{% \begin{turn}{45} $\equiv$ \end{turn}% } \;\fbox{$ \left(M^0_{0_0} \monoidops M^0_{0_k}\right) \monoidops \left(M^l_{0_0} \monoidops M^l_{0_k}\right) \monoidop v^0_0 \monoidops v^m_0 \monoidop s^0 \monoidops s^n $} &\Gamma^2_0 \\[-2mm] &\fbox{\raisebox{0mm}[0mm][6mm]{\hphantom{$\classmateq$}}} \\[-8mm] % &\classmateq &\vdots\; \\[-10mm] % &\fbox{\raisebox{0mm}[0mm][6mm]{\hphantom{$\classmateq$}}} \\ &\;\raisebox{3mm}[0mm]{% \begin{turn}{-45} $\equiv$ \end{turn}% } \;\fbox{$ \left(M^0_{j_0} \monoidops M^0_{j_k}\right) \monoidops \left(M^l_{j_0} \monoidops M^l_{j_k}\right) \monoidop v^0_j \monoidops v^m_j \monoidop s^0 \monoidops s^n $} &\Gamma^2_j \end{align*} \caption{Visual interpretation of classification by \axmref{class-mat-not}. The adjacent frames represent equivalencies between the first-order logic of \axmref{class-yield} and the matrix notation.} \label{f:class-mat-boxes} \end{figure} \endgroup \index{classification!as proposition|(} \begin{lemma}[Match As Proposition]\lemlabel{match-prop} Matches can be represented using propositional logic provided that binary operators of \axmref{match-intro} are restricted to $\cbif\Bool$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} \begin{alignat*}{4} x = \true &\equiv x, &&\quad= &&: \cbif\Bool; \\ x = \false &\equiv \neg x, &&\quad= &&: \cbif\Bool; \\ x < y &\equiv \neg x \land y, &&\quad< &&: \cbif\Bool; \\ x > y &\equiv x \land \neg y, &&\quad> &&: \cbif\Bool; \\ x \leq y &\equiv \neg x \lor y, &&\quad\leq &&: \cbif\Bool; \\ x \geq y &\equiv x \lor \neg y, &&\quad\geq &&: \cbif\Bool; \\ x \in\Bool &\equiv \true, &&\quad\in &&: \cbif\Bool.\tag*{\qedhere} \end{alignat*} \end{proof} \begin{theorem}[Classification As Proposition] \index{classification!as proposition|(} Classifications with either $M\union v=\emptyset$ or with constant index sets can be represented by propositional logic provided that the domains of the binary operators of \axmref{match-intro} are restricted to $\cbif\Bool$. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} Propositional logic does not include quantifiers or relations. Matches of the domain $\cbif\Bool$ are proved to be propositions by \lemref{match-prop}. Having eliminated relations, we must now eliminate quantifiers. Assume $M\union v=\emptyset$. By \thmref{class-rank-indep}, \begin{align*} c &\equiv \cpredscalarseq, \end{align*} \noindent which is a propositional formula. Similarly, if we define our index set~$J$ to be constant, we are then able to eliminate existential quantification over~$J$ as follows: \begin{equation}\label{eq:prop-vec} \begin{aligned} c &\equiv \Exists{j\in J}{\cpredvecseq}, \\ &\equiv \left(v^0_0\monoidops v^m_0\right) \lor\cdots\lor \left(v^0_{|J|-1}\monoidops v^m_{|J|-1}\right), \end{aligned} \end{equation} which is a propositional formula. Similarly, for matrices, \begin{align*} c &\equiv \Exists{j\in J}{\Exists{k\in K_j}{\cpredmatseq}}, \nonumber\\ &\equiv \Exists{j\in J}{ \left({M^0_j}_0\monoidops{M^0_j}_{|K_j|-1}\right) \lor\cdots\lor \left({M^l_j}_0\monoidops{M^l_j}_{|K_j|-1}\right) }, \end{align*} and then proceed as in~\ref{eq:prop-vec}. \end{proof} \index{classification!as proposition|)}