Commit Graph

121 Commits (1114edbc6e798eec0d64c28b70ddf55e33c2b824)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Mike Gerwitz f2c5443176 tamer: asg: Remove generic Asg, rename {Base=>}Asg
This is the beginning of an incremental refactoring to remove generics, to
simplify the ASG.  When I initially wrote the linker, I wasn't sure what
direction I was going in, but I was also negatively influenced by more
traditional approaches to both design and unit testing.

If we're going to call the ASG an IR, then it needs to be one---if the core
of the IR is generic, then it's more like an abstract data structure than
anything.  We can abstract around the IR to slice it up into components that
are a little easier to reason about and understand how responsibilities are

2022-05-11 16:47:13 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz ba9f429ee7 tamer: obj::xmlo::{XmloEvent=>XmloToken}
The original "event" name was based on quick-xml's `Event`.  This
terminology shift is more closely matched with the new parsing system.

2022-05-05 12:25:59 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 1ad2fb1dc8 Copyright year update 2022
RSG (Ryan Specialty Group) recently announced a rename to Ryan Specialty (no
"Group"), but I'm not sure if the legal name has been changed yet or not, so
I'll wait on that.
2022-05-03 14:14:29 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 34fcd19cd0 tamer: obj::xmlo::reader: Replace todo! with error
These are no longer TODOs---they represent invalid tokens.

I'm going to put effort into providing further context with the diagnostic
system [right now] because these are internal errors caused by either
miscompilation or an incomplete reader.

2022-05-03 09:19:47 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz eaa8133d21 tamer: diagnose: Introduction of diagnostic system
This is a working concept that will continue to evolve.  I wanted to start
with some basic output before getting too carried away, since there's a lot
of potential here.

This is heavily influenced by Rust's helpful diagnostic messages, but will
take some time to realize a lot of the things that Rust does.  The next step
will be to resolve line and column numbers, and then possibly include
snippets and underline spans, placing the labels alongside them.  I need to
balance this work with everything else I have going on.

This is a large commit, but it converts the existing Error Display impls
into Diagnostic.  This separation is a bit verbose, so I'll see how this
ends up evolving.

Diagnostics are tied to Error at the moment, but I imagine in the future
that any object would be able to describe itself, error or not, which would
be useful in the future both for the Summary Page and for query
functionality, to help developers understand the systems they are writing
using TAME.

Output is integrated into tameld only in this commit; I'll add tamec
next.  Examples of what this outputs are available in the test cases in this

2022-04-13 15:22:46 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz cfc7f45bc4 tamer: Remove wip-xmlo-xir-reader
This entirely removes the old XmloReader that has since been replaced with a
XIR-based reader.

I had been holding off on this because the new reader is slower, pending
performance optimizations (which I'll do a little later on), however the
performance loss is of no practical consideration and only affects the
linker, which is still fast.

Therefore, it's better to get this old code out of the way to simplify
refactoring going forward.  In particular, I'm working on the diagnostic

This is a little sad, in a way---this is some of my first Rust code that I'm

2022-04-11 16:11:49 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 4c69efd175 tamer: obj::xmlo::error: Remove XirfError
This does not deal directly with XIRF (that's composed into a pipeline
outside of this parser).

I'd like to clean up further...perhaps I should retire the
wip-xmlo-xir-reader flag now, despite the minor performance regression (see
previous recent commits for explanation).

2022-04-11 15:52:40 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz f07c0e75be tamer: tameld (TameldError): Error sum type
This aggregates all non-panic errors that can occur during link time, making
`Box<dyn Error>` unnecessary.  I've been wanting to do this for a long time,
so it's nice seeing this come together.  This is a powerful tool, in that we
know, at compile time, all errors that can occur, and properly report on
them and compose them.  This method of error composition ensures that all
errors have a chance to be handled within their context, though it'll take
time to do so in a decent way.

This just maintains compatibility with the dynamic dispatch that was
previous occurring.  This work is being done to introduce the initial
diagnostic system, which was really difficult/confusing to do without proper
errors types at the top level, considering the toplevel is responsible for
triggering the diagnostic reporting.

The cycle error is in particular going to be interesting once the system is
in place, especially once it provides spans in the future, since it will
guide the user through the code to understand how the cycle formed.

More to come.

2022-04-11 15:15:04 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz e77bdaf19a tamer: parse: Introduce mutable Context
This resolves the performance issues caused by Rust's failure to elide the
ElementStack (ArrayVec) memcpys on move.

Since XIRF is invoked tens of millions of times in some cases for larger
systems, prior to this change, failure to optimize away moves for XIRF
resulted in tens of millions of memcpys.  This resulted in linking of one
program going from 1s -> ~15s.  This change reduces it to ~2.5s with the
wip-xmlo-xir-reader flag on, with the extra time coming from elsewhere (the
subject of future changes).

In particular, this change introduces a new mutable reference to
`ParseState::parse_token`, which is a reference to a `Context` owned by the
caller (e.g. `Parser`).  In the case of XIRF, this means that
`Parser<flat::State, _>` will own the `ElementStack`/`ArrayVec` instead of
`flat::State`; this allows the latter to remain pure and benefit from Rust's
move optimizations, without sacrificing the otherwise-pure implementation.

ParseStates that do not need a mutable context can use `NoContext` and
remain pure.

2022-04-05 15:50:53 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 1a04d99f15 tamer: obj::xmlo::reader: Working xmlo reader
This makes the necessary tweaks to have the entire linker work end-to-end
and produce a compatible xmle file (that is, identical except for
nondeterministic topological ordering).  That's good, and finally that can
get off of my plate.

What's disappointing, and what I'll have more information on in future
commits, is how slow it is.

The linking of our largest package goes from ~1s -> ~15s with this
change.  The reason is because of tens of millions of `memcpy` calls.  Why?

The ParseState abstraction is pure and passes an owned `self` around, and
Parser replaces its own reference using this:

        let result;
        TransitionResult(Transition(self.state), result) =
            take(&mut self.state).parse_token(tok);

Naively, this would store a copy of the old state in `result`, allocate a
new ParseState for `self.state`, pass the original or a copy to
`parse_token`, and then overwrite `self.state` with the new ParseState that
is returned once it is all over.

Of course, that'd be devastating.  What we want to happen is for Rust to
realize that it can just pass a reference to `self.state` and perform no
copying at all.

For certain parsers, this is exactly what happens.  Great!

But for XIRF, it we have this:

  /// Stack of element [`QName`] and [`Span`] pairs,
  ///   representing the current level of nesting.
  /// This storage is statically allocated,
  ///   allowing XIRF's parser to avoid memory allocation entirely.
  type ElementStack<const MAX_DEPTH: usize> = ArrayVec<(QName, Span), MAX_DEPTH>;

  /// XIRF document parser state.
  /// This parser is a pushdown automaton that parses a single XML document.
  #[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
  pub enum State<const MAX_DEPTH: usize, SA = AttrParseState>
      SA: FlatAttrParseState,
      /// Document parsing has not yet begun.

      /// Parsing nodes.

      /// Delegating to attribute parser.
      AttrExpected(ElementStack<MAX_DEPTH>, SA),

      /// End of document has been reached.

ParseState contains an ArrayVec, and its implementation details are causes
LLVM _not_ to elide the `memcpy`.  And there's a lot of them.

Considering that ParseState is supposed to use only statically allocated
memory and be zero-copy, this is rather ironic.

Now, this _could_ be potentially fixed by not using ArrayVec; removing
it (and the corresponding checks for balanced tags) gets us down to
2s (which still needs improvement), but we can't have a core abstraction in
our system resting on a house of cards.  What if the optimization changes
between releases and suddenly linking / building becomes shit slow?  That's
too much of a risk.

Further, having to limit what abstractions we use just to appease the
compiler to optimize away moves is very restrictive.

The better option seems like to go back to what I used to do: pass around
`&mut self`.  I had moved to an owned `self` to force consideration of _all_
state transitions, but I can try to do the same thing in a different type of
way using mutable references, and then we avoid this problem.  The
abstraction isn't pure (in the functional sense) anymore, but it's safe and
isn't relying on delicate inlining and optimizer implementation details to
have a performant system.

More information to come.

2022-04-01 16:31:14 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 9eaebd576b tamer: obj::xmlo::reader: preproc:fragment parsing
This concludes the bulk of the header parsing, though there are surely going
to be other issues when I try to read a real xmlo file, such as
whitespace.  That is something I expect that I'd rather handle as part of
XIRF, but maybe I'll initially ignore it here just to get it working.  We'll

2022-04-01 16:31:14 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz fb3da09fa4 tamer: obj::xmlo::reader: preproc:sym-deps processing
This parses the symbol dependency list (adjacency list).

I'm noticing some glaring issues in error handling, particularly that the
token being parsed while an error occurs is not returned and so recovery is
impossible.  I'll have to address that later on, after I get this parser

Another previous question that I had a hard time answering in prior months
was how I was going to compose boilerplate parsers, e.g. handling the
parsing of single-attribute elements and such.  A pattern is clearly taking
shape, and with the composition of parsers more formalized, that'll be able
to be abstracted away.  But again, that's going to wait until after this
parser is actually functioning.  Too many delays so far.

2022-03-30 15:05:55 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 3f8e397e57 tamer: obj::xmlo::reader: Parse preproc:sym/preproc:from
Ideally this would just be an attribute, but I guess I never got around to
making that change in the compiler and I don't want a detour right now.

2022-03-30 12:06:38 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 9b429b6fc3 tamer: obj::xmlo::reader::SymtableState: Correct object span
I clearly was not paying attention to what was correct behavior here, since
the tests also verified the wrong behavior: rather than taking the last
processed attribute span, we should be taking the span of the opening
tag for the `preproc:sym` node.

2022-03-30 10:07:11 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 5c16add95d tamer: parse (Transitionable): New
This simply removes boilerplate.

This will receive concrete examples once I come up with docs for the entire
module; there's boilerplate involved in testing and documenting this in
isolation and the time investment is not worth it yet until I'm certain that
this will not be changed.

2022-03-30 10:03:14 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 1e278cbe26 tamer: obj::xmlo::reader: preproc:symtable/preproc:sym parsing
This integrates much of the work done so far to parse into a
`XmloEvent::SymDecl`.  The attribute parsing _is_ verbose, and I do intend
to abstract it away later on, but I'm going to wait on that for now.

The new reader should be finishing up soon, which is really exciting, since
I started working on this months ago (before having to take a break on
TAMER); I'm anticipating strong performance gains in the reader, and this is
a test that will tell us how the compiler will perform moving forward with
the abstractions that I've spent so much time on.

2022-03-30 09:09:48 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 4cb478a42d tamer: parser::ParseState::delegate_lookahead: New concept
This introduces a new method similar to the previous `delegate`, but with
another closure that allows for handling lookahead tokens from the child

Admittedly, this isn't exactly what I was going for---a list of arguments
isn't exactly self-documenting, especially with the brevity when the
arguments line up---but this was easy to do and so I'll run with this for

This also modified `delegate` to accept a context, even though it wasn't
necessary, both for consistency with its lookup counterpart and for brevity
with the `into` argument (allowing, in our case, to just pass the name of
the variant, rather than a closure).

I'm not going to handle the actual starting and accepting state stitching
abstraction for now; I'd like to observe future boilerplate more before I
consider the best way to handle it, though I do have some ideas.

2022-03-29 14:46:43 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 2a3d5be159 tamer: parse::ParseState::delegate: Initial state stitching concept
This is the delegation portion of what I've come to call "state
stitching"---wiring together two state machines that recognize the same
input tokens.

This handles the delegation of tokens once the parser has been entered, but
does not yet handle the actual stitching part of it: wiring the start and
accepting states of the child parser to the parent.

This is indirectly tested by the XmloReader, but it will receive its own
tests once I further finalize this concept.  I'm playing around with some
ideas.  With that said, a quick visual inspection together with the
guarantees provided by the type system should convince any familiar reader
of its correctness.

2022-03-29 14:12:26 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz df05a71508 tamer: obj::xmlo::reader: Emphasize generic SymtableState stitching for Object
This simply makes the block more generic to emphasize how it can be
abstracted away.

2022-03-29 11:25:05 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz f42288f3a2 tamer: obj::xmlo::reader: Begin symbol table parsing
This wasn't the simplest thing to start with, but I wanted to explore
something with a higher level of complexity.  There is some boilerplate to
observe here, including:

  1. The state stitching (as I guess I'm calling it now) of SymtableState
     with XmloReaderState is all boilerplate and requires no lookahead,
     presenting an abstraction opportunity that I was holding off on
     previously (attr parsing for XIRF requires lookahead).
  2. This is simply collecting attributes into a struct.  This can be
     abstracted away in the future.
  3. Creating stub parsers to verify that generics are stitched rather than
     being tightly coupled with another state is boilerplate that maybe can
     be abstracted away after a pattern is observed in future tests.

2022-03-29 11:14:47 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz f402e51d04 tamer: parse: More flexible Transition API
This does some cleanup and adds `parse::Object` for use in disambiguating
`From` for `ParseStatus`, allowing the `Transition` API to be much more
flexible in the data it accepts and automatically converts.  This allows us
to concisely provide raw output data to be wrapped, or provide `ParseStatus`
directly when more convenient.

There aren't yet examples in the docs; I'll do so once I make sure this API
is actually utilized as intended.

2022-03-25 16:45:32 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz c0fa89222e tamer: obj::xmlo::ir::Dim: New enum
This replaces u8 and will be used for the new XmloReader.

Previously I wasn't sure what direction TAMER was going to go in with
regards to dimensionality, but I do not expect that higher dimensions will
be supported, and if they are, they'd very likely compile down to lower ones
and create an illusion of higher-dimensionality.

Whatever the future holds, it's not used today, and I'd rather these types
be correct.

ASG needs changing too, but one step at a time.

2022-03-25 14:28:18 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 9d9b1f30a8 tamer: obj::xmlo::reader: Move XmloEvent to top of module
Since this is the object produced by this parser, this is likely the most
useful first thing to present as a summary of what `XmloReader` actually

2022-03-24 10:14:40 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 2e3d94c3d6 tamer: obj::xmlo::reader: Simplify wip-xmlo-xir-reader flagging
This removes the flag from most of the code, which also resolves the
indentation.  Not only was it bothering me, but I don't want (a) every line
modified when the module body is hoisted and (b) `rustfmt` to reformat
everything when that happens.

This means that everything will be built, even though it's not used, when
the flag is off, but I see that as a good thing.

2022-03-24 09:45:59 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz fab7b16ea0 tamer: obj::xmlo::reader: Parse package attributes
Finally we get to do some actual parsing with all of the preparatory work!

This means that we're finally ready to fully replace the old XmloReader,
provided that I'm okay with some boilerplate / lack of abstractions for
now (and I am, because all I've been doing is working on abstractions to
prepare lowering operations).

2022-03-23 16:48:51 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz fbf786086a tamer: parse::Parser (lower_while_ok): New method
This introduces a WIP lowering operation, abstracting away quite a bit of
the manual wiring work, which is really important to providing an API that
provides the proper level of abstraction for actually understanding what the
system is doing.

This does not yet have tests associated with it---I had started, but it's a
lot of work and boilerplate for something that is going to
evolve.  Generally, I wouldn't use that as an excuse, but the robust type
definitions in play, combined with the tiny amount of actual logic, provide
a pretty high level of confidence.  It's very difficult to wire these types
together and produce something incorrect without doing something obviously

Similarly, I'm holding off on proper docs too, though I did write some
information here.

More to come, after I actually get to work on the XmloReader.

On a side note: I'm happy to have made progress on this, since this wiring
is something I've been dreading and wondering about since before the Parser
abstraction even existed.

Note also that this makes parser::feed_toks private again---I don't intend
to support push parsers yet, since they're only needed internally.  Maybe
for error recovery, but I'll wait to decide until it's actually needed.

2022-03-23 14:31:16 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz b4a7591357 tamer: obj::xmlo::reader: Begin conversion to ParseState
This begins to transition XmloReader into a ParseState.  Unlike previous
changes where ParseStates were composed into a single ParseState, this is
instead a lowering operation that will take the output of one Parser and
provide it to another.

The mess in ld::poc (...which still needs to be refactored and removed)
shows the concept, which will be abstracted away.  This won't actually get
to the ASG in order to test that that this works with the
wip-xmlo-xir-reader flag on (development hasn't gotten that far yet), but
since it type-checks, it should conceptually work.

Wiring lowering operations together is something that I've been dreading for
months, but my approach of only abstracting after-the-fact has helped to
guide a sane approach for this.  For some definition of "sane".

It's also worth noting that AsgBuilder will too become a ParseState
implemented as another lowering operation, so:

  XIR -> XIRF -> XMLO -> ASG

These steps will all be streaming, with iteration happening only at the
topmost level.  For this reason, it's important that ASG not be responsible
for doing that pull, and further we should propagate Parsed::Incomplete
rather than filtering it out and looping an indeterminate number of times
outside of the toplevel.

One final note: the choice of 64 for the maximum depth is entirely
arbitrary and should be more than generous; it'll be finalized at some point
in the future once I actually evaluate what maximum depth is reasonable
based on how the system is used, with some added growing room.

2022-03-22 14:06:52 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 14638a612f tamer: {xir::=>}parse: Move parser out of XIR
The parsing framework originally created for XIR is now more general and
useful to other things.  We'll see how this evolves.

This needs additional documentation, but I'd like to see how it changes as
I implement XmloReader and then some of the source readers first.

2022-03-18 16:24:53 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 0360226caa tamer: xir::parse: Generalize input token type
This adds a `Token` type to `ParseState`.  Everything uses `xir::Token`
currently, but `XmloReader` will use `xir::flat::Object`.

Now that this has been generalized beyond XIR, the parser ought to be
hoisted up a level.

2022-03-18 15:26:05 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 2f703ab2df tamer: obj::xmlo: Remove PackageAttrs in favor of token stream
The Options here are awkward and will be able to go away in the new reader
and in AsgBuilder once it has a proper state machine.

This gets rid of some of the initial migratory work for the new reader,
because PackageAttrs is gone.  I'm going to wait to update this to the new
way until I get further into this.

2022-03-10 15:44:54 -05:00
Mike Gerwitz d428755a2e tamer: obj::xmlo::XmloEvent::SymDeps: Remove
This is not longer needed after the previous commit.
2022-03-10 13:43:07 -05:00
Mike Gerwitz dcfae8a624 tamer: obj::xmlo: Begin transition to streaming quick-xml reader
I'm finally back to TAMER development.

The original plan, some time ago, was to gate an entirely new XmloReader
behind a feature flag (wip-xmlo-xir-reader), and go from there, leaving the
existing implementation untouched.  Unfortunately, it became too difficult
and confusing to marry the old aggregate API with the new streaming one.

AsgBuilder is the only system interacting with XmloReader, so I decided (see
previous commits) to just go the route of refactoring the existing
one.  I'm not yet sure if I'll continue to progressively refactor this one
and eliminate the two separate implementations behind the flag, or if I'll
get this API similar and then keep the flag and reimplement it.  But I'll
know soon.

2022-03-10 13:31:24 -05:00
Mike Gerwitz 4c5b860195 tamer: Remove Ix generic from ASG
This is simply not worth it; the size is not going to be the bottleneck (at
least any time soon) and the generic not only pollutes all the things that
will use ASG in the near future, but is also incompatible with the SymbolId
default that is used everywhere; if we have to force it to 32 bits anyway,
then we may as well just default it right off the bat.

I thought that this seemed like a good idea at the time, and saving bits is
certainly tempting, but it was premature.
2022-01-14 10:21:49 -05:00
Mike Gerwitz 5af698d15c tamer: xir::{tree::=>}parse: Move module
It's a bit odd that I've done next to nothing with TAMER for the past week
or so, and decided to do this one small thing before I go on break for the
holidays, but I felt compelled to do _something_.  Besides, this gets me in
a better spot for the inevitable mental planning and writing I'll be doing
over the holidays.

This move was natural, given what this has evolved into---it has nothing to
do with the concept of a "tree", and the modules imports emphasized that
fact given the level of inappropriate nesting.
2021-12-23 13:17:18 -05:00
Mike Gerwitz 0cc0bc9d5a tamer: xir::Token::AttrEnd: Remove
More information can be found in the prior commit message, but I'll
summarize here.

This token was introduced to create a LL(0) parser---no tokens of
lookahead.  This allowed the underlying TokenStream to be freely passed to
the next system that needed it.

Since then, Parser and ParseState were introduced, along with
ParseStatus::Dead, which introduces the concept of lookahead for a single
token---an LL(1) grammar.

I had always suspected that this would happen, given the awkwardness of
AttrEnd; it was just a matter of time before the right abstraction
manifested itself to handle lookahead.

2021-12-17 10:14:31 -05:00
Mike Gerwitz 61f7a12975 tamer: xir::tree: Integrate AttrParserState into Stack
Note that AttrParse{r=>}State needs renaming, and Stack will get a better
name down the line too.  This commit message is accurate, but confusing.

This performs the long-awaited task of trying to observe, concretely, how to
combine two automata.  This has the effect of stitching together the state
machines, such that the union of the two is equivalent to the original

The next step will be to abstract this away.

There are some important things to note here.  First, this introduces a new
"dead" state concept, where here a dead state is defined as an _accepting_
state that has no state transitions for the given input token.  This is more
strict than a dead state as defined in, for example, the Dragon Book, where
backtracking may occur.

The reason I chose for a Dead state to be accepting is simple: it represents
a lookahead situation.  It says, "I don't know what this token is, but I've
done my job, so it may be useful in a parent context".  The "I've done my
job" part is only applicable in an accepting state.

If the parser is _not_ in an accepting state, then an unknown token is
simply an error; we should _not_ try to backtrack or anything of the sort,
because we want only a single token of lookahead.

The reason this was done is because it's otherwise difficult to compose the
two parsers without requiring that AttrEnd exist in every XIR stream; this
has always been an awkward delimiter that was introduced to make the parser
LL(0), but I tried to compromise by saying that it was optional.  Of course,
I knew that decision caused awkward inconsistencies, I had just hoped that
those inconsistencies wouldn't manifest in practical issues.

Well, now it did, and the benefits of AttrEnd that we had in the previous
construction do not exist in this one.  Consequently, it makes more sense to
simply go from LL(0) to LL(1), which makes AttrEnd unnecessary, and a future
commit will remove it entirely.

All of this information will be documented, but I want to get further in
the implementation first to make sure I don't change course again and
therefore waste my time on docs.

2021-12-16 09:44:02 -05:00
Mike Gerwitz 29fdf5428c tamer: xir::tree: {Parse=>Stack}Error
Prepare to adopt parse::ParseError, which will contain StackError.

2021-12-13 15:27:20 -05:00
Mike Gerwitz 325c3167ee tamer: xir::Token::span: New method
This permits retrieving a Span from any Token variant.  To support this,
rather than having this return an Option, Token::AttrEnd was augmented with
a Span; this results in a much simpler and friendlier API.

2021-12-06 14:48:55 -05:00
Mike Gerwitz 77c18d0615 tamer: xir: Remove Attr::Extensible
This removes XIRT support for attribute fragments.  The reason is that
because this is a write-only operation---fragments are used to concatenate
SymbolIds without reallocation, which can only happen if we are generating
XIR internally.

Given that this cannot happen during read, it was a mistake to complicate
the parsers.  But it makes sense why I did originally, given that the XIRT
parser was written for simplifying test cases.  But now that we want parsers
for real, and are writing production-quality parsers, this extra complexity
is very undesirable.

As a bonus, we also avoid any potential for heap allocations related to
attributes.  Granted, they didn't _really_ exist to begin with, but it was
part of XIRT, and was ugly.

2021-12-06 14:26:58 -05:00
Mike Gerwitz ba7ebad930 tamer: obj::xmlo::reader::test: {DUMMY_SPAN=>DS} for brevity
There's a lot of boilerplate that can be reduced in general, but I _really_
want to focus on getting this thing done; I can clean up later.
2021-11-22 11:16:43 -05:00
Mike Gerwitz ba4c32383f tamer: obj::xmlo::reader: Parse root package node attributes
Well, parse to the extent that it was being parsed before, anyway.

The core of this change demonstrates how well TAMER's abstractions work well
together.  (As long as you have an e.g. LSP to help you make sense of all of
the inference, I suppose.)

  Token::Open(QN_LV_PACKAGE | QN_PACKAGE, _) => {
      return Ok(XmloEvent::Package(
          attr_parser_from(&mut self.reader)

This finally makes use of `attr_parser_from` and `try_collect_ok`.  All of
the types are inferred---from the iterator transformations, to the error
conversions, to the destination PackageAttrs type.

2021-11-18 00:59:10 -05:00
Mike Gerwitz 7367e20c01 tamer: obj::xmlo: Extract error types into own module 2021-11-16 15:47:52 -05:00
Mike Gerwitz 428d508be4 tamer: {ir::=>}{asg, xir}
See the previous commit.  There is no sense in some common "IR" namespace,
since those IRs should live close to whatever system whose data they

In the case of these, they are general IRs that can apply to many different
parts of the system.  If that proves to be a false statement, they'll be

2021-11-04 16:13:27 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 5a91db6d54 tamer: obj::xmlo::{legacy=>}ir
Calling it "legacyir" is just confusing.  The original hope, when beginning
TAMER, was that I'd be able to use a new object format in the near future to
help speed up the compilation process.  But that's far from our list of
priorities now, and so seeing "legacy" all over the place is really
confusing considering that it implies that perhaps it shouldn't be used for
new code.

This helps to clear up that cognitive dissonance by remaining neutral on the
topic.  And the reality is that it won't be "legacy" for some time.

2021-11-04 13:23:38 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz cee6402f8b tamer: Move {ir::legacyir=>obj::xmlo::legacyir}
The IRs really ought to live where they are owned, especially given that
"IR" is so generic that it makes no sense for there to be a single location
for them; they're just data structures coupled with different phases of

This will be renamed next commit; see that for details.

This also removes some documentation describing the lowering process,
because it's undergone a number of changes and needs to be accurately
re-summarized in another location.  That will come at a later time after the
work is further along so that I don't have to keep spending the time
rewriting it.

2021-11-04 13:20:38 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz d06f31b4d3 tamer: obj::xmlo: Compile quickxml even with flag off
This was previous gated behind the negation of the wip-xmlo-xir-reader flag,
which meant that it was not being compiled or picked up by LSP.  Both of
those things are inconvenient and unideal.

2021-11-04 12:35:08 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 18ab032ba0 tamer: Begin XIR-based xmlo reader impl
There isn't a whole lot here, but there is additional work needed in various
places to support upcoming changes and so I want to get this commited to
ease the cognitive burden of what I have thusfar.  And to stop stashing.  We
have a feature flag for a reason.

2021-10-28 21:21:30 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz f0f58a6e16 tamer: obj::xmlo::asg_builder: Remove example for now
Just until the new xmlo reader is ready, since it will be changing slightly
and fails to compile with the feature flag on now.

2021-10-28 21:17:53 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz 18cadb9c7d tamer: obj::xmlo::reader: Better organize flagged code
This moves the Iterator impl and From<B> back into `quickxml`.  The type of
the new reader is different, taking an iterator instead of a BufRead.  This
will allow us to easily mock for unit tests, without the clustfuckery that
has ensued previously with quick-xml mocking.

2021-10-25 13:47:26 -04:00
Mike Gerwitz c76fe87acd tamer: obj::xmlo::reader: Move Xmlo{Result,Error,Event}
These will need an API change, but are otherwise shared.  This means that
only the XmloReader is gated.
2021-10-25 12:26:25 -04:00