Commit Graph

58 Commits (a5c7067c6834bd291b4b4a93b5bf43581e0562a1)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Mike Gerwitz cf2cd882ca tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce sum nonterminals
This introduces `Nt := (A | ... | Z);`, where `Nt` is the name of the
nonterminal and `A ... Z` are the inner nonterminals---it produces a parser
that provides a choice between a set of nonterminals.

This is implemented efficiently by understanding the QName that is accepted
by each of the inner nonterminals and delegating that token immediately to
the appropriate parser.  This is a benefit of using a parser generator macro
over parser combinators---we do not need to implement backtracking by
letting inner parsers fail, because we know ahead of time exactly what
parser we need.

This _does not_ verify that each of the inner parsers accept a unique QName;
maybe at a later time I can figure out something for that.  However, because
this compiles into a `match`, there is no ambiguity---like a PEG parser,
there is precedence in the face of an ambiguous token, and the first one
wins.  Consequently, tests would surely fail, since the latter wouldn't be
able to be parsed.

This also demonstrates how we can have good error suggestions for this
parsing framework: because the inner nonterminals and their QNames are known
at compile time, error messages simply generate a list of QNames that are

The error recovery strategy is the same as previously noted, and subject to
the same concerns, though it may be more appropriate here: it is desirable
for the inner parser to fail rather than retrying, so that the sum parser is
able to fail and, once the Kleene operator is introduced, retry on another
potential element.  But again, that recovery strategy may happen to work in
some cases, but'll fail miserably in others (e.g. placing an unknown element
at the head of a block that expects a sequence of elements would potentially
fail the entire block rather than just the invalid one).  But more to come
on that later; it's not critical at this point.  I need to get parsing
completed for TAME's input language.

2022-07-14 15:12:57 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 1fdfc0aa4d tamer: xir::parse::ele: Introduce open/close span bindings
This adds the ability to bind identifiers to represent `OpenSpan` and
`CloseSpan`, available to the `@` and `/` maps.  Since identifiers in TAME
originate from attributes, this may not get a whole lot of use, but it's
important to be available.

There is some awkwardness in that the opening span appears to be scoped to
the entire nonterminal, but it's actually only available in the `@`
mapping.  I'll change this if it's actually needed; this keeps things simple
for now.

2022-07-13 23:42:51 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz cceb8c7fb9 tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial Close mapping support
Since the parsers produce streaming IRs, we need to be able to emit tokens
representing closing delimiters, where they are important.

This notably doesn't use spans; I'll add those next, since they're also
needed for the previous work.

2022-07-13 15:02:46 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz c30c0e268d tamer: xir::parse::ele::test: TODO regarding recovery strategy
The comment explains the issue.  I don't think the strategy is going to be a
desirable one, but I want to move on and observe in retrospect how it ought
to be handled.

The important part right now is that recovery is accounted for and possible,
which was a long-standing concern.

2022-07-13 14:25:25 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 73efc59582 tamer: xir::parse::ele: Initial element parser generator concept
This begins generating parsers that are capable of parsing elements.  I need
to move on, so this abstraction isn't going to go as far as it could, but
let's see where it takes me.

This was the work that required the recent lookahead changes, which has been
detailed in previous commits.

This initial support is basic, but robust.  It supports parsing elements
with attributes and children, but it does not yet support the equivalent of
the Kleene star (`*`).  Such support will likely be added by supporting
parsers that are able to recurse on their own definition in tail position,
which will also require supporting parsers that do not add to the stack.

This generates parsers that, like all the other parsers, use enums to
provide a typed stack.  Stitched parsers produce a nested stack that is
always bounded in size.  Fortunately, expressions---which can nest
deeply---do not need to maintain ancestor context on the stack, and so this
should work fine; we can get away with this because XIRF ensures proper
nesting for us.  Statements that _do_ need to maintain such context are not

This also does not yet support emitting an object on closing tag, which
will be necessary for NIR, which will be a streaming IR that is "near" to
the source XML in structure.  This will then be used to lower into AIR for
the ASG, which gives structure needed for further analysis.

More information to come; I just want to get this committed to serve as a
mental synchronization point and clear my head, since I've been sitting on
these changes for so long and have to keep stashing them as I tumble down
rabbit holes covered in yak hair.

2022-07-13 14:08:47 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz bd783ac08b tamer: Replace ParseStatus::Dead with generic lookahead
Oh what a tortured journey.  I had originally tried to avoid formalizing
lookahead for all parsers by pretending that it was only needed for dead
state transitions (that is---states that have no transitions for a given
input token), but then I needed to yield information for aggregation.  So I
added the ability to override the token for `Dead` to yield that, in
addition to the token.  But then I also needed to yield lookahead for error
conditions.  It was a mess that didn't make sense.

This eliminates `ParseStatus::Dead` entirely and fully integrates the
lookahead token in `Parser` that was previously implemented.

Notably, the lookahead token is encapsulated in `TransitionResult` and
unavailable to `ParseState` implementations, forcing them to rely on
`Parser` for recursion.  This not only prevents `ParseState` from recursing,
but also simplifies delegation by removing the need to manually handle
tokens of lookahead.

The awkward case here is XIRT, which does not follow the streaming parsing
convention, because it was conceived before the parsing framework.  It needs
to go away, but doing so right now would be a lot of work, so it has to
stick around for a little bit longer until the new parser generators can be
used instead.  It is a persistent thorn in my side, going against the grain.

`Parser` will immediately recurse if it sees a token of lookahead with an
incomplete parse.  This is because stitched parsers will frequently yield a
dead state indication when they're done parsing, and there's no use in
propagating an `Incomplete` status down the entire lowering pipeline.  But,
that does mean that the toplevel is not the only thing recursing.  _But_,
the behavior doesn't really change, in the sense that it would infinitely
recurse down the entire lowering stack (though there'd be an opportunity to
detect that).  This should never happen with a correct parser, but it's not
worth the effort right now to try to force such a thing with Rust's type
system.  Something like TLA+ is better suited here as an aid, but it
shouldn't be necessary with clear implementations and proper test
cases.  Parser generators will also ensure such a thing cannot occur.

I had hoped to remove ParseStatus entirely in favor of Parsed, but there's a
lot of type inference that happens based on the fact that `ParseStatus` has
a `ParseState` type parameter; `Parsed` has only `Object`.  It is desirable
for a public-facing `Parsed` to not be tied to `ParseState`, since consumers
need not be concerned with such a heavy type; however, we _do_ want that
heavy type internally, as it carries a lot of useful information that allows
for significant and powerful type inference, which in turn creates
expressive and convenient APIs.

2022-07-12 00:11:45 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz c671bf6a9c tamer: xir: Introduce {Ele,Open,Close}Span
This isn't conceptally all that significant of a change, but there was a lot
of modify to get it working.  I would generally separate this into a commit
for the implementation and another commit for the integration, but I decided
to keep things together.

This serves a role similar to AttrSpan---this allows deriving a span
representing the element name from a span representing the entire XIR
token.  This will provide more useful context for errors---including the tag
delimiter(s) means that we care about the fact that an element is in that
position (as opposed to some other type of node) within the context of an
error.  However, if we are expecting an element but take issue with the
element name itself, we want to place emphasis on that instead.

This also starts to consider the issue of span contexts---a blob of detached
data that is `Span` is useful for error context, but it's not useful for
manipulation or deriving additional information.  For that, we need to
encode additional context, and this is an attempt at that.

I am interested in the concept of providing Spans that are guaranteed to
actually make sense---that are instantiated and manipulated with APIs that
ensure consistency.  But such a thing buys us very little, practically
speaking, over what I have now for TAMER, and so I don't expect to actually
implement that for this project; I'll leave that for a personal
project.  TAMER's already take a lot of my personal interests and it can
cause me a lot of grief sometimes (with regards to letting my aspirations
cause me more work).

2022-06-24 14:16:29 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz adc45d90df tamer: xir::parse: Attribute parser generator
This is the first parser generator for the parsing framework.  I've been
waiting quite a while to do this because I wanted to be sure that I
understood how I intended to write the attribute parsers manually.  Now that
I'm about to start parsing source XML files, it is necessary to have a
parser generator.

Typically one thinks of a parser generator as a separate program that
generates code for some language, but that is not always the case---that
represents a lack of expressiveness in the language itself (e.g. C).  Here,
I simply use Rust's macro system, which should be a concept familiar to
someone coming from a language like Lisp.

This also resolves where I stand on parser combinators with respect to this
abstraction: they both accomplish the exact same thing (composition of
smaller parsers), but this abstraction doesn't do so in the typical
functional way.  But the end result is the same.

The parser generated by this abstraction will be optimized an inlined in the
same manner as the hand-written parsers.  Since they'll be tightly coupled
with an element parser (which too will have a parser generator), I expect
that most attribute parsers will simply be inlined; they exist as separate
parsers conceptually, for the same reason that you'd use parser combinators.

It's worth mentioning that this awkward reliance on dead state for a
lookahead token to determine when aggregation is complete rubs me the wrong
way, but resolving it would involve reintroducing the XIR AttrEnd that I had
previously removed.  I'll keep fighting with myself on this, but I want to
get a bit further before I determine if it's worth the tradeoff of
reintroducing (more complex IR but simplified parsing).

2022-06-21 13:23:02 -04:00