linker: Use sequences for stacks (instead of trees)

This has a significant performance impact: processing time is cut in about
half and memory usage is reduced by more than 50%.  For example, a
package that previously took 30s and 2.1GiB of memory to link now takes
14s and less than 900MiB of memory.

I had tried to perform this optimization a couple years ago but was
thwarted (I think) by the classifier markers.  The previous commit did away
with those.  I'm encouraged by the gains from the low-hanging fruit.

* src/current/compiler/linker.xsl
  (l:process-empty, l:stack-empty): Convert from l:pstack and
    l:sym-stack (respectively) to empty preproc:sym sequences.
  (l:depgen-process-sym)[preproc:sym]: Append to sequence rather than
    outputting new l:sym-stack tree.
  Update all annotations and uses accordingly.
Mike Gerwitz 2018-07-13 23:34:43 -04:00
parent f2db9f1268
commit d624ee6d7e
1 changed files with 41 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -57,13 +57,11 @@
<variable name="l:orig-root" as="document-node( element( lv:package ) )"
select="/" />
<variable name="l:process-empty" as="element( l:pstack )">
<l:pstack />
<variable name="l:process-empty" as="element( preproc:sym )*"
select="()" />
<variable name="l:stack-empty" as="element( l:sym-stack )">
<l:sym-stack />
<variable name="l:stack-empty" as="element( preproc:sym )*"
select="()" />
<template match="*" mode="l:link" priority="1">
@ -115,7 +113,7 @@
<!-- empty stack -->
<apply-templates select="preproc:symtable" mode="l:depgen">
<with-param name="stack" select="$l:stack-empty" as="element( l:sym-stack )" />
<with-param name="stack" select="$l:stack-empty" />
@ -175,8 +173,8 @@
<template mode="l:depgen" as="element( preproc:sym )*"
<param name="stack" as="element( l:sym-stack )"
select="$l:stack-empty" />
<param name="stack" as="element( preproc:sym )*"
select="()" />
<!-- we care only of the symbols used by lv:yields, from which all
dependencies may be derived (if it's not derivable from the yield
@ -209,7 +207,7 @@
<variable name="result" as="element()+">
<call-template name="l:depgen-sym">
<with-param name="pending" select="$yields" />
<with-param name="stack" select="$stack" as="element( l:sym-stack )" />
<with-param name="stack" select="$stack" />
@ -235,24 +233,24 @@
<template name="l:depgen-sym" as="element( preproc:sym )*">
<param name="pending" as="element( preproc:sym )*" />
<param name="stack" as="element( l:sym-stack )" />
<param name="stack" as="element( preproc:sym )*" />
<param name="path" as="xs:string"
select="''" />
<param name="processing" as="element( l:pstack )"
<param name="processing" as="element( preproc:sym )*"
select="$l:process-empty" />
<variable name="pend-count" as="xs:integer"
select="count( $pending )" />
<variable name="stack-count" as="xs:integer"
select="count( $stack/preproc:sym )" />
select="count( $stack )" />
<variable name="process-count" as="xs:integer"
select="count( $processing/* )" />
select="count( $processing )" />
<!-- if there are no pending symbols left, then we are done; return the
stack -->
<when test="$pend-count = 0">
<sequence select="$stack/*" />
<sequence select="$stack" />
@ -277,9 +275,9 @@
<text>r - </text>
<value-of select="$cur/@name" />
<text> [s:: </text>
<value-of select="$stack/preproc:sym/@name" />
<value-of select="$stack/@name" />
<text> ::s] [r:: </text>
<value-of select="$processing/preproc:sym/@name" />
<value-of select="$processing/@name" />
@ -361,9 +359,9 @@
<template match="preproc:sym[ @extern='true' ]" mode="l:depgen-process-sym" priority="5">
<param name="pending" as="element( preproc:sym )*" />
<param name="stack" as="element( l:sym-stack )" />
<param name="stack" as="element( preproc:sym )*" />
<param name="path" as="xs:string" />
<param name="processing" as="element( l:pstack )" />
<param name="processing" as="element( preproc:sym )*" />
<variable name="cur" select="." />
@ -407,7 +405,7 @@
<text>); pulled in by: </text>
<!-- help the user figure out how this happened -->
<for-each select="$processing/preproc:sym">
<for-each select="$processing">
<if test="position() gt 1">
<text> - </text>
@ -433,7 +431,7 @@
<!-- use the resolved symbol in place of the original extern -->
<apply-templates select="$eresolv-uniq" mode="l:depgen-process-sym">
<with-param name="pending" select="$pending" />
<with-param name="stack" select="$stack" as="element( l:sym-stack )" />
<with-param name="stack" select="$stack" />
<with-param name="path" select="$path" />
<with-param name="processing" select="$processing" />
@ -443,9 +441,9 @@
<template mode="l:depgen-process-sym" priority="1"
<param name="pending" as="element( preproc:sym )*" />
<param name="stack" as="element( l:sym-stack )" />
<param name="stack" as="element( preproc:sym )*" />
<param name="path" as="xs:string" />
<param name="processing" as="element( l:pstack )" />
<param name="processing" as="element( preproc:sym )*" />
<variable name="cur" as="element( preproc:sym )"
select="." />
@ -455,7 +453,7 @@
exception is if the circular dependency is a function, since that simply
implies recursion, which we can handle just fine -->
<variable name="circ" as="element( preproc:sym )*"
and @src=$cur/@src ]" />
@ -477,7 +475,7 @@
<call-template name="l:depgen-sym">
<with-param name="pending" select="remove( $pending, 1 )" />
<with-param name="processing" select="$processing" />
<with-param name="stack" select="$stack" as="element( l:sym-stack )" />
<with-param name="stack" select="$stack" />
@ -485,8 +483,7 @@
<!-- process; TODO: good refactoring point; large template -->
<variable name="existing" as="element( preproc:sym )*"
@name=$cur/@name ]" />
select="$stack[ @name=$cur/@name ]" />
<!-- TODO: this uses @name instead of @src because of map import
paths; decide on one or the other -->
@ -518,7 +515,7 @@
<with-param name="pending" select="remove( $pending, 1 )" />
<with-param name="processing" select="$processing" />
<with-param name="stack" as="element( l:sym-stack )">
<with-param name="stack" as="element( preproc:sym )*">
<!-- if this symbol already exists on the stack, then there is no use
re-adding it (note that we check both the symbol name and its source
since symbols could very well share a name due to exporting rules) -->
@ -546,19 +543,16 @@
<!-- process the dependencies (note that this has the effect of
outputting the existing stack as well, which is why we have
not yet done so) -->
<call-template name="l:depgen-sym">
<with-param name="pending" select="$deps-aug" />
<with-param name="stack" select="$stack" as="element( l:sym-stack )" />
<with-param name="stack" select="$stack" />
<with-param name="path" select="$mypath" />
<with-param name="processing" as="element( l:pstack )">
<sequence select="$processing/*" />
<with-param name="processing" as="element( preproc:sym )*">
<sequence select="$processing" />
<sequence select="$cur" />
@ -566,7 +560,6 @@
<sequence select="$cur/@*" />
@ -760,7 +753,7 @@
<value-of select="concat( $cur/@src, '/', $cur/@name )" />
<text>): </text>
<for-each select="$stack//preproc:sym">
<for-each select="$stack">
<if test="position() > 1">
<text> - </text>