This package is young; the intent is to provide basic assertions to ensure data integrity. Failure will result in a~truthful value of a~terminating classification. The \ref{_assert_} template generates a~generic assertion using the provided predicates, causing termination on match. For convenience, it accepts variable or classification-name conditions as arguments, which are included with whatever predicates are provided in its body.
There is currently one standard assertion---\ref{_fail-on-empty_}; more will appear in the future. \ref{_fail-on-empty_} terminates if \ref{_fail-on-empty_/@name@} is zero, subject to \ref{_fail-on-empty_/@when@} and \ref{_fail-on-empty_/@class@} and any other provided predicates. The name of this assertion is likely to change in the future, but a~template will be added in its place providing deprecation notices.