/** * Tests TestReader * * Copyright (C) 2018 R-T Specialty, LLC. * * This file is part of TAME. * * TAME is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ "use strict"; const { expect } = require( 'chai' ); const { Class } = require( 'easejs' ); const Sut = require( '../src/TestRunner' ); const TestReporter = require( '../src/reporter/TestReporter' ); const NullTestReporter = require( '../src/reporter/NullTestReporter' ); describe( "TestRunner", () => { it( "runs each test against given program", () => { const given = []; const program = { rater( data ) { return rate_results[ given.push( data ) - 1 ]; } }; const test_cases = [ { description: "first", data: { a: 1 }, expect: { foo: 1 }, }, { description: "second", data: { a: 2 }, expect: { foo: [ 1, 2 ], bar: [ 3, 1 ], baz: [ 4, 2 ], }, }, { description: "recursive", data: { a: [[[[1]]]] }, expect: { foo: [[[[1]]]] }, }, ]; const rate_results = [ // no failures { vars: { foo: 1 } }, // bar, baz failures { vars: { foo: [ 1, 2 ], bar: [ 3, 4 ], baz: [ 4, 5 ], } }, // no failures { vars: { foo: [[[[1]]]], } }, ]; const expect_failures = [ [], [ { field: 'bar', expect: test_cases[ 1 ].expect.bar, result: rate_results[ 1 ].vars.bar, }, { field: 'baz', expect: test_cases[ 1 ].expect.baz, result: rate_results[ 1 ].vars.baz, }, ], [], ]; return Sut( NullTestReporter(), program ) .runTests( test_cases ) .then( results => { test_cases.forEach( ( test_case, i ) => { const result = results[ i ]; expect( result.desc ).to.equal( test_case.description ); expect( result.total ).to.equal( Object.keys( test_case.expect ).length ); expect( result.failures ).to.deep.equal( expect_failures[ i ] ); expect( result.given ).to.equal( test_cases[ i ].data ); expect( result.expect ).to.equal( test_cases[ i ].expect ); } ); } ); } ); it( "invokes reporter before, during, and after test cases", done => { let pre = false; let results = []; const program = { rater: () => ( { vars: {} } ) }; const mock_reporter = Class.implement( TestReporter ).extend( { preRun( total ) { expect( total ).to.equal( 2 ); pre = true; }, testCaseResult( result, total ) { expect( pre ).to.equal( true ); expect( total ).to.equal( 2 ); results.push( result ); }, done( given_results ) { expect( pre ).to.equal( true ); expect( results ).to.deep.equal( given_results ); done(); }, } )(); // see done() above Sut( mock_reporter, program ).runTests( [ { description: '', data: {}, expect: {} }, { description: '', data: {}, expect: {} }, ] ); } ); // exceptions are thrown by terminating classifications it( "recognizes exception as failure", () => { const error_msg = [ "test failure 0", "test failure 1" ]; const program = { rater( data ) { throw Error( error_msg.shift() ); } }; return Sut( NullTestReporter(), program ) .runTests( [ { description: '', data: {}, expect: {} }, { description: '', data: {}, expect: {} }, ] ) .then( results => { results.forEach( ( { failures }, i ) => expect( failures ) .to.deep.equal( [ { field: "error", expect: "", result: `test failure ${i}`, }, ] ) ); } ); } ); } );