// Graph abstraction // // Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Ryan Specialty Group, LLC. // // This file is part of TAME. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . //! Abstract graph as the basis for concrete ASGs. use super::{ AsgError, FragmentText, Ident, IdentKind, Object, Source, TransitionResult, }; use crate::global; use crate::sym::SymbolId; use petgraph::graph::{DiGraph, Graph, NodeIndex}; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::result::Result; /// Datatype representing node and edge indexes. pub trait IndexType = petgraph::graph::IndexType; /// A [`Result`] with a hard-coded [`AsgError`] error type. /// /// This is the result of every [`Asg`] operation that could potentially /// fail in error. pub type AsgResult = Result; /// There are currently no data stored on edges ("edge weights"). pub type AsgEdge = (); /// Each node of the graph represents an object. /// /// Enclosed in an [`Option`] to permit moving owned values out of the /// graph. pub type Node = Option; /// Index size for Graph nodes and edges. type Ix = global::ProgSymSize; /// An abstract semantic graph (ASG) of [objects][super::object]. /// /// This implementation is currently based on [`petgraph`]. /// /// Identifiers are cached by name for `O(1)` lookup. /// Since [`SymbolId`][crate::sym::SymbolId] is used for this purpose, /// the index may contain more entries than nodes and may contain gaps. /// /// This IR focuses on the definition and manipulation of objects and their /// dependencies. /// See [`Ident`]for a summary of valid identifier object state /// transitions. /// /// Objects are never deleted from the graph, /// so [`ObjectRef`]s will remain valid for the lifetime of the ASG. /// /// For more information, /// see the [module-level documentation][self]. #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct Asg { // TODO: private; see `ld::xmle::lower`. /// Directed graph on which objects are stored. pub graph: DiGraph, /// Map of [`SymbolId`][crate::sym::SymbolId] to node indexes. /// /// This allows for `O(1)` lookup of identifiers in the graph. /// Note that, /// while we store [`NodeIndex`] internally, /// the public API encapsulates it within an [`ObjectRef`]. index: Vec>, /// Empty node indicating that no object exists for a given index. empty_node: NodeIndex, /// The root node used for reachability analysis and topological /// sorting. root_node: NodeIndex, } impl Asg { /// Create a new ASG. /// /// See also [`with_capacity`](Asg::with_capacity). pub fn new() -> Self { Self::with_capacity(0, 0) } /// Create an ASG with the provided initial capacity. /// /// The value for `objects` will be used as the capacity for the nodes /// in the graph, /// as well as the initial index capacity. /// The value for `edges` may be more difficult to consider, /// since edges are used to represent various relationships between /// different types of objects, /// but it's safe to say that each object will have at least one /// edge to another object. pub fn with_capacity(objects: usize, edges: usize) -> Self { let mut graph = Graph::with_capacity(objects, edges); let mut index = Vec::with_capacity(objects); // Exhaust the first index to be used as a placeholder. let empty_node = graph.add_node(None); index.push(empty_node); // Automatically add the root which will be used to determine what // identifiers ought to be retained by the final program. // This is not indexed and is not accessable by name. let root_node = graph.add_node(Some(Object::Root)); Self { graph, index, empty_node, root_node, } } /// Get the underlying Graph pub fn into_inner(self) -> DiGraph { self.graph } /// Index the provided symbol `name` as representing the identifier `node`. /// /// This index permits `O(1)` identifier lookups. /// /// After an identifier is indexed it is not expected to be reassigned /// to another node. /// Debug builds contain an assertion that will panic in this instance. /// /// Panics /// ====== /// Will panic if unable to allocate more space for the index. fn index_identifier(&mut self, name: SymbolId, node: NodeIndex) { let i = name.as_usize(); if i >= self.index.len() { // If this is ever a problem we can fall back to usize max and // re-compare before panicing let new_size = (i + 1) .checked_next_power_of_two() .expect("internal error: cannot allocate space for ASG index"); self.index.resize(new_size, self.empty_node); } // We should never overwrite indexes debug_assert!(self.index[i] == self.empty_node); self.index[i] = node; } /// Lookup `ident` or add a missing identifier to the graph and return a /// reference to it. /// /// See [`Ident::declare`] for more information. fn lookup_or_missing(&mut self, ident: SymbolId) -> ObjectRef { self.lookup(ident).unwrap_or_else(|| { let index = self.graph.add_node(Some(Ident::declare(ident).into())); self.index_identifier(ident, index); ObjectRef::new(index) }) } /// Perform a state transition on an identifier by name. /// /// Look up `ident` or add a missing identifier if it does not yet exist /// (see `lookup_or_missing`). /// Then invoke `f` with the located identifier and replace the /// identifier on the graph with the result. /// /// This will safely restore graph state to the original identifier /// value on transition failure. fn with_ident_lookup( &mut self, name: SymbolId, f: F, ) -> AsgResult where F: FnOnce(Ident) -> TransitionResult, { let identi = self.lookup_or_missing(name); self.with_ident(identi, f) } /// Perform a state transition on an identifier by [`ObjectRef`]. /// /// Invoke `f` with the located identifier and replace the identifier on /// the graph with the result. /// /// This will safely restore graph state to the original identifier /// value on transition failure. fn with_ident(&mut self, identi: ObjectRef, f: F) -> AsgResult where F: FnOnce(Ident) -> TransitionResult, { let node = self.graph.node_weight_mut(identi.into()).unwrap(); let obj = node .take() .expect("internal error: missing object") .unwrap_ident(); f(obj) .and_then(|obj| { node.replace(obj.into()); Ok(identi) }) .or_else(|(orig, err)| { node.replace(orig.into()); Err(err.into()) }) } // TODO: This is transitional; // remove once [`crate::xmlo::asg_builder`] is removed. pub fn root(&self) -> NodeIndex { self.root_node } /// Add an object as a root. /// /// Roots are always included during a topological sort and any /// reachability analysis. /// /// Ideally, /// roots would be minimal and dependencies properly organized such /// that objects will be included if they are a transitive dependency /// of some included subsystem. /// /// See also [`IdentKind::is_auto_root`]. pub fn add_root(&mut self, identi: ObjectRef) { self.graph .add_edge(self.root_node, identi.into(), Default::default()); } /// Declare a concrete identifier. /// /// An identifier declaration is similar to a declaration in a header /// file in a language like C, /// describing the structure of the identifier. /// Once declared, /// this information cannot be changed. /// /// Identifiers are uniquely identified by a [`SymbolId`] `name`. /// If an identifier of the same `name` already exists, /// then the provided declaration is compared against the existing /// declaration---should /// they be incompatible, /// then the operation will fail; /// otherwise, /// the existing identifier will be returned. /// /// If a concrete identifier has already been declared (see /// [`Asg::declare`]), /// then extern declarations will be compared and, /// if compatible, /// the identifier will be immediately _resolved_ and the object /// on the graph will not be altered. /// Resolution will otherwise fail in error. /// /// For more information on state transitions that can occur when /// redeclaring an identifier that already exists, /// see [`Ident::resolve`]. /// /// A successful declaration will add an identifier to the graph /// and return an [`ObjectRef`] reference. pub fn declare( &mut self, name: SymbolId, kind: IdentKind, src: Source, ) -> AsgResult { let is_auto_root = kind.is_auto_root(); self.with_ident_lookup(name, |obj| obj.resolve(kind, src)) .and_then(|node| { is_auto_root.then(|| self.add_root(node)); Ok(node) }) } /// Declare an abstract identifier. /// /// An _extern_ declaration declares an identifier the same as /// [`Asg::declare`], /// but omits source information. /// Externs are identifiers that are expected to be defined somewhere /// else ("externally"), /// and are resolved at [link-time][crate::ld]. /// /// If a concrete identifier has already been declared (see /// [`Asg::declare`]), /// then the declarations will be compared and, /// if compatible, /// the identifier will be immediately _resolved_ and the object /// on the graph will not be altered. /// Resolution will otherwise fail in error. /// /// See [`Ident::extern_`] and /// [`Ident::resolve`] for more information on /// compatibility related to extern resolution. pub fn declare_extern( &mut self, name: SymbolId, kind: IdentKind, src: Source, ) -> AsgResult { self.with_ident_lookup(name, |obj| obj.extern_(kind, src)) } /// Set the fragment associated with a concrete identifier. /// /// Fragments are intended for use by the [linker][crate::ld]. /// For more information, /// see [`Ident::set_fragment`]. pub fn set_fragment( &mut self, name: SymbolId, text: FragmentText, ) -> AsgResult { self.with_ident_lookup(name, |obj| obj.set_fragment(text)) } /// Retrieve an object from the graph by [`ObjectRef`]. /// /// Since an [`ObjectRef`] should only be produced by an [`Asg`], /// and since objects are never deleted from the graph, /// this should never fail so long as references are not shared /// between multiple graphs. /// It is nevertheless wrapped in an [`Option`] just in case. #[inline] pub fn get>(&self, index: I) -> Option<&Object> { self.graph.node_weight(index.into().into()).map(|node| { node.as_ref() .expect("internal error: Asg::get missing Node data") }) } /// Retrieve an identifier from the graph by [`ObjectRef`]. /// /// If the object exists but is not an identifier, /// [`None`] will be returned. #[inline] pub fn get_ident>(&self, index: I) -> Option<&Ident> { self.get(index).and_then(Object::as_ident_ref) } /// Attempt to retrieve an identifier from the graph by name. /// /// Since only identifiers carry a name, /// this method cannot be used to retrieve all possible objects on the /// graph---for /// that, see [`Asg::get`]. #[inline] pub fn lookup(&self, name: SymbolId) -> Option { let i = name.as_usize(); self.index .get(i) .filter(|ni| ni.index() > 0) .map(|ni| ObjectRef::new(*ni)) } /// Declare that `dep` is a dependency of `ident`. /// /// An object must be declared as a dependency if its value must be /// computed before computing the value of `ident`. /// The [linker][crate::ld] will ensure this ordering. /// /// See [`add_dep_lookup`][Asg::add_dep_lookup] if identifiers have to /// be looked up by [`SymbolId`] or if they may not yet have been /// declared. pub fn add_dep(&mut self, identi: ObjectRef, depi: ObjectRef) { self.graph .update_edge(identi.into(), depi.into(), Default::default()); } /// Check whether `dep` is a dependency of `ident`. #[inline] pub fn has_dep(&self, ident: ObjectRef, dep: ObjectRef) -> bool { self.graph.contains_edge(ident.into(), dep.into()) } /// Declare that `dep` is a dependency of `ident`, /// regardless of whether they are known. /// /// In contrast to [`add_dep`][Asg::add_dep], /// this method will add the dependency even if one or both of `ident` /// or `dep` have not yet been declared. /// In such a case, /// a missing identifier will be added as a placeholder, /// allowing the ASG to be built with partial information as /// identifiers continue to be discovered. /// See [`Ident::declare`] for more information. /// /// References to both identifiers are returned in argument order. pub fn add_dep_lookup( &mut self, ident: SymbolId, dep: SymbolId, ) -> (ObjectRef, ObjectRef) { let identi = self.lookup_or_missing(ident); let depi = self.lookup_or_missing(dep); self.graph .update_edge(identi.into(), depi.into(), Default::default()); (identi, depi) } } /// Reference to an [object][super::object] stored within the [`Asg`]. /// /// Ident references are integer offsets, /// not pointers. /// See the [module-level documentation][self] for more information. #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct ObjectRef(NodeIndex); impl ObjectRef { pub fn new(index: NodeIndex) -> Self { Self(index) } } impl From for ObjectRef { fn from(index: NodeIndex) -> Self { Self(index) } } impl From for NodeIndex { fn from(objref: ObjectRef) -> Self { objref.0 } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::super::error::AsgError; use super::*; use crate::num::Dim; use crate::sym::GlobalSymbolIntern; use std::assert_matches::assert_matches; type Sut = Asg; #[test] fn create_with_capacity() { let node_capacity = 100; let edge_capacity = 300; let sut = Sut::with_capacity(node_capacity, edge_capacity); let (nc, ec) = sut.graph.capacity(); assert!(nc >= node_capacity); assert!(ec >= edge_capacity); assert!(sut.index.capacity() >= node_capacity); } #[test] fn declare_new_unique_idents() -> AsgResult<()> { let mut sut = Sut::new(); // NB: The index ordering is important! We first use a larger // index to create a gap, and then use an index within that gap // to ensure that it's not considered an already-defined // identifier. let syma = "syma".intern(); let symb = "symab".intern(); let nodea = sut.declare( syma, IdentKind::Meta, Source { desc: Some("a".into()), ..Default::default() }, )?; let nodeb = sut.declare( symb, IdentKind::Worksheet, Source { desc: Some("b".into()), ..Default::default() }, )?; assert_ne!(nodea, nodeb); let givena = sut.get_ident(nodea).unwrap(); assert_eq!(syma, givena.name()); assert_eq!(Some(&IdentKind::Meta), givena.kind()); assert_eq!( Some(&Source { desc: Some("a".into()), ..Default::default() },), givena.src() ); let givenb = sut.get_ident(nodeb).unwrap(); assert_eq!(symb, givenb.name()); assert_eq!(Some(&IdentKind::Worksheet), givenb.kind()); assert_eq!( Some(&Source { desc: Some("b".into()), ..Default::default() }), givenb.src() ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn declare_kind_auto_root() -> AsgResult<()> { let mut sut = Sut::new(); let auto_kind = IdentKind::Worksheet; // Sanity check, in case this changes. assert!(auto_kind.is_auto_root()); let auto_root_node = sut.declare("auto_root".intern(), auto_kind, Default::default())?; // Should have been automatically added as a root. assert!(sut .graph .contains_edge(sut.root_node, auto_root_node.into())); let no_auto_kind = IdentKind::Tpl; assert!(!no_auto_kind.is_auto_root()); let no_auto_root_node = sut.declare( "no_auto_root".intern(), no_auto_kind, Default::default(), )?; // Non-auto-roots should _not_ be added as roots automatically. assert!(!sut .graph .contains_edge(sut.root_node, no_auto_root_node.into())); Ok(()) } #[test] fn lookup_by_symbol() -> AsgResult<()> { let mut sut = Sut::new(); let sym = "lookup".into(); let node = sut.declare( sym, IdentKind::Meta, Source { generated: true, ..Default::default() }, )?; assert_eq!(Some(node), sut.lookup(sym)); Ok(()) } #[test] fn declare_fails_if_transition_fails() -> AsgResult<()> { let mut sut = Sut::new(); let sym = "symdup".intern(); let src = Source { desc: Some("orig".into()), ..Default::default() }; // Set up an object to fail redeclaration. let node = sut.declare(sym, IdentKind::Meta, src.clone())?; let result = sut.declare(sym, IdentKind::Meta, Source::default()); assert_matches!(result, Err(AsgError::ObjectTransition(..))); // The node should have been restored. assert_eq!(Some(&src), sut.get_ident(node).unwrap().src()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn declare_extern_returns_existing() -> AsgResult<()> { let mut sut = Sut::new(); let sym = "symext".intern(); let src = Source::default(); let kind = IdentKind::Class(Dim::Matrix); let node = sut.declare_extern(sym, kind.clone(), src.clone())?; let resrc = Source { desc: Some("redeclare".into()), ..Default::default() }; let redeclare = sut.declare_extern(sym, kind.clone(), resrc.clone())?; assert_eq!(node, redeclare); Ok(()) } // Builds upon declare_returns_existing. #[test] fn declare_extern_fails_if_transition_fails() -> AsgResult<()> { let mut sut = Sut::new(); let sym = "symdup".intern(); let src = Source { desc: Some("orig".into()), ..Default::default() }; let node = sut.declare(sym, IdentKind::Meta, src.clone())?; // Changes kind, which is invalid. let result = sut.declare_extern(sym, IdentKind::Worksheet, Source::default()); assert_matches!(result, Err(AsgError::ObjectTransition(..))); // The node should have been restored. assert_eq!(Some(&src), sut.get_ident(node).unwrap().src()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn add_fragment_to_ident() -> AsgResult<()> { let mut sut = Sut::new(); let sym = "tofrag".intern(); let src = Source { generated: true, ..Default::default() }; let node = sut.declare(sym, IdentKind::Meta, src.clone())?; let fragment = "a fragment".intern(); let node_with_frag = sut.set_fragment(sym, fragment)?; // Attaching a fragment should _replace_ the node, not create a // new one assert_eq!( node, node_with_frag, "fragment node does not match original node" ); let obj = sut.get_ident(node).unwrap(); assert_eq!(sym, obj.name()); assert_eq!(Some(&IdentKind::Meta), obj.kind()); assert_eq!(Some(&src), obj.src()); assert_eq!(Some(fragment), obj.fragment()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn add_fragment_to_ident_fails_if_transition_fails() -> AsgResult<()> { let mut sut = Sut::new(); let sym = "failfrag".intern(); let src = Source { generated: true, ..Default::default() }; // The failure will come from terr below, not this. let node = sut.declare(sym, IdentKind::Meta, src.clone())?; // The first set will succeed. sut.set_fragment(sym, "".into())?; // This will fail. let result = sut.set_fragment(sym, "".into()); // The node should have been restored. let obj = sut.get_ident(node).unwrap(); assert_eq!(sym, obj.name()); assert_matches!(result, Err(AsgError::ObjectTransition(..))); Ok(()) } #[test] fn add_ident_dep_to_ident() -> AsgResult<()> { let mut sut = Sut::new(); let sym = "sym".intern(); let dep = "dep".intern(); let symnode = sut.declare(sym, IdentKind::Meta, Source::default())?; let depnode = sut.declare(dep, IdentKind::Meta, Source::default())?; sut.add_dep(symnode, depnode); assert!(sut.has_dep(symnode, depnode)); // sanity check if we re-add a dep sut.add_dep(symnode, depnode); assert!(sut.has_dep(symnode, depnode)); Ok(()) } // same as above test #[test] fn add_dep_lookup_existing() -> AsgResult<()> { let mut sut = Sut::new(); let sym = "sym".intern(); let dep = "dep".intern(); let _ = sut.declare(sym, IdentKind::Meta, Source::default())?; let _ = sut.declare(dep, IdentKind::Meta, Source::default())?; let (symnode, depnode) = sut.add_dep_lookup(sym, dep); assert!(sut.has_dep(symnode, depnode)); Ok(()) } #[test] fn add_dep_lookup_missing() -> AsgResult<()> { let mut sut = Sut::new(); let sym = "sym".intern(); let dep = "dep".intern(); // both of these are missing let (symnode, depnode) = sut.add_dep_lookup(sym, dep); assert!(sut.has_dep(symnode, depnode)); assert_eq!(sym, sut.get_ident(symnode).unwrap().name()); assert_eq!(dep, sut.get_ident(depnode).unwrap().name()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn declare_return_missing_symbol() -> AsgResult<()> { let mut sut = Sut::new(); let sym = "sym".intern(); let dep = "dep".intern(); // both of these are missing, see add_dep_lookup_missing let (symnode, _) = sut.add_dep_lookup(sym, dep); let src = Source { desc: Some("redeclare missing".into()), ..Default::default() }; // Check with a declared value let declared = sut.declare(sym, IdentKind::Meta, src.clone())?; assert_eq!(symnode, declared); let obj = sut.get_ident(declared).unwrap(); assert_eq!(sym, obj.name()); assert_eq!(Some(&IdentKind::Meta), obj.kind()); assert_eq!(Some(&src), obj.src()); Ok(()) } }