// XIR element parser generator // // Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Ryan Specialty Group, LLC. // // This file is part of TAME. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . //! Element parser generator for parsing of [XIRF](super::super::flat). use crate::parse::ParseState; /// A parser accepting a single element. pub trait EleParseState: ParseState {} /// Element parser configuration. /// /// This configuration is set on a nonterminal reference using square /// brackets /// (e.g. `Foo[*]`). #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Default)] pub struct EleParseCfg { /// Whether to allow zero-or-more repetition for this element. /// /// This is the Kleene star modifier (`*`). pub repeat: bool, } // This is an implementation detail for the internal state of EleParseState. impl From for () { fn from(_: EleParseCfg) -> Self { () } } #[macro_export] macro_rules! ele_parse { ( $vis:vis enum $super:ident; // Attr has to be first to avoid ambiguity with `$rest`. $(type AttrValueError = $evty:ty;)? type Object = $objty:ty; $($rest:tt)* ) => { ele_parse! {@!next $vis $super $(type AttrValueError = $evty;)? type Object = $objty; $($rest)* } ele_parse!(@!super_sum <$objty> $vis $super $($rest)*); }; (@!next $vis:vis $super:ident // Attr has to be first to avoid ambiguity with `$rest`. $(type AttrValueError = $evty:ty;)? type Object = $objty:ty; $($rest:tt)* ) => { ele_parse!(@!nonterm_decl <$objty, $($evty)?> $vis $super $($rest)*); }; (@!nonterm_decl <$objty:ty, $($evty:ty)?> $vis:vis $super:ident $nt:ident := $($rest:tt)* ) => { ele_parse!(@!nonterm_def <$objty, $($evty)?> $vis $super $nt $($rest)*); }; (@!nonterm_def <$objty:ty, $($evty:ty)?> $vis:vis $super:ident $nt:ident $qname:ident $(($($ntp:tt)*))? { $($matches:tt)* }; $($rest:tt)* ) => { ele_parse!(@!ele_expand_body <$objty, $($evty)?> $vis $super $nt $qname ($($($ntp)*)?) $($matches)* ); ele_parse! {@!next $vis $super $(type AttrValueError = $evty;)? type Object = $objty; $($rest)* } }; (@!nonterm_def <$objty:ty, $($evty:ty)?> $vis:vis $super:ident $nt:ident ($ntref_first:ident $(| $ntref:ident)+); $($rest:tt)* ) => { ele_parse!(@!ele_dfn_sum <$objty> $vis $super $nt [$ntref_first $($ntref)*] ); ele_parse! {@!next $vis $super $(type AttrValueError = $evty;)? type Object = $objty; $($rest)* } }; (@!nonterm_decl <$objty:ty, $($evty:ty)?> $vis:vis $super:ident) => {}; // Expand the provided data to a more verbose form that provides the // context necessary for state transitions. (@!ele_expand_body <$objty:ty, $($evty:ty)?> $vis:vis $super:ident $nt:ident $qname:ident ($($ntp:tt)*) @ { $($attrbody:tt)* } => $attrmap:expr, $(/$(($close_span:ident))? => $closemap:expr,)? // Special forms (`[sp](args) => expr`). $( [$special:ident]$(($($special_arg:ident),*))? => $special_map:expr, )? // Nonterminal references are provided as a list. // A configuration specifier can be provided, // currently intended to support the Kleene star. $( $ntref:ident $([$ntref_cfg:tt])?, )* ) => { ele_parse! { @!ele_dfn_body <$objty, $($evty)?> $vis $super $nt $qname ($($ntp)*) @ { $($attrbody)* } => $attrmap, /$($($close_span)?)? => ele_parse!(@!ele_close $($closemap)?), $([$special]$(($($special_arg),*))? => $special_map,)? <> { $( $ntref, )* } // Generate state transitions of the form `(S) -> (S')`. -> { @ -> $( ($nt::$ntref) [$($ntref_cfg)?], ($nt::$ntref) -> )* ($nt::ExpectClose_) [], } } }; // No explicit Close mapping defaults to doing nothing at all // (so yield Incomplete). (@!ele_close) => { crate::parse::ParseStatus::Incomplete }; (@!ele_close $close:expr) => { crate::parse::ParseStatus::Object($close) }; // NT[*] modifier. (@!ntref_cfg *) => { crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg { repeat: true, } }; // No bracketed modifier following NT. (@!ntref_cfg) => { crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg { repeat: false, } }; (@!ele_dfn_body <$objty:ty, $($evty:ty)?> $vis:vis $super:ident $nt:ident $qname:ident ($($open_span:ident)?) // Attribute definition special form. @ { // We must lightly parse attributes here so that we can retrieve // the field identifiers that may be later used as bindings in // `$attrmap`. $( $(#[$fattr:meta])* $field:ident: ($($fmatch:tt)+) => $fty:ty, )* } => $attrmap:expr, // Close expression // (defaulting to Incomplete via @!ele_expand_body). /$($close_span:ident)? => $closemap:expr, // Non-whitespace text nodes can be mapped into elements with the // given QName as a preprocessing step, // allowing them to reuse the existing element NT system. $([text]($text:ident, $text_span:ident) => $text_map:expr,)? // Nonterminal references. <> { $( $ntref:ident, )* } -> { @ -> ($ntfirst:path) [$($ntfirst_cfg:tt)?], $( ($ntprev:path) -> ($ntnext:path) [$($ntnext_cfg:tt)?], )* } ) => { paste::paste! { crate::attr_parse! { vis($vis); $(type ValueError = $evty;)? struct [<$nt AttrsState_>] -> [<$nt Attrs_>] { $( $(#[$fattr])* $field: ($($fmatch)+) => $fty, )* } } #[doc=concat!("Parser for element [`", stringify!($qname), "`].")] #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] $vis enum $nt { #[doc=concat!( "Expecting opening tag for element [`", stringify!($qname), "`]." )] Expecting_(crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg), /// Recovery state ignoring all remaining tokens for this /// element. RecoverEleIgnore_( crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg, crate::xir::QName, crate::xir::OpenSpan, crate::xir::flat::Depth ), // Recovery completed because end tag corresponding to the // invalid element has been found. RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_( crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg, crate::xir::QName, crate::xir::CloseSpan ), /// Recovery state ignoring all tokens when a `Close` is /// expected. /// /// This is token-agnostic---it /// may be a child element, /// but it may be text, /// for example. CloseRecoverIgnore_( ( crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg, crate::span::Span, crate::xir::flat::Depth ), crate::span::Span ), /// Parsing element attributes. Attrs_( ( crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg, crate::span::Span, crate::xir::flat::Depth ), [<$nt AttrsState_>] ), $( $ntref( ( crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg, crate::span::Span, crate::xir::flat::Depth ), $ntref ), )* ExpectClose_( ( crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg, crate::span::Span, crate::xir::flat::Depth ), () ), /// Closing tag found and parsing of the element is /// complete. Closed_(crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg, crate::span::Span), } impl From for $nt { fn from(repeat: crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg) -> Self { Self::Expecting_(repeat) } } impl crate::xir::parse::EleParseState for $nt {} impl $nt { /// [`QName`](crate::xir::QName) of the element recognized /// by this parser. #[allow(dead_code)] // used by sum parser const fn qname() -> crate::xir::QName { $qname } /// Yield the expected depth of child elements, /// if known. #[allow(dead_code)] // used by text special form fn child_depth(&self) -> Option { match self { $ntfirst((_, _, depth), _) => Some(depth.child_depth()), $( $ntnext((_, _, depth), _) => Some(depth.child_depth()), )* _ => None, } } } impl std::fmt::Display for $nt { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { use crate::{ fmt::{DisplayWrapper, TtQuote}, xir::fmt::{TtOpenXmlEle, TtCloseXmlEle}, }; match self { Self::Expecting_(_) => write!( f, "expecting opening tag {}", TtOpenXmlEle::wrap($qname), ), Self::RecoverEleIgnore_(_, name, _, _) | Self::RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_(_, name, _) => write!( f, "attempting to recover by ignoring element \ with unexpected name {given} \ (expected {expected})", given = TtQuote::wrap(name), expected = TtQuote::wrap($qname), ), Self::CloseRecoverIgnore_((_, _, depth), _) => write!( f, "attempting to recover by ignoring input \ until the expected end tag {expected} \ at depth {depth}", expected = TtCloseXmlEle::wrap($qname), ), Self::Attrs_(_, sa) => std::fmt::Display::fmt(sa, f), Self::ExpectClose_((_, _, depth), _) => write!( f, "expecting closing element {} at depth {depth}", TtCloseXmlEle::wrap($qname) ), Self::Closed_(_, _cfg) => write!( f, "done parsing element {}", TtQuote::wrap($qname) ), $( Self::$ntref(_, st) => { std::fmt::Display::fmt(st, f) }, )* } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] $vis enum [<$nt Error_>] { /// An element was expected, /// but the name of the element was unexpected. UnexpectedEle_(crate::xir::QName, crate::span::Span), /// Unexpected input while expecting an end tag for this /// element. /// /// The span corresponds to the opening tag. CloseExpected_( crate::span::Span, crate::xir::flat::XirfToken, ), Attrs_(crate::xir::parse::AttrParseError<[<$nt AttrsState_>]>), $( $ntref([<$ntref Error_>]), )* } impl From]>> for [<$nt Error_>] { fn from( e: crate::xir::parse::AttrParseError<[<$nt AttrsState_>]> ) -> Self { [<$nt Error_>]::Attrs_(e) } } $( impl From<[<$ntref Error_>]> for [<$nt Error_>] { fn from(e: [<$ntref Error_>]) -> Self { [<$nt Error_>]::$ntref(e) } } )* impl std::error::Error for [<$nt Error_>] { fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> { // TODO None } } impl std::fmt::Display for [<$nt Error_>] { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { use crate::{ fmt::{DisplayWrapper, TtQuote}, xir::fmt::{TtOpenXmlEle, TtCloseXmlEle}, }; match self { Self::UnexpectedEle_(name, _) => write!( f, "unexpected {unexpected} (expecting {expected})", unexpected = TtOpenXmlEle::wrap(name), expected = TtOpenXmlEle::wrap($qname), ), Self::CloseExpected_(_, tok) => write!( f, "expected {}, but found {}", TtCloseXmlEle::wrap($qname), TtQuote::wrap(tok) ), Self::Attrs_(e) => std::fmt::Display::fmt(e, f), $( Self::$ntref(e) => std::fmt::Display::fmt(e, f), )* } } } impl crate::diagnose::Diagnostic for [<$nt Error_>] { fn describe(&self) -> Vec { use crate::{ diagnose::Annotate, fmt::{DisplayWrapper, TtQuote}, parse::Token, xir::fmt::{TtCloseXmlEle}, }; match self { Self::UnexpectedEle_(_, ospan) => ospan.error( format!( "expected {ele_name} here", ele_name = TtQuote::wrap($qname) ) ).into(), Self::CloseExpected_(span, tok) => vec![ span.note("element starts here"), tok.span().error(format!( "expected {}", TtCloseXmlEle::wrap($qname), )), ], Self::Attrs_(e) => e.describe(), $( Self::$ntref(e) => e.describe(), )* } } } impl crate::parse::ParseState for $nt { type Token = crate::xir::flat::XirfToken< crate::xir::flat::RefinedText >; type Object = $objty; type Error = [<$nt Error_>]; type Super = $super; fn parse_token( self, tok: Self::Token, _: &mut Self::Context, ) -> crate::parse::TransitionResult { use crate::{ parse::{EmptyContext, Transition, Transitionable}, xir::{ EleSpan, flat::{XirfToken, RefinedText}, parse::parse_attrs, }, }; use $nt::{ Attrs_, Expecting_, RecoverEleIgnore_, CloseRecoverIgnore_, RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_, ExpectClose_, Closed_ }; match (self, tok) { ( Expecting_(cfg), XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth) ) if qname == $qname => { Transition(Attrs_( (cfg, span.tag_span(), depth), parse_attrs(qname, span) )).incomplete() }, ( Closed_(cfg, ..), XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth) ) if cfg.repeat && qname == $qname => { Transition(Attrs_( (cfg, span.tag_span(), depth), parse_attrs(qname, span) )).incomplete() }, ( Expecting_(cfg), XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth) ) => { Transition(RecoverEleIgnore_(cfg, qname, span, depth)).err( [<$nt Error_>]::UnexpectedEle_(qname, span.name_span()) ) }, ( RecoverEleIgnore_(cfg, qname, _, depth_open), XirfToken::Close(_, span, depth_close) ) if depth_open == depth_close => { Transition( RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_(cfg, qname, span) ).incomplete() }, // Depth check is unnecessary since _all_ xir::parse // parsers // (at least at the time of writing) // ignore whitespace, // so may as well return early. (st, XirfToken::Text(RefinedText::Whitespace(..), _)) => { Transition(st).incomplete() } (Attrs_(meta, sa), tok) => { sa.delegate_until_obj( tok, EmptyContext, |sa| Transition(Attrs_(meta, sa)).into_super(), || unreachable!("see ParseState::delegate_until_obj dead"), |#[allow(unused_variables)] sa, attrs| { let obj = match attrs { // Attribute field bindings for `$attrmap` [<$nt Attrs_>] { $( $field, )* } => { // Optional `OpenSpan` binding $( use crate::xir::parse::attr::AttrParseState; let $open_span = sa.element_span(); )? $attrmap }, }; Transition($ntfirst( meta, ele_parse!(@!ntref_cfg $($ntfirst_cfg)?).into(), )).ok(obj) } ) }, // Must come _after_ `Attrs_` above so that // attributes are yielded before text that // terminates attribute parsing. $( // Text nodes are handled a differently because // it implies mixed content; // the text is "owned" by us, // not by the parser we have chosen to // delegate _elements_ to. // But we must be sure to only preempt parsing // of text nodes _at our child depth_, // so as not to interfere with the text // parsing of child elements. // This also allows us to avoid implementing // Text handling in sum parsers. ( st, XirfToken::Text( RefinedText::Unrefined( Text($text, $text_span) ), depth ) ) if Some(depth) == st.child_depth() => { Transition(st).ok($text_map) } )? $( ($ntprev(meta, st_inner), tok) => { st_inner.delegate( tok, EmptyContext, // TODO: proper trampoline delegation; // this is maintaining BC for now |si| Transition($ntprev(meta, si.into())).into_super(), || { Transition($ntnext( meta, ele_parse!(@!ntref_cfg $($ntnext_cfg)?).into() )) }, ) }, )* // XIRF ensures proper nesting, // so we do not need to check the element name. ( ExpectClose_((cfg, _, depth), ()) | CloseRecoverIgnore_((cfg, _, depth), _), XirfToken::Close(_, span, tok_depth) ) if tok_depth == depth => { $( let $close_span = span; )? $closemap.transition(Closed_(cfg, span.tag_span())) }, (ExpectClose_(meta @ (_, otspan, _), ()), unexpected_tok) => { use crate::parse::Token; Transition( CloseRecoverIgnore_(meta, unexpected_tok.span()) ).err([<$nt Error_>]::CloseExpected_(otspan, unexpected_tok)) } // We're still in recovery, // so this token gets thrown out. (st @ (RecoverEleIgnore_(..) | CloseRecoverIgnore_(..)), _) => { Transition(st).incomplete() }, // TODO: Use `is_accepting` guard if we do not utilize // exhaustiveness check. (st @ (Closed_(..) | RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_(..)), tok) => { Transition(st).dead(tok) } todo => todo!("{todo:?}"), } } fn is_accepting(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self, Self::Closed_(..) | Self::RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_(..)) } } } }; (@!ele_dfn_sum <$objty:ty> $vis:vis $super:ident $nt:ident [$($ntref:ident)*]) => { $( // Provide a (hopefully) helpful error that can be corrected // rather than any obscure errors that may follow from trying // to compose parsers that were not generated with this macro. assert_impl_all!($ntref: crate::xir::parse::EleParseState); )* paste::paste! { #[doc=concat!( "Parser expecting one of ", $("[`", stringify!($ntref), "`], ",)* "." )] #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] $vis enum $nt { Expecting_(crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg), /// Recovery state ignoring all remaining tokens for this /// element. RecoverEleIgnore_( crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg, crate::xir::QName, crate::xir::OpenSpan, crate::xir::flat::Depth, ), RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_( crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg, crate::xir::QName, crate::xir::CloseSpan ), $( $ntref(crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg, $ntref), )* /// Inner element has been parsed and is dead; /// this indicates that this parser is also dead. Done_, } impl std::fmt::Display for $nt { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { use crate::{ fmt::{DisplayWrapper, ListDisplayWrapper, TtQuote}, xir::fmt::OpenEleSumList, }; let ntrefs = [ $( $ntref::qname(), )* ]; let expected = OpenEleSumList::wrap(&ntrefs); match self { Self::Expecting_(_) => { write!(f, "expecting {expected}") }, Self::RecoverEleIgnore_(_, name, _, _) | Self::RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_(_, name, _) => write!( f, "attempting to recover by ignoring element \ with unexpected name {given} \ (expected {expected})", given = TtQuote::wrap(name), ), $( Self::$ntref(_, st) => std::fmt::Display::fmt(st, f), )* Self::Done_ => write!(f, "done parsing {expected}"), } } } impl From for $nt { fn from(repeat: crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg) -> Self { Self::Expecting_(repeat) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] $vis enum [<$nt Error_>] { UnexpectedEle_(crate::xir::QName, crate::span::Span), $( $ntref([<$ntref Error_>]), )* } $( impl From<[<$ntref Error_>]> for [<$nt Error_>] { fn from(e: [<$ntref Error_>]) -> Self { [<$nt Error_>]::$ntref(e) } } )* impl std::error::Error for [<$nt Error_>] { fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> { // TODO None } } impl std::fmt::Display for [<$nt Error_>] { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { use crate::{ fmt::DisplayWrapper, xir::fmt::TtOpenXmlEle, }; match self { Self::UnexpectedEle_(qname, _) => { write!(f, "unexpected {}", TtOpenXmlEle::wrap(qname)) }, $( Self::$ntref(e) => std::fmt::Display::fmt(e, f), )* } } } impl crate::diagnose::Diagnostic for [<$nt Error_>] { fn describe(&self) -> Vec { use crate::{ diagnose::Annotate, fmt::{DisplayWrapper, ListDisplayWrapper, TtQuote}, xir::fmt::OpenEleSumList, }; let ntrefs = [ $( $ntref::qname(), )* ]; let expected = OpenEleSumList::wrap(&ntrefs); match self { Self::UnexpectedEle_(qname, span) => { span.error(format!( "element {name} cannot appear here \ (expecting {expected})", name = TtQuote::wrap(qname), )).into() }, $( Self::$ntref(e) => e.describe(), )* } } } impl crate::parse::ParseState for $nt { type Token = crate::xir::flat::XirfToken< crate::xir::flat::RefinedText >; type Object = $objty; type Error = [<$nt Error_>]; type Super = $super; fn parse_token( self, tok: Self::Token, _: &mut Self::Context, ) -> crate::parse::TransitionResult { use crate::{ parse::Transition, xir::{ flat::{XirfToken, RefinedText}, parse::EleParseCfg, }, }; use $nt::{ Expecting_, RecoverEleIgnore_, RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_, Done_ }; match (self, tok) { // Depth check is unnecessary since _all_ xir::parse // parsers // (at least at the time of writing) // ignore whitespace, // so may as well return early. (st, XirfToken::Text(RefinedText::Whitespace(..), _)) => { Transition(st).incomplete() } $( ( Expecting_(cfg), XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth) ) if qname == $ntref::qname() => { $ntref::from(EleParseCfg::default()).delegate( XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth), &mut Self::Context::default(), // TODO: proper trampoline delegation |si| Transition(Self::$ntref(cfg, si.into())).into_super(), || todo!("inner dead (should not happen here)"), ) }, )* // An unexpected token when repeating ends // repetition and should not result in an error. (Expecting_(cfg), tok) if cfg.repeat => { Transition(Done_).dead(tok) } (Expecting_(cfg), XirfToken::Open(qname, span, depth)) => { use crate::xir::EleSpan; Transition(RecoverEleIgnore_(cfg, qname, span, depth)).err( // Use name span rather than full `OpenSpan` // since it's specifically the name that // was unexpected, // not the fact that it's an element. [<$nt Error_>]::UnexpectedEle_(qname, span.name_span()) ) }, // XIRF ensures that the closing tag matches the opening, // so we need only check depth. ( RecoverEleIgnore_(cfg, qname, _, depth_open), XirfToken::Close(_, span, depth_close) ) if depth_open == depth_close => { Transition(RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_(cfg, qname, span)).incomplete() }, (st @ RecoverEleIgnore_(..), _) => { Transition(st).incomplete() }, $( (Self::$ntref(cfg, si), tok) => si.delegate( tok, &mut Self::Context::default(), // TODO: proper trampoline delegation |si| Transition(Self::$ntref(cfg, si.into())).into_super(), || match cfg.repeat { true => Transition(Expecting_(cfg)), false => Transition(Done_), } ), )* (st @ Self::Done_, tok) => Transition(st).dead(tok), todo => todo!("sum {todo:?}"), } } fn is_accepting(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::RecoverEleIgnoreClosed_(..) | Self::Done_ => true, // Delegate entirely to the inner ParseState. // It is desirable to maintain this state even after // the inner parser is completed so that the inner // state can accurately describe what took place. // With that said, // we will transition to `Done_` on an inner dead // state, // because of current `delegate` limitations. $( Self::$ntref(_, si) => si.is_accepting(), )* _ => false, } } } } }; // Generate superstate sum type. // // This is really annoying because we cannot read the output of another // macro, // and so we have to do our best to re-parse the body of the // original `ele_parse!` invocation without duplicating too much // logic, // and we have to do so in a way that we can aggregate all of // those data. (@!super_sum <$objty:ty> $vis:vis $super:ident $( // NT definition is always followed by `:=`. $nt:ident := // Identifier if an element NT. $($_i:ident)? // Parenthesis for a sum NT, // or possibly the span match for an element NT. // So: `:= QN_IDENT(span)` or `:= (A | B | C)`. $( ($($_p:tt)*) )? // Braces for an element NT body. $( {$($_b:tt)*} )? // Element and sum NT both conclude with a semicolon, // which we need to disambiguate the next `$nt`. ; )* ) => { paste::paste! { /// Superstate representing the union of all related parsers. /// /// This [`ParseState`] allows sub-parsers to independently /// the states associated with their own subgraph, /// and then yield a state transition directly to a state of /// another parser. /// This is conceptually like CPS (continuation passing style), /// where this [`ParseState`] acts as a trampoline. /// /// This [`ParseState`] is required for use with [`Parser`]; /// see [`ClosedParseState`] for more information. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] $vis enum $super { $( $nt($nt), )* } // Default parser is the first NT. impl Default for $super { fn default() -> Self { use $super::*; ele_parse!(@!ntfirst $($nt)*)( crate::xir::parse::EleParseCfg::default().into() ) } } $( impl From<$nt> for $super { fn from(st: $nt) -> Self { $super::$nt(st) } } )* // TODO: This is used only until we remove composition-based // delegation in favor of trampolines---the // composed parsers yield their superstate, // which we have to convert back. $( impl From<$super> for $nt { fn from(sup: $super) -> Self { match sup { $super::$nt(st) => st, #[allow(unreachable_patterns)] _ => unreachable!("From for NT mismatch"), } } } )* impl std::fmt::Display for $super { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { $( Self::$nt(e) => std::fmt::Display::fmt(e, f), )* } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] $vis enum [<$super Error_>] { $( $nt([<$nt Error_>]), )* } $( impl From<[<$nt Error_>]> for [<$super Error_>] { fn from(e: [<$nt Error_>]) -> Self { [<$super Error_>]::$nt(e) } } )* impl std::error::Error for [<$super Error_>] { fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> { // TODO None } } impl std::fmt::Display for [<$super Error_>] { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { $( Self::$nt(e) => std::fmt::Display::fmt(e, f), )* } } } impl crate::diagnose::Diagnostic for [<$super Error_>] { fn describe(&self) -> Vec { match self { $( Self::$nt(e) => e.describe(), )* } } } impl crate::parse::ParseState for $super { type Token = crate::xir::flat::XirfToken< crate::xir::flat::RefinedText >; type Object = $objty; type Error = [<$super Error_>]; fn parse_token( self, tok: Self::Token, _: &mut Self::Context, ) -> crate::parse::TransitionResult { use crate::parse::Transition; match self { $( Self::$nt(st) => st.delegate( tok, &mut Self::Context::default(), Transition, || todo!("DEAD super sum") ), )* } } fn is_accepting(&self) -> bool { match self { $( Self::$nt(si) => si.is_accepting(), )* } } } } }; (@!ntfirst $ntfirst:ident $($nt:ident)*) => { $ntfirst } } #[cfg(test)] mod test;