lv:match/c:* optimizations

A large number of classification optimizations were being thwarted by my not
handling this case.
Mike Gerwitz 2021-01-22 15:53:41 -05:00
parent 73696657fc
commit fc96880b85
1 changed files with 55 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -709,7 +709,7 @@
<!-- all vectors with @value/@anyOf -->
<when test="$nm = 0 and $nv > 0 and $ns = 0
and empty( $vectors[ not( @value or @anyOf ) ] )">
and empty( $vectors[ not( @value or @anyOf or c:* ) ] )">
<sequence select="concat( $var, '=E(', $yield-to, '=',
$symtable-map, ., $vectors ),
@ -718,7 +718,7 @@
<!-- all scalars with @value -->
<when test="$nm = 0 and $nv = 0 and $ns > 0
and empty( $scalars[ not( @value or @anyOf ) ] )">
and empty( $scalars[ not( @value or @anyOf or c:* ) ] )">
<sequence select="concat( $var, '=!!(', $yield-to, '=',
$symtable-map, ., $scalars ),
@ -813,6 +813,44 @@
<!-- TODO: this would be better handled in a validation phase -->
<when test="$match[count(c:*) gt 1]">
<message terminate="yes"
select="concat( 'error: multi-c:* expression not supported: ',
$match/parent::lv:classify/@as)" />
<when test="$match[c:eq|c:ne|c:gt|c:lt|c:gte|c:lte]">
<variable name="c" as="element()"
select="$match/c:*" />
<variable name="name" as="xs:string"
select="$c/local-name()" />
<variable name="f" as="xs:string"
select="concat( 'c', $name )" />
<!-- should only be _one_ -->
<variable name="expr" as="element()" select="$c/c:*" />
<!-- TODO: remove generation of useless debug output! -->
<variable name="exprjs" as="xs:string"
select="compiler:compile( $symtable-map, $expr )" />
<variable name="transform" as="xs:string"
select="concat( $f, '(', $exprjs, ')' )" />
<message select="concat( 'notice: c:* ', $match/parent::lv:classify/@as )" />
<!-- vector, so map -->
<when test="$dim = 1">
<sequence select="concat( 'M(', $inner, ',', $transform, ')' )" />
<!-- scalar, simply apply -->
<sequence select="concat( $transform, '(', $inner, ')' )" />
<message terminate="yes" select="'not yet handled', $match" />
@ -824,10 +862,14 @@
<param name="symtable-map" as="map(*)" />
<param name="element" as="element()" />
<apply-templates select="$element" mode="compile">
<with-param name="symtable-map" select="$symtable-map"
tunnel="true" />
<variable name="result">
<apply-templates select="$element" mode="compile">
<with-param name="symtable-map" select="$symtable-map"
tunnel="true" />
<sequence select="string-join( $result, '' )" />
@ -1710,6 +1752,13 @@
function M(xs, f) { return; }
function ceq(y) { return function(x) { return +(x === y); }; }
function cne(y) { return function (x) { return +(x !== y); }; }
function cgt(y) { return function (x) { return +(x > y); }; }
function clt(y) { return function (x) { return +(x < y); }; }
function cgte(y) { return function (x) { return +(x >= y); }; }
function clte(y) { return function (x) { return +(x <= y); }; }
* Checks for matches against values for any param value